Lich bane is asking to die with Lux. Only time I ever pick it up on her is if I need pushing power.
Unconventional, non-troll builds. - Page 7
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United States289 Posts
Lich bane is asking to die with Lux. Only time I ever pick it up on her is if I need pushing power. | ||
United Kingdom488 Posts
till they nerfed her base damage and buffed her ratios... now offtank annie is awesome =] edit: Attack speed cho can work really well, deals a lot of damage, can jungle fast etc etc melts like butter tho...madreds atmogs witsend is best but so expensive... | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
Flash/ignite 3-6-21 masteries Get spin first and hide in the brush near golem that nobody ever checks, you will be counterjungling. Learn all the timings for when to come out and disrupt their jungle at blue for each jungler, ward their red on first trip back Max spin first so you can get around the map easily, the W for the awesome slow/ad debuff. Coordinate ganks with your jungler on bot lane often since 1v2 is hard vs ranged/support get HoG/avarice blade to supplement your income while you mess with their jungle glhf | ||
United States11761 Posts
On July 20 2011 00:59 Brees wrote: Utility Tryndamere Flash/ignite 3-6-21 masteries Get spin first and hide in the brush near golem that nobody ever checks, you will be counterjungling. Learn all the timings for when to come out and disrupt their jungle at blue for each jungler, ward their red on first trip back Max spin first so you can get around the map easily, the W for the awesome slow/ad debuff. Coordinate ganks with your jungler on bot lane often since 1v2 is hard vs ranged/support get HoG/avarice blade to supplement your income while you mess with their jungle glhf I've actually seen some good LS do something like this, abusing the wardhop to get around :[ | ||
United States853 Posts
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Australia1822 Posts
Well fuck that. I want to play support to support, not to go solomid and be able to gank a rammus. Now it seems to me if you don't give a shit about flying off and getting kills sona becomes an infinitely more powerful character. In games where my team doesn't feed early I'm now averaging something like 2/3-2/3-25-40, and doing it with a completely nonstandard style (compared to what I see people saying how to play her). I admit I'm only level 20 so this experience may not count, but here's what I'm doing skills: 1 point in Q at 1, 1 point in R at 6, otherwise W>E>Q>R R is great for the AOE stun and that's about it. the damage is fairly negligible even maxed, and with bought CDR the innate CDR is meh, you don't need it up every 40 seconds, 80 is just fine. I've found that almost every guide says Q till max then E, but E is so much more powerful from a tactical perspective if you get it maxed by level 13 at the beginning of the midgame. A team with a sona with 5Q 1E that catches 3 guys out of position will get a kill, if the sona has 1Q 5E they get 3 kills. Ditto for the reverse, a sona and a couple of chars that get caught out of position with maxed Q and no E all die, if other way around, you get away without a loss if the enemy don't get a complete stunkill normally. Runes, masteries and summoners: Gl: CDR Se:MP5 Marks: CDR Qu: MP5 Sona's abilities are what make her powerful and being able to burn them early to build powerchords is what will give you lane control. CDR runes combined with the item build give you around 33% CDR reduction fairly early, maxing out at 38%, which saves item wastage. Flash and clarity for normal games, flash and clairvoyance if not laning with a mana user masteries are currently 0/0/20, standard utility build with imp clarity. Will probably be 0/9/21 at 30 Core Build: faerie charm + 2HP +2MP >philo stone > tear of the goddess > boots of lucidity + wards as required. Extended core: >will of the ancients or Starks fervour (if AD heavy) > aegis of the legion > shurelia's reverie > archangel's staff > Will or Starks, whichever wasn't built earlier. If your team is VERY heavy with AP or AD, you can skip this for a deathcap, but the game rarely goes this late. Final build: Shurelia's Reverie + Archangel staff + Ionian boots of lucidity +Will of the ancients + aegis of the legion + starks fervour (or deathcap) (this last item should be saved for and built in one hit as you want a free slot for wards) almost all items in this build are designed to give direct buffs to your team while moderately improving your survivability and sustainability. after your core is complete you shouldn't have to B other than to buy. By late game you end up with pretty decent AP (around 200). I choose the boots of lucidity over boots of celerity since I'm getting E levelled up early which most builds don't, giving me the extra mobility. All in all this results in a sona who can put annoying pressure on in the early game with Q+ powerchord and transition into healing your dual lane char once ability sets and basic items come out, preventing ganks and denying CS. I rarely get a kill either way in my lane, though when I do it's usually a trade. However, I and my partner usually massively dominate in the CS and get the turret kill first. In mid game I become a psychological nightmare for the enemy teams, the amount of times I've kited someone out of position so my team can demolish