Only problem is not enough wards, as shake already mentioned. If we really need them I just get a kage pick after my initial doran and use them conservatively.
[Champion] Taric - Page 5
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Mexico813 Posts
Only problem is not enough wards, as shake already mentioned. If we really need them I just get a kage pick after my initial doran and use them conservatively. | ||
United States1360 Posts
As taric would say TRULY OUTRAGEOUS. | ||
United States9109 Posts
in *RANKED* games i've already made 2 people ragequit before 10 minutes i always apologize after the game because i know trying to lane against taric/cait where you get stunlocked and bursted down any time you leave your tower has to be the least fun thing ever i always thought in solo queue you should take a solo lane and carry the game that way, but with this build i've learned that it's easier to carry by destroying 2 people in lane instead of 1 i've been duoing with different people to try different combos. lee sin is real real strong with this too, but he's a little harder to finesse if you can't land the skillshots because of creeps or whatever. annie is beast ofc. haven't tried garen but i know there's no way it's not brokenly good. i'm loving this i'm taking it all the way to gold | ||
United States1980 Posts
Taric + Alistar is really random but funny Taric + Singed | ||
United States2707 Posts | ||
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