On June 28 2011 03:46 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On June 28 2011 03:41 Southlight wrote:On June 28 2011 03:21 Two_DoWn wrote:On June 28 2011 03:13 Southlight wrote: People who bitch about junglers should jungle themselves. Simple fact. People who bitch about junglers cant jungle. They dont know how. Hahah, most of my jungle bitching tends to be sighing @ not getting ganks (we have a joke where if I'm solo top there's no solo top gank ever) and sighing about hero choice at jungle, otherwise I tend to clam up because I'll bitch more BEING the jungler :D I play a lot of jungle, and trust me, if you arent getting a gank somewhere, its probably because a) you arent open for one, b) the other lanes are doing worse than you are. Unless the jungle does actually suck, in which case all bets are off.
lol it might be B, it's rarely that I can't kill a kill with a jungler because when I'm solo I usually play a disable/burst-heavy hero, especially when I'm Amumu.
Nowadays it vexes me more to not get a hold, or if the jungler feeds the other jungler when all I needed was a quick hold to ensure my tower doesn't randomly die.
Edit: ie. I ask for a hold so I can get a pstone and the jungler comes in and gives fb + double buff to Irelia, but decides never to gank ever again. Kay thanks.
That made me facepalm so hard hahahah. We both go back and then Ire comes back with a completed pstone despite opening cloth +5pots and still has enough to get a boot and I was like OH MAH GAWD. Still counter-killed her but once she got red buff again I was pretty fucked without some sort of help :[
But yeah, aside from that hilarious game, usually even when Smash/Turkey jungle I never get any ganks up top, for no reason except that I'm up top, and it's really "out of the way" to gank.
that's so weird to me as a jungler i'm the opposite, i almost never gank bot compared to my attempts at top and mid top is just so much easier to gank imo
On June 28 2011 03:01 Kaniol wrote: I've been playing with my worse friends a lot, so usually it was me who took the job of taking 1v2. There's 3 types of people who you will encounter when 1v2ing: 1) Most popular type - the "we push hard" type, they will push as much as they can and play very aggressively, vs them you want to take as many last hits under the tower as you can and never let them send you to town at early levels because they will destroy your tower very fast. 2) The "1 of us gets the farm and you don't" type - 1 guy camps your bush, the other guy last hits as late as possible, you will lose a lot of xp that way but once the lane pushes (it will, because 1 of them IS last hitting) if you don't last hit or only last hit under the tower - you will get as much XP as a duo laner would get (so basically you are at the same lvl as 1 of them), then lane will reset and once again you will spend some time hugging a tower and waiting for the lane to push 3) the "we will keep you lvl 1 forever" type - they just won't last hit. Ever. Lane will forever freeze and as the outcome you will be lvl 1 with 0 farm forever, they will have 2 people with duo lane lvls and 0 farm. You can't do anything vs these, have to wait for a gank (which probably won't work because you won't be able to help the ganker at all, since you are lvl 1). On the bright side - your jungler will be stronger than any of these 2 (he had a farm) so the overall outcome is 1 vastly underlevelled guy with 0 farm + someone normally farmed/lvled vs 2 normally lvlled but unfarmed guys.
At least that's what i've experienced when playing. Vs the 1) you need something that's good at stopping pushes, vs 2) you need something durable with a method of replenishing HP. Nasus is good vs both, Nidalee, Mundo and (as he gets to higher lvls) vlad is good vs 2), Mord is good vs 1) (and by good i mean gets double kill at lvl 6 if your enemies don't change their strategy, because they are almost surely bad) I think 3) is the strongest thing to do in a 2v1 situation. Let one of them take as many last hits as possible without trying to push the lane, and just stand between the soloer and the creeps to deny levels and experience. If you have a good jungler, he can straight up gank the lane and destroy both people, but without the jungler you have to stay on equal levels.
Most of the time in the 3) situation I just go philo+hog to catch up on gold, and just attempt not to die.
The first situation is not that hard to play against, since most champions can't play that aggressive without taking massive amounts of damage and be insta-ganked, except for a select few champs that can play like that. I think in that case, the best situation is to either swap or bring the jungler up to pressure the lane with his presence instead of pressuring with a "threat" of a gank.
Played a fun game against zil, kayle, trynd, and yorick (and rammus). They just didn't die for so long... Made me miss a midnight Cookout run 
idk i dont play jungle much but i feel like if you are playing a bursty/CC character and have been messing with your opponent as well as controlling the lane well, wouldnt the jungler want to come gank for a free kill?
On June 28 2011 04:33 Orpheos wrote: idk i dont play jungle much but i feel like if you are playing a bursty/CC character and have been messing with your opponent as well as controlling the lane well, wouldnt the jungler want to come gank for a free kill? If you're messing with your opponent and dominating the lane, then your opponent is probably playing much more conservative, and is harder to gank. On the other hand, junglers look at the lanes and think "which one needs the most help?" not only because of something resembling a teamwork ethic, but also because they are really asking "which lane will bitch at me the most if I don't gank it?"
