On January 08 2012 08:49 tyr wrote: Pretty sure the 30 already counted. That's how we went from 128 to 158. Ah... that makes horrible sense... Well then we need MOAR MONEY TO FIGHT CANCER
On January 08 2012 08:50 Thratur wrote: No, I added the 30 after that but it's taking quite some time to process. Cancer is doomed
Don't stop donating for ESPORTS! A little bit of room couldn't hurt
On January 08 2012 08:50 Thratur wrote: No, I added the 30 after that but it's taking quite some time to process.
Oh, ok. Weird, I thought the site automatically updates everything directly from chipin. They're way behind on reading the comments on stream but it's not related at all.
Donated $60 We should be in the Lead Now :D
How Long does it Take for them to Update?
Let's hope we keep it, I really wish this wasn't all for nothing.
On January 08 2012 08:53 Thratur wrote: Let's hope we keep it, I really wish this wasn't all for nothing. You're helping research against cancer either way  WoooO!
watching the awful games vods, lagoon so good
We are close now but still no update We should have 90 more $ now...
When does it update? We should be way ahead by now with all the new donations in and we're still listed in 2nd and the dumb cat is right around the corner...
Also so lucky Steal. -_-
just tuned in for the first time, there is an asian guy with a tl shirt :o epic
You guys are sure that you added Cait Sith should be named ESPORTs in your CHIPIN comment? _Paypal comment does not count_ The chipin one appears after the paypal one. If you're having problems join #sdamarathon on quakenet, the mods can help you. Donating another amount also adds your previous donation to it.
On January 08 2012 09:05 tnud wrote: You guys are sure that you added Cait Sith should be named ESPORTs in your CHIPIN comment? _Paypal comment does not count_ The chipin one appears after the paypal one.
Definately added to the chipin comment.
For my 30$ yes I did in the Chipin comment. I heard them talking on stream about some crash or something? Can Flicky do something about it?
On January 08 2012 09:05 Thratur wrote: For my 30$ yes I did in the Chipin comment. I heard them talking on stream about some crash or something? Can Flicky do something about it?
Esports is ahead by close to $60.
ESPORTS! Fighting cancer one 4gate at a time.
FOR ESPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got the Cat! and the TL guy cheers :D