Variant: The same card comes up in the first move.
Hearthstone QQ Therapy - Page 132
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Germany130 Posts
Variant: The same card comes up in the first move. | ||
Macedonia13017 Posts
Sucks when oponent drops 2 minions at turn one when you have card to play on turn 3 | ||
Netherlands4989 Posts
Hits Armani, sweet, hits it again, oh shi, hits it again ... I remember why I refused to play Mad Bomber again. | ||
Canada595 Posts
they take the maximum amount of time every fucking turn but they're laying down cards. it's like they can't quite work out how their script works or that they're just genuinely clueless as to where the end turn button is. either way, these fucking retards are ruining my after work entertainment. thankfully i still beat this guy to a pulp. | ||
Australia14949 Posts
On March 11 2014 07:08 ballasdontcry wrote: i swear i run into these people that are testing bot scripts or something. they take the maximum amount of time every fucking turn but they're laying down cards. it's like they can't quite work out how their script works or that they're just genuinely clueless as to where the end turn button is. either way, these fucking retards are ruining my after work entertainment. thankfully i still beat this guy to a pulp. the worst is when you lose to them...=[ | ||
Canada595 Posts
i almost did actually... lol good thing he Mind Controlled my 9/4 taunt Molten Giant and i just happened to have a Shadow Bolt in my hand, and I had a 2/x and 3/x on the field along with a Soulfire. Of course he had 10hp left, I had 7. gg. Despite having 2 of my giants Shadow Word: Death'd in the previous few turns. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Philippines4431 Posts
Why have I never thought of maining Warlock instead ![]() | ||
United States3584 Posts
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On March 10 2014 15:00 Nyrr wrote: Actually, it should be even smaller when you look at it from the start I think. First, we have Rag missing, this has a chance of 1/2. Then, Avenging Wrath goes crazy; hitting Rag 8 times results in a chance of 1/2^8 or 1/256. But then, we have the Avenging Wrath going for the face eight times, not hitting any minions at all. Considering there were three on the board, this was a chance of 1/4^8 which equals to 1/65536 from the top of my head. So, we have: 1/2 * 1/256 * 1/65536 = 1/2^25 = 1/33554432 (whew, luckily I knew that one in advance). I'll leave it up to the reader to calculate this percentage because I can't do it in the train. So the mathematician in me highly doubts the story; it is an incredible one for sure. But it's a QQ thread so who cares. Ah, good of you to calculate everything. I only meant to say that the implausibility of all 8 Avenging Wrath shots hitting Rag was 1/256 but apparently failed to do so. Serejai has a lot of QQ stories--his luck may be worse than mine. | ||
On March 11 2014 09:41 krndandaman wrote: this guy had the godliest arena deck ever. it was pretty much a constructed priest deck and it was against my decent hunter draft too ![]() god damn that deck was amazing. wish I could see the full decklist and post it here. edit: lol next game 1 hp vs 1 hp loss What were the cards you saw? Was it basically a constructed-worthy deck... which for Priests would give it a ton of early game removal with strong minions like Yeti and then lategame powerhouses with Rag, Ysera, etc? | ||
122 Posts
Turn 2 I coin innervate Venture Co. Mercenary. Response: Aldor Peacekeeper. Okay, no biggie I think to myself. I'll just suicide my Mercenary on the Peacekeeper over the next two turns and then I can play minions again. Even if he plays a Tazdingo my guy will still die in two turns. His response? Mogu'shan Warden. Instaconcede. | ||
Macedonia13017 Posts
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United States2145 Posts
On March 11 2014 03:03 Saechiis wrote: Finally after a long time I tried to play Mad Bomber again in an enrage deck. I have an Acolyte and an Amani Berseker on the board, my opponent has a 5 health taunted minion and a defender of argus. I have a doomhammer equipped but I can't take the damage, so I'm forced to run my acolyte in to draw a card, I get Mad Bomber. Sweet, I think and I play my Spiiteful Smith and then Bomber. I'm out of trouble when it enrages either my Smith or my Armani. Hits Armani, sweet, hits it again, oh shi, hits it again ... I remember why I refused to play Mad Bomber again. Do you have Wild Pyromancer in the deck? He's pretty badass with enrage/damage triggers. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States2393 Posts
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Latvia73 Posts
On March 11 2014 00:07 Rahlekk wrote: Been playing since early BETA and the only Legendarys I've gotten have been Tirion (Kept), Millhouse Manastorm (Turned into dust, this card sucks), and Harrison Jones (Dust fodder, not that good either). How am I supposed to climb the ladder without cards like Ragnaros and Sylvannas? I've already spent aroun $50 on packs, not to mention packs gained from Arena/Gold purchases. I play priest and managed to get to ~10 with relatively only one legendary (that being black knight) and i play semi-control priest. | ||
United Kingdom948 Posts
On March 12 2014 19:07 Simsons2 wrote: I play priest and managed to get to ~10 with relatively only one legendary (that being black knight) and i play semi-control priest. To be fair Era style priest deck doesn't require any legends to work well. A standard control Priest requires legends to get into legendary but most decks with a good player/deck basis can work up to rank 7. | ||
Slovakia529 Posts
After my hero portrait blows up, I get the "Your connection timed out" message. Wow, THANKS. | ||
Netherlands281 Posts
opponent topdecks savage roar while having force of nature in hand. the 3/1 acolyte was just enough for lethal. | ||
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