We are extremely close to shutting down this thread for the same reasons the PUA thread was shut down. While some of the time this thread contains actual discussion with people asking help and people giving nice advice, it often gets derailed by rubbish that should not be here. The moderation team will be trying to steer this thread in a different direction from now on.
Posts of the following nature are banned: 1) ANYTHING regarding PUA. If your post contains the words 'alpha' or 'beta' or anything of that sort please don't hit post. 2) Stupid brags. You can tell us about your nice success stories with someone, but posts such as 'lol 50 Tinder matches' are a no-no. 3) Any misogynistic bullshit, including discussion about rape culture. 4) One night stands and random sex. These are basically brags that invariably devolve into gender role discussions and misogynistic comments.
Last chance, guys. This thread is for dating advice and sharing dating stories. While gender roles, sociocultural norms, and our biological imperative to reproduce are all tangentially related, these subjects are not the main purpose of the thread. Please AVOID these discussions. If you want to discuss them at length, go to PMs or start a blog. If you disagree with someone's ideologies, state that you disagree with them and why they won't work from a dating standpoint and move on. We will not tolerate any lengthy derailments that aren't directly about dating.
On February 23 2013 05:11 nShade wrote: I invited a girl over to watch a movie after a couple of days of going out. I really set the mood well, got some red whine..and popcorn, dimmed the lights. Everything was perfect!
We sat down on the confy couch, surrounded by many pillows and we played the movie (a romantic comedy) Then a funny scene comes up.... ...We started laughing and I had THE LOUDEST FUCKING FART. Then she wanted to leave.
Help. (This is not a joke.)
Honestly if that made her want to leave and not have any more interaction with you for the night then it wasn't going as well as you thought. Did you try to make it out as a joke or something and appologize? I assumed you didn't just sit there in silence and let it be awkward as fuck.
On February 23 2013 05:11 nShade wrote: I invited a girl over to watch a movie after a couple of days of going out. I really set the mood well, got some red whine..and popcorn, dimmed the lights. Everything was perfect!
We sat down on the confy couch, surrounded by many pillows and we played the movie (a romantic comedy) Then a funny scene comes up.... ...We started laughing and I had THE LOUDEST FUCKING FART. Then she wanted to leave.
Help. (This is not a joke.)
Ask her to dinner, buy a whoopie cushion, put it where she will sit, and attach a sticky note that says "I'm sorry"
On February 23 2013 05:11 nShade wrote: I invited a girl over to watch a movie after a couple of days of going out. I really set the mood well, got some red whine..and popcorn, dimmed the lights. Everything was perfect!
We sat down on the confy couch, surrounded by many pillows and we played the movie (a romantic comedy) Then a funny scene comes up.... ...We started laughing and I had THE LOUDEST FUCKING FART. Then she wanted to leave.
Help. (This is not a joke.)
Honestly if that made her want to leave and not have any more interaction with you for the night then it wasn't going as well as you thought. Did you try to make it out as a joke or something and appologize? I assumed you didn't just sit there in silence and let it be awkward as fuck.
I appologized right then and there. I'm a very hygienic person and I felt so awkward at that moment. I tried making a joke out of it, which had an unclear respond or effect. After a minute or two she asked, that she wanted to go with no further explenation.
On February 23 2013 05:11 nShade wrote: I invited a girl over to watch a movie after a couple of days of going out. I really set the mood well, got some red whine..and popcorn, dimmed the lights. Everything was perfect!
We sat down on the confy couch, surrounded by many pillows and we played the movie (a romantic comedy) Then a funny scene comes up.... ...We started laughing and I had THE LOUDEST FUCKING FART. Then she wanted to leave.
Help. (This is not a joke.)
Honestly if that made her want to leave and not have any more interaction with you for the night then it wasn't going as well as you thought. Did you try to make it out as a joke or something and appologize? I assumed you didn't just sit there in silence and let it be awkward as fuck.
I appologized right then and there. I'm a very hygienic person and I felt so awkward at that moment. I tried making a joke out of it, which had an unclear respond or effect. After a minute or two she asked, that she wanted to go with no further explenation.
Sounds like she wasn't as into the "date" as you were and then you screwed the pooch and tipped her over the line
On February 20 2013 07:21 Erasme wrote: I dont know how to confess ahahah should i just kiss the girl ?
That's a good one, but this is necessary:
Don't let an opportunity pass you by. You'll kick yourself if you lose her to someone else with more confidence, or if she gets tired of waiting and moves on.
On February 23 2013 05:11 nShade wrote: I invited a girl over to watch a movie after a couple of days of going out. I really set the mood well, got some red whine..and popcorn, dimmed the lights. Everything was perfect!
We sat down on the confy couch, surrounded by many pillows and we played the movie (a romantic comedy) Then a funny scene comes up.... ...We started laughing and I had THE LOUDEST FUCKING FART. Then she wanted to leave.
Help. (This is not a joke.)
Honestly if that made her want to leave and not have any more interaction with you for the night then it wasn't going as well as you thought. Did you try to make it out as a joke or something and appologize? I assumed you didn't just sit there in silence and let it be awkward as fuck.
I appologized right then and there. I'm a very hygienic person and I felt so awkward at that moment. I tried making a joke out of it, which had an unclear respond or effect. After a minute or two she asked, that she wanted to go with no further explenation.
If you can fart with your loved one, then it's meant to be.
Don't let an opportunity pass you by. You'll kick yourself if you lose her to someone else with more confidence, or if she gets tired of waiting and moves on.
Best song ever regarding this subject matter. If this was FB I would like the shit outa that video.
