I don't see a topic for this and, considering that my laptop is for the moment a pretty paperweight, figured that I would go ahead and actually type this damn thing up.
This is a thread for all of those builds that go outside the norm: guides to play champions in ways that will make everyone else in the game go, "wtf", before you begin raping and pillaging the enemy team's towns and women.
I don't feel that these fit into the previously-existing discussion threads for these champions, because, well- they are entirely different discussions. It should also create a framework where we can transfer the ideas surrounding one champion's unique build, and apply them to entirely different champions. Maybe an idea from one of my jungle Mordekaiser builds will make something 'click' for someone playing Udyr or something: and make their build that much more efficient.
Not all the builds in this thread are necessarily 'better' than the traditional ones (though sometimes they may be!) but they should provide solid ways of looking at champions in a new light.
I can't be the only person who makes a hobby out of this. Let's see 'em: the ones you think have potential, the ones you don't, and why.
So without further adieu:
Jungle Mordekaiser
Okay. So. I've tried probably every single jungle Mordekaiser build remotely conceivable. Some of them work. Some of them don't. My opinion as to which one is the 'best' changes, often. The logic underneath all of them is this:
Morde is the fastest jungler in the game, bar none, period. There is just no other champ that can remotely clear jungle creeps as fast as he can. He's also completely sustainable: it is easily possible to clear the entire jungle in under 4 minutes, and continue jungling without a return to base. The obvious tradeoff for this is your ganks are kinda bad, so you combat the enemy jungler just by anticipating his movements and stealing his farm.
Morde needs quite a few things to be effective. Unfortunately, getting all of them is insanely expensive, and usually not possible in a realistic game: so you have to cut corners. Most of these builds are just different ways of getting the same things:
a. regen b. move speed c. magic pen d. attack damage (scales Q and helps you knock down towers) e. resistances f. a slow.
I should note that the flat AD exists in every build for a number of reasons. First, it helps you clear jungle in general a lot faster by increasing your AD by about 8%. More importantly, it lets you clear wraiths consistently by using just one Q and one W: they are extremely obnoxious to clear otherwise.
One positive effect of this is that, if the enemy jungler starts at the blue golem: with any of these builds, you can start enemy twingols, and clear those and his wraiths before he is able to catch or see you. The ability to clear a wraith camp in 3 seconds almost immediately at the start of the game should not be underestimated in terms of counterjungling. This works completely regardless of enemy jungler, unless he smells something and skips his wolves or whatever.
So basically, to make a jungle morde build, decide beforehand what item build you want to use, and then pick a rune/mastery build to cover its weaknesses/complement it.
You can't have too much of any one of these things, except for probably regen. Try to cover your need for it, but with as little excess as possible. One of the main tricks, then, is barely covering your regen need while still getting everything else and not wasting too much cash on extra regen items.
EVERY build uses the same skill build: R>Q>W>E. Completely ignore E until you have to put points in it.
Possible Opening Items (depending on build):
-Cloth+5pot -Regrowth Pendant + 1pot -Regen Bead + 6pot -Vamp Scepter
Items you can build with the cloth armor: Wriggles GA Aegis
Obviously, you will get endlessly ridiculed by your team for any of these other than GA. I note wriggles because I used to get it-- but I think it is probably bad as morde doesn't have any real AD steroids, and it doesn't quite make you completely self-sustaining in terms of regen: your hp will decay much more slowly, but it will still decay.
GA and Aegis are both great options, as they provide great resistances and utility for their cost: but you will need to grab a regen item before either- and neither will help you stay attached to the enemy carry in a fight. This makes Aegis a bit awkward as you need it kinda early game; but you need a slow or something early game too! It's probably good if you're fed. If you're getting GA, it can wait.
Aegis increases your attack damage, which is great. It increases your health, which is great. It increases your resistances, which is fantastic. It boosts your teammates and helps you push, which is super-awesome-fantastic.
Items you can build with the Regrowth: FoN FoN FoN
It's FoN. You're Morde. The only real thing that needs to be said is that finishing the FoN should probably wait until after you have a ganking item, or you'll be invincible but your ganks will really suck and your teammates will get mad. Just get 2 regrowths for your regen needs and finish the damn thing later.