On June 28 2011 04:25 gtrsrs wrote: that's so weird to me as a jungler i'm the opposite, i almost never gank bot compared to my attempts at top and mid top is just so much easier to gank imo Btw I meant top if I typod bot that's a pretty huge mistake. o.O
That being said, finally got into queue and carried with 23-4 akali ^-^ Was almost losing this game, luckily our Vlad was like NOW ALL LISTEN TO AKALI" and then they listened to me so we won <333
On June 28 2011 04:24 Southlight wrote: That made me facepalm so hard hahahah. We both go back and then Ire comes back with a completed pstone despite opening cloth +5pots and still has enough to get a boot and I was like OH MAH GAWD. Still counter-killed her but once she got red buff again I was pretty fucked without some sort of help :[
But yeah, aside from that hilarious game, usually even when Smash/Turkey jungle I never get any ganks up top, for no reason except that I'm up top, and it's really "out of the way" to gank. I'm a busy man. Wolves aren't going to kill themselves Utah.
EDIT: holy shit, the Taric fanart in support of a new skin pics start getting really good around Miss Fortune, lol.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
i liked the nunu one
"wanna come get ice cream with us"
karma one was really good, lol
"my name is karmen i use fans for a weapon or something idk i guess I can heal or something but u are better support taric"
"shut up baby i no it"
On June 28 2011 04:52 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On June 28 2011 04:24 Southlight wrote: That made me facepalm so hard hahahah. We both go back and then Ire comes back with a completed pstone despite opening cloth +5pots and still has enough to get a boot and I was like OH MAH GAWD. Still counter-killed her but once she got red buff again I was pretty fucked without some sort of help :[
But yeah, aside from that hilarious game, usually even when Smash/Turkey jungle I never get any ganks up top, for no reason except that I'm up top, and it's really "out of the way" to gank. I'm a busy man. Wolves aren't going to kill themselves Utah.
I don't complain anymore o/ I take it in a positive way, in that people trust me to do or my thang, or they're fine with whoever I'm against getting free farm \o/
On June 28 2011 04:40 Flakes wrote:Show nested quote +On June 28 2011 04:33 Orpheos wrote: idk i dont play jungle much but i feel like if you are playing a bursty/CC character and have been messing with your opponent as well as controlling the lane well, wouldnt the jungler want to come gank for a free kill? If you're messing with your opponent and dominating the lane, then your opponent is probably playing much more conservative, and is harder to gank. On the other hand, junglers look at the lanes and think "which one needs the most help?" not only because of something resembling a teamwork ethic, but also because they are really asking "which lane will bitch at me the most if I don't gank it?"
idk, i was just playing annie and i just hit lvl6 and laning against urgot. im not csing terribly well because of his dumb shit. but the jungler is a ww with flash. just flash ultimate and ezpz kill. instead he doesnt come for like 5minutes and by that time ive eaten a combo from urgot and am really low and die during the gank. plus i was mid so it wasnt exactly out of the way.
Anyone that is really good with computers that knows if you can force change the resolution for LoL? I don't mean by changing the game config file, I mean really really force it. (Atm I only get 2 options in game being 1024x764 and 12xx X 720 and no matter how many times I change the "width" and "height" in the option file it simply reverts to 1024x764 whenever I open up a game. (I'm supposed to be running at 1920x1280)
Hmmm... Mine gives me plenty of options (including 1920x1080)
It worked perfectly till about a week ago. And I've tried every single driver I can find for the screen itself, motherboard and the graphics card it just won't work. So either I keep getting the wrong drivers or something is fucked. The thing that really really annoys me is that I've gotten every single game, every bloody game except LoL to run in my custom 1920x1080. I know the LoL client is really bad, but come on... if Portal can manage it...
I've tried changing the game file and it doesn't work :<
And I know the best thing would be to fix the underlying problem that the screen wants to only run in shitty resolution unless I force it not to, but I've ran out of options at this point I've uninstalled/reinstalled/formated ect ect ect I've tried driver after driver after driver update.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Jesus christ, the LoL at ESL thread is a complete fuckfest of SC2 kids who can't accept that there's a game more popular than Starcraft.
Valhalla18444 Posts
LoL isn't more popular than StarCraft. There's like 1-2 watchable LoL tournaments in the last six months, and a buttload of SC2 tournaments. Because there's so many StarCraft tournaments, most people won't watch every one, but pretty much every LoL player who would watch a LoL tournament was watching Dreamhack. There is most certainly more people globally playing SC2 than LoL.
Way to get duped by stream numbers!