- Another great video about presidents..all for comedy..kind of dark tho
I got my mind blown when I found out ( in my ignorance ) that Ronald Reagan was actually an actor....WHAT THE HELL AMERICA??? And you elected that guy twice... Really ??
For me.. Still Ron Paul 2012 last hope for the system.
On January 20 2012 17:09 Terry Bogard wrote: All I'm saying is we do horrible things everyday.
Let's look at ourselves. What did we spend our last hundred dollars (of spare money after rent and food) on?
Probably junk food, computer games, basically entertainment stuff right.
Consider this. Every night when we go to sleep, 30,000 kids in Africa die of starvation. Malnutrition and diarrhea are huge issues.
And there are groups that allow you to sponsor children. Each child you sponsor is a child saved, right?
But what do we do? We live our lives and get by each day entertaining ourselves, doing stuff to please ourselves, to gratify ourselves.
Are we any better than someone who leaves his wife to die, when daily thousands of children are dying, yet instead of spending our money on them, we spend it on ourselves?
Last year I donated $4000 to various Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Groups. That's roughly 20% of my post-tax income. Just because you are a shitty person doesn't mean everyone else is, too.
- Another great video about presidents..all for comedy..kind of dark tho
I got my mind blown when I found out ( in my ignorance ) that Ronald Reagan was actually an actor....WHAT THE HELL AMERICA??? And you elected that guy twice... Really ??
For me.. Still Ron Paul 2012 last hope for the system.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the fact that he was an actor. Not every president needs to have 20 years in politics and a degree in law. It's probably preferable to have something other than a career poltician/lawyer. As long as someone is intelligent and has good intentions, they should be able to have a legitimate shot at the presidency.
On January 20 2012 12:00 FeUerFlieGe wrote: Paul and Gingrich are the only ones who can beat Obama and stand up to him in debates.
Paul and Gingrich can't stand up to Obama. Romney certainly can, but not in a debate. Probably in economy, which would be good enough to win if Europe keels over.
I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would destroy Obama on Foreign policy and civil liberties easily.
On January 20 2012 12:29 Whitewing wrote: Of course Gingrich would say bringing up his affair is despicable. The man is scum enough to cheat on his wife while she's fighting off cancer, he doesn't want anything that makes him look bad being brought up.
He's not a decent person, he's one hell of a huge hypocrite. Spouting 'christian' and 'family' values while cheating on his own family.
Let me play Devil's Advocate.
I think it's quite easy to be quick to judge - but what if you were put in his shoes?
I had a friend who was in a two year relationship. Then he got cancer and his girlfriend left him because he only had three years left to live (according to the doctors). Fact of the matter is, when you are faced with having to love someone who is of lower value, your attraction for them decreases.
If we were all saints, we would all be marrying people like this:
Which girl did you masturbate over and want to date when you were in high school? I guarantee that 10 times out of 10 it was a hot chick. Nobody wants the fat and ugly chick.
Now we go on about how it's wrong for Gingrich to dump an older woman for a younger mistress. Well, I hope that if you feel that is ethically wrong, that you one day marry (if you're not already married) someone who no other guy wants. Because everybody wants to equally be loved. Yet we, by human nature, choose beauty over ugliness.
Say there are two women. One is 40 and has never been loved. Then there is a 20 year old chick who every guy wants to marry because she's fucking sexy enough to be a pornstar. Who are you going to choose?
Obviously, by purely ethical standards, it is unfair that the 60 year old has never even been kissed, simply because Jesus fucking Christ made her the way she is (physically), so you should choose her.
But are you going to do it? Fuck no.
And don't forget that the same thing happened with John Edwards.
So let's be honest here. It's easy to get on our high horses and condemn Gingrich for dumping an ugly ass wife for a relatively hotter one. But let's not pretend none of us would do the exact same thing, or are doing the exact same thing everyday. There are thousands of cancer patients out there but how many of us are selflessly sacrificing our lives going to visit them instead of playing SC?
As for Gingrich's 'Christian' values - if America wasn't so full of dumbass people who believed in fairy tales then their politicians wouldn't have to be pandering to such ridiculously retarded beliefs.
I am not putting myself in the same shoes as Mr. Gingrich - thank you very much for asking.
He was married for almost 20 years(1962-1980) with his first wife, had 2 children with her then left her because he had an AFFAIR. He married the second wife in 1981 - left her after almost 20 years of marriage(1981 - 2000) after another AFFAIR with his current wife. To make things more absurd his second wife got cancer before he left her.
