Unless I'm mistaken, Amazon currently has the HD558 at $144.99 as opposed the the supposed $229.95.
I was considering buying either these, the HD555, AD700, or the MT-50. Obviously the last 3 I've considered since they are (relatively) on the same price range, but seeing as the HD558 has gone down(?) to just a few dollars higher I wanted to know what TL thinks about these 3 models.
Since they're also open headphones, anyone have any experience with the sound leak for any of them? I've only ever used closed headphones, how bad is it in public areas? (in terms of can other people hear me, and can I hear other people?)
I would like to use my new headphones for gaming and music, mainly SC2 and shooters. I'm also starting to get into trance/dubstep/techno and all that and have not really experienced good Bass headphones, are they any good? Other then that, just plain old rock and roll and jazz.
Thanks so much for anyone who can point me in the right direction, any other recommendations are greatly appreciated although the low price on the HD558 has made me excited to get them before they run out of stock!
Has any of you guys tried the Bose IE2 in-ears? I'm looking to purchase a new set of in-ears since my old Creative Aurvana 2 in-ears died last week. Opinions and recommendation?
On October 25 2011 20:18 Jojo131 wrote: Unless I'm mistaken, Amazon currently has the HD558 at $144.99 as opposed the the supposed $229.95.
I was considering buying either these, the HD555, AD700, or the MT-50. Obviously the last 3 I've considered since they are (relatively) on the same price range, but seeing as the HD558 has gone down(?) to just a few dollars higher I wanted to know what TL thinks about these 3 models.
Since they're also open headphones, anyone have any experience with the sound leak for any of them? I've only ever used closed headphones, how bad is it in public areas? (in terms of can other people hear me, and can I hear other people?)
I would like to use my new headphones for gaming and music, mainly SC2 and shooters. I'm also starting to get into trance/dubstep/techno and all that and have not really experienced good Bass headphones, are they any good? Other then that, just plain old rock and roll and jazz.
Thanks so much for anyone who can point me in the right direction, any other recommendations are greatly appreciated although the low price on the HD558 has made me excited to get them before they run out of stock!
Well the ATH M50 is actually closed But the HD555 and AD700 are open And yes, they will provide no passive isolation, so you will be able to hear others and others will be able to hear your music
Since you like the trance/dubstep and the bass oriented music, I wouldn't recommend the HD555 and the AD700, as they are quite lean on bass
The ATH M50 though have good bass and I would take a look at those
I'm looking to buy the grado sr60i's for Christmas or something similar to that (around $100 USD or so). Are there any other recommendations? I usually listen to kpop, rap, classical, and some rock. I primarily listen through my desktop and maybe occassionally a sony mp3 player.
As well, are there any good places to get grado's in Canada? I've been comparing prices and the ones sold in Canada are like $50 more than the ones sold in US (comparing amazon.com vs amazon.ca).
i figured here would be the best place to post, im looking for a new pair of headphones ($200 is upper max but i'd prefer around 150USD) im a musician so i notice everything wrong when i hear it out of my heaphones so basically i want high quality headphones, and sound > comfort but comfort is still nice to have tyvm
On October 28 2011 22:33 tUUTZ wrote: Every piece of "decent" headphones is so expensive. But I want one since I can't stand retarded Steelseries crap dying after 2 months or so.
I use a Gamecom Plantronics headsett at home, and when going out of the appartment i use Sennheiser HD 201 headphones, and i need my Mp3 player and Sennheiser headphones with me else i get very cranky.
I can't lug around my SRH840s everywhere, but I still wanted good music on the go. I hesitated between the portapros and the sr60is, but since they were so much cheaper and have a lifetime warranty, I went with the koss'.
Not dissapointed! Sound great for how cheap they are.
I'll be using them from my laptop, desktop or android phone with no amp or anything. I dont want the bass to be overpowering, I want it to be clean yet slightly stronger than a natural sound because i listen to a lot of electronic music (day 9-esque stuff as well as house/electro pop) as well as hard rock. I listen to some classical music as well as a lot of live music. Besides the bass restriction i just want the sound to be as clean, natural, and balanced as possible.
I want to know which one of those cans has the most balanced and natural sound as well as the nicest sound stage so I can finally decide!
