Can we perhaps move on from the useless debates....
I mean I love debate but drawing inferences from trying to compare Germany to the United States is a disaster from the start, along with the other useless debate of trying to demonstrate correlation between right to carry and crime (there is none ) and trying to objectify how large amounts of wealth can be created.
It can be done with either hard work, luck, having connections, investing, or sitting on your ass with inherited money paying Harvard whiz kids to produce a maximally safe and somewhat large return.
On February 12 2012 07:40 Kickboxer wrote: It's hilarious how people relentlessly continue to theorycraft about issues that can be resolved by a 3-year-old willing to simply look at the world.
Do we have any economically successful countries with moderate social disparity in the world? Yes we do, they are called Scandinavian countries. Feel free to look them up. Now look at their system. You are looking at a system that, speaking on relative terms, works very well. Compare it to your own system and realize where it is failing. If you are retarded enough to call Obama a socialist, I guess you see these as radically socialist countries. In fact, in your own mind and according to undisputed objective facts, you believe socialism works better than capitalism. Nice.
Do we have any safe countries with very low crime rates and practically inexistent fatal crimes? Of course, I happen to live in one. Do they have gun control? You bet they do. You see, the average sociopath or deranged 15-year-old "player" cannot kill or even injure an upstanding human without a gun at his disposal. If people carried guns where I live I would already be dead on numerous occasions. Luckily for me, it is practically impossible to acquire a gun in Slovenia and if you get caught with one, you go to jail. This means that people who want to murder me, for example because their girlfriend likes me, or I happen to annoy them, or they are retarded children "who don't give a fuck", or we happen to have a drunken argument actually have to fight me and somehow this makes it a lot harder for them to kill me. Can you imagine?
Can you imagine that the current system in the U.S. is actually great for hard working people that aren't leaches to society?
And I always lol at how every Liberal uses Scandinavian countries and acts like they're some perfect dream land. No. You only think this because they're filled with atheists and you just want to be a hipster.
I still can't believe you morons actually believe that the criminals in the U.S. are using legal weapons. News flash, they're not. They're buying weapons from other criminals.
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
how do you measure how hard you've worked?
By how rich you are.
circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works [...]
No dude you don't get it. It's not circular reasoning, because it isn't circular reasoning.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
In my country Obama would be a far-right candidate. I dont feel like a slave in my communist country. Its a strange world.
Obama wants to "fundamentally transform" (his words, not mine) America into a country like Norway, so how would he be far-right? Obama's views are in-line with the mainstream left in Europe.
No it's not. Care to explain to me as a swede how we all consider him left when we don't?
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
Have you ever met a fry-cook, strawberry picker, or a janitor in your life? Salary positions in banks that use purely algorithmic trading (ie. investing in companies based on what their prices are, regardless of what they actually make or how viable they are) start at 200k per year. It's hard work, but it's not directly a value-added service to society. Liberals don't hate the 1% (unless they happen to be part of the Wall Street crew that tanked the economy), they just think that taxing those who make more than 1 million a year by an extra 2 percent surcharge is a reasonable price to pay for billions of dollars towards improving say, public education.
Lol are you saying fry-cooks deserve the money that ceo's have?
My families net worth is around 1 million dollars, and we're going to expand our business and hopefully triple that. It's not my duty to pay extra money to some drug abuser who doesn't want to work. And it would be nice to pay taxes if they actually went to schools, but I'd rather not, seeing as how most of our taxes just go to the military. Either way, the U.S. has strong problems with it's education budget and management (for example, Dallas ISD recently bought 500 ipads, but are closing down 5 different schools.) So I don't even want to pay taxes for this.
All these government programs that Liberals endorse just help the lazy leech off society and they don't encourage hard work. I'm tired of it. There is a reason West EU is going to crap.
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
HAHAHAHA typical. Americans make me laugh. Read my post above. Your system is set up to make 1% of the people succeed. A system set up to have a thriving middle class (the majority of what people should be) is far mroe successful overall.