them and then hasted the team in chasing down one or two more characters that were coming in to support. I pull people out of circumstances where we would have lost a couple of champs for nothing, often to the extent where the tables are turned and we pick up a kill because someone overextended in chasing us down. While you can't do anything to an enemy character solo, nor even stop a creep wave eating a tower, with another champion you can gank, countergank, juke and jive with impunity. late game a simple w-e-w-chord combo makes initiations rarely work out for the enemy and the amount of aura support you offer is ridiculous, upwards of 30 ad, 50 ap, 20% lifesteal, 25% spellvamp, 20% attack speed, 25 movement speed, 40 or so armor and MR, plus a temporary 40% speed buff from shurelia's. Your team is essentially immune to poke, never runs out of mana (thanks to improved clarity), is hard to initiate on because they dance incredibly fast and can initiate with a 60% speed boost from a stacked shurelia+e active. I regularly win 4 v 5s coming out 2-3 chars ahead simply because of the confusion I cause in enemy teams. I admit that my experience so far is about 80% normal games against level 15-20 players, but I have played in several premades of predominantly 30 characters and done as well, if not better than in normal pugs. Team coordination only makes this build stronger. Now, part of the reason I'm posting this is I'd like any good players (30s with decent ladder experience) to point out why this sort of build isn't popular. It seems incredibly strong to me at this level, but I don't see it coming out much in progames nor in guides. Is something particularly weak about it against competent players? only thing I can see is that I'm super squishy on paper, but in practice I've never had a problem. I'm usually lowest on deaths, even when the enemy is trying to initiate onto me primarily. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
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Australia1822 Posts
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United States9908 Posts
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United States469 Posts
On July 03 2011 07:49 Asdkmoga wrote: i've always thought Cass was strong, just gotta build health very early so you can do the damage, and when you do, damn is it a shit ton of fucking damage with dem twin fangs Edit: also, if anyne knows about Cait Jungle can you talk about it some? i've seen it done in a agame when we didnt have one, and she apparently cleared jungle and ganked bot enough time to clearly win that lane and i dont know how she did it I have done Cait jungle before actually, u might have been in my game >.> You have to abuse her passive, headshot, for extra dps in the jungle. She doesn't really carry as hard without farm so you end up being more of a support for your team with extra dps and map control with your traps. You can set traps in the bushs near their buffs so you can see when the other jungler is there, or set traps along common travel routes for any champs so someone will probably hit it. Summoner Spells: smite and flash/ghost/teleport Masteries: 21/0/9, make sure u get all the atk damage related masteries in offense and improved smite. Utility is for the exp and buff duration masteries. Runes: Atk speed red, armor yellow, attackspeed blue, 2 armor pen quints, 1 atkspeed quint. I think you could do with more armor pen but I'm not sure exactly. this seems to work for me. Items:start cloth armor+5pots core: wriggles+beserker greaves then get whatever u want, usually normal AD carry items like Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper but u might want to skip Bloodthirster because you already have Wriggles (replace wriggles later if you don't know what else to build) Maybe get Bloodrazor for fast baron... depends on the game. Route: blue-wolves-wraiths-double golems, b, red, gank. I havent done it in a while so u might be able to do red and then doubles without going b, but its safer to heal if u need to. If you start at blue you can kite the wolves a little toward the bush by blue to get your passive to proc sooner when you do blue. -edit- actually if you want to start at blue you might have to take health quints and full armor pen reds instead because blue will mess u up without a good leash. Better Route: double golems-wraiths-wolves gank and then improvise from there, usually do that round again until you get madreds or wriggles, then u can get the buffs faster. Make sure you shoot when your sitting in the bush for your passive and spam your skills for more dps. You can kinda kite the wolves into the bush and kill them one by one but it might be faster just sit there and shoot em. It's hard to use the bush by the wraith camp but it can be done. Skill order is Q-E-Q-W or Q-E-W if you do the alternate route ( you need all 3 skills to gank at all) After that it's R>Q>W>E Double golems and the buff camps are the best since there is an easy to use bush for proccing your passive more. Ganks: Ganks are frikin impossible, usually u can only gank vs super overextended lanes, and mid is the hardest to gank. Laying traps beforehand is usually a good idea just in case the enemies try to flee into the river or something. Your lane has to be aggressive and fight so both sides are a bit low, and then you have to provide surprise dps to win the fight (that can be done with any jungler though). When you reveal yourself you can try to lead with Q for that extra burst so they aren't at a safe HP anymore, or try for a W but it's not easy to land. You can also just autoatk them if you have red buff or if they are already low. The nice thing is that you don't have as much of a gap to close as melee junglers so you can just go pew pew without having to get too far out of position if it's not safe, and you can just do free damage to pressure the lane, maybe force a b. You can also start by setting a trap along a possible route that they will walk or flash to when they retreat to their tower and then your teammate can engage and force them into it. It's a good tactic especially in the sidelane bushes. If you can get positioned between the enemy and their tower you can cut off their escape with your traps and net without shooting yourself off too far to the side but its a bit risky to use your net for the slow. You really need your teammates to follow up because otherwise the enemies can just turn on you and kill you. Her ult is really good for ganks because it forces the enemy to retreat even earlier than normal, almost always forcing a flash, and even then u can sometimes still target them and finish them off. You can try ward-teleport ganks too if that's what it takes. Cait can control the map pretty well with her traps so dont forget to put one or two in key spots before you gank so you have a retreat route too in case you fail. Make sure you cover lanes whenever there's an opportunity because Cait is actually good in lane and you can get more exp and farm that way. Another tip is that you can actually lure dragon out far enough so that Cait can shoot it from the little bush in the river but you'll probably have to tank it if you want to do that cuz no one else knows that and so they won't pull it far enough. Jungle Caitlyn is pretty fun because you get to feel like a sniper who sneakily hunts people down. ^^; | ||
United States3977 Posts
Taric tanks the creeps and Twitch kills them. Start blue buff (giving it to Taric), then clear the jungle, ganking whenever possible. Ganks are supa ez - at level 1, Taric stuns them, then Twitch slows them; once Twitch has invisibility, he sneaks up and slows them then Taric stuns. The downsides to this are: 1) Taric has no gold (but he's used to it) 2) Taric has no levels 3) Twitch has no levels and only jungle gold 4) Someone has to 1v2 The upsides to this are: 1) Absurdly strong ganks 2) Lanes are in constant fear of Twitch 3) Enemy jungle is in constant fear of Twitch 4) Once Twitch gets Wriggles, Taric can leave him be for the most part and roam like normal | ||
United States60033 Posts
I play him FULL AP. Multiple Archangels, Rabadon's, Sorc Boots, Voidstaff, Chalice of harmony if you really need it. Clarity/Flash. Pretty in a teamfight, you flash out, and snipe with your ulti. With blue/clarity/blue elixer, and chalice, you can spam your ulti for a good 2 minute straight, doing massive amounts of damage, without ever being targeted. The biggest problem I have with AD Kogmaw is the lack of survivability, and is always a high priority target in teamfights, that means you'll be dead in 5-10 seconds of a teamfight, and since he doesn't really have any great escape mechanics you can't really do anything about it. However AP kog offers prolonged amounts of damage, with a much lower chance of death. Another odd build I do is AP/AS teemo, For some reason the most common teemo I see is just AD/AS teemo, when in reality AP/AS teemo has the highest damage output. Just get Flash/Ghost, or Flash/Exhaust. Sorc Boots/Berserker greaves. Nashors Tooth, Malady (or Wit's end, depends on enemy comp). Rabadons, Lich Bane, Void Staff + Zhonya's hourglass (or abyssal scepter). I definitely suggest this build for everyone. | ||
United States60033 Posts
I wouldn't say its unique so much its how I choose to play kog. I play him FULL AP. Multiple Archangels, Rabadon's, Sorc Boots, Voidstaff, Chalice of harmony if you really need it. Clarity/Flash. Pretty much in a teamfight, you flash out, and snipe with your ulti. With blue/clarity/blue elixer, and chalice, you can spam your ulti for a good 2 minute straight, doing massive amounts of damage, without ever being targeted. The biggest problem I have with AD Kogmaw is the lack of survivability, and is always a high priority target in teamfights, that means you'll be dead in 5-10 seconds of a teamfight, and since he doesn't really have any great escape mechanics you can't really do anything about it. However AP kog offers prolonged amounts of damage, with a much lower chance of death. Another odd build I do is AP/AS teemo, For some reason the most common teemo I see is just AD/AS teemo, when in reality AP/AS teemo has the highest damage output. Just get Flash/Ghost, or Flash/Exhaust. Sorc Boots/Berserker greaves. Nashors Tooth, Malady (or Wit's end, depends on enemy comp). Rabadons, Lich Bane, Void Staff + Zhonya's hourglass (or abyssal scepter). I definitely suggest this build for everyone. | ||
Netherlands13241 Posts It's basically AD Janna with Wriggle's and 21/0/9 masteries. Her ganks are stupidly strong. Knockup and a slow, not even mentioning the value of her ulti. | ||
159 Posts
Kinda Hybrid Nidalee Items: Sunfire, Raylis, Trinity Only fight as Non-Human | ||
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