On July 07 2011 00:27 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 00:21 Shikyo wrote:On July 07 2011 00:18 Two_DoWn wrote:On July 07 2011 00:16 Brees wrote: so warwick nerfs incoming apparently, they are ruining my best junglers one by one, first shaco now warwick. Expect udyr to be nerfed as well or the patch after then ill have no good junglers left cept like trundle. lol gg They need to nerf q, buff his passive back up. Boom, fixed his lane, keeps jungle the same. Udyr is a bit more tricky. Prolly have to nerf the shield, buff the passive lifesteal, buff phoenix as well since that is the tank build. Ehh why would they nerf Udyr? He really isn't too good at all in comparison to many other champions. . Because max turtle sololane udyr is just as tanky as ww, but does an ass ton of damage since his q hits like a billion with no ad. And he has a stun. Less sustain, but still really powerful. And Riot has a history of nerfing champs out of roles where they feel champs dont belong: eve jungle, soon to be lane ww, ect. Of course but he's still melee without a gapcloser. We might as well nerf Nidalee and Yorick because they have lane sustain etc. Sure, Udyr is going to get freefarm solo top but his opponent might as well assuming he's ranged. And at least Nidalee can burst Udyr's turtle from lvl 6 on if he tries to get every single cs etc.
On July 07 2011 02:02 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 00:27 Two_DoWn wrote:On July 07 2011 00:21 Shikyo wrote:On July 07 2011 00:18 Two_DoWn wrote:On July 07 2011 00:16 Brees wrote: so warwick nerfs incoming apparently, they are ruining my best junglers one by one, first shaco now warwick. Expect udyr to be nerfed as well or the patch after then ill have no good junglers left cept like trundle. lol gg They need to nerf q, buff his passive back up. Boom, fixed his lane, keeps jungle the same. Udyr is a bit more tricky. Prolly have to nerf the shield, buff the passive lifesteal, buff phoenix as well since that is the tank build. Ehh why would they nerf Udyr? He really isn't too good at all in comparison to many other champions. . Because max turtle sololane udyr is just as tanky as ww, but does an ass ton of damage since his q hits like a billion with no ad. And he has a stun. Less sustain, but still really powerful. And Riot has a history of nerfing champs out of roles where they feel champs dont belong: eve jungle, soon to be lane ww, ect. Of course but he's still melee without a gapcloser. We might as well nerf Nidalee and Yorick because they have lane sustain etc. Sure, Udyr is going to get freefarm solo top but his opponent might as well assuming he's ranged. And at least Nidalee can burst Udyr's turtle from lvl 6 on if he tries to get every single cs etc. Think for a second. Why do you need a gap closer? Generally because if you dont have it, you will die before you can do damage, or because you have such a strong burst that people play so safe that you have no way to actually initiate that burst without surprising them.
Why does lanedyr need a gap closer? He can tank an absurd amount of damage with his turtle, walk right up to you, and smack you in the face with a stun and a dot before switching back to a shield and heal per hit.
On July 07 2011 02:05 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 02:02 Shikyo wrote:On July 07 2011 00:27 Two_DoWn wrote:On July 07 2011 00:21 Shikyo wrote:On July 07 2011 00:18 Two_DoWn wrote:On July 07 2011 00:16 Brees wrote: so warwick nerfs incoming apparently, they are ruining my best junglers one by one, first shaco now warwick. Expect udyr to be nerfed as well or the patch after then ill have no good junglers left cept like trundle. lol gg They need to nerf q, buff his passive back up. Boom, fixed his lane, keeps jungle the same. Udyr is a bit more tricky. Prolly have to nerf the shield, buff the passive lifesteal, buff phoenix as well since that is the tank build. Ehh why would they nerf Udyr? He really isn't too good at all in comparison to many other champions. . Because max turtle sololane udyr is just as tanky as ww, but does an ass ton of damage since his q hits like a billion with no ad. And he has a stun. Less sustain, but still really powerful. And Riot has a history of nerfing champs out of roles where they feel champs dont belong: eve jungle, soon to be lane ww, ect. Of course but he's still melee without a gapcloser. We might as well nerf Nidalee and Yorick because they have lane sustain etc. Sure, Udyr is going to get freefarm solo top but his opponent might as well assuming he's ranged. And at least Nidalee can burst Udyr's turtle from lvl 6 on if he tries to get every single cs etc. Think for a second. Why do you need a gap closer? Generally because if you dont have it, you will die before you can do damage, or because you have such a strong burst that people play so safe that you have no way to actually initiate that burst without surprising them. Why does lanedyr need a gap closer? He can tank an absurd amount of damage with his turtle, walk right up to you, and smack you in the face with a stun and a dot before switching back to a shield and heal per hit. Because teamfights and other skirmishes do occur.
