On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
On February 9 2006 11:25 Manablue wrote: This is getting sad. Outside of all the bitching, the truth you're all meandering toward is that some of us like it here because we fit in well, are chummy with certain key posters, and fit the personality mould. That's it.
Stop trying to say that this place is about free expression, and pushing the boundaries of our thought and all that other BS Stimy tries to force feed you. Being a member here is like being in a click in some shitty high school. You get along with the group or you don't. Nothing more or less.
Boundary pushers always get burned at the stake eventually (and apparently in Stimy's case multiple times). No one should be surprised here. As for Steve, he was testing his boundaries, and now that he's been warned he knows the fenced in area that he has to work with in being an e-badass and all that shit.
It's really not as deep as everyone tries to make it. Other than the shit eatting holier than thou tone he used, Tasteless was pretty much right.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
Comparing yourself to Defacer is like comparing a three-strikes felon to a social worker with no priors.
Any way, interesting summary of how Canada balanced it's budget in the 1990's from David Frum's blog.
Americans will do anything for Canada (or so goes an old saying) except read about it.
Which is always a shame, but never more than now, when Canada extends an example from which Americans could profitably learn. In the 1990s, Canada executed a dramatic fiscal turn-around. In 1994, observers wondered whether Canada might actually default on its debt. A decade later, Canada boasted the strongest balance sheet of any of the major democracies. As the world emerges from the 2008 financial crisis, Canada's record looks better still.
How did Canada do it?
In two consecutive federal budgets, in 1995 and 1996, the Liberal government of Jean Chretien and his powerful finance minister Paul Martin cut spending by a cumulative total of 8.8%. Over two years, the size of the federal government dropped from 16.2% of GDP to 13.1%. Eventually, they would reduce the federal workforce by 45,000 persons, or 14%. By 1998, the Canadian federal budget had shifted into balance. Over the subsequent decade, Canadian federal governments (first Liberal, then Conservative) would run consistent budget surpluses to pay down the federal debt. Between 1994 and the eve of the financial crisis in 2008, federal debt as a share of GDP would be reduced from over 80% to under 50%. Canada slipped back into deficit during the financial crisis. It expects to return to surplus by 2015, and to continue reducing the debt burden to under 30% by 2017.
By any measure, this is a stunning success story.
What lessons should Americans learn?
1) Canada relied mainly on spending cuts to reduce its deficits - mainly, but not entirely. Canada both cut spending and raised taxes, in a ratio of about 4.5 to 1. That ratio was rejected by every single one of the Republican candidates who sought the nomination in 2012, but if Americans are to make progress, they will have to get used to it. Crowley and Murphy do not say, but I would add, that the feasible American ratio would likely be tilted more to revenues than Canada's, because America today is a relatively low-tax country, which Canada in 1994 was not.
2) Canada was able to raise taxes without stifling economic growth in large part because of a decision taken by the Mulroney government of the 1980s: the introduction of a Value-Added Tax (called a Goods & Services Tax) in Canada. The VAT replaced an antique tax on manufactured goods, but it quickly raised much more money than the tax it replaced. Americans who dread a value-added tax because they fear that taxes only go up should know: the VAT rate has dropped from an original 7% to a present 5%.
3) Canada's ironic best ally in cutting spending was its single-payer healthcare system. The federal government was able to decree a reduced grant to provincial healthcare systems and thereby force the provinces in turn to cut healthcare spending in a way that would be much more difficult to execute within Medicare and Medicaid.
4) Integral to the success of Canada's budget-balancing was its acquiescence in a huge decline in the external value of the Canadian dollar, which dropped from 90 to the US $ in 1990 to a low of 63. A cheap dollar enabled an export boom that boosted Canadian-dollar-denominated GDP - and reduced the burdensomeness of Canadian-dollar-denominated debt.
5) As Canada's debt burden dropped, so too did its interest burden. Beginning in 2001, Canada was able to post both an increase in program spending relative to GDP and a decline in total spending relative to GDP thanks to the decline in interest payments.
6) In retrospect, the most amazing fact about Canada's fiscal turnaround was how politically uncontroversial it was. The actions of the Liberal government were broadly supported both by Canada's then-fractured Conservative opposition and accepted with only mild grumbling by the voting population. (The Chretien government won three successive majority governments in 1993, 1997 and 2001.) Provincial governments emulated federal policy, with an NDP (i.e., left-wing) government in Saskatchewan leading the way. This broad consensus made success both possible and enduring. It's a warning against the approach favored by many American Republicans, of hoping to win a huge mandate for one party and then imposing by main force a fiscal adjustment that wholly exempts Republican interest groups and loads all the costs of adjustment onto Democratic constituencies. This approach is unlikely to work, and even less likely to survive. For that sixth reason alone, Northern Light should be required reading for all American would-be budget balancers.
So agressive spending cuts with a tax increase, primarily through a value-added tax, and a being able to control spending through government controlled healthcare, and a relatively bi-partisan commitment to balancing the budget over the past twenty years.
I don't know why people are even suggesting Romney covers pre-existing conditions. I thought the whole point is that you can't do pre-existing conditions without the mandate. So no mandate = no pre-existing conditions. What more to it is there?
