On October 15 2012 08:40 nitram wrote: Now we have a pretty girl thats a dirty drug abusing slut that kills herself and its national news.
Fuck, teenagers are dumb, too.
You shouldn't get to riled up. Mentioned it on the first page (or second) of this thread. Many kids/teens are simply assholes, you won't talk sense into them. They either learn through age or from being on the wrong end of some bully stuff and in some cases never. That's just how it is, although I don't know about the reasons... Reading this thread basically is a pretty clear example..
I can't help it. The fact that there is essentially a piece of child-porn in this thread (I don't care if there's little dots on it) disguised as 'a talking point' is fucking disgusting.
Again, where are the mods?
Let's be real. The picture isn't what's important to you. You just don't want evidence to undermine the victim narrative that white knights like you depend on. You don't have an answer to the actual content expressed by the picture, so of course you resort to censorship to undermine the discussion. God forbid that people don't feel sympathy for a pretty white girl, regardless of the circumstances.
On October 15 2012 09:13 Xiphos wrote: No to ALL high school out there: please choose your path correctly to what kind of person you want to end up. Study hard in school, join up a sport club. You want to gain as much smart and fitness as possible before entering the workforce. You NEVER know if you will end up using knowledge you learn even the in Middle School years for your tool as survival. You have to always constantly thinking about how the current action you are taking are affecting your life in a positive way. There are people who do well in High School and have gotten entrance in Ivy Leagues and basically their life are set. They are other people who don't put emphasis on their work and end up taking couple of extra years and will be far behind in the competition with their peers and regretted for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. But however if you find yourself extremely gifted in one specific sports of hobby, by all means, CHASE THAT DREAM OF YOURS. And even though the thing you do at the time might not be popular, you may just end up like LYH, to forever cement your name in the history book as the one that started the industry.
Don't be a bum, don't be a slut. Don't just cruise your way with drugs, drinking, and smoking.
There's nothing wrong with being a slut. Just be a safe slut, and responsibly protect yourself from those who target sluts.
I'm being entirely honest. The last thing I want to see when I come to TL is the topless pic of a thirteen year old that lead to the constant bullying and harassment that drove her into suicidal depression. The same 'points' could have been made with a different photo.
Is ther something I should know about you sunprince? Do you think that photo is defensible? Interesting? Some how adds to the discussion?
The photo is part of what makes the image effective in demonstrating the double standard. There are less controversial photos which could have been used, but the photo itself isn't child pornography (the depiction of sexually explicit activities involving a child). Regardless, my actual point was to call out the disingenuous argument being advanced (something I do often here on TL).
On October 15 2012 09:45 Defacer wrote: Note to high school: someone acting slutty isn't enough of a reason to hate or ostracize them. Over the next 15 or so years youre going to meet a lot of sluts. Some of them are mean, some of them are nice. You don't have to like them, but you don't have to actively hate or resent them either.
Yep, it's important to call out irresponsible behavior like giving out your personal information to the Internet, but there's nothing wrong with sluts and slut-shaming is lame.
On October 15 2012 10:00 Xiphos wrote: No couple of years back, trust me in the time of middle school, girls were fucking smart back then. They knew exactly the consequences of displaying your body on the internet is a big no no. We had groups and groups of people coming in to tell us how does internet work and the result of putting one files out there could be widespread.
Flashforward some years, teens are much more knowledgeable to these type of information because their older siblings, peers and medias have all insinuated it and no way they could escape from the power of peer to peer conversations on the topic. Just on the subway a year ago, I've seen 12 years old taking pictures of themselves there with one of them saying "Hey delete that picture, I don't want it to go over the internet." When I was 12, I was playing with Beyblades and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Kids these days are astute as ever. We may be living in the most technological savvy generation of all time.
While true to some aspects, the playing field has changed, as it always will. It's harder for parents these days, because they use their experience in their youths to pass down their values to their kids. Values will always be the same, but the situations will never be. Hard for some parents to understand that. A good parent is not always about having their kids keep out of trouble, it's also about helping and solving the problem when it happens.
I come from an asian upbringing, and my friends from highschool were also asian. They kept out of trouble for the most part of their youth in school, but when they became adults and experienced an adult life... man... it was hell giving them advice when things don't go their way. I wasn't as fortunate as they were growing up, and I had a lot of problems and issues come up in my life, but I learned to deal and solve them. Even though I didn't experience exactly what they went through, I just told them on how their mentality and whatever values they have to themselves to get by their own issues. Be humble enough to know what just because whatever works for you, does not work for others, and that goes by values too.
