On November 06 2011 12:20 NEOtheONE wrote: As an individual working on my degree in counseling, I find our legal system to quite useless. How is someone whose only offense is a crap ton of child porn pictures unable to be rehabilitated? The only things in counseling that we cannot rehabilitate are anti-social personality disorder and similarly extreme conditions. As long as someone still has a conscience the individual can be rehabilitated.
It's not that the individual cannot be rehabilitated. The American justice system is extremely conservative and thus punitive in nature. It's based on the concept of deterrence which says that because an offense is punished so severely, the consequences of getting caught will outweigh the benefit of getting away with it. Unfortunately, deterrence doesn't work and this point has been proven again and again. Rather, people prefer the just-desserts model of punishment.
Lol, I would share that where I live ... a doctor killed both of his children and didn't even take a single day of jail.
Why? He wasn't mentally there at the moment of the murder fuck this world.
If you wan't to know the case. Type in Guy Turcotte.
On November 06 2011 12:24 Datz2Ez wrote: Lol, I would share that where I live ... a doctor killed both of his children and didn't even take a single day of jail.
Why? He wasn't mentally there at the moment of the murder fuck this world.
If you wan't to know the case. Type in Guy Turcotte. yeah i was thinking of that too but you know burning your two child to death is nowhere as illegal as downloading picture on the internet..
Comparatively, people throwing deviants under the bus to boost their own ego and appearance disgust me more than the different kind of deviants out there.
If the society you live says that your sexual orientation is actually the worst moral sin imaginable and you just turn around and say fine, I'll stick to the pictures... you're a fucking saint if you ask me. This is probably the status quo the society should aim for. There's no inherent problem with child protection laws as a concept but these judgments do harm children IMO. I can't even imagine the reason in making child porn a more severe offense than molestation. Life sentence sends a message? Yeah, careful which one. We have seen with the Chinese vehicular homicides that if the incentives are at wrong place that the law will even kill people who didn't need to die.
On November 06 2011 12:24 Datz2Ez wrote: Lol, I would share that where I live ... a doctor killed both of his children and didn't even take a single day of jail.
Why? He wasn't mentally there at the moment of the murder fuck this world.
If you wan't to know the case. Type in Guy Turcotte.
Mentally there? I'm still not sure how the prosecution can prove this guy was even physically there.
This is really sad. This is not a horrible crime imo.
He deserves it. Child porn is inexcusable. One dude was caught on my campus in a child porn ring bust. His roommate ratted him out as well.
Bottom line.. if you do the crime... u do the time.
Hopefully somewhere along the years he realizes his mistake and is offered some form of rehab.
On November 06 2011 12:26 Fyodor wrote: Comparatively, people throwing deviants under the bus to boost their own ego and appearance disgust me more than the different kind of deviants out there.
If the society you live says that your sexual orientation is actually the worst moral sin imaginable and you just turn around and say fine, I'll stick to the pictures... you're a fucking saint if you ask me. This is probably the status quo the society should aim for. There's no inherent problem with child protection laws as a concept but these judgments do harm children IMO. I can't even imagine the reason in making child porn a more severe offense than molestation. Life sentence sends a message? Yeah, careful which one. We have seen with the Chinese vehicular homicides that if the incentives are at wrong place that the law will even kill people who didn't need to die.
I'm guessing you mis-typed..but if not. You actually think that making a child porn is not as bad as molestation? What do you think is occurring during the creation of the child porn. They're being molested. And exploited for money! It's incredibly worse as many in child porn aren't victimized once or twice but often repeatedly.
Sick fucking bastard. Deserves it.
Put it this way, its your child who he has pictures of. Now how does it sound?
Child porn has no fucking words to describe how awful it truely is, to put something that pure and innocent through those acts purely for your own "enjoyment" - its fucking disgusting. Murder is freedom for the mental torture some of these children go through.
Sure he doesnt "pay" for it - still supports it by showing there is a want and need for it.
Charities dont charge for their services, doesnt mean their isnt a need or want for them.
On November 06 2011 12:27 Sufficiency wrote: This is really sad. This is not a horrible crime imo.
This is why i shouldnt come in threads like this, i would probably be thrown in a jail cell myself if i said what words i have for people like this.
EDIT: On the case of "People who actually molest minors etc get less time" I believe the people who actually do it should be brutally and slowly killed. the rest of the sick fuckers should get thrown in a pit till they die too. Like this bastard
On November 06 2011 12:28 EricCartman wrote: He deserves it. Child porn is inexcusable. One dude was caught on my campus in a child porn ring bust. His roommate ratted him out as well.
Bottom line.. if you do the crime... u do the time.
Hopefully somewhere along the years he realizes his mistake and is offered some form of rehab.
however in this case, the time doesn't fit the crime.
This is why there is an appeals process. You can have miserable miscarriages of justice at the lower, mid and even higher levels of the system where various factors such as biased juries/judges & inept lawyers twist the trial, but these are usually prevented from ruining someone's life because the unjustly tried can usually win an appeal. However, even then there are a few really disgusting cases where the appeals system fails, and also even with the appeal succeeding that person is losing years of his/her life to fighting through the court system for something that they either didn't do or got an excessive sentence for.
To you rabidly moral absolutist morons who say that all offenses even vaguely related to a horrible crime should be treated just as badly as the horrible crime itself, then I ask you: should all consumers of products made by child labor in sweatshops (arguably worse/more widespread abuse than child porn) be sentenced in a new Nuremberg Trials as if they had personally cracked the whip over and on the backs of countless poor children for years? Now, the thing is that you almost certainly fall into either that category or some other similar one, and so does most of the more affluent parts of the world.