On October 09 2012 07:51 sam!zdat wrote: In Iraq at least Bremer just basically GAVE them a constitution and said "here you go, it's the end of history, enjoy yourselves now."
Much of our Western human rights discourse is ham fisted and does not respect the philosophical traditions of other cultures. Is universal suffrage a human right? I for one don't think it's a very good idea. What about the primacy of "freedom from" over "freedom to" in the western tradition, or the privileging of social liberties over economic rights? In the US we have free speech, but we don't have the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation (economic freedom). I believe the state has an obligation to secure a basic standard of living for all of its citizens, but this is not a part of western "human rights" (in fact, western human rights are much more concerned with the right to starve).
It's not that I think there's nothing of value in the western tradition, but we should not assume that what we consider to be rights (or, even if we agree on what things should be rights, what things are the most important rights) are universal and equally applicable to different social and cultural contexts. The western tradition needs to engage with non-western traditions for the mutual enrichment of all parties involved.
edit: I should clarify that I am NOT a relativist; quite the opposite, in fact.
edit: the fact that the idea that western conceptions of human rights may not be a) good or b) universally applicable makes you respond with three questions marks should be an enormous red flag
Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: I don't know why people are even suggesting Romney covers pre-existing conditions. I thought the whole point is that you can't do pre-existing conditions without the mandate. So no mandate = no pre-existing conditions. What more to it is there?
Didn't his advisers come out the next day and admit he made a mistake when he said pre-existing conditions would be covered?
I honestly did not realize it's already been thirty days, I would suggest we just ignore most of what he posts, he is trying to bait you guys into attacks, so he can tell the mods, look they are the problem not me! , at least in my opinion.
Thanks for the responses on mandatory service, civil service, I honestly did not know the reasoning behind such a position, I don't really agree with it after thinking about it, but I can understand why someone would support it, on either side of the fence.
I like how your response to the guy explaining the context and details of Romney's positions is to simply repeat your attack. For example, Romney wants to cut tax rates but limit deductions and exemptions to get a fairer, simpler, more honest, more competitive tax code and everyone on the left just continues chanting "tax cuts for millionaires".
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
Why do there exist people with labor power to sell on the market? This was not always the case.
What we don't have the freedom to do is control the mode of production and own the surplus value that is produced by labor. That goes to the capitalist. (Note that this is not a purely legal state of affairs - it's a historical situation that we should nevertheless work to escape).
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
I like how your response to the guy explaining the context and details of Romney's positions is to simply repeat your attack. For example, Romney wants to cut tax rates but limit deductions and exemptions to get a fairer, simpler, more honest, more competitive tax code and everyone on the left just continues chanting "tax cuts for millionaires".
Yeah, except, no. While you can attempt to spin your way out of the tax cut flip-flop, there's no breaking out of the other blatant flip-flops.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours was simply a distraction and whining about mods.
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
Why do there exist people with labor power to sell on the market? This was not always the case.
What we don't have the freedom to do is control the mode of production and own the surplus value that is produced by labor. That goes to the capitalist. (Note that this is not a purely legal state of affairs - it's a historical situation that we should nevertheless work to escape).
I don't really understand what you mean.
Anyway, in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold. It can't be a 'cultural' thing. Democracy can't work without it.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours was simply a distraction and whining about mods.
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
Why do there exist people with labor power to sell on the market? This was not always the case.
What we don't have the freedom to do is control the mode of production and own the surplus value that is produced by labor. That goes to the capitalist. (Note that this is not a purely legal state of affairs - it's a historical situation that we should nevertheless work to escape).
I don't really understand what you mean. But in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold.
But even Western nations don't necessarily agree with what freedom of speech should entail.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
1) TL is not a democracy. 2) You can't honestly compare dvorakftw to Defacer.
On October 09 2012 08:06 DoubleReed wrote: Anyway, in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold. It can't be a 'cultural' thing. Democracy can't work without it.
Well, I don't really think democracy works anyway, but that's another story.
Sure, I agree that speech is important. But are there limits? We have limits on free speech in America.
Is it good to let politicians lie? That's "free speech". What about corporations? Are they people? Do they have free speech?
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours was simply a distraction and whining about mods.
On October 09 2012 08:02 sam!zdat wrote:
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
Why do there exist people with labor power to sell on the market? This was not always the case.
What we don't have the freedom to do is control the mode of production and own the surplus value that is produced by labor. That goes to the capitalist. (Note that this is not a purely legal state of affairs - it's a historical situation that we should nevertheless work to escape).
I don't really understand what you mean. But in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold.
But even Western nations don't necessarily agree with what freedom of speech should entail.
Haha, well we're both Americans, so I'd guess that both of us are on the fanatical side of free speech. I don't think you'll get 'moderate' answers from either of us.
On October 09 2012 08:06 DoubleReed wrote: Anyway, in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold. It can't be a 'cultural' thing. Democracy can't work without it.
Well, I don't really think democracy works anyway, but that's another story.
Sure, I agree that speech is important. But are there limits? We have limits on free speech in America.
Is it good to let politicians lie? That's "free speech". What about corporations? Are they people? Do they have free speech?