Items you can build with the Regen Bead: Warden's Mail.
Warden's is a fantastic item on Morde because of how much you tend to get focused in fights (because you're all up in their carry's face being impudent and shit. Also Mordekaiser) and it helps you control your positioning and escape from bad fights much more easily. Almost a must if the enemy team has an AD carry as well as something like Xin or Jarvan. If they have 3 or more such champs, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BUILD WARDEN'S MAIL.
It also makes you completely impervious to the jungle. You can probably solo dragon now.
Items you can build with the Vamp Scepter: Bilgewater Cutlass Wriggle's
As discussed earlier, don't get Wriggles. The Bilgewater, however, is an absolutely fantastic item on Morde (particularly jungle morde) because it almost satisfies his need for regen (a need totally fulfilled by the item it builds into: hextech gunblade), gives him an immense amount of attack damage: your Q's HURT, and gives him what he needs most of all: a slow to get dem kills.
Possible endgame target items: Triforce Hextech Gunblade Rylai's
You need one of these to do anything in the lategame. Morde is useless as a straight tank, because he has no CC, and therefore if he has no damage, there is no reason to attack him. Triforce is ludicrously good as it helps you push, chase, get kills, and do every damn thing else. Hextech gives you a slow that you can use to pull off insane ganks. Make Ashe really, really mad. It also increases the power of your E, making it not useless, as well as the rest of your abilities. It also covers all of your regen needs, so it might be seen as more 'efficient' than Triforce. So, whichever you prefer. Rylai's gets a special mention as it feels like a bit of a red herring. It seems really good intuitively, but the slow just isn't strong enough, and requires you to get (and stay) too close: you'll get kited like crazy. It doesn't give you the speed and reliable slow of the Triforce, or the insane 3 second 50% wtfslow of the Hextech. If you're super super fed in the endgame and already have a Hextech, consider a Rylai's to further synergize with your abilities and help you stay on top of the people you've already slowed.
Possible Boots: Sorcs If you're building Hextech and Rylai's, consider Sorcs to further maximize your damage output. Hell, they work really well with Triforce as well: your Q does 600 magic damage. It would be a shame not to have it do 600 god damn true damage. If you're getting these, you really need to be using the FD Kaizer build to be able to catch people.
Swiftness My personal favorite. Always catch always kill.
Mercs For pussies. Play a different damn champ if you're this scared to get CC'd. Seriously, though, they're probably not a bad choice. Just expensive and don't really help you move faster.
(Very, very situational) Ninja Tabi If you started Cloth+5pot and the enemy is attack-damage heavy
And now, early game builds!
1. Fastest Damn Kaizer
Red: Flat AD Yellow: Armor Blue: Mres/Level Quint: MS%
You get +7.5% movespeed from this, which helps immensely with early red buff ganks as well as being able to catch and stay attached to the enemy AD carry in later teamfights. The tradeoff is that you can't jungle nearly as well or sustainably as with more consistent masteries and defensive quints. You need to start cloth+5pot here.
2. Regen Rune Kaizer
Red: Flat AD Yellow: HP/5/level. Not making this up. I have these. So should you. Blue: Mres/level Quint: flat HP/5
With this build, you do not need any regen items. Ever. So you can go straight for resistances and chasing power. Aegis-> Triforce all the way, baby.
3. Immovable Object Kaizer
Red: Flat AD Yellow: Armor Blue: Mres/level Quint: Armor
Start: whatever the fuck you feel like. The jungle is nothing to you. My personal favorite, as you can clear the whole damn thing with a Regrowth while staying practically full health the entire time.
Solo Top Shaco
I'll write up my litany of teemo builds later, it will take hours. For now, this is something fun I experimented once with. In Ranked. And my god, was my team mad.