Then we have this: "In a 2011 interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Gingrich addressed his past infidelities by saying, "There's no question at times in my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate."(source Wikipedia, can be verified elsewhere if you wish)
That is some fucked up shit man, your argument is invalid. He does not just want to " have the girl that´s pretty or not fugly" - he spent almost 40 years in those 2 marriages with those women. And your masturbation analogy makes me sick in this context to be honest - but that´s probably just me.
Also as far as I remember John Edwards got a lot of shit for his actions, rightfully so, as should Gingrich.
//edit 1 marriage =~20 years - 2 marriags = ~40years ;-/
Whenever I hear the story about how Newt left his wife when she was sick with cancer, I just have to think about Curb Your Enthusiasm. The episode where Larry tries to break up with Loretta before she gets her results back from the doctor.
Now, truth be told, I actually don't care that much about it. But i do think it's kind of silly to talk about christian values and morals when you so obviously disregard them.
Yah, in my mind it's not so much that he cheated and/or screwed over his wives, (which is still really really shitty behavior), but the fact that he does all that WHILE claiming to be some champion of "family values" and "protecting the sanctity of marriage", *and* attacking Bill Clinton for doing the same shit.
On January 20 2012 22:54 Haemonculus wrote: Yah, in my mind it's not so much that he cheated and/or screwed over his wives, (which is still really really shitty behavior), but the fact that he does all that WHILE claiming to be some champion of "family values" and "protecting the sanctity of marriage", *and* attacking Bill Clinton for doing the same shit.
That level of hypocrisy is just ridiculous.
100% my thoughts. I also think that he would not stand a chance against Obama - but currently if we look at the shape that Romney(especially after the disastrous debate yesterday) is in and people not recognizing the sense that Ron Paul makes on many issues, no one of the Reps. does honestly. On the other hand it´s only the primaries so anything can still happen.
On January 20 2012 16:56 Terry Bogard wrote: Also it's worth noting that women are very irrational. Gingrich's second wife goes on ABC going on about how Gingrich is evil because he cheated on her - all while she cheated with him on his first wife. Women love to justify themselves and make themselves look perfect whilst ignoring any hypocritical shit they did in their pasts. They rationalise their own mistakes by saying things like: "Well, he wasn't in love with his first wife so it was OK for me to marry him then." And then she goes on to attack him for doing the exact same thing (surprise surprise, what did you expect). Pathetic victim mentality.
Wow, that is just about the most sexist thing I think I've read on the TL forums. This dude's got issues, and I hope there's at least a warning for that. Saying stuff like that is just not cool.
On January 20 2012 16:56 Terry Bogard wrote: Also it's worth noting that women are very irrational. Gingrich's second wife goes on ABC going on about how Gingrich is evil because he cheated on her - all while she cheated with him on his first wife. Women love to justify themselves and make themselves look perfect whilst ignoring any hypocritical shit they did in their pasts. They rationalise their own mistakes by saying things like: "Well, he wasn't in love with his first wife so it was OK for me to marry him then." And then she goes on to attack him for doing the exact same thing (surprise surprise, what did you expect). Pathetic victim mentality.
So when women are hypocrites you say "women are irrational and hypocritical" but if men do the same thing you say "oh well put yourself in their position! This is totally okay!"
Go away. Stop judging people by their genitals and take your idiocy elsewhere.
On January 06 2012 13:37 Risen wrote: I'm a little confused by some politicians' views on things. How many states do you really think will actually pass legislation banning things like birth control, pornography, gay marriage, etc. ((All these things increase standards of living in the places they are legal))
If you live in a very conservative state, and these things are banned awesome. That's your right as a state, but have you thought about the economic impact? It wouldn't be a short-term impact, but a long-term impact. People naturally want to live in an area with a higher standard of living, so if you pass legislation barring these things people will move out of your state. Less tax revenue leads to a shitty state. OR what could happen, is the country will become even more polarized.
It's proven in studies that more educated people support these basic SoL increases. What you'll eventually have is an uneducated mass of states and a highly educated mass of states both vying for national power. Bad news imo. None of this stuff will affect me directly, I live in Nevada, I'm not going to have to worry about these things passing, but it still seems pretty shitty when you look at the direction national discourse is taking.
I mean, Santorum as a serious candidate Iowa? Santorum: "They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do, government should keep our taxes down and regulations low, that we shouldn't get involved in the bedroom or in cultural issues. That is not how traditional conservatives view the world." What the hell? I'm a white male, ergo I'm almost guaranteed to be a conservative, and I can say without a doubt that isn't how traditional conservatives view the world. Traditional Christians? Probably a lot closer to the mark. Traditional conservatives to me means limited government, socially and fiscally.