Teens don't really have the patience to absorb and learn this from their parents. They tend to go out there and make their own mistakes and try to solve whatever issues and problems they have on their own. Not every teen does this, but you can be sure that there are those individuals that do. I watched my parents struggling trying to raise my older siblings, because they came from a third world country trying to raise kids in America. My siblings might have the same values in some aspects of life as my parents, but their environment is totally different. Just dealing with it took a toll on my family. I'm sure even in a different household, different family, everyone has their own issues and ways to deal with their youth back then and today. I'm just telling people to be more aware of what teens do nowadays, because using your own experience to understand someone's elses will be a challenge.
On October 15 2012 10:10 zbedlam wrote: The white knights are out in force in this thread.
She didn't deserve to die by any means, but how is this on the news?
Not sure why you're not also mentioning how the opposite is true. Just as how there are people blindly defending her, there are also people blindly attacking her. Some neutrality would be nice.
There are lots of random possible reasons how this could get on the news. Does it mean it's more newsworthy than some other story? Not necessarily but you don't have to be a negative nancy about it like it's some conspiracy or reflection of societal views.
On October 15 2012 09:13 Xiphos wrote: No to ALL high school out there: please choose your path correctly to what kind of person you want to end up. Study hard in school, join up a sport club. You want to gain as much smart and fitness as possible before entering the workforce. You NEVER know if you will end up using knowledge you learn even the in Middle School years for your tool as survival. You have to always constantly thinking about how the current action you are taking are affecting your life in a positive way. There are people who do well in High School and have gotten entrance in Ivy Leagues and basically their life are set. They are other people who don't put emphasis on their work and end up taking couple of extra years and will be far behind in the competition with their peers and regretted for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. But however if you find yourself extremely gifted in one specific sports of hobby, by all means, CHASE THAT DREAM OF YOURS. And even though the thing you do at the time might not be popular, you may just end up like LYH, to forever cement your name in the history book as the one that started the industry.
Don't be a bum, don't be a slut. Don't just cruise your way with drugs, drinking, and smoking.
There's nothing wrong with being a slut. Just be a safe slut, and responsibly protect yourself from those who target sluts.
No, being a slut, you effectively increase your chance of getting impregnated by anyone. Could be a totally stranger at XX's drunk party or it could be someone whom you thought would be your one-in-a-million prince charming. And getting yourself in that situation yearn sever consequences to put a halt on your goals and future. So unless that your plan is to ultimately getting implemented with seeds, don't be one.
Part of being safe is properly utilizing birth control. You're not one of those religious/social conservatives who believes in abstience until marriage, are you?
On October 15 2012 09:37 Xiphos wrote: Safe slut don't exist, someone could easily poke a hole in a condom and would ruin your life.
"Safe drinking doesn't exist, someeone could easily put drugs in your drink and ruin your life."
Do you see why your "logic" is ridiculous?
I'm fairly sure the actual problem with being a slut is the social attitude and irresponsibility that comes with it, rarely is anyone responsible with their relationships or themselves if they adopt that attitude. But it's a personal issue not inherent to being promiscuous or sexually active.
Yeah, there are potentially negative things correlated with being a slut, but there's nothing wrong with being a slut per se.
Just like the are potentially negative things correlated with being a gamer (out of shape, obsessive, undersexed, immature), but there's nothing wrong with being a gamer per se.
LOL obviously someone isn't very familiar with the media paparazis. There are so many cases where a sex scandal video tapes of some female celebrity went viral and they got scrutinized all over the place and got people following them to the edge of the planet to hear the TMZ of her story.
We live in a very cruel environment, deal with it. Just from the reaction of the the people saying that she is an angel and would be there for her only after the incident have occurred. She posted up that video of herself that she is indeed planning to go suicidal, where were you back then? Why didn't you go up to her yourself and attempt to repair things? Why didn't hire psychiatrist or lock her up in rehab for depression treatment?
For god's sake, she have stated that she was drinking bleach. Isn't that enough to get your attention? But no, only after she have done it, people decided to 'feel' for her. In one way or another, EVERY single one of people who knew her and didn't help is responsible for her decision and should ALL be condemned.