Before I carried them. inb4 spudboy's aneurysm
Anyways, the reasons I think solo top shaco might be viable, and perhaps even better than jungle shaco, are as follows:
1. You are un-damn-gankable. Period. You are completely and in all ways utterly invulnerable to your opponents' petty attempts to kill you in your lane. There is just no way, if you're playing properly, to EVER die to a jungle gank. 2. Your opponent is not. You are Shaco. If your jungler is a strong ganker like Nocturne, he can practically get a guaranteed kill (or wasted summoner) every single time he comes to your lane. 3. It's a well-known fact that Shaco is only good when very farmed. And then he becomes nuts. The jungle is not the best place to obtain farm. Top lane is. 4. Because of your opponent's fear of Shaco+whatever else ganks, you will probably win the lane, and likely get fed. 5. when the lane is pushed, you can help your jungler counterjungle with cleverly placed boxes. Also just straight up kill their jungler when they're doing red buff. Because, you know, you're Shaco.
My build: Red: Arpen Yellow: flat mp5 Blue: flat mp5 Quint: flat hp5
Masteries: 1/8(SoS)/21 Ghost/ignite
Open Dshield so you can get all of the last hits, then follow immediately with Tear. Last hit with E if you don't feel you can get close enough to last hit with melee attacks: that's what all that mana regen is for. Build Zerks and Manamune. Then I don't know. Maybe Sunfire and Atma's or something. Hexdrinker is good too, as is Black Cleaver and all the rest. Do what you like.
AD nunu, melee with a slow and attkspeed+movespeed boost+free heal if creep nearby.
On tryndamere, zerkers + cloak and dagger -> Youmu -> Trinity Force really strong.
AD malphite, triforce into atmas.
AP Trist actually really strong.
The legend known as Hotshotgg played APTrist on stream and it was one of the most hilarious hard carry performances ever.
AP trist is really scary early/midgame if you lack inherent tankiness and don't control the game. Lategame she can't really do all that much as she needs to build pure offense to be dangerous.
It seems to me like the skill order should be QWWQWR for jungle mordekaiser, no?
is Q>W really better? =/
Damn that's is one elaborate guide for jungle morde, I'll have to give it a shot. I can't think of anything really out of the ordinary to add to the list. However we all know and love the AP ram.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
ap galio. as legit as it gets. go mid, rape whoevers there and get all cs automatically then come to teamfights and do 1/2 of everyone's hp with just ult
Posted this in the Ashe thread somewhere, but I've really updated it, sooo.....
Robin-Hood Ashe
The thought process behind this build was: "What attributes of characters do I find 'Annoying'? How can I make Ashe 'Annoying'? The stuff I find 'annoying' is probably really damn good." And do you know what I think the single most annoying thing in LoL is? When Warwick just won't die because he's regaining Health so fast. So I set out to build an Ashe that just wouldn't die. Then I realized that lifesteal actually works really well with Ashe, because she is naturally reliant on auto-attacks. This build is very difficult early game, but once you hit 3 items and boots becomes damn near unstoppable. It is also very dependent on enemy team composition. If they have multiple stuns, use Chauster's Ashe, not this one.
21/0/9 Offensive tree: 3 Deadliness, 1 Archmage's Savvy, 3 Alacrity, 4 Sorcery, 3 Sunder, 3 Brute Force, 3 Lethality, 1 Havoc Utility tree: 2 Good Hands, 3 Perseverance, 4 Awareness
Summoner Spells:
Flash + Teleport or Flash + Cleanse (If they have multiple stuns - I would recommend going someone else if they have more than 1 stun, but Cleanse is an alternative)
Runes: 9 Attack Speed Marks 9 Flat Armor Seals 9 Flat Magic Resist Glyphs 3 Attack Speed Quints
Thats +25.5% Attack Speed,+12.69 Armor and + 13.41 MR. You need all of these things for early game.
Skill order:
Maxing W at level 9 has top priority because of the huge difference in cooldowns and the damage. Don't underestimate the added dps you'll deal to minions with better Volley. Get Q earlier if you opposing mid is over-aggressive so you can set up a gank, but make sure you get Hawkshot, both for the gold and for scouting ganks. This build is dependent on cashflow and not dying. If your opponents in sidelanes are being easily gankable, go Q >E. If they're playing really safe, go E>Q.