To you who say that "he probably did worse stuff that we don't know about" or "he is twisted enuf that he doesn't deserve to be in society," the former is utterly nonsensical and is absolutely nothing more than saying "well, I can imagine that he may well have done bad things so let's prosecute him for those bad things I can imagine him having done" (are you actually so ignorant and/or simpleminded that you cannot grasp the foundational legal principle in most of the civilized world of "innocent until proven guilty"?). The latter goes back to my first argument about scale and also to this: you do not destroy your human rights by acting in an immoral way, and even if you did, your human rights could not be brushed aside until your guilt of acting in such immoral ways had been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt (see below).
In closing, legal precedent requires that guilt be established beyond "a shadow of a doubt" before conviction, and thus if there is any significant chance at all that the porn was put on his computer by a virus then he ought to be acquitted.
To all those who are sane and therefore are disgusted by this horrendous waste of several years of that man's life and of government resources that will be consumed by the now-necessary appeals process, I wish you all a good day and a GLHF in your next game of SC2
On November 06 2011 12:19 Dknight wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2011 12:11 red_b wrote: while we're in the mood to throw people in jail for what is almost certainly a genetic tragedy I suggest tossing all of the gingers away too.
seriously, people react so violently to these cases that I doubt there is any objectivity at all in dealing with these things.
as for castration, well we used to lobotomize the schizophrenic and frankly they were just as great a danger to others as pedophiles are.
the sad reality of the situation is that child pornography involves sexual abuse of a child in all cases and that clearly cannot be allowed. however, an actual argument for why it is immoral to merely be attracted to prepubescent children is much harder to pin down without suggesting that it necessarily will lead to child abuse which if you really think about it is somewhat ridiculous.
ultimately it is unjust to punish those who might when they have not done.
additionally, I think if the reaction to pedophilia wasn't so fucking violent maybe some of these people would seek help.
and this is a sadly optimistic scenario. what happens if it turns out that pedophilia is mainly caused by trauma? then we, in effect, are persecuting victims. how sad we would be a society if we really did that. Pedophilia is not caused by trauma. The cycle of abuse isn't necessarily true. Rather, certain aspects of child sexual abuse have been linked to further offending as an adult. It usually requires the victim to be quite young during the first exposure, anally penetrated whether by object or penis, and for it to span the course of several years. Initially, many pedophiles claimed sexual abuse as a child. After polygraph texts were used, the number dropped from roughly 70% claiming to somewhere between 20-30 in Oregon during the mid 80s. Other programs followed suit and reported similar decreases.
Paedophilia probably has some genetic roots. In medieval Europe it was normal for men in their 30's and 40's to take wives 12-15 years old. In ancient Japan there was prostitution for children of even younger ages I think.
Even today, a lot of men (not sure about women, probably the same) find younger girls attractive, to the point where 18 years old is only the limit because any younger is illegal according to law. Which says something since even though I'm only 22 most 18 year old girls already look like children to me.
On November 06 2011 12:28 EricCartman wrote: He deserves it. Child porn is inexcusable. One dude was caught on my campus in a child porn ring bust. His roommate ratted him out as well.
Bottom line.. if you do the crime... u do the time.
Hopefully somewhere along the years he realizes his mistake and is offered some form of rehab. Yeah, but the problem is "the time" is totally disproportionate the to crime.
Good. They ought to chemically castrate him too.
I think theres quite a strong argument for the fetishistic desire for children being no, worse, better, more or less normal than any other example of an extreme fetish.
Firstly the main argument against such a notion would be the by having material like this you encourage the actual abuse (and recording of the abuse) of children, although this is weakened by his not having paid for it in any way. Although that doesnt negate this argument.
But other than that I can see no distinction, unless you count "its just sick and wrong" as a distinction but then such can be applied to any extreme, or even not so extreme fetish.
Wow, there are a lot of irrationally bloodthirsty posters in this thread.
Honestly, I have a lot of sympathy for pedophiles who abstain from molesting children. I don't know to what degree it is a concrete orientation like being gay or straight, but being gay myself, I know how tough it is to have to grow up realizing that your sexual tendencies deviate from the norm. And considering that homosexuality is ultimately harmless and is becoming more and more accepted (and by almost all of the people whose opinions I care about), I can only imagine that realizing that you're a pedophile has to be a hundred times shittier. Honestly, the only difference that I see between myself and this guy was that I got the deck stacked more in my favor when I got a sexual orientation that's more acceptable in society.
Honestly, if you were in that situation, do you really think that you would abstain from child porn on principle? The kneejerk reactions in this thread are so ridiculously short-sighted and prejudiced. It kind of disgusts me to see how quick people are to hate someone who never really harmed anyone.
I'd much rather have pedophiles jacking off to child porn to satisfy their desires than going out and actually abusing children in real life. Of course, at the same time, we can't just allow people to spread around pictures of other people's kids being exploited. It's a complicated issue, for sure. But yeah, life in prison is ridiculous. I'm sure he will get his sentence lowered by appealing because this is just nutty.
lol @ the first 2 posters. I'm in no way in favor of child porn and I think people should be punished, but life in prison?? Come on... Try to think for a second. Your categorizing people who have a child fetish with a serial rapist/killer. I sometimes don't understand the justice system, smh..
...and if he had owned 500 snuff tapes, he would've never even been arrested. Society (rightly) abhors the exploitation of children, but you've gotta put things into perspective here.
meh i dont feel bad for him, but i dont agree with sentence
Just fucking castrate him and get it over with.