Its like the Colbert Reports great sketch; the poor are just lazy. If everyone worked hard, they could ALL be part of the 1%! It makes me laugh how easily people are duped into believing that the only factor that goes into your income is how hard you work. Some of the hardest workign people are poor. A single mother working 100 hours a week at 3 jobs works harder than almost anyone. You are so ridiculous.
*EDIT, not all Americans, unfortunately the 50% of your country that are insane like these posters ruin it for the rest of you
Are you really calling me insane because I value hard work and not leeching off society? Go ahead, call me insane. I'll just call you a little pussy.
You can't be serious. Are you suggesting there is a direct corraclation between the amount of work you put in and how much money you earn? Tell that to the millions of people in the world that world day and night shifts with several jobs just to scrape by. Please tell them that all multi-millionares are rich because they just work that much harder... How many people do you think are born rich as opposed to starting piss porn and becoming a millionare?
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
Have you ever met a fry-cook, strawberry picker, or a janitor in your life? Salary positions in banks that use purely algorithmic trading (ie. investing in companies based on what their prices are, regardless of what they actually make or how viable they are) start at 200k per year. It's hard work, but it's not directly a value-added service to society. Liberals don't hate the 1% (unless they happen to be part of the Wall Street crew that tanked the economy), they just think that taxing those who make more than 1 million a year by an extra 2 percent surcharge is a reasonable price to pay for billions of dollars towards improving say, public education.
Lol are you saying fry-cooks deserve the money that ceo's have?
My families net worth is around 1 million dollars, and we're going to expand our business and hopefully triple that. It's not my duty to pay extra money to some drug abuser who doesn't want to work. And it would be nice to pay taxes if they actually went to schools, but I'd rather not, seeing as how most of our taxes just go to the military. Either way, the U.S. has strong problems with it's education budget and management (for example, Dallas ISD recently bought 500 ipads, but are closing down 5 different schools.) So I don't even want to pay taxes for this.
All these government programs that Liberals endorse just help the lazy leech off society and they don't encourage hard work. I'm tired of it. There is a reason West EU is going to crap.
On February 12 2012 07:25 Dzemoo wrote: Lol I'm tried of hearing these Liberals whine about the 1%.
Honestly, who are you to tell someone what to do with their hard working money? They're the 1% for a reason, because they worked harder in one day then you did in your whole life.
HAHAHAHA typical. Americans make me laugh. Read my post above. Your system is set up to make 1% of the people succeed. A system set up to have a thriving middle class (the majority of what people should be) is far mroe successful overall.
Its like the Colbert Reports great sketch; the poor are just lazy. If everyone worked hard, they could ALL be part of the 1%! It makes me laugh how easily people are duped into believing that the only factor that goes into your income is how hard you work. Some of the hardest workign people are poor. A single mother working 100 hours a week at 3 jobs works harder than almost anyone. You are so ridiculous.
*EDIT, not all Americans, unfortunately the 50% of your country that are insane like these posters ruin it for the rest of you
Are you really calling me insane because I value hard work and not leeching off society? Go ahead, call me insane. I'll just call you a little pussy.
Haha man I am so glad I was born north of your border. I have to give up on these guys also. I am not a welfare leech. I have been working since I was 16, and I "worked" since being even younger than that having paper routes and such. I am finishing my university education. My family also has a business worth around the same as yours. The difference between Canada and the US, is that we are still middle class, and the majority of people can achieve a net worth of 1 million dollars. I like a system that drives people to be in the middle class. I like one that gives people the ladder neccessary to climb to that position, regardless of their birth situation. I like a system that pays everyone fairly. I like a system that believes a not for profit healthcare system, which has the primary focus of caring for its citizens, is the best option. That is why I think your countries system is flawed.