Another thing, go over to Fb over her memorum board and check out every single comment there is on there. About 85% of them all states that "Aww she was a beautiful girl.", "So sad to see such a cute girl go."
She wouldn't get nearly as attention if her appearance wasn't above average. This is why the world is so wrong. Its because of the superficiality exhibited by the people. Those people who mourn for her death because of her beauty are even worse than the one putting 100% blame on her.
The question is why don't you treat her just like any other suicidal teens and mourn for her?
On October 15 2012 10:20 Xiphos wrote: LOL obviously someone isn't very familiar with the media paparazis. There are so many cases where a sex scandal video tapes of some female celebrity went viral and they got scrutinized all over the place and got people following them to the edge of the planet to hear the TMZ of her story.
We live in a very cruel environment, deal with it. Just from the reaction of the the people saying that she is an angel and would be there for her only after the incident have occurred. She posted up that video of herself that she is indeed planning to go suicidal, where were you back then? Why didn't you go up to her yourself and attempt to repair things? Why didn't hire psychiatrist or lock her up in rehab for depression treatment?
For god's sake, she have stated that she was drinking bleach. Isn't that enough to get your attention? But no, only after she have done it, people decided to 'feel' for her. In one way or another, EVERY single one of people who knew her and didn't help is responsible for her decision and should ALL be condemned.
Another thing, go over to Fb over her memorum board and check out every single comment there is on there. About 85% of them all states that "Aww she was a beautiful girl.", "So sad to see such a cute girl go."
She wouldn't get nearly as attention if her appearance wasn't above average. This is why the world is so wrong. Its because of the superficiality exhibited by the people. Those people who mourn for her death because of her beauty are even worse than the one putting 100% blame on her.
The question is why don't you treat her just like any other suicidal teens and mourn for her?
You could probably dedicate your life to every attention seeking teenager that cuts him/herself. Too many of them and honestly within a month or so everyone has forgotten about her and there will be another poor girl that was mentally unstable and killed herself. All that will be left is grieving parents that may never get over the shit their selfish daughter pulled.
On October 15 2012 10:20 Xiphos wrote: LOL obviously someone isn't very familiar with the media paparazis. There are so many cases where a sex scandal video tapes of some female celebrity went viral and they got scrutinized all over the place and got people following them to the edge of the planet to hear the TMZ of her story.
We live in a very cruel environment, deal with it. Just from the reaction of the the people saying that she is an angel and would be there for her only after the incident have occurred. She posted up that video of herself that she is indeed planning to go suicidal, where were you back then? Why didn't you go up to her yourself and attempt to repair things? Why didn't hire psychiatrist or lock her up in rehab for depression treatment?
For god's sake, she have stated that she was drinking bleach. Isn't that enough to get your attention? But no, only after she have done it, people decided to 'feel' for her. In one way or another, EVERY single one of people who knew her and didn't help is responsible for her decision and should ALL be condemned.
Another thing, go over to Fb over her memorum board and check out every single comment there is on there. About 85% of them all states that "Aww she was a beautiful girl.", "So sad to see such a cute girl go."
She wouldn't get nearly as attention if her appearance wasn't above average. This is why the world is so wrong. Its because of the superficiality exhibited by the people. Those people who mourn for her death because of her beauty are even worse than the one putting 100% blame on her.
The question is why don't you treat her just like any other suicidal teens and mourn for her?
That's because most people try to improve the world or their surroundings other than improving on themselves. People like to think that they are perfect or flawless, but in reality, you can only do so much to help yourself and those around you. Can't help out everyone in the world, so you can't know about it or do so much except give your say. Nothing wrong in thinking like this, but it is not selfish to think and work on yourself first than help the world. If you cannot help or improve yourself, then why consider helping the world when you need the help? Yes, we don't live in an ideal world, but there's nothing wrong in working towards your ideal life no matter what gets thrown at you.
On October 15 2012 08:40 nitram wrote: Now we have a pretty girl thats a dirty drug abusing slut that kills herself and its national news.
Fuck, teenagers are dumb, too.
You shouldn't get to riled up. Mentioned it on the first page (or second) of this thread. Many kids/teens are simply assholes, you won't talk sense into them. They either learn through age or from being on the wrong end of some bully stuff and in some cases never. That's just how it is, although I don't know about the reasons... Reading this thread basically is a pretty clear example..
