Just wondering. The udyr discussion has me thinking, along with my own experience.
Alistar v. Udyr top solo lane. Who wins? When I played it, as Udyr, I got completely worked by Alistar post, like...lvl 4. Before that, I could keep him off the creeps with Q+E and W to counter his headbutt harass. But once he gets headbutt, pulverize, heal, I couldn't do jack shit and he just zoned me hard. If I somehow got some Q's on him, he'd just play it safe and heal back up. Otherwise, he's just last hit and W+Q me every freaking time I try to last hit and due to the mechanics of knockback, I can't really counter his harass.
I maxed Q, then W, so maybe I'm doing it wrong? But even then, W max only shields for like...200-300, while equal lvl W+Q harass easily bypasses that in terms of damage, especially with 2-3 doran's rings.
my favorite
yi: 300 Alpha Strike + 185109238421098301928 (from 12809401985810948901 auto attacks within 0.5 seconds with E and R active) = infinity billion damages
EDIT: I feel like udyr should be able to just sit around in turtle stance and heal up while getting CS. Ali's a bitch vs. Melee, but between your shield and healing off of turtle, I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to just chill out and outlast his mana pool with non-stop turtling. Maxing Q is definitely wrong. I don't see any udyrs maxing Q in lane, it's all W. And it's especially stupid vs. Alistar who is unhittable with a melee attack.
Phreak: last-hitting is an extremely VIABLE skill
On July 07 2011 05:14 Mogwai wrote: my favorite
yi: 300 Alpha Strike + 185109238421098301928 (from 12809401985810948901 auto attacks within 0.5 seconds with E and R active) = infinity billion damages
EDIT: I feel like udyr should be able to just sit around in turtle stance and heal up while getting CS. Ali's a bitch vs. Melee, but between your shield and healing off of turtle, I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to just chill out and outlast his mana pool with non-stop turtling. Maxing Q is definitely wrong. I don't see any udyrs maxing Q in lane, it's all W. And it's especially stupid vs. Alistar who is unhittable with a melee attack. Yea, I'll try that next time.
So what's landyr's skill order? W>Q>E>R? Although I've heard R max and Q max are both good, while leaving E at lvl 3 in order to maximize dps. Although I feel like max R just isn't worth it. I'd rather have the extra movespeed boost/duration...
W>All, other stuff is preference based. R > Q makes you a better split pusher. I would continue to level Bear to make kiting you that much harder, but I guess if it's more of a let's-sit-around-and-wail-on-each-other style game that Q > R > E for maxing makes some sense, I just can't imagine not wanting the extra movespeed buff.
I just lost my wallet at my internet cafe while playing LoL
I hate chinese people for not returning my wallet.
I hope they enjoy my expired sub 21 driver's license and my red cross blood donation card.
ps. I'm actually really pissed that I lost my Coldplay concert ticket memoir from my 19th birthday.
/end rage
I would call you gay for liking coldplay but I like some of their shit too so I'll let someone else bash your taste in music :p.
also, does anyone here know how to put a delay on a stream using xsplit on own3d? I think I'm gonna post my stream to the CLG stream list, but I would like to have a little protection against ghosting in the future/for when I stream tourney games.
8748 Posts
It should be in own3d options somewhere
I was vaguely scanning around for it last night with no luck but it was also 3 AM and I was out of my mind tired, so I'll just redouble my efforts tonight, lol.
wtf you listen to coldplay, gtfo now.
Okay my best friend listen to him too so you're okay.
And who is this team that LLL are playing vs on riot stream?? They are so fucking horrible. nunu + lanewick? LETS PICK VLAD TO COUNTER. TF vs brand mid? Lets build banshee veil when we have an underfarmed vlad and bot that got ganked like 200 times which stopped a lot of farm cause top auto lost. hueheuhue.
On July 07 2011 05:14 Southlight wrote: Except we know Amumu does ridiculous damage, lol. And Amumu is borderline OP anyways, along with being IMO the single strongest initiating "tank" tank. He isn't on US because people don't think he is a carry and don't get ap items after core.
On July 07 2011 05:33 Mogwai wrote: I would call you gay for liking coldplay but I like some of their shit too so I'll let someone else bash your taste in music :p.
also, does anyone here know how to put a delay on a stream using xsplit on own3d? I think I'm gonna post my stream to the CLG stream list, but I would like to have a little protection against ghosting in the future/for when I stream tourney games.
I'm thinking about turning all my graphic details to minimum, if I did that would I lose something that affects gameplay (maybe spell animations or something)?
On July 07 2011 06:04 petu wrote: I'm thinking about turning all my graphic details to minimum, if I did that would I lose something that affects gameplay (maybe spell animations or something)?
I play with everything on low on my macbook.
On July 07 2011 06:04 petu wrote: I'm thinking about turning all my graphic details to minimum, if I did that would I lose something that affects gameplay (maybe spell animations or something)? Everything isn't as pretty, but you are still able to see things fine still. Like cho's knockup etc.
On July 07 2011 05:35 Mogwai wrote: I was vaguely scanning around for it last night with no luck but it was also 3 AM and I was out of my mind tired, so I'll just redouble my efforts tonight, lol. i remember vodoo on hotshot's stream saying that it was more complicated than that. i think you have to do it through something other than own3d IDK.
On July 07 2011 05:33 Mogwai wrote: I would call you gay for liking coldplay but I like some of their shit too so I'll let someone else bash your taste in music :p.
also, does anyone here know how to put a delay on a stream using xsplit on own3d? I think I'm gonna post my stream to the CLG stream list, but I would like to have a little protection against ghosting in the future/for when I stream tourney games. Try
Click "Broadcast" -> "Edit channels" Add Channel, of type: XSplit.NET Click Rebroadcast, click your normal channel. Delay: 360 seconds
This should still be a proper method, its been a while for me.
Just had to queue dodge because I had aznwiseguy last pick twich and call for mid for 2 games in a row 
How does Riot unban someone like this kid. He comes back and does the same exact shit and they refuse to ban him.
On July 07 2011 06:32 Southlight wrote: He's back? Holy god. Yes. Last pick, instalock Heal Ghost Twitch, "im mid".