Less people accumulate wealth, by definition, leading to more people having nothing. The cost of education, healthcare, etc.. is too high for the poor and lower classes (sometimes even the middle class). Minimum wage is too low. Your standard of living is too low. All these factors make it INCREDIBLY difficult to rise on the social ladder, regardless of how hard you work.
If becoming rich was as easy as "work hard and you make lots of money" the majority of society would be rich. The fact is my countries "welfare state full of leeches" has lower unemployment, higher pay, higher standard of living, more social mobility, is healthier, has a lower crime rate, etc...
People from a well to do family, who get a degree and have the contacts and put in work should be paid well. I however dont think that hard work=money. The immigrant that escaped their terrible home nation with a doctorate, that starts over from scratch in a new country, works as a dish washer during the night and at a factory during the day, while getting an education, and sending money to their family in an effort to bring them here and have a better life works FAR HARDER. They dont however have more money. Its easy to look down on those in society that dont have what you have. To persecute them without knowing their situation is terribly wrong.
^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
No I mean, I can't argue with you. I'm just obviously so delusional.
actually you know what? i'm right because i'm right. and i win the argument because im right. therefore im right. maybe you'll take to that logic.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
The amount of smug self-entitlement in your posts is pretty astounding.
The "real world"? That's a comment on a YouTube video dude, in what way does it reflect anything accurate about "the real world."
For hundreds of years, Europe spent fortunes on a military so that they could colonize the entire world. But after they killed each other so much in WWII that they just couldn't do it anymore, they decided to start complaining about how the United States does things(all the while complaining about American WWI/II isolationism). Funny how it works, huh?
It doesn't necessarily mean that you're rich if you work hard. However, the United States has a great degree of upward mobility. Even the poorest of immigrants can succeed here if they work hard. If you can do something really well that few other people can do that is useful, you can become extremely wealthy(CEO and such). It's harder to do this when you have to pay a fortune in taxes for government programs, no?
Of course the United States has problems, but so does Europe(Euro crisis for example). But don't think that what works for Europe must work for the United States too. It's two entirely different situations. European counties have a much less diverse and a much smaller population and landmass. Things tend to run more smoothly in general under such circumstances. Ever tried to build a transcontinental railroad? Probably not, because Europe doesn't have to have such large projects. That one project defined an era and had a complicated mess of turmoil, corruption, and politics that Europe avoided because of their division.
Europe(and Canada) and the United States are not the same. Let's not pretend the same things apply for both of them.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
No I mean, I can't argue with you. I'm just obviously so delusional.
actually you know what? i'm right because i'm right. and i win the argument because im right. therefore im right. maybe you'll take to that logic.
What? I'm not sure if you're trolling now or what. I give you reasons and a video of why this welfare-state is wrong, and you make some outrageous comment. Cool.
On February 12 2012 08:13 Lightwip wrote: For hundreds of years, Europe spent fortunes on a military so that they could colonize the entire world. But after they killed each other so much in WWII that they just couldn't do it anymore, they decided to start complaining about how the United States does things(all the while complaining about American WWI/II isolationism). Funny how it works, huh?
It doesn't necessarily mean that you're rich if you work hard. However, the United States has a great degree of upward mobility. Even the poorest of immigrants can succeed here if they work hard. If you can do something really well that few other people can do that is useful, you can become extremely wealthy(CEO and such). It's harder to do this when you have to pay a fortune in taxes for government programs, no?
Of course the United States has problems, but so does Europe(Euro crisis for example). But don't think that what works for Europe must work for the United States too. It's two entirely different situations. European counties have a much less diverse and a much smaller population and landmass. Things tend to run more smoothly in general under such circumstances. Ever tried to build a transcontinental railroad? Probably not, because Europe doesn't have to have such large projects. That one project defined an era and had a complicated mess of turmoil, corruption, and politics that Europe avoided because of their division.
Europe(and Canada) and the United States are not the same. Let's not pretend the same things apply for both of them.
This is a myth. economic mobility is much lower in USA than in Canada and Scandinavian countries, even with much higher taxes.
