On March 09 2014 19:54 flamewheel wrote:Show nested quote +On March 09 2014 06:03 Serejai wrote: Rag on board. Opponent has 8 HP left and a 1/1 on board. Rag hits the 1/1.
Next turn he drops Avenging Wrath, all 8 hit Rag.
Some more bullshit for a few turns.
Game ends with me having three minions on the board. Avenging Wrath again, all 8 to my face to kill me.
Who do I have to sleep with to get RNG like this? Because all of my opponents seem to have it. The implausibility of this is ludicrous. 1 out of 256 scenarios occurred with 0.4% chance. Actually, it should be even smaller when you look at it from the start I think. First, we have Rag missing, this has a chance of 1/2. Then, Avenging Wrath goes crazy; hitting Rag 8 times results in a chance of 1/2^8 or 1/256. But then, we have the Avenging Wrath going for the face eight times, not hitting any minions at all. Considering there were three on the board, this was a chance of 1/4^8 which equals to 1/65536 from the top of my head. So, we have:
1/2 * 1/256 * 1/65536 = 1/2^25 = 1/33554432 (whew, luckily I knew that one in advance). I'll leave it up to the reader to calculate this percentage because I can't do it in the train.
So the mathematician in me highly doubts the story; it is an incredible one for sure. But it's a QQ thread so who cares.
28079 Posts
I'm just terrible at this game, and I don't foresee getting any better
Not really related to gameplay itself, but just a QQ/question.
Rank 10 using trump's deck vs an aggro hunter. Had a decent starting hand with mana wyrm, amani beserker. I basically get into a situation where the enemy gets my beserker and wyrm to 2 hp. Enemy places the obvious explosive trap. I don't have a large drop minion to play and I'm reluctant to activate the trap. So I begin to burn the hunter down starting with a fireball. Enemy spams thanks. Subsequent turns, enemy just hero powers. I still don't draw a large drop minion so I place sunfury in-between the 2 minions. Board remains status quo and I'm spamming spells until I get a more threatening big minion. It basically gets to like turn 6, I'm at a higher hp than the enemy. Enemy basically drops hounds and 2 blue gills to break the wall and hit the face. When I finally get a yeti, I activate the trap and am down to 10 hp. I lose the next turn with the enemy at 18 hp. I don't take the loss badly at all.
Of course, the enemy sends a friend request. Enemy starts off with, "lol." I just "gg." Enemy says, "You have got to be the weakest opponent yet." He then goes on to say,"Oh, you can't just leave a secret on for 8 turns." Well, I just said maybe and the convo ends.
My QQ is why do people even bother with such stuff. Yes, you've won, it's fine, I know how the deck works and I run it too. But seriously, why criticise the opponent who didn't do anything to piss you off: plus, the enemy doesn't even know my hand or know why I didn't activate the trap. Just immediately concludes that I'm the worst player he's met. Really annoying to hear something like that.
Granted, I don't know how the game would have turned out had I activated the trap earlier but I still think people should just be more gracious, open their minds and think for a moment before taunting someone who did nothing to annoy you. It's nice to rub your "greater knowledge" all around. But then again, what was I expecting from the Internet and I'm taking this too seriously. Haha, that's the last time I'm accepting a random friend request.
Had the most abyssmal loss in arena the other day. Im against a priest and i have a pretty big board. Including a stormwind champion, water elemental and some other random smaller minions i dont remember. He has no board at all. Since its a priest im not worried about any aoe clears. I'm in topdeck mode, but i feel okay as im so ahead on board.
Then he drops a goddamned Deathwing. Literally the 1 card available to him in the entire game that could swing the game back in his favorl. Which is a legendary. I got mad, went on tilt and watched my deck go 1-3.
Opened like 100 earned packs (over my hearthstone career) and haven't gotten a legendary from them. Yet when I buy some packs I get several.
Tin foil hat firmly on. Total bs.
On March 10 2014 19:36 Nekovivie wrote: Opened like 100 earned packs (over my hearthstone career) and haven't gotten a legendary from them. Yet when I buy some packs I get several.
Tin foil hat firmly on. Total bs.
totally agree, there is some bullshit going on.
I have 280 arena wins or so, giving me a friendly 4 - 3 average, that's 70 packs. From those, I got a Baron Geddon and a Malygos.
Then I decide to play more constructed, and I buy 7 packs with my constructed gold: Black Knight, Cenarius and Al'Akir. WTF?
Ragnaros is too strong. It's literally the best card in the game. Fucked up an arena run I had when a mage played it. I was 11 wins going on 12.
On March 10 2014 20:19 jrkirby wrote: Ragnaros is too strong. It's literally the best card in the game. Fucked up an arena run I had when a mage played it. I was 11 wins going on 12.