Anywho, NDAA passing means I won't be voting for the Obama-llama and I can't bring myself to vote for Romney at the moment... so another write-in year, I guess.
BOOM! BAM BING BONG BOOM! Naiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiled it.
On January 20 2012 12:00 FeUerFlieGe wrote: Paul and Gingrich are the only ones who can beat Obama and stand up to him in debates.
Paul and Gingrich can't stand up to Obama. Romney certainly can, but not in a debate. Probably in economy, which would be good enough to win if Europe keels over.
I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would destroy Obama on Foreign policy and civil liberties easily.
Sorry Ron Paul fans, but Obama would beat Ron Paul solely because of foreign policy issues. Ron Paul's foreign policy views aren't just out of step with mainstream America, they're also offensive to most Americans. Whether he's right isn't really relevant.
On January 20 2012 12:00 FeUerFlieGe wrote: Paul and Gingrich are the only ones who can beat Obama and stand up to him in debates.
Paul and Gingrich can't stand up to Obama. Romney certainly can, but not in a debate. Probably in economy, which would be good enough to win if Europe keels over.
I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would destroy Obama on Foreign policy and civil liberties easily.
Sorry Ron Paul fans, but Obama would beat Ron Paul solely because of foreign policy issues. Ron Paul's foreign policy views aren't just out of step with mainstream America, they're also offensive to most Americans. Whether he's right isn't really relevant.
While probably true, when he actually explains his views and don't hear them secondhand they are much more forgiving. Now he's more in the spotlight so people are actually considering him rather than dismissing him. Nonetheless, a debate between the two on foreign policy would be hawt.
Edit: wow this sounds like wishful thinking on my part ;_;
On January 20 2012 12:00 FeUerFlieGe wrote: Paul and Gingrich are the only ones who can beat Obama and stand up to him in debates.
Paul and Gingrich can't stand up to Obama. Romney certainly can, but not in a debate. Probably in economy, which would be good enough to win if Europe keels over.
I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would destroy Obama on Foreign policy and civil liberties easily.
Sorry Ron Paul fans, but Obama would beat Ron Paul solely because of foreign policy issues. Ron Paul's foreign policy views aren't just out of step with mainstream America, they're also offensive to most Americans. Whether he's right isn't really relevant.
I think you'd be surprised just how many liberals and moderates are super Anti-war. I can't say on the other parts, but Paul's opinions on foreign intervention are 100 times more popular than the other conservatives (at least with liberals) This is of course my opinion but I do live in an incredibly liberal city and this is the general feel i get talking to pretty much every demographic in the city
On January 20 2012 12:00 FeUerFlieGe wrote: Paul and Gingrich are the only ones who can beat Obama and stand up to him in debates.
Paul and Gingrich can't stand up to Obama. Romney certainly can, but not in a debate. Probably in economy, which would be good enough to win if Europe keels over.
I'm pretty sure Ron Paul would destroy Obama on Foreign policy and civil liberties easily.
Sorry Ron Paul fans, but Obama would beat Ron Paul solely because of foreign policy issues. Ron Paul's foreign policy views aren't just out of step with mainstream America, they're also offensive to most Americans. Whether he's right isn't really relevant.
ROFL, seriously? You guys are offended about someone's belief that America should keep there bloody troops within there country rather than bullying other countries? The only way Obama would destroy Ron Paul in a debate is if they pack the building full of sheep and you judge a debate by the cheers.
I would register Republican and vote for Ron Paul. 80% of the stuff he says I like, but the other 20% really scares the shit out of me. Also I think once the reality of politics hits, splitting responsibilities with Congress, alot of what he promises simply won't get done, alot like Obama in the 2008 election. It is just the sad truth of politics. If Ron Paul gets to the general election, which I doubt cause alot of what he says simply isn't electable from the Republican party standpoint going into the general election (which is a damn shame, cause the rest of them are fucking nutters), I don't know who I will vote for. The situation is kinda shitty no matter how you spin it. The executive can only do so much (really only as good as its legislative branch), Congress is the real deal and it is pretty shitty as of now.
On January 20 2012 12:29 Whitewing wrote: Of course Gingrich would say bringing up his affair is despicable. The man is scum enough to cheat on his wife while she's fighting off cancer, he doesn't want anything that makes him look bad being brought up.
