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On July 30 2014 03:16 ForTehDarkseid wrote: >EU sanctions on Russia
Looks like a double-edged sword, at least for now. Don't really know how to react to this, but I am not on Ukrainian side, that's for sure.
On which side are you on ?
on the side "plz end this shit already that's embarrasing for all other countries to watch".
The sad truth is that Ukrainan government forces and social representatives failed so many times I don't care what happens with them anymore.
@radiatoren, 98 vs 90 millions loses prognosed by both sides. Is it really worth it? Some European countires could enter stage of economic recession for that.
The 90 billions in prognose is based on predicted russian retaliations if you read the text in your source. When that is said, another primary effect is not direct economic damage, but travel bans and targeted sanctions. As I said it is a trade dispute. The dispute relates to Eurasian Economic Union vs EU Free Trade Agreement. Ukraine is in the midst of it, but the situation between Russia and EU has evolved over several years.
So this thread transformed into Ukraine crisis thread with 90% of BS talk about Russia etc. Apparently Russia invaded Georgia couple years ago Please don't try to point out it's an exception because I can easily bring more BS media vids from same channel from recent military conflicts - actually each and every one of them!
'I saw it with my own eyes' - no pictures/vids or facts required to prove it before airing this crap because it sounds good and that is all that matters...
On July 30 2014 06:05 Hazzyboy wrote: So this thread transformed into Ukraine crisis thread with 90% of BS talk about Russia etc. Apparently Russia invaded Georgia couple years ago Please don't try to point out it's an exception because I can easily bring more BS media vids from same channel from recent military conflict - actually each and every one of them!
'I saw it with my own eyes' - no pictures/vids or facts required to prove it before airing this crap because it sounds good and that is all that matters...
Can you post those BS videos then? and please tell me where anyone said bs about russia on this thread? if you can't jjust kindly go away and let us debate like grown men.
President Obama announced expanded sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, just hours after the European Union imposed its most sweeping measures yet penalizing Moscow for its role in supporting separatists in neighboring Ukraine.
The latest American actions took aim at more Russian banks and a large defense firm, but they also went further than past moves by blocking future technology sales to Russia’s lucrative oil industry in an effort to inhibit its ability to develop future resources. The measures were meant to largely match those unveiled earlier in the day in Europe. Read the rest here.
On July 30 2014 06:05 Hazzyboy wrote: So this thread transformed into Ukraine crisis thread with 90% of BS talk about Russia etc. Apparently Russia invaded Georgia couple years ago Please don't try to point out it's an exception because I can easily bring more BS media vids from same channel from recent military conflicts - actually each and every one of them!
'I saw it with my own eyes' - no pictures/vids or facts required to prove it before airing this crap because it sounds good and that is all that matters...
Also the argument "Your country's government also invades sovereign nations, and your country's media also runs shitty stories" isn't much of an argument. We have a saying in the US;"two wrongs do not make a right"
On July 30 2014 06:05 Hazzyboy wrote: So this thread transformed into Ukraine crisis thread with 90% of BS talk about Russia etc. Apparently Russia invaded Georgia couple years ago Please don't try to point out it's an exception because I can easily bring more BS media vids from same channel from recent military conflicts - actually each and every one of them!
'I saw it with my own eyes' - no pictures/vids or facts required to prove it before airing this crap because it sounds good and that is all that matters...
Also the argument "Your country's government also invades sovereign nations, and your country's media also runs shitty stories" isn't much of an argument. We have a saying in the US;"two wrongs do not make a right"
Noticed by absolutely no-one, Canada also sanctioned Russia, for the 11th time in fact
Canada's prime minister on Tuesday announced more sanctions against Russia, after the EU and US rolled new measures targeting Russia's economy for its support for rebels in Ukraine.
It will mark the 11th round of sanctions imposed by Canada against Russia since March, targeting until recently mostly individuals and companies with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Source.
As a side note, Canada's total trade with Russia is just barely a bit more in total value than Estonia's trade with Russia.
On July 30 2014 06:05 Hazzyboy wrote: So this thread transformed into Ukraine crisis thread with 90% of BS talk about Russia etc. Apparently Russia invaded Georgia couple years ago Please don't try to point out it's an exception because I can easily bring more BS media vids from same channel from recent military conflicts - actually each and every one of them!
'I saw it with my own eyes' - no pictures/vids or facts required to prove it before airing this crap because it sounds good and that is all that matters...