Corporate personhood isn't a western right. It's some weirdo plugin that occurred in our law system. I don't think anyone thinks that corporate personhood is important to liberal democracy... well... except Romney...
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
1) TL is not a democracy. 2) You can't honestly compare dvorakftw to Defacer.
I'm not comparing their posting history, I'm comparing two posts. Which is worse: 1) Questioning a ban. 2) Telling someone "fuck you."
Based on the reports, I can only assume that TL thinks questioning moderation is worse.
On October 09 2012 08:06 DoubleReed wrote: Anyway, in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold. It can't be a 'cultural' thing. Democracy can't work without it.
Well, I don't really think democracy works anyway, but that's another story.
Sure, I agree that speech is important. But are there limits? We have limits on free speech in America.
Is it good to let politicians lie? That's "free speech". What about corporations? Are they people? Do they have free speech?
I think a very good case can be made for the presence of additional idiosyncratic "tenants" that alter the rights of an individual as they partake in certain political modes of action, more specifically in the case of political candidates and elected officials. Just as there are powers that come with certain political ventures, there are limits.
Edit: In the case of corporations, the same thing applies, only it affects them as entities in a fundamentally different manner. Corporations are afforded certain economic abilities that, by virtue of how tremendous in effect and influence they can be, ought to limit rights to things like free speech, lest, like we see in reality, the voice of the richest groups drowns out the individual as much as it can.
On October 09 2012 06:28 Defacer wrote: Seriously dude, fuck you.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours was simply a distraction and whining about mods.
On October 09 2012 08:02 sam!zdat wrote:
On October 09 2012 07:56 DoubleReed wrote: Err... the right to live life on your own terms free from capitalist exploitation? What does that even mean? Like that seems like justification to ban purchasing things.
Why do there exist people with labor power to sell on the market? This was not always the case.
What we don't have the freedom to do is control the mode of production and own the surplus value that is produced by labor. That goes to the capitalist. (Note that this is not a purely legal state of affairs - it's a historical situation that we should nevertheless work to escape).
I don't really understand what you mean. But in terms of western rights, the right to free speech is probably the most important for a liberal democracy to uphold.
But even Western nations don't necessarily agree with what freedom of speech should entail.
Haha, well we're both Americans, so I'd guess that both of us are on the fanatical side of free speech. I don't think you'll get 'moderate' answers from either of us.
I don't believe in absolute freedom of speech. We live in a world where it's proven that psychological harm can be much more devastating than any punch to the face or kick to the stomach could ever be, and a society where grown adults can push a little girl into committing suicide through the use of words alone. This is not the 18th century. =/
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
1) TL is not a democracy. 2) You can't honestly compare dvorakftw to Defacer.
I'm not comparing their posting history, I'm comparing two posts. Which is worse: 1) Questioning a ban. 2) Telling someone "fuck you."
Based on the reports, I can only assume that TL thinks questioning moderation is worse.
Comparing posting history is a necessary endeavor when it comes to moderating.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
1) TL is not a democracy. 2) You can't honestly compare dvorakftw to Defacer.
I'm not comparing their posting history, I'm comparing two posts. Which is worse: 1) Questioning a ban. 2) Telling someone "fuck you."
Based on the reports, I can only assume that TL thinks questioning moderation is worse.
For the record, I don't think it's a good thing to go around telling people on the board to fuck off either. But it would be disingenuous of me to edit the post now after I wrote it. And frankly, I found the gall of being with the lefty brush by DeepEmBlues to be particularly offensive, especially since I've been defending righties from lefties in this thread for quite some time.
But I'll accept whatever punishment TL considers appropriate.
So I'm back from my 30 day temp-ban for having the temerity to point out how biased the admins here are with their treatment of my posts compared to the common insults from the lefties around here. Nice to see nothing has changed.
DeepEmBlues pissed me off. His responded to my assertion that there is a fundamental disconnect from US military interventionism from day-to-day America life was to assume I was some kind of hippy-dippy commie. Yeah, I resent that.
Okay, but can you remind everyone what the first rule of this thread is?
He explained his outrage quite well. And unlike you, his post actually did contribute to the discussion, while yours simply a distraction and whining about mods.
Regardless of how well he explained his "outrage," it is never justified to post something like "seriously, fuck you." At least, that's my opinion, but I'm not a mod.
dvorak was immediately reported, and defacer wasn't reported at all last I checked. Hopefully I evened things out a bit.
1) TL is not a democracy. 2) You can't honestly compare dvorakftw to Defacer.
I'm not comparing their posting history, I'm comparing two posts. Which is worse: 1) Questioning a ban. 2) Telling someone "fuck you."
Based on the reports, I can only assume that TL thinks questioning moderation is worse.
For the record, I don't think it's a good thing to go around telling people on the board to fuck off either. But it would be disingenuous of me to edit the post now after I wrote it. And frankly, I think the gall of being for being painting with the lefty brush by DeepEmBlues was offensive, especially since I've been defending righties from lefties in this thread for quite some time.
But I'll accept whatever punishment TL considers appropriate.
I levy upon thee the spank of a thousand conservatives!