He's not a decent person, he's one hell of a huge hypocrite. Spouting 'christian' and 'family' values while cheating on his own family.
Let me play Devil's Advocate.
I think it's quite easy to be quick to judge - but what if you were put in his shoes?
I had a friend who was in a two year relationship. Then he got cancer and his girlfriend left him because he only had three years left to live (according to the doctors). Fact of the matter is, when you are faced with having to love someone who is of lower value, your attraction for them decreases.
If we were all saints, we would all be marrying people like this:
Which girl did you masturbate over and want to date when you were in high school? I guarantee that 10 times out of 10 it was a hot chick. Nobody wants the fat and ugly chick.
Now we go on about how it's wrong for Gingrich to dump an older woman for a younger mistress. Well, I hope that if you feel that is ethically wrong, that you one day marry (if you're not already married) someone who no other guy wants. Because everybody wants to equally be loved. Yet we, by human nature, choose beauty over ugliness.
Say there are two women. One is 40 and has never been loved. Then there is a 20 year old chick who every guy wants to marry because she's fucking sexy enough to be a pornstar. Who are you going to choose?
Obviously, by purely ethical standards, it is unfair that the 60 year old has never even been kissed, simply because Jesus fucking Christ made her the way she is (physically), so you should choose her.
But are you going to do it? Fuck no.
And don't forget that the same thing happened with John Edwards.
So let's be honest here. It's easy to get on our high horses and condemn Gingrich for dumping an ugly ass wife for a relatively hotter one. But let's not pretend none of us would do the exact same thing, or are doing the exact same thing everyday. There are thousands of cancer patients out there but how many of us are selflessly sacrificing our lives going to visit them instead of playing SC?
As for Gingrich's 'Christian' values - if America wasn't so full of dumbass people who believed in fairy tales then their politicians wouldn't have to be pandering to such ridiculously retarded beliefs.
So what role does loyalty play into this issue? What about love? At best, you're arguing from a biological perspective-- the male going for the more attractive female when his current mate/partner is no longer as pretty/ young/ fertile. While humans are indisputably animals, we are also human beings. That means we should be able to rise above these most basic urges, either because there is good in us or because the rules of society tell us to, that being an argument for another time.
From a moral perspective, you make a social contract with someone when you marry them. You swear on pretty much all that matters to love them and stay with them and be loyal to them unto death. Or until divorce. But not before. Now, your friend, no apologies, had a douchebag girlfriend. If someone is only willing to stay with you in the good times and ditches you in the bad times, they're a... I'll stop the expletives now, but you get the idea.
Moreover, the President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world. As Uncle Ben said, "with power comes with great responsibility". If we could elect... God to be president we would. But we can't. No man is perfect. But whoever wants to be President better be the best man he can be.
Psh. It's far more than just Christian beliefs. It's part of morality, the social contract, the law. It's doing what's right.
All I'm saying is we do horrible things everyday.
Let's look at ourselves. What did we spend our last hundred dollars (of spare money after rent and food) on?
Probably junk food, computer games, basically entertainment stuff right.
Consider this. Every night when we go to sleep, 30,000 kids in Africa die of starvation. Malnutrition and diarrhea are huge issues.
And there are groups that allow you to sponsor children. Each child you sponsor is a child saved, right?
But what do we do? We live our lives and get by each day entertaining ourselves, doing stuff to please ourselves, to gratify ourselves.
Are we any better than someone who leaves his wife to die, when daily thousands of children are dying, yet instead of spending our money on them, we spend it on ourselves?
We is a very general term, and I don't like being included in your we.
I've been saving and investing money for the sake of going to college for four or five years. I worked hard through high school for that, and to get into a decent school. Now I'm here, and I'm trying to make the most of my education-- taking lots of classes, looking for internships and work experience. Hell, I don't actually have my last hundred bucks to blow off. I eat ramen half the time. You know why I put up with this when I could have gone to some local state school on a full ride and partied all day? Because I want to be a doctor. I want to save lives.
On January 20 2012 16:56 D10 wrote: Hey guys I dont know anything about how the american elections are going, can someone shed light on a few questions?
First question, do you think obama will get reelected ?
Second question, whos winning the republican nominations ?
Third question, what about ron paul ? does he have a chance on this one ?
1) Obama will win re-election
2) Romney will win the nomination
3) No, Ron Paul no matter how much he's likeable on a personal basis never has and never will win a republican nomination.
On January 21 2012 02:20 D10 wrote: Im sad that none one wanted to answer my questions, instead just keep this mindless and unproductive discussion