On September 29 2012 15:46 Zooper31 wrote: Gdi I make 2 posts about religion and now my TL adds are about the the bible.
lol I WONDERED why I was getting christian singles ads... how droll!
On September 29 2012 15:41 Silidons wrote: You can learn about religion in college. I am opposed to it being a mandatory class in grade school.
How the fuck you gonna learn about history, culture, literature, or philosophy if you don't learn about religion?
They already teach history and tell you about the religious aspects of them. You don't need a "religious" class in grade school for that.
Yeah they teach you what the religions do, but they generalize too much. That's my experience anyway. Then again, I'm not sure if I would have fully understood it back then even if they did go into more detail. Maybe something like religious history? Then you can learn about all the major religions side by side.
If they have time to teach in depth about religion in school I would hope they'd spend more time teaching kids about modern day government. The only time I learned about government in school was AP Government but that's obviously optional. Both topics are equally boring to students and both would be tough to remain objective on in Texas certain areas.
pssh go read genesis and tell me that's a boring book
Actually you're right, some religious texts are pretty... interesting. The most interesting one I've read is the Kojiki. Some chick gets shot in the genitals by an arrow, so she decides to take the arrow home with her and sleep with it and it turns into a man and they hit it off.
More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
On September 29 2012 08:32 DoubleReed wrote:Religion has no place in schools, except as kids expressing themselves.
Oh, I disagree. kids should learn all about religion. religion very important & interesting. What you mean, of course, is that we shouldn't let the "christians" tell us about science, and that's fucking obvious.
On September 29 2012 09:23 dannystarcraft wrote:Walking through a university that my employer collaborates with, I am surprised at the number of projects and posters on the wall that just seem to have no real application which would produce a valuable product or technology.
This is precisely the way you should NOT think about the university.
Religion is a tricky subject. Honestly with everything going on in the world I don't know if the future generations should even be taught religion at all.
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
On September 29 2012 15:46 Zooper31 wrote: Gdi I make 2 posts about religion and now my TL adds are about the the bible.
lol I WONDERED why I was getting christian singles ads... how droll!
On September 29 2012 15:41 Silidons wrote: You can learn about religion in college. I am opposed to it being a mandatory class in grade school.
How the fuck you gonna learn about history, culture, literature, or philosophy if you don't learn about religion?
They already teach history and tell you about the religious aspects of them. You don't need a "religious" class in grade school for that.
Sorry, does grade school include high school? I'm just unsure of the terminology.
You should read a selection of the canonical texts of the world's major religions and philosophical traditions in high school.
I basically just say grade school for K-12, since some areas don't have middle schools etc (my area is K-6, 7-8, 9-12) and it's different other places where high school is 7-12 etc. Since they teach you history starting in elementary.
On September 29 2012 16:29 Souma wrote: If they have time to teach in depth about religion in school I would hope they'd spend more time teaching kids about modern day government. The only time I learned about government in school was AP Government but that's obviously optional. Both topics are equally boring to students and both would be tough to remain objective on in Texas certain areas.
I would rather them teach more mathematics and physics classes rather then religious ones. Those are the most underlooked classes because somehow, it's seen as "not cool" to be smart in America.
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
uhhh..........who makes up the internet again? oh right, normal people. i guess normal people have a liberal bias?
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
Oh, it's a fine indicator -- of how much harder it is for Romney to reach his base than it is for Obama to reach his.
No matter how much Romney will try, most people aren't paying attention to him for the right reasons. He's certainly not getting his 'message' out online or through mainstream media.
What's left? Robocalling the elderly, costly paid-advertising and $50,000-per-plate dinners.
If it makes Romney feel better, he can take comfort in the fact that even though Obama is trouncing him, Maru and Bieber are absolutely crushing Obama.
Edit: It's also an indicator of how much better the DNC speeches were than the RNC's ... which were just ass.
I'm actually surprised Ann's speech has that many views even. I watched it but only made it like 1/3 before I was overcome with boredom. Regardless of policy, she's reaaaaaally bad at speeches.
Probably was posted here already. While i think that Obama is the favorite right now, isn't this line a bit to one sided? Would you bet on the Repulican line?
Ok, you guys know perfectly well I'm talking about creationism and such so I'm not going to bother with the 'religion in schools' conversation. But also schools have been still establishing religion. You can read about some of things over at the ACLU's new blog: Religious Freedom goes to School!
And it's been shown over and over again that America is much more liberal than a lot of people initially think (people assume we are center-right in general). We've actually become more liberal as our politics have gone more right-wing.