On February 12 2012 02:46 Kickboxer wrote: I have an uncanny feeling Paul wins this nomination & election and improves the USA by several orders of magnitude (and maybe gets shot in the process). Posting this for future bragging rights!
He's not. As much as I would love him to, it's not going to happen. Stop relying on one man to change the country, only the people can do that.
I agree. Really a lot of Ron Paul's policies are horrible, especially considering he is an isolationist. Really the only reason Ron Paul has a cult following is because he's one of the few honest politicians and he'll say it as it is. That being said, he's probably the best choice out of the two major parties, and he's obviously a trillion times better than Obama/Romney (who are pretty much the same person)
Saying Obama and Romney are the same person is like saying LoL and DOTA 2 are the same game, or that beer and wine are the same drink.
It's quite obvious that Romney is nothing more than a RINO. Anyone who votes for him expecting a revival of America is instead going to get second term Obama. Romney created the blueprint for Obamacare, he isn't going to repeal it, despite what he says. I wouldn't buy into his vague plans for spending-cuts that he keeps mentioning, but neglects to mention what he is going to cut exactly.
You do realize that politicians normally attempt to do what they promise.
"Do or do not, there is no try."
Now that is a problematic attitude in a negotiation. If the parties agree all is fine and dandy. If parties disagree the do or do not's will just have to sabotage any compromise since it is either or.
My point was more that a politician attempting to do the things they promised is nice, but pretty meaningless.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
No I mean, I can't argue with you. I'm just obviously so delusional.
actually you know what? i'm right because i'm right. and i win the argument because im right. therefore im right. maybe you'll take to that logic.
What? I'm not sure if you're trolling now or what. I give you reasons and a video of why this welfare-state is wrong, and you make some outrageous comment. Cool.
You used hideous circular reasoning before, he's doing it to you.
On February 12 2012 07:58 Dzemoo wrote: ^ I'm not going to quote all that so I'll just reply like this.
You need to get off of the notion that every single person is going to use the system the way it's going to be used. Whenever I go south of downtown their are tons of welfare recipient single mothers with brand new iPhones, all of their kids have Jordans, etc. None of these people work. They start fights, rob homes, and sell drugs, all while receiving the money of hard working Americans. I DO NOT want to help these people out. You're looking at this in a way that everybody has good intentions and nobody is looking to abuse the system, which is simply not true.
sorry to disagree with your anecdotal evidence, but i cant imagine a single mother who goes around starting fights, robbing homes, selling drugs.
btw, are you going to keep avoiding your embarrassing circular argument?
You can't? Then you need to get out into the real world.
Haha, the top rated comment describes the video wayyy too good.
"What do you get when you take 1. Pregnant women with no idea who the baby's daddy is. 2. Ghetto moms raising trashy kids with no fathers. 3. Ghetto kids being raised in the ghetto, seeing mom be a hoe and lazy. 4. Not getting a good education, learn to only talk ebonics. 5. Ghetto kids turning into ghetto teenagers 6. Never getting a job because welfare is easy to get. 7.Ghetto teenagers getting other ghetto teenagers or becoming pregnant, therefore restarting the whole process. AKA this video"
This is a great example of what happens when you give money to everyone. It's sad liberals can't see the world for what it is.
No I mean, I can't argue with you. I'm just obviously so delusional.
actually you know what? i'm right because i'm right. and i win the argument because im right. therefore im right. maybe you'll take to that logic.
What? I'm not sure if you're trolling now or what. I give you reasons and a video of why this welfare-state is wrong, and you make some outrageous comment. Cool.
Yes, he is trolling you. He's trolling you because you still haven't realized your justification of the "fact" that the wealthiest Americans are such because they work the hardest was completely circular. He's trolling you because everyone in the thread called you out on it and you selectively ignored that.
Simple question: are your blanket statements about the US's working class based on anything other than your anecdotes, what your mom and dad told you, and YouTube videos? If so, what? We're all curious.