I can't help it. The fact that there is essentially a piece of child-porn in this thread (I don't care if there's little dots on it) disguised as 'a talking point' is fucking disgusting.
Again, where are the mods?
Let's be real. The picture isn't what's important to you. You just don't want evidence to undermine the victim narrative that white knights like you depend on. You don't have an answer to the actual content expressed by the picture, so of course you resort to censorship to undermine the discussion. God forbid that people don't feel sympathy for a pretty white girl, regardless of the circumstances.
On October 15 2012 09:13 Xiphos wrote: No to ALL high school out there: please choose your path correctly to what kind of person you want to end up. Study hard in school, join up a sport club. You want to gain as much smart and fitness as possible before entering the workforce. You NEVER know if you will end up using knowledge you learn even the in Middle School years for your tool as survival. You have to always constantly thinking about how the current action you are taking are affecting your life in a positive way. There are people who do well in High School and have gotten entrance in Ivy Leagues and basically their life are set. They are other people who don't put emphasis on their work and end up taking couple of extra years and will be far behind in the competition with their peers and regretted for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. But however if you find yourself extremely gifted in one specific sports of hobby, by all means, CHASE THAT DREAM OF YOURS. And even though the thing you do at the time might not be popular, you may just end up like LYH, to forever cement your name in the history book as the one that started the industry.
Don't be a bum, don't be a slut. Don't just cruise your way with drugs, drinking, and smoking.
There's nothing wrong with being a slut. Just be a safe slut, and responsibly protect yourself from those who target sluts.
I'm being entirely honest. The last thing I want to see when I come to TL is the topless pic of a thirteen year old that lead to the constant bullying and harassment that drove her into suicidal depression. The same 'points' could have been made with a different photo.
Is ther something I should know about you sunprince? Do you think that photo is defensible? Interesting? Some how adds to the discussion?
The photo is part of what makes the image effective in demonstrating the double standard. There are less controversial photos which could have been used, but the photo itself isn't child pornography (the depiction of sexually explicit activities involving a child). Regardless, my actual point was to call out the disingenuous argument being advanced (something I do often here on TL).
On October 15 2012 09:45 Defacer wrote: Note to high school: someone acting slutty isn't enough of a reason to hate or ostracize them. Over the next 15 or so years youre going to meet a lot of sluts. Some of them are mean, some of them are nice. You don't have to like them, but you don't have to actively hate or resent them either.
Yep, it's important to call out irresponsible behavior like giving out your personal information to the Internet, but there's nothing wrong with sluts and slut-shaming is lame.
I know your TL persona well enough to understand it's your standard build to call bullshit on people, but I am not bullshitting when I say I genuinely find that photo fucking gross and irrelevant to discussing the circumstances of her death.
I don't need childhood head shots of Jerry Sandusky's victims or the exit wound in JFK's lifeless corpse to discuss those topics either.
It's not like this girl was a homicidal maniac or even a felon. Even if people want to argue that she is somehow to blame for how she was treated, its no reason to mistreat her now. People should grow up and show some respect for the dead, especially someone who was practically a kid. That's not 'white knighting,' that's common decency.
Damn. A lot of young'ins in here. Maybe when you grow up you'll get some empathy for other people.
She's a female. They aren't known to be logical, no offense. Add to that the fact she's a teenager. Those guys don't use much logic either. Add to that the fact she's lonely. Everyone needs to be understood or, if nothing else, at least have someone real to talk to, otherwise they go crazy. Add to that the fact she's moving geographically every few months so she can't make a solid group of friends which means she has to move again. It's a vicious cycle. Compounded, all of that will do a mental number on anybody.
@Pleiades, what are you trying to say? That people should improve on themselves first and then others? Yeah I agree on that, hear me out. But this all go back to the post made by Headshothank with the contrast between the two cases. People shouldn't discriminate, period. Amanda shouldn't get more attention than anyone else in the world. But yet because of her statuses, this changes everything.
Shania Gray did nothing to bring that fate upon herself but her board have gotten more hatred and ignorance than Amanda's who actually arrived at this conclusion in her own peril (not completely but a major part). And the biggest difference is that one have been murdered by a second party whereas the subject here have no respect for her life in which this could definitely been avoided. She is still in the Driver's seat. So in a sense, you could say that she have decide to walk down this path. And anyone who arbitrarily chose to take her life isn't a fighter to face the reality but a mere coward.
There are much more people giving support to her case. Fuck this is completely disgusting.
