On July 24 2011 06:00 TL Blazeraid wrote: Been playing ranked for about 20 games straight now, the first 15 at korean hours, the last 5 during american hours.
Oh god, give me koreans any day of the week.
vman7 and takashiX and damn near every other american all have such humongous ego problems.
At least the koreans are quiet.
SEE. People didn't believe me when I said Takashi is a huge asshole who is also terrible at Corki (how is that even possible)
Probably cause it's a pot kettle black statement. huehuehue.
I don't think there's much talk about Takashi cause he only came back to LoL in the past month or so. He was AWOL for a good 4-6 months. But he acted like an entitled jerk back then, still kinda douchebag like now.
You mean the Corki that killed your janna while you tried to zone me heuhehue.
On July 24 2011 06:00 Irave wrote: Chaox is starting his streaming session, currently explaining Akali.
Is he really going to do every champion over 3 days? I think he didn't do the math or something because that's like 20 hours per day...
He does plan on investing at least 12-13 hours a day streaming for three days. Akali lasted about an hour, some will be much quicker but yea he got the hardest part of giving back to the community. As well he is only playing the game in normal to avoid the long q of solo. Currently explaining Alistar.
On July 24 2011 06:00 TL Blazeraid wrote: Been playing ranked for about 20 games straight now, the first 15 at korean hours, the last 5 during american hours.
Oh god, give me koreans any day of the week.
vman7 and takashiX and damn near every other american all have such humongous ego problems.
At least the koreans are quiet.
SEE. People didn't believe me when I said Takashi is a huge asshole who is also terrible at Corki (how is that even possible)
Probably cause it's a pot kettle black statement. huehuehue.
I don't think there's much talk about Takashi cause he only came back to LoL in the past month or so. He was AWOL for a good 4-6 months. But he acted like an entitled jerk back then, still kinda douchebag like now.
You mean the Corki that killed your janna while you tried to zone me heuhehue.
Was talking about the other part of your statement. huehuehue
Your Corki is good, no lies. You just dive randomly at times.
On July 24 2011 06:00 TL Blazeraid wrote: Been playing ranked for about 20 games straight now, the first 15 at korean hours, the last 5 during american hours.
Oh god, give me koreans any day of the week.
vman7 and takashiX and damn near every other american all have such humongous ego problems.
At least the koreans are quiet.
SEE. People didn't believe me when I said Takashi is a huge asshole who is also terrible at Corki (how is that even possible)
Probably cause it's a pot kettle black statement. huehuehue.
I don't think there's much talk about Takashi cause he only came back to LoL in the past month or so. He was AWOL for a good 4-6 months. But he acted like an entitled jerk back then, still kinda douchebag like now.
You mean the Corki that killed your janna while you tried to zone me heuhehue.
Was talking about the other part of your statement. huehuehue
Your Corki is good, no lies. You just dive randomly at times.
Oh, that's fine. I'm fine with being an asshole as long as no one makes fun of my Corki. I'm prone to getting really bored in games so I do something brave.
On July 24 2011 06:00 TL Blazeraid wrote: Been playing ranked for about 20 games straight now, the first 15 at korean hours, the last 5 during american hours.
Oh god, give me koreans any day of the week.
vman7 and takashiX and damn near every other american all have such humongous ego problems.
At least the koreans are quiet.
SEE. People didn't believe me when I said Takashi is a huge asshole who is also terrible at Corki (how is that even possible)
Probably cause it's a pot kettle black statement. huehuehue.
I don't think there's much talk about Takashi cause he only came back to LoL in the past month or so. He was AWOL for a good 4-6 months. But he acted like an entitled jerk back then, still kinda douchebag like now.
With all the tournaments popping up I'd expect pretty much everyone who at some point of the beta was any good to come back. Now if only sponsors caught up...
So now that I hit 1500, I'm going to go play games I haven't played in like 3 months. TF2 is free to play, and I haven't even looked at steam in god knows how long. I'll be back to play league during S2 and when friends want to, because solo normals are boring.
On July 24 2011 06:00 Irave wrote: Chaox is starting his streaming session, currently explaining Akali.
Is he really going to do every champion over 3 days? I think he didn't do the math or something because that's like 20 hours per day...
He does plan on investing at least 12-13 hours a day streaming for three days. Akali lasted about an hour, some will be much quicker but yea he got the hardest part of giving back to the community. As well he is only playing the game in normal to avoid the long q of solo. Currently explaining Alistar.
He grossly underestimated how long it would take to play every champ. He was thinking he could get maybe 20 in a day (lol). He's done 4 in 5 hours.
www.own3d.tv/live/3539 stream has been up for a while, and will probably be up for as long as I can manage to stay awake and play games/do other random stuff (no, no naughty shit). Having problems sleeping atm anyways...
On July 24 2011 11:01 LaNague wrote: i am shocked how wrong he played annie, that was like 1400 stuff in lane.
and if he wouldt answer noob questions for 30 misn before and after each match, he would maybe not be still at A :D
I'll agree that his Annie wasn't too impressive, I started doran thinking I would be bot with taric but Jarvan asked for it. Despite that my doran outlasted his 3 pots.
For the ghosting, I think our GP might have been, he was the one doing most of the calls/pings and on some of them it did seem like he had full map vision.
Does anyone have (or can create off the top of their head) a list of streamers that talk the most but rage the least? Streamers that explain why something went good or bad without scapegoating would be ideal. Thx
On July 24 2011 11:44 Tadzio wrote: Does anyone have (or can create off the top of their head) a list of streamers that talk the most but rage the least? Streamers that explain why something went good or bad without scapegoating would be ideal. Thx
Well that's asking quite a bit o.O I haven't watched dan dinh but I've heard that he's good, I personally really like Westrice and Dyrus.
On July 24 2011 11:44 Tadzio wrote: Does anyone have (or can create off the top of their head) a list of streamers that talk the most but rage the least? Streamers that explain why something went good or bad without scapegoating would be ideal. Thx
Chaox is really good if you can survive his laugh. Dan Dinh would be good if he wasn't terrible at the game. Reginald does explain why stuff goes wrong, but most people can't stand all the broing.
Check out the TSM marathon stream, Chaox is doing each champion in alphabetic order, currently streaming ashe.
Hey, I'd like to get some impressions on Maokai—not posting this into his thread since it's not really about a build or anything, just perception: how would you classify him? I know he's quite a good roamer (and that "hurl a sapling at that 10% guy recalling under his tower from the jungle" thing—"he'll never know what hit him!"—is priceless), but as for his other roles, do you think he's more of a tank or a support?
His innate heals him when spells are being spammed everywhere, he gets a gap-closer/snare to initiate, his ulti makes for a good way to anchor your team on a position (and protect them), so I rather saw him as a tank, but I've been said last time I played him that he was a support (well, long range, saplings dealing so much damage he only really needs items for mp5/hp, protective ult spell, a bit of cc). So I don't know what to think of him (except that I love him).