Maybe in arena, in constructed he's easy to play around similar to Cairne Ysera and Leeroy. You know the turns they come down and you know what you've got in your deck to deal with them.
vs priest in arena, had a ultra advantage on board control and ready to finish him the next turn, he activated his 3rd holy nova fuck him.Mind you its turn 7 with 3 holynova in a row.
and time for some QQ:
The last five Yseras that were played against me, I killed them all the very next turn, four of them drew a Ysera Awakens.
Wow more qq for me in such a short time. Vs mage as druid in arena. Got him down to 11 hp before his turn 7, could have gotten him down to 7 hp but didn't want to push it. Have a druid of claw with the 2/2 taunt spell in hand but didn't want to aim directly for head, fearing a taunt. I play safe and clear the board a bit. Went downhill from there as pretty much a violet teacher owned me. 3 flamestrikes, 1 cone of cold, 2 fireballs, 1 poly, venture co. Seriously, someone who picks 3 flamestrikes (may have had more) really should just lose in the early game. Much skill involved. Plus had 10 cards left and didn't draw any of my 2 swipes. Fml.
On a sidenote, I am finally noticing an insane ratio of mages to other classes, I thought people were exaggerating .
hunter: no skill FOTM horseshit. truly nauseating.
Been playing since early BETA and the only Legendarys I've gotten have been Tirion (Kept), Millhouse Manastorm (Turned into dust, this card sucks), and Harrison Jones (Dust fodder, not that good either).
How am I supposed to climb the ladder without cards like Ragnaros and Sylvannas? I've already spent aroun $50 on packs, not to mention packs gained from Arena/Gold purchases.
Draft 4 Truesilvers in Arena.
Go 5-0.
Feeling pretty good.
Next 3 games, draw 20 cards in my deck, don't see a single Truesilver. Lose each game because I can't ever establish board control thanks to zero weapons showing up.
In the final loss, to end 5-3, I drew 24 cards without seeing a Truesilver.
On March 11 2014 00:07 Rahlekk wrote: Been playing since early BETA and the only Legendarys I've gotten have been Tirion (Kept), Millhouse Manastorm (Crafted, this card sucks), and Harrison Jones (Crafted, not that good either).
How am I supposed to climb the ladder without cards like Ragnaros and Sylvannas? I've already spent aroun $50 on packs, not to mention packs gained from Arena/Gold purchases. Two things: why craft such abysmal cards? And two, check out Trump's free mage deck. Got him to Legend!
On March 11 2014 00:25 Mortal wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 00:07 Rahlekk wrote: Been playing since early BETA and the only Legendarys I've gotten have been Tirion (Kept), Millhouse Manastorm (Crafted, this card sucks), and Harrison Jones (Crafted, not that good either).
How am I supposed to climb the ladder without cards like Ragnaros and Sylvannas? I've already spent aroun $50 on packs, not to mention packs gained from Arena/Gold purchases. Two things: why craft such abysmal cards? And two, check out Trump's free mage deck. Got him to Legend!
I meant that I got those cards from packs and then made them into dust, I didn't actually craft those cards. 
And I hate mage. ;D
Ah gotcha.
If you hate mage, try making a deck of the same accord for another class. It's an extremely simple deck, so you shouldn't have much difficulty recreating it for another class (missing things like Fireball, Frostbolt, and Flamestrike may suck, but it's manageable).
Most of what I do is try to follow the decks that we see on the forums, like Kyouki's Paladin, the Handlock, etc., and try my best to substitute other cards for Legendaries, but it never seems to cut it.
I can do great up to around 8 mana, but there's just nothing that I ever have in my decks that beats Ragnaros or Ysera plays. (Usually) It just sucks when I'm doing great and then, BAM, they play a Legendary and my tempo just get destroyed.
I guess it's just my luck, maybe I'll get another Legendary that's actually useful soon, because I only have about 200 dust anyways.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but you could be playing improperly. Trump managed to get Legend w/o a single Legendary and only 1 epic after a while (Faceless). If you play smart, you can get a lot further than you think (see Reynad's decks, Trump, Kungen).
On March 11 2014 00:49 Mortal wrote: I don't mean to sound harsh, but you could be playing improperly. Trump managed to get Legend w/o a single Legendary and only 1 epic after a while (Faceless). If you play smart, you can get a lot further than you think (see Reynad's decks, Trump, Kungen).
No doubt, I've done some really stupid shit. Yesterday, I'm trying out this Rogue deck I made, and have Dire Wolf Alpha with two minions on either side, and I play conceal before I attack. It was a miracle I won the game, if I had attacked first I would've definitely won, because he used a cone of cold the next turn.
I suppose I just need to play the game more, I know that I can play around legendaries. We'll see. I'll probably post another QQ after some games.