On February 12 2012 06:19 Yongwang wrote: @Skilledblob Where Ron Paul screws up he mistakes having foreign military bases around the world in ALLIED COUNTRIES WITH THEIR PERMISSION as us "invading" them.
show me one time where he said that and I might believe you. Until then I will assume that he was not talking about countries who asked for help.
That's what he was implying with the "armed Chinese troops in Texas" video. From the get-go he opposed power projection and military bases abroad.
On February 12 2012 06:20 darthfoley wrote:
On February 12 2012 06:19 Yongwang wrote: @Skilledblob Where Ron Paul screws up he mistakes having foreign military bases around the world in ALLIED COUNTRIES WITH THEIR PERMISSION as us "invading" them.
On February 12 2012 06:17 darthfoley wrote:
On February 12 2012 06:01 Yongwang wrote:
On February 12 2012 05:43 drcatellino wrote: You know there is something wrong when gun ownership is more important than human rights.
Gun rights are more important than sending aid to Africa.
I hope you're trolling.
If anything you'd be a troll to think charity is more important than civil rights. Also:
Lol civil rights? I don't really believe owning a gun is something everyone should have. Especially with all the smart kids who learn how to load a gun and accidentally kill themselves.
Be honest, are you trolling or joking right now? Owning a gun is definitely right we should and do have. At the end of the day, no matter how much the socialists hate it, there is no legitimate reason for the government to implement gun control.
...besides the amount of crazy people living in this country who would probably shoot eachother over a snide comment or something.
An armed society is a polite society. Please tell me, how many gun owners do you actually know in real life?
An armed society is far more dangerous than an unarmed one. And I actually know quite a few gun owners, considering my state just passed a law allowing people to carry guns in public places.
Aren't the stories we get every week of a father/mother shooting up their kids/family than shooting themselves not enough to at least warrant limitations/background checks in purchasing of guns?
Wrong, an unarmed society is vastly more dangerous, because only criminals and the authoritarian government would have guns. It's like those idiots who put up signs saying "my business is unarmed" and expect criminals will see that sign and think "oh we can't rob this guy, he has a sign up." And crime happens everywhere and it's not going to magically disappear if guns are banned. If you want to live in a free society, you have to accept the fact that sometimes things are going to happen. Fear is not a legitimate reason to take away freedom.
ok lets have a look at your super duper "free" america and compare that to the communist, slave driving nation of germany
Okay, let's do the math: Murders per 1.000.000 inhabitants in the US: 56,3. And in Germany: 9,7. That means the murder rate is nearly six times higher in the US than in Germany.
That is not factually false, there are a million factors when it comes to crime, and gun rights aren't a significant factor. I can guarantee you that I am a million times safer with a gun, than I am completely helpless. Also it's been proven that looser gun laws reduce crime, which is one of the main reasons why concealed carry has become so popular and spread to 49 of the 50 states: http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
On February 12 2012 06:58 Yongwang wrote: That is not factually false, there are a million factors when it comes to crime, and gun rights aren't a significant factor. I can guarantee you that I am a million times safer with a gun, than I am completely helpless. Also it's been proven that looser gun laws reduce crime, which is one of the main reasons why concealed carry has become so popular and spread to 49 of the 50 states: http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
.....I can't even. I just don't even know what to say.
Wait, I do know. People like you are the reason our country's politics are a complete joke to the rest of the civilized world.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
Don't feel like losing anymore brain cells than i already have, hopefully someone else bears the torch of intelligence.
You love Rush Limbaugh, I dont think youre allowed to use the term bias against anyone else ever.
Where did I say that I love Rush Limbaugh? I said I've listened to him a few times and when I did I liked a lot of what he had to say and agreed with him.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
Don't feel like losing anymore brain cells than i already have, hopefully someone else bears the torch of intelligence.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
Don't feel like losing anymore brain cells than i already have, hopefully someone else bears the torch of intelligence.
I guess he really is an anarchist.
Indeed lol, i don't know why he'd support anyone for president because that would make him lose rights over himself!!!!!11!
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
.....I can't even. I just don't even know what to say.
Wait, I do know. People like you are the reason our country's politics are a complete joke to the rest of the civilized world.
America is the leader of the civilized world. I'm really quite moderate, but socialists try to demonize everyone who doesn't agree with them, as we saw in this thread. I support freedom and the Constitution first and fore-most. Socialists just can't wrap their minds around the ideas of small government and personal liberty.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
I live in Canada which by your standards would be considered communist. I have NEVER felt that I wasnt free to do anything that didnt impede on other peoples freedoms or safety. As much as youd like to believe it to be false, you are actually more "free" in Canada, Australia and most parts of Europe than you are in the US. Your country hypes itself up to be the best in the world, when the only thing its the best at is being a strong military power. You need to open your eyes to the countries around you.
Having health care, social security, pensions, subsidized education, etc... doesnt make you less free in any way shape or form. You just eat up rhetoric and blind yourself of the rest of the world, and pretend like everything is fine and dandy. Its sad because with people like you, your country (which has the potential to be the best in the world at just about anything) will never realize its true potential.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
.....I can't even. I just don't even know what to say.