There are much more people giving support to her case. Fuck this is completely disgusting.
Because it went viral? Why is it disgusting, because other issues that are possibly more important aren't brought up?
At the end of the day, all we can do is change what happens in what we see. If I see someone that is depressed and possibly suicidal, I would talk to them. This case of Amanda Todd reminds us that if we can, do something. Not to defend her actions, not to call her a "slut" (which I believe to be inappropriate but I won't go into this), but to simply look at what has happened to her and what we could personally do. Calling for the perpetrators for their heads to be bashed in will not be good, nor is saying that people defending her are "white knighting" and "elitist". Just let this case tell you what you think is right or wrong.
There are much more people giving support to her case. Fuck this is completely disgusting.
Because it went viral? Why is it disgusting, because other issues that are possibly more important aren't brought up?
At the end of the day, all we can do is change what happens in what we see. If I see someone that is depressed and possibly suicidal, I would talk to them. This case of Amanda Todd reminds us that if we can, do something. Not to defend her actions, not to call her a "slut" (which I believe to be inappropriate but I won't go into this), but to simply look at what has happened to her and what we could personally do. Calling for the perpetrators for their heads to be bashed in will not be good, nor is saying that people defending her are "white knighting" and "elitist". Just let this case tell you what you think is right or wrong.
You are still instilled bias and double standards in this case though.
Go and read the contrast between the two cases. NOT everyone agrees with your thought process. In fact evidence shows that most of the people disagree with your mentality of always trying to cheer someone up. You would expect the ratio of the words of encouragement and disdain to be somewhat identical despite of the viral-ness. But no it isn't, people treated her better where a case could have been absolutely avoided. And that's why I find it disgusting of such hypocritical nature of the people.
It's sad that help couldn't be reached in time but you know, high school student's seek that sort of affection from their peers because you'd be shunned otherwise.
Still to this day the amount of high school peers that actually feels the need to either lend a helping hand or defend someone is still in the minority and that of itself points at a very old and serious problem that has yet to be remedied.
Reading some of the comments in this thread almost disgusts me. This poor girl made a mistake when she was very young and it haunted her until the day she died. Keep in mind she was 15 years old when she died. That is incredibly young; she had almost no time to develop. Even if a lot of what happened was her fault, it's clear she regretted her mistakes and tried to learn from them.
What she had to go through was horrible. Especially at her age, no one should be without a friend like she was and no one should have to go through being bullied. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't experienced either.
My deepest condolences for her and her family. Everyone makes stupid mistakes, but she definitely didn't deserve that level of abuse :/
Her video should help raise awareness for a while and may save some people from teetering off the edge like she did. Even if it's only for a little bit before everyone forgets about this ......
On October 15 2012 06:39 turdburgler wrote: i have no problem with the picture and it puts things in to perspective but come on. measuring these kids by number of facebook likes...
You see, this highschool-law-of-the jungle mindset is what allows guys like tokicheese and Headshothank -- and the people that bullied and destoyed her -- to rationalize their judgment, actions and false sense of superiority.
"Well, I'm not the one that did do something stupid. So she was asking for it."
For all you zit-popping nerds out there, you may not have done something stupid, but if you think that way, YOU ARE STUPID.
You love putting words in my mouth rofl...
When did I say she deserved it...? I have been saying through this whole thread that the Admins, parents of the bullies and the bullies need to have criminal charges and be fired from their jobs. But because I don't put some stupid girl who killed herself on a pedestal I'm a total asshole who bullied her to death... Unreal...
Dude, you have a post that literally says, in all caps, SHE BROUGHT THIS UPON HERSELF.
Get off the fence man. She made some mistakes but what happened to her was unjustifiable. Acting slutty is as about as criminal as being gay or into LARP-ing. Obviously it was totally inappropriate for her age but if a 23 year old was doing the same thing no one would be bullying or harassing her or saying she brought this upon herself.
So your going to tell me that her actions didn't play a part in this seriously? She showed her tits to some stranger. That's not a big deal at all it doesn't make her a bad person and she certainly did not deserve what happened to her. But you can't say her actions didn't play a part in it because thats just not true. She made a horrible decision and the douche bag who harassed her made it worse.
It's so cute how you and other pathetic white knights attack people that even remotely question this girls status as a saint and twist peoples words to make them blame the victim when it's clear that's not what I am doing at all.