On August 12 2011 14:55 ItsMeDomLee wrote: Lololol. This kind of stuff happens everywhere. Everytime you eat KFC you're supporting animal cruelty!
Don't come into these threads and shed tears of ignorance. You're part of the problem.
And? I support "animal cruelty" if its useful to me or others, this isnt. Hence I can and do condemn it with complete consistency, now run along and eat a tomatoe.
Bears arent sentient, claiming it consciously decided to euthanize its cub, embraced it beforehand knowing what it would do, and then running into a wall? Sorry, literally beyond its conceptual possibilities. The bear probably simply went mad from pain/infections and acted irrationally. That or its an entire lie, this is a story about some random shady bear milking business off in the boonies of china. Not exactly what you would call reputable.
On August 12 2011 14:47 kaisen wrote: Doesn't that mean they have some form of conscious to know that if they kept it up then they'd be free of pain? As well as knowing that they only way to save her cub was to kill it (therefore being free of pain) therefore having some knowledge of what death is?
We have no idea what happened or what the bear was trying to do. There's too much anthropomorphizing going on here. Obviously the rest of the story is extremely sad but that kind of animal suffering is not exactly uncommon around the world .
Why did I read all of this? Fuck this is disgusting. If that story is true... and the bear is smart enough to recognize these things.... my god.
Is there any secret organization that goes around the world fucking up the people who do this and rescuing the animals that I can join? I ain't talking about peta and throwing blood on celebrities... thinking more along the lines of that X-men ship dropping down on these foo's and freeing/executing some bears.
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
Do you know the difference between HUMANE KILLING AND INHUMANE ??????? What if i stuck a big damn rod into your stomach and drain your guts out of you will you @#$% enjoy it ??? Tell me ?These animals are not even given pain killers or anesthetic to ease the pain when they are gutted out of their joy for !@#$ medicinal values .
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
Cmon m8 killing for food is very different to torturing and milking for gut juices.
And yeh sure lots of places in the west treat animals badly and it's disgraceful, but there are also a lot of western states and slaughter houses that are quite humane and careful about the way they go about it as well.
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
Do you know the difference between HUMANE KILLING AND INHUMANE ??????? What if i stuck a big damn rod into your stomach and drain your guts out of you will you @#$% enjoy it ??? Tell me ?These animals are not even given pain killers or anesthetic to ease the pain when they are gutted out of their joy for !@#$ medicinal values .
i think his point is that there is inhumane treatment of animals in other places (such as USA) too.
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
Do you know the difference between HUMANE KILLING AND INHUMANE ??????? What if i stuck a big damn rod into your stomach and drain your guts out of you will you @#$% enjoy it ??? Tell me ?These animals are not even given pain killers or anesthetic to ease the pain when they are gutted out of their joy for !@#$ medicinal values .
Do you know how veal is produced? Or in animal drug testing, etc.
On August 12 2011 15:14 TheLOLas wrote: 1. Very sad story 2. It is terrible that this was ever practiced 3. I kind of doubt the legitimacy of this story. I mean how in the hell can a bear be able to understand the concept of putting its cub out of its misery.
You'd be surprised the way a mother animal will act to protect her babies from potential harm or danger. A mother rabbit will kill her own babies rather then have a predator or other threat do so.
But on the topic of this thread, I can't believe the inhumane treatment of not only this case, but others all around the world. I know it's low chance of this ever changing, but the best I can do is hope.
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
On August 12 2011 15:04 rift wrote: Traditional Chinese medicine is a farce just like any other form of medicine lacking clinically-proven efficacy. Of course, people all over the world believe in imaginary deities and fictional history, so I'm sure this is considered completely rational to uneducated "practitioners".
You're not the first expert on chinese medicine that's popped up here. I think it's stupid to suggest that natural medicine with thousands of years of history behind it has nothing to offer.
Normally I agree with your posts, but this is pretty silly. There are ALOT of things that have been around for thousands of years that I don't think you'd really agree are legitimate.
They do have a chart that looks incomplete... but it's mostly about how things flow from one end to another...like striking the shoulder when the arm is fully extended... where the artery connects to the heart...only a slight shock or jolt...
Kind of amazing that the bear would know to suicide after killing her own cub.
On August 12 2011 15:10 StorkHwaiting wrote: Sigh. So fking sad. Chinese ppl stop doing this . I know animal cruelty happens in tons of areas of agriculture, but it always just makes me fking sad. Wish all agriculture used humane practices, even though that's mostly an empty gesture too.
Mmmhm, good job making an asshole of yourself by saying it's only China doing it. I can say, "American ppl stop murdering cows and pigs."
Do you know the difference between HUMANE KILLING AND INHUMANE ??????? What if i stuck a big damn rod into your stomach and drain your guts out of you will you @#$% enjoy it ??? Tell me ?These animals are not even given pain killers or anesthetic to ease the pain when they are gutted out of their joy for !@#$ medicinal values .
Are we implying we kill animals "humanely" (is there even such thing as humane killing?) in the West?
Wish that animal cruelty was something that didn't exist. Speechless about how the mother bear had the heart to save her cub and herself from a lifetime of pain and suffering.
On August 12 2011 14:55 ItsMeDomLee wrote: Lololol. This kind of stuff happens everywhere. Everytime you eat KFC you're supporting animal cruelty!
Don't come into these threads and shed tears of ignorance. You're part of the problem.
As if becoming a vegan/vegetarian would solve anything?
Well if it was adopted wholesale it would result in the extinction of several species of bovine, billions of chicken etc etc. If an animal doesnt have a purpose [i.e its cute or tastey] its eventually confined to a very small area if not killed all together.