Wait, I do know. People like you are the reason our country's politics are a complete joke to the rest of the civilized world.
America is the leader of the civilized world. I'm really quite moderate, but socialists try to demonize everyone who doesn't agree with them, as we saw in this thread. I support freedom and the Constitution first and fore-most. Socialists just can't wrap their minds around the ideas of small government and personal liberty.
Please dont trick yourself into believing you are moderate. I am a moderate. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and 2/3 of our parties fall close to moderate on the spectrum. Your two parties fall right of center, and FAR right of center. You are far right of center.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
I live in Canada which by your standards would be considered communist. I have NEVER felt that I wasnt free to do anything that didnt impede on other peoples freedoms or safety. As much as youd like to believe it to be false, you are actually more "free" in Canada, Australia and most parts of Europe than you are in the US. Your country hypes itself up to be the best in the world, when the only thing its the best at is being a strong military power. You need to open your eyes to the countries around you.
Having health care, social security, pensions, subsidized education, etc... doesnt make you less free in any way shape or form. You just eat up rhetoric and blind yourself of the rest of the world, and pretend like everything is fine and dandy. Its sad because with people like you, your country (which has the potential to be the best in the world at just about anything) will never realize its true potential.
The reason we can't realize our true potential is because of what you are trying to force upon us. We can never reach our true potential if people are welfare dependents and need the government to hold their hand.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
.....I can't even. I just don't even know what to say.
Wait, I do know. People like you are the reason our country's politics are a complete joke to the rest of the civilized world.
America is the leader of the civilized world. I'm really quite moderate, but socialists try to demonize everyone who doesn't agree with them, as we saw in this thread. I support freedom and the Constitution first and fore-most. Socialists just can't wrap their minds around the ideas of small government and personal liberty.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
What does this even mean? Do you hear yourself and how polarizing and or politicized your rhetoric is? As is if every other country in the world is freedom hating. I am convinced that were Reagan raised from the dead, his own party would crucify him in the current swing into libertarianism.
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
.....I can't even. I just don't even know what to say.
Wait, I do know. People like you are the reason our country's politics are a complete joke to the rest of the civilized world.
America is the leader of the civilized world. I'm really quite moderate, but socialists try to demonize everyone who doesn't agree with them, as we saw in this thread. I support freedom and the Constitution first and fore-most. Socialists just can't wrap their minds around the ideas of small government and personal liberty.
Please dont trick yourself into believing you are moderate. I am a moderate. I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and 2/3 of our parties fall close to moderate on the spectrum. Your two parties fall right of center, and FAR right of center. You are far right of center.
How am I far-right? Far-right are the religious bigots who hate gays and abortion. I'm actually very liberal (or rather, libertarian) on social issues and I'm fiscally conservative. I'm not opposed to all welfare, I think that some people do genuinely need government assistance, such as disabled people. I am however opposed to able bodied people who refuse to even try to work, and instead beg for handouts and live comfortably off of people who actually work for a living. Foreign policy aside, is that really much different from yourself?
You believe Obama is a socialist, when he's generously considered "moderate" (more like center-right). I can't really take you seriously.
If you think there is anything moderate about Obama, then I feel sorry for you. He might be "centre-right" in a socialist or communist country, but in a freedom loving country, he is anything but.
I live in Canada which by your standards would be considered communist. I have NEVER felt that I wasnt free to do anything that didnt impede on other peoples freedoms or safety. As much as youd like to believe it to be false, you are actually more "free" in Canada, Australia and most parts of Europe than you are in the US. Your country hypes itself up to be the best in the world, when the only thing its the best at is being a strong military power. You need to open your eyes to the countries around you.
Having health care, social security, pensions, subsidized education, etc... doesnt make you less free in any way shape or form. You just eat up rhetoric and blind yourself of the rest of the world, and pretend like everything is fine and dandy. Its sad because with people like you, your country (which has the potential to be the best in the world at just about anything) will never realize its true potential.
The reason we can't realize our true potential is because of what you are trying to force upon us. We can never reach our true potential if people are welfare dependents and need the government to hold their hand.
Again, factually false. Not leaving the poor to die, is not becoming a welfare state. Our middle class is still robust here in Canada. It is the majority. Your middle class is decayed, and is continuing to crumble. Your country has alienated everyone but the very rich, and has tricked you into believing that you are somehow on the path to becoming great. Nobody has forced anything on you, because you have NEVER held any of these policies ever. Obamas healthcare plan basically only gave healthcare to those that cant afford it, and put regulations on insurance companies so they cant refuse to pick up, or drop people because they feel like saving money. How is that bad, and how does it make you less free?
You are so ridiculous, you make it very clear that a significant portion of your population is brain washed.
Look at some of the employment rates, the standard of living, average income, minimum wage, etc... of the countries I have listed, and see how they are far better in ALL of them, than in the US. You are delusional, and believe what you hear, instead of looking at the rest of the world and realizing, factually, you are being taken for a ride.