Also the argument "Your country's government also invades sovereign nations, and your country's media also runs shitty stories" isn't much of an argument. We have a saying in the US;"two wrongs do not make a right"
In the US eh? Wow talk about being condescending.
Yea, that was London magazine originally wasn't it? =P
Because Flight 17 fell in a war zone —across farm fields and homes near where pro-Russia separatists are fighting the Ukraine government — control of the wreckage has been chaotic, and the comparatively sanitized photos typically released by aviation safety officials have been replaced by thousands of images distributed across wire services and social media.
Mapping that wreckage is intended to illustrate how Flight 17 may have come down and the geographical challenges of conducting an investigation in a war zone.
Canada's prime minister on Tuesday announced more sanctions against Russia, after the EU and US rolled new measures targeting Russia's economy for its support for rebels in Ukraine.
It will mark the 11th round of sanctions imposed by Canada against Russia since March, targeting until recently mostly individuals and companies with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Source.
As a side note, Canada's total trade with Russia is just barely a bit more in total value than Estonia's trade with Russia.
Well. It WAS noticed by you But yeah, Harper has been handing out those things for awhile, but we're such a two bit player and most of our trade is either USA or Asian focused. He's been trying to work out more trade deals in Europe, but it doesn't surprise me at all that our trade with Russia equals that of Estonia. Chuckin' pebbles, yo!
According to a poll conducted by the Levada Centre, an independent Russian research organisation, 82% of Russians surveyed blame Ukrainian forces for downing the plane. Of 1,501 respondents surveyed in Russia's six biggest cities, 46% said they believed a Ukrainian surface-to-air missile was responsible, and 36% said a Ukrainian warplane had shot it down. Only 3% believe the rebels in eastern Ukraine were responsible for shooting down the plane. Sixteen per cent said they didn't know. Levada said respondents were allowed to give multiple reasons, but the majority picked one answer.
International observers turned back Wednesday after making another attempt to reach the site where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed in eastern Ukraine, and a government official said the area near the zone had been mined by pro-Russian separatists who control it.
On July 31 2014 00:38 Falling wrote: Well. It WAS noticed by you But yeah, Harper has been handing out those things for awhile, but we're such a two bit player and most of our trade is either USA or Asian focused. He's been trying to work out more trade deals in Europe, but it doesn't surprise me at all that our trade with Russia equals that of Estonia. Chuckin' pebbles, yo!
Our main exports are pretty much the same as theirs. Russian dignitaries will definitely miss our sunny beaches, though.
if such a deal exists and goes trough, Europe is simply fucked, Germany pretty much supports the partition of Ukraine. NOt a chance in hell.
edit: That and I'm sure the Ukrainians, certain parts of Europe would love to be reminded of the time when Germany and Russia decided it was up to them on how things should be run.
Apart from the obvious parts of the independent "knowing" alot of the "secret stuff between germany and russia, according to (quote) "sources" being a bit.. optimistic: feel free to explain where that deal would be so incredibly outragreous? Crimea is gone either way. The ukraine will NOT get that back. They can try, forcing a war with russia, but they will lose more (or get wiped of the map completely). There's no way the EU/UN whatever can force russia to give crimea back either. So, let's be clear: crimea will not be a part of ukraine again.
So, again. What's so shocking?
if such a deal exists and goes trough, Europe is simply fucked, Germany pretty much supports the partition of Ukraine. NOt a chance in hell.
edit: That and I'm sure the Ukrainians, certain parts of Europe would love to be reminded of the time when Germany and Russia decided it was up to them on how things should be run.
Europe simply fucked, because one out of how many countries in europe actually tries to get somewhere? It's not like any other country (including and especially the US) has put anything even remotely solution-like on the table. To criticise an alleged(!) deal even though it actually is ukraines best chance by far so far makes people look extremely dumb, sorry. Especially the part where it gets compared to the molotov-ribbentrop-pact.
As long as there are no details whatsoever official, it's moot to discuss something like that anyway - but to disregard it completely just because "europe would love to be reminded of the times when russia and germany ran the show" is blatantly stupid.
edit: as a sidenote, i always was and will be for ukraine, rather than russia. But sometimes you have to make the best out of your situation, beggars can't be choosers (if the whole thing actually is real anyway).
To be honest the first thing I thought was "is this Molotov-Rippentrop 2.0?" I hope this is just misinformation, because if they're going to screw the Ukraine over with that backdoor deal I'll be pretty ashamed : (