- Vampiric Scepter + Potion. You'll have to wait until after minions start spawning. You have time to run out and defend your jungler or whatever, b back to buy the pot, teleport up to mid turret, and still make it to your blue in time to leash it if you need to.
- B. F. Sword
- The Bloodthirster
- Boots of Speed (If you can wait until you have 1250 to finish the bloodthirster and get boots in one trip, even better.
- Bezerkers' Greaves
- The Bloodthirster 2
- Phantom Dancer
- Phantom Dancer 2
- Infinity Edge
- Sell Boots, PD 3 or LW if they built armor
If you have trouble in your lane, get both scepter and boots asap. Call in a gank if you have to just to scare them off and buy yourself some farming time. FARMING TIME IS ALSO HEALING TIME when you've got the scepter. Just keep up that autoattack! Don't be afraid to push, you've got hawkshot and flash to escape any ganks. In fact, you should be pushing - if you aren't you're probably not stealing enough health from the minions to make up for tha absent health from having no Doran's. In the beginning, you will be VERY squishy, but once your first BT is up you'll stay at full health pretty much all the time.
Red Elixir is usually good to get all game, but usually you're better off saving until you get to the second Bloodthirster. Exceptions are if you're being beaten badly in mid, if you're too squishy to farm. Green Elixier is a must after you get the second Bloodthirster. Don't underestimate the effects of combining lifesteal and attack speed. Plus you'll get your stacks up much quicker. Blue Elixir is not very important. Get it if your teammates are grabbing the blue buff. Grab the Oracle's Elixir if they're stealthing endgame. You won't die often (after your first PD) with this build, so its worth the investment. Picking off a stealther who thinks you're an easy target is fun and free money.
There is one stage where you really need the buffs - between the Bloodthirsters. You need to build your stacks and earn enough money for the second one as quickly as possible. Once you have the first bloodthirster, go grab red if your jungler can spare it.
Other than that, take them as needed. I tend to leave Q on, so I run short of mana.
Don't Die. This is really, really important. I know that Veigar has 10% health, but once you kill him you're going to die. Its more important to live, keep farming, and keep stacking. Stay out of the center of teamfights. If enemy melee is chasing you, volley and keep running. Throw your arrow if the fight isn't going on Use flash, particularly if a stun is coming. If you're low and you have the bloodthirster, heal by jungling. You should never be forced to head home for the purpose of healing.
Get those Bloodthirster Stacks up as fast as you fucking can. +100 damage per shot and +25% lifesteal each. So each autoattack you're doing shittons of damage. Awesome. Every time you can sneak off to grab some jungle or minion kills and your jungler can spare them, do it. Just don't get caught on the other side of the map with no support - see paragraph 1.
Once you have your first PD, grab a green and blue pot and start using only autoattacks with Frost Shot. You can just kind of 'Shark Mode' with your team and you'll start getting ridiculous numbers of kills. Continue to farm/jungle when you need health. Blue buff really comes in handy if you're leaving Q on a lot, and red buff is really nice if you die and need to farm even quicker, but not really necessary otherwise. Once you have your 2nd PD and IE, you'll be untouchable. You'll also be the only one even close to max items unless someone was seriously fed. Then you get your third PD, you'll crit every shot for over 800 easily through armor, at a very rapid (2.4ish?) rate, and be stealing half that damage in life.
Basically, from now on you're an Ashe who can't be killed. You out-dps most players, you regain life stupid fast, you have slows to kite and hunt down. You have the Arrow primarily for initiating and picking off weak running enemies out of range - this isn't an AP build, don't get confused and try to do massive damage with it, Arrows are for Stuns not Damage. Use it to stun long enough to get in range with that Frost Shot, and then laugh as they try to kill you, realize they can't, try to run, and realize they still can't do that either. Remember to always follow the golden rule: Don't Fucking Die. Building up the Bloodthirster stacks is annoying :/. The only thing you have to fear is Stuns - but those are a death sentence. Silence doesn't work on you since you're an autoattacker anyways, but if you get stunned you're still ridiculously squishy. Pick off any CCers first. Remember that VOLLEY DOES NOT DO LIFESTEAL. You can initiate with volley if you like, but if you're taking damage stick to autoattacks.