We were talking lanedyr, and lanedyr is way too good in lane. Dont bring late game talk into a discussion of laning.
On July 07 2011 02:10 Two_DoWn wrote: We were talking lanedyr, and lanedyr is way too good in lane. Dont bring late game talk into a discussion of laning. So because he's way too good in lane he'll never ever join any teamfights?
Am I missing something? Why would late game capabilities factor into anyones early game being too strong and needing to be adjusted.
Seriously? So its cool if we give Leblanc her burst back because she is only single target and has a weak late game?
On July 07 2011 02:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Am I missing something? Why would late game capabilities factor into anyones early game being too strong and needing to be adjusted.
Seriously? So its cool if we give Leblanc her burst back because she is only single target and has a weak late game? Yorick is a good laner. Leblanc is a good laner.
Amazingly, many players play heroes that are far from being banned or firstpicked. In fact, many good players play heroes that a lot of lesser-skilled players think suck.
Fine, be an asshole. But dont tell me I didnt warn you when you cry about getting fucked by a lane udyr in your next ranked match when you make your typical qq post in this thread.
On July 07 2011 02:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Am I missing something? Why would late game capabilities factor into anyones early game being too strong and needing to be adjusted.
Seriously? So its cool if we give Leblanc her burst back because she is only single target and has a weak late game? If I understood correctly you think his earlygame is too strong and should be adjusted, if that's the case give him a gap closer(or anything else) so he won't be that useless later on, while adjusting his earlygame.
just because someone doesn't have a gap closer doesn't make them worthless in teamfights so you have an incredibly farmed udyr who killed / zoned his opponent in lane hard his opponent is weaker than usual in the teamfight the udyr himself built really damn tanky so the enemy team either 1) in vain tries to focus him down and loses 2) ignores him and lets him stunbot / dot their entire team, which in combination with their weaker solo top, puts them at a definite disadvantage
On July 07 2011 02:49 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 02:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Am I missing something? Why would late game capabilities factor into anyones early game being too strong and needing to be adjusted.
Seriously? So its cool if we give Leblanc her burst back because she is only single target and has a weak late game? If I understood correctly you think his earlygame is too strong and should be adjusted, if that's the case give him a gap closer(or anything else) so he won't be that useless later on, while adjusting his earlygame. Because its just his laning that is too strong. His jungle is good, but not op. So is his late game. People think he is usless without a gap closer, when he has the best peel in the entire game. Its only people who have no idea how to play who see a tanky dps and think "OMG MUST KILL ENEMY CARRY" who think udyr sucks. A free stun on anyone who gets near your carry? How is that at all bad? Why do people assume that he NEEDS to beat on an enemy carry to be useful?
All he needs is a slight adjustment so that his shield is a bit less ridiculous but his regen remains unaffected or buffed so that he can still jungle well.
On July 07 2011 02:53 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 02:49 JackDino wrote:On July 07 2011 02:33 Two_DoWn wrote: Am I missing something? Why would late game capabilities factor into anyones early game being too strong and needing to be adjusted.
