On June 30 2009 06:04 ShadowDrgn wrote:Everyone but Austria and England are fucked. Welcome to the club.  I was going to say you didn't look totally fucked yet, but yeah, that forward retreat to the Tyrrhenian is pretty much a death sentence for you, at least if Austria uses it right.
Id be interested in getting in on some games, although I usually play on playdiplomacy.com, willing to try something else. Send me a PM next time one gets started up.
So for people already with accounts over there - there's a "best computer game of all time" thread running on the forum right now. Starcraft has thankfully been mentioned a few times, but not nearly enough. We must fix this! :p
Damn it, can't believe I missed the dead line 
Ah well, guess England's going to just sweep up now =/
Looks fun ... but complicated.
The actual rules to the game are very simple as there are only 3 distinct orders: move, support, and convoy (4 if you count holding, which is really a non-order). Resolving all the orders can get tricky when a lot of units all try to move to the same spot, but the game software handles all that. You do, however, need to understand the resolutions to properly strategize...
I think the moves themselves and the resolution of them are easy to grasp. But knowing how to strategize and communicate properly when you're not an experienced player is a challenge. I think I learned a lot in game 1 that I was able to apply in game 2. The result seems to be more or less the same, but at least I feel I had some chance to make a game out of it this time.
quick, someone make a UMS of this game.
On July 08 2009 23:03 Vex wrote: quick, someone make a UMS of this game. Are you kidding? There's like 10000 UMS versions. All of the ones I've seen suck, though :/
Thanks man. I'll write up my thoughts on the game after we're done.
Final score: * luddite (117) as England: 18 supply centers * MoltkeWarding (100) as France * ShadowDrgn (108) as Italy: 9 supply centers * Falcynn (100) as Germany, in civil disorder: 1 supply centers * stenole (100) as Austria: 1 supply centers * NewTank (95) as Turkey: 5 supply centers * Musoeun (100) as Russia
Some commentary from my point of view on game 2: + Show Spoiler +I decided to open much riskier than I had in game 1 by going for Serbia and Rumania and having a fleet in Albania so I could decide who got Greece. I also tried to get Germany to play the most Austrian friendly opening he could do which succeeded. Both Italy and Turkey also opened Austrian friendly which caused me to choose Turkey as my first victim, because keeping him in the game long term forces me to either put a load of trust in him or to keep half my army guarding my back. I would have liked to be more subtle when going against Turkey but Italy insisted that I should just assume Turkey knows that I am not his friend. Eventually it turned out that Italy left me stranded in the east after promising to help carve the Turkey. I also used whatever diplomacy I had to pit the English and the Germans against Russia. I ended up revealing some plans that Germany had given me in confidence to England in order to keep me a little stronger than my German neighbour. I underestimated how fast France would fall though so it proved to be a bad decision. Germany and I had some miscommunication that ended up hurting him pretty bad. Still, he stayed loyal to our alliance. I made a deal with Russia that he would get a chunk of Turkey if I let him have 2 of the Turk SCs. I intended to actually go through with it but after negotiating it, however I decided that if he actually trusted me, it would be better for me to just kill Russia. In retrospect it might have been smart to have kept my end of the bargain in order to get Turkey out of the game early. At this stage of the game I had been making as many fleets as my one port SC allows, both because it would speed up things against Turkey and because I needed them in case of an Italian attack which seemed more and more likely looking at how England seemed more geared towards taking Germany instead of pushing forward or even holding France. The Italian army in Venice made it a certainty and even though I was half-prepared, I was still half-unprepared. Through some luck I managed to hold him off for a while, but my defenses were spread thin because I still had a raging Turkey at my back. As England's success became more and more apparent, I increased my diplomatic efforts with Italy. Surely he would prefer a draw than to have England win. I drew my forces away from Italy in order to try to spark some will to kill the English. So that is how a 10 SC Austria becomes an irrelevant 2 SC nation holding Portugal and Moscow. On the bright side, Turkey's rage was quelled, so he proved that he wasn't a completely unreasonable player.
(Editted out some bad grammar)
French commentary:
+ Show Spoiler +I tried to open neutrally, but the English move into the channel and the Italian move west threw me off immediately. I had to give up one SC on turn 1 to guard my rear, and tried to encourage Germany to team up with me against England. Germany made a lot of noise but was idiotically obsessed with Russia. It was clear that both Austria, and, inexplicably, Germany, decided to remain without the West, so I was on my own against England and Italy with no possibility of pressure from Austria against the latter, and only empty promises from the former against England. I let the