For bonus LoLz, once you have max items go solo the Baron. As Ashe. Without dropping below half health.
AD poppy, its unconventional cus every noob thinks she should be build AP yadda yadda
Theyre wrong.
First of all; runes: You want to have mpen reds, movement speed / mpen / arpen quints, armor / dodge yellows and MR blues for boots choices theres quite a few: Sorc boots if they dont really have a lot of cc and you want damage, otherwise you can get ninja tabi if youve gotten dodge runes. Masteries: 9/21/0 if you know from start off youre gonna get focused / you have dodge runes. 21/9/0 or 21/0/9 if you just wanna smash some faces and being as gimmicky as possible. 9/0/21 if you're one of those who wanna spamm flash ignite 24/7 summoners: flash is someone i nearly allways pick, ignite ghost or exhuast is secondary but all work with her design really good Boots of mobillity is also a really good choice if they have a yi / nidalee / tf who can split push, since with your W + triforce + boots of mobillity youll run across the map like it's no biggie.
you either open regrowth pendant +1 pot, doran shield and boots +3 potion (my favorite) Then if you are dominating your lane then you get philos stone, upgrade boots and go straight for trinity force no matter if youre building tanky or full damage you need your triforce, if you got merc treads then keep / sell your philos stone when you need more item space, but if you didnt get merc treads upgrade it to eleisa's miracle while, before or right after you got your triforce. then you need to have noticed something: are you getting focused alot in teamfights ? If yes and it doesnt come from you having poor positioning/engagement then you need to build some tanking items, you usually want 3 tank items at poppy at max, because she really shouldnt be intiating (hard to snipe their carry that way), get FoN for anti magic damage, frozen shroud / heart for anti physical (get omen if someone in your team allready has frozen heart), if you really need a third item get guardian angel. Now we come to the fun part: damage items, gotta wipe out da deeeepz: get a combination of: Gunblade, infinity edge, phantom dancer and last whisper. And priotize them in the order i listed them though you might wanna switch up phantom dancer and last whisper if they have too much armor. With this built and your ulti up on someone you might've thought that vayne did alot of damage, hah dont be silly, does she have a damage amplifier to compliment one of the strongest 1 hit booms (poppy's Q) with a retardedly low CD? Maybe some might say , but fucking smash that son of a nay-sayer's bitch into a wall and proceed to administer the rape with.
Enjoy playing League of Legends own Iron Thong
Why get MPen if you're going AD?
many skills that scale with AD still do magic damage i.e. udyr's tiger stance
On July 02 2011 17:50 gtrsrs wrote: many skills that scale with AD still do magic damage i.e. udyr's tiger stance The only skill Poppy has that does MD is Heroic Charge, which scales with AP not AD :/
On July 02 2011 18:04 iGrok wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 17:50 gtrsrs wrote: many skills that scale with AD still do magic damage i.e. udyr's tiger stance The only skill Poppy has that does MD is Heroic Charge, which scales with AP not AD :/ Poppy Q turns the entire attack, including the normal attack damage, into magic damage.
On July 02 2011 18:07 crate wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 18:04 iGrok wrote:On July 02 2011 17:50 gtrsrs wrote: many skills that scale with AD still do magic damage i.e. udyr's tiger stance The only skill Poppy has that does MD is Heroic Charge, which scales with AP not AD :/ Poppy Q turns the entire attack, including the normal attack damage, into magic damage. Ah, didn't know that - the description says "attack damage".
Why didn't you give that example to begin with instead of the Udyr one -__-
i thought
On July 02 2011 17:12 iGrok wrote: Why get MPen if you're going AD? was a general question, i didn't realize you meant explicitly for the poppy build listed above, sorry 
other skills that follow the AD scaling / magic damage pattern are corki's ult jax's leap strike and empower kayle's righteous fury (sort of) morde's Q etc
while an example of a skill that does the opposite (AP scaling / physical damage) is akali's E spin attack