On September 29 2012 19:14 Silidons wrote: uhhh..........who makes up the internet again? oh right, normal people. i guess normal people have a liberal bias?
Interesting comment. Only a small segment of the population has grown up with the internet. Obviously most people use the internet, but to assume that they all spend their free time on Youtube is a bit of a narrow perspective. You might be surprised how raising children and holding down a job tends to remove free time from your schedule, so Youtube isn't a very good measure of what 'normal people' do.
On September 29 2012 19:14 Silidons wrote: I would rather them teach more mathematics and physics classes rather then religious ones. Those are the most underlooked classes because somehow, it's seen as "not cool" to be smart in America.
We teach enough mathematics and science classes in grade school. Just because we teach them more does not mean kids will all suddenly become scientists and soon we're all going to be colonizing Neptune or something. I don't want them teaching religious classes either but the kids who do well in math/science generally take AP/IB anyway and many others struggle to get by even now.
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
uhhh..........who makes up the internet again? oh right, normal people. i guess normal people have a liberal bias?
If you keep in mind the two main bases that tend to lean Republican (the elderly and rural voters), then yeah it's obvious the internet is a bit more liberal, especially English sites that are visited by foreigners who also speak English (Canada/Australia/NZ/parts of Europe).
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
Oh, it's a fine indicator -- of how much harder it is for Romney to reach his base than it is for Obama to reach his.
No matter how much Romney will try, most people aren't paying attention to him for the right reasons. He's certainly not getting his 'message' out online or through mainstream media.
What's left? Robocalling the elderly, costly paid-advertising and $50,000-per-plate dinners.
If it makes Romney feel better, he can take comfort in the fact that even though Obama is trouncing him, Maru and Bieber are absolutely crushing Obama.
Edit: It's also an indicator of how much better the DNC speeches were than the RNC's ... which were just ass.
Indeed, it's harder for Romney to get his message out on the internet. Fully expected though.
On September 29 2012 21:32 DoubleReed wrote: Ok, you guys know perfectly well I'm talking about creationism and such so I'm not going to bother with the 'religion in schools' conversation. But also schools have been still establishing religion. You can read about some of things over at the ACLU's new blog: Religious Freedom goes to School!
And it's been shown over and over again that America is much more liberal than a lot of people initially think (people assume we are center-right in general). We've actually become more liberal as our politics have gone more right-wing.
It makes sense to me to have religion taught in schools, and not just the historical aspects, although that would also be important. It colours so much of international politics, so many people are affected by religion of every type. There are over 2 billion people who are identified as Christian of various stripes, around one and a half who are Muslim, over a billion Hindu or Buddhist. How many of you know about the different sects in Christianity? How about Islam, or Hinduism?
It's an important part of the how the world works today, surely it makes sense to know what and why people believe the things they do?
On September 29 2012 18:58 Defacer wrote: More evidence of the Obama Bueller Effect ... Mitt Romney simply can't get people's attention for the right reasons. R-Money and Clint Eastwood are kicking Romney's ass.
Eh, I think Youtube is a terrible indicator. Suffice it to say I genuinely believe Youtube has a liberal bias (as does most of the internet). If you think about it, large portions of Youtubers are the young, college students, and/or non-Americans.
Weird how Clint Eastwood's act doesn't have more views though. It was exotic.
Oh, it's a fine indicator -- of how much harder it is for Romney to reach his base than it is for Obama to reach his.
No matter how much Romney will try, most people aren't paying attention to him for the right reasons. He's certainly not getting his 'message' out online or through mainstream media.
What's left? Robocalling the elderly, costly paid-advertising and $50,000-per-plate dinners.
If it makes Romney feel better, he can take comfort in the fact that even though Obama is trouncing him, Maru and Bieber are absolutely crushing Obama.
Edit: It's also an indicator of how much better the DNC speeches were than the RNC's ... which were just ass.
Its easier for Obama to get his message out to his base, but its harder for him to get them to the polls.
On September 30 2012 00:57 Sanctimonius wrote: It makes sense to me to have religion taught in schools, and not just the historical aspects, although that would also be important. It colours so much of international politics, so many people are affected by religion of every type. There are over 2 billion people who are identified as Christian of various stripes, around one and a half who are Muslim, over a billion Hindu or Buddhist. How many of you know about the different sects in Christianity? How about Islam, or Hinduism?
It's an important part of the how the world works today, surely it makes sense to know what and why people believe the things they do?
Comparative Religion classes are not what anyone was having a problem with. The issue is when the school endorses religion (and yes this still happens plenty in this country). Having Evangelical assemblies, prayer in school, and teaching creationism as a viable scientific theory is unacceptable.