I've been dating my girlfriend for about seven years now... this past weekend (15/16/17) was our Valentine's weekend, so she drove from Philly to NJ to visit me. I wanted to make it special, and I generally don't like to half-ass special occasions.
Friday: I greeted her at my front door with a dozen roses (red, white, and pink; she prefers those over all red), and then we went to the mall together because we both needed to buy some stuff. Had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, and then saw the somewhat cliche, but still lovey-dovey, movie Safe Haven. We relaxed for a while at my house, played some pool and other games, and then I gave her her card and candy. She gave me an engraved watch box for my slowly growing collection of watches. Then I cooked us dinner. (I had literally zero cooking experience before Valentine's Day, and so one of the presents she wanted was for me to actually cook something... so of course I made steak, with a few sides, some wine, etc.). Then I brought out the brownies that I had baked the night before, and we snacked on them before going to sleep.
Saturday: During the day, we went to NYC to watch Wicked on Broadway (it was amazing!). Before watching it, we got some great burgers, fries, and shakes at some nearby joint she knew about. Then we roamed around the city for a while after the play, waiting for our train to come in. After coming home, I gave her another present (a plush stuffed kitten that sings "Soft Kitty" from The Big Bang Theory when you squeeze its hand), and then we got dressed to go out to our "real" dinner at a really nice restaurant (Scalini Fedeli). They just keep coming out with more and more mouth-watering side dishes between the meals you ordered... it's pretty much the closest a guy can get to having multiple orgasms. Then on the drive home, I revealed to her that the playlist I'd been playing from my iPod in the car was actually a burned CD that I had made for her (some love songs and other music she really likes).
Sunday: We made omelettes, hash browns, and bacon for brunch, and then watched the movie Side Effects. Later on, we ate the leftovers we had from our previous meals, and made chocolate-covered strawberries. Then I lit some candles in my bedroom for ambience, littered some rose petals across the floor and onto my bed, and gave her a massage; then she did the same for me.
And yeah, you better believe that with all I went through preparing all this stuff and spending over a thousand dollars to make this weekend amazing, we had mind-blowing sex whenever we had free time between surprises and plans.
So I'm having feelings for this girl for a long time (like several months) now, even though I don't really know her, but see her almost every day in school. I know there is a connection between us because we have a very rare thing in common (and she knows that - even though we never talked to each other). Never took the first step, thought I was not ready, was too scared to approach her and maybe screw it up. Then saw a picture of her and her boyfriend today. : ( The funny thing is I often told myself that she surely would have a boyfriend even though I had no evidence for it, because of her good looks. But I just supressed that thought. And there was also the fact that I've never seen a photo of her with a boyfriend before so I told myself that there is a chance. But I can bury my hopes now (also, school will end soon.). In my mind I'm telling myself that I shouldn't care because I don't even know her good enough to assess if we could have been together. But damn those feelings...
Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
When you asked her out, did you specifically use the word "date"?
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
When you asked her out, did you specifically use the word "date"?
I have Asperger's syndrome , so I have issues meeting people in person I can talk well but not always about things girls want . So to circumvent this , I barely talk unless i am asking them questions, which is often . I also try online dating and have had good results , you can get straight to the questions without all that coy bs
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
That happened to a friend of mine where she brought her obnoxious black friend. Funny story
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
you missed out on a threesome bro!
OT: I don't think she trusts you or some shit. Maybe shes from a different culture (I doubt it) where date doesn't mean the same thing.
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
When you asked her out, did you specifically use the word "date"?
Yes I did. Why wouldn't it be a date?
My point is that if you specifically used the word "date" and she brought along a friend, that is not a good sign. You aren't dead yet, but she doesn't seem to want one on one time. Try and change that
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
Did you specifically state , I mean like straight up be like . " I would like to go out with you . " She might also be aware you like her and maybe was trying to set you up with her friend .
On March 08 2013 02:41 Sycamore wrote: So I'm having feelings for this girl for a long time (like several months) now, even though I don't really know her, but see her almost every day in school. I know there is a connection between us because we have a very rare thing in common (and she knows that - even though we never talked to each other). Never took the first step, thought I was not ready, was too scared to approach her and maybe screw it up. Then saw a picture of her and her boyfriend today. : ( The funny thing is I often told myself that she surely would have a boyfriend even though I had no evidence for it, because of her good looks. But I just supressed that thought. And there was also the fact that I've never seen a photo of her with a boyfriend before so I told myself that there is a chance. But I can bury my hopes now (also, school will end soon.). In my mind I'm telling myself that I shouldn't care because I don't even know her good enough to assess if we could have been together. But damn those feelings...
You never talked to her but felt a connection ? If you had feelings and wanted to pursue something then why were you being puss and not speaking to her ? Girls love confidence and you exhibited none of that ! Take the initiative .
On March 08 2013 03:53 fox77 wrote: Ok so I have a story to tell. There is this girl in my University class I like I asked her out for a date and she said yes. 2 days later I texted her to pick her up at the University Campus I send her a text she says she's there and I can pick her up and her friend as well. That was NOT part of the plan, but I go along anyways I take her friend since I know her friend and shes in our class. Ok guys so I have a question why would she do this? Is it because she doesn't trust me and she needs protection for her friend? Did she bring her friend so she could get feedback from her friend? Anyways is this a good/bad sign that she wanted to bring along her friend?
When you asked her out, did you specifically use the word "date"?
Yes I did. Why wouldn't it be a date?
using her friend because she isn't comfortable enough yet to be alone with you
So i already posted here but i thought i might do an update. Well, it isnt an update since nothing has changed so im still thinking my destiny doesnt want me to get a date