Thanks for any help!
Well, the AKG's are as natural and balanced they get. But they do lack a bit on the lower end ( of course you can tweak it just a bit in the EQ). However I use them for making music and listening anything from classical to black metal and they are just great. Comfortable too.
I'm sorry if this question gets asked a lot, but where would I be able to get my hands on a pair of Sennheiser HD212 pros? I'm aware that they don't get manufactured anymore, and I've scanned google for "legit" shops that sells them, but to no avail. The only "positive" result I've had in that sense is an ad on the indian ebay site, which doesn't offer anything but a stockphoto of the package..
Wondering if anyone can recommend a pair of in-ear headphones, looking for ones that I can use for listening to music and gaming. So far I've looked at the Thermaltake, Razer and Steelseries brands. Can anyone recommend any headphones from these brands or some others that I may have missed. I'd prefer ones that aren't massively expensive.
On October 30 2011 21:39 Roboza wrote: Wondering if anyone can recommend a pair of in-ear headphones, looking for ones that I can use for listening to music and gaming. So far I've looked at the Thermaltake, Razer and Steelseries brands. Can anyone recommend any headphones from these brands or some others that I may have missed. I'd prefer ones that aren't massively expensive.
Price? What kind of music? Would you prefer enhanced bass (i.e. more than originally intended in some sense), mids, treble, or something more balanced, etc.?
Those are three common gaming peripherals brands, which are usually poor value for money for these kinds of products.
meelectronics make some pretty decent budget in-ear headphones if you're going for the <$50 range... and they're fairly well made and comes with the accessories (case, extra ear tips, etc), so while it probably won't be beating any $100-200 IEMs anytime soon, it's fine for just playing games and listening to music.
On October 30 2011 21:39 Roboza wrote: Wondering if anyone can recommend a pair of in-ear headphones, looking for ones that I can use for listening to music and gaming. So far I've looked at the Thermaltake, Razer and Steelseries brands. Can anyone recommend any headphones from these brands or some others that I may have missed. I'd prefer ones that aren't massively expensive.
Price? What kind of music? Would you prefer enhanced bass (i.e. more than originally intended in some sense), mids, treble, or something more balanced, etc.?
Those are three common gaming peripherals brands, which are usually poor value for money for these kinds of products.
Usually listen to metal, I'd like something with a balanced sound if possible. Can you recommend any brands?
I know people in this thread are very much against those celebrity headphones, but did anyone have chance to get their hands on the Soul by Ludacris SL 300 or SL 150 and if they're any good/better than the beats by dr dre.
Just out of curiosity because one of my favourite bands is advertising them.
Not worth the retail value. If you can find them for less than half the retail pricing out there, then by all means go for them.. because worst case scenario is you don't like them but I bet you can still sell them to someone who wants a mainstream product and you'll probably make profit out of it.
Anyway, the reason why I don't think it's worth the value is because I mistakenly bought a fake pair off craigslist and when I eventually bought the real pair, the sound quality, bass, treble, everything was EXACTLY the same..
I was like... what..?? loll...
The real Beats by Dre Studio are barely better than my old SteelSeries Siberia v2 headphones... music wise.
But I don't think the headphones suck at all. In fact, I REALLY like my Beats by Dres.. but I can't say that they are worth what's listed on their website.. something like $350 CDN..
On October 20 2011 10:17 Galaxy77 wrote: Can anyone recommend me some headphones between $100~$200USD that has a mic on the cable for handsfree? I commute a lot and I usually have my university notes on my lap. It's impossibly hard to hold my phone to my mouth whilst wearing conventional headphones.
I tend to listen to a lot of classical and solo pop singers. I like the sound of a good acoustic guitar too.
There should be a place near the nine dragon pond and the ladies street area/men's street area? ( it's a basement like area with multiple shops that sell audio equipment there and headphones. ) You can also try looking around the deep water pier's D exit near the golden arcade?
I've come to the decision of getting an AKG K272 HD, but seems like it's lacking bass. How bad is this "lack", I mean won't there be any bass? Would it be better to get Beyerdynamic DT770 instead?
I also need some recommendations for cheap but good soundcard.