Seriously? So its cool if we give Leblanc her burst back because she is only single target and has a weak late game? If I understood correctly you think his earlygame is too strong and should be adjusted, if that's the case give him a gap closer(or anything else) so he won't be that useless later on, while adjusting his earlygame. Because its just his laning that is too strong. His jungle is good, but not op. So is his late game. People think he is usless without a gap closer, when he has the best peel in the entire game. Its only people who have no idea how to play who see a tanky dps and think "OMG MUST KILL ENEMY CARRY" who think udyr sucks. A free stun on anyone who gets near your carry? How is that at all bad? Why do people assume that he NEEDS to beat on an enemy carry to be useful? All he needs is a slight adjustment so that his shield is a bit less ridiculous but his regen remains unaffected or buffed so that he can still jungle well. It's not bad but it's helluva boring, just trying to support shikyo since everyone seems to dislike him.
I dont dislike shikyo. I dislike it when ANYONE reverts to nonsensical arguments after not producing any actual evidence to back up their opinion.
In all likelihood, shikyo has never laned against an udyr, yet is trying to tell me that his laneing ability isnt far and above where it should be, when nearly every top player will agree that he is REALLY good in lane.
On July 07 2011 01:57 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 01:51 spinesheath wrote:On July 07 2011 00:16 Brees wrote: so warwick nerfs incoming apparently, they are ruining my best junglers one by one, first shaco now warwick. Expect udyr to be nerfed as well or the patch after then ill have no good junglers left cept like trundle. lol gg Calling Lanemumu FOTM into nerf now. On July 07 2011 00:54 MoonBear wrote: Riot hates anything that lets you sustain in lane. They consider it bad from a design perspective. It's why everything with a heal is currently on target for nerfs/remakes. Heals in their opinion should be a clutch singular move you use as a game-changing maneuver instead of something you can just spam.
In other words, abuse Jungler in lane as much as you can while you still can! Udyr/Noc solo top FOTM, calling it now. (Udyr Q first with AD Runes stacking Dorans is pretty beastly from what I've seen. Adding Turtle stance is nuts.) WHAT? Let's see, current champ releases... Yorick: Lifesteal, spammable Lee Sin: Lifesteal, spammable Nocturne: Lifesteal, passive Maokai: Heal, passive Karma: Heal Renekton: Lifesteal, spammable Trundle: Heal, passive Irelia: TWO Heals, passive and spammable Swain: HP + Mana Heal, VERY spammable Sona: Heal, spammable The ONLY recent champ releases (looking at the last 19) that don't have insane sustainability due to one reason or another are LeBlanc, Cassiopeia and Vayne. Brand Orianna Jarvan Caitlyn Lux? Rumble, technically, though in practice his post-Revolver sustain is retardedly good. Brand Orianna Caitlynn and Lux all have enough range to stay in lane pretty much without any problems. Some of them also have shields. Jarvan and Rumble have Shields and good base stats.
On July 06 2011 23:46 Two_DoWn wrote: What is the build on Lee Sin now that 2x tempest is gone?
Bam 1st post on 1k. God I'm good.
jungle or lane?
Out of curiosity, what does Kayle do that owns Lanewick solo top? I've never actually seen this matchup happen in one of my games.
On July 07 2011 03:12 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +On July 06 2011 23:46 Two_DoWn wrote: What is the build on Lee Sin now that 2x tempest is gone?
Bam 1st post on 1k. God I'm good. jungle or lane? In the jungle.
On July 07 2011 03:14 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 07 2011 03:12 UniversalSnip wrote:On July 06 2011 23:46 Two_DoWn wrote: What is the build on Lee Sin now that 2x tempest is gone?
Bam 1st post on 1k. God I'm good. jungle or lane? In the jungle.
Coming from jungle I build him as a tanky disabler. Wriggles, mallet, little more tankiness, last whisper, full tank from there on out. In lane you have a lot more farm so I'd probably build a bit more dpsy.
On July 07 2011 03:13 arnath wrote: Out of curiosity, what does Kayle do that owns Lanewick solo top? I've never actually seen this matchup happen in one of my games.
Her q is a longer range so she will never be q'd back while doing 1/4 of ww's life per q, and it slows so she can always kite besides that fact with e. His only way to kill someone is damage over time with q's then r->q->ignite but kayle can just ult so she should never die to him if they play right. She also has a heal, although minor, which can help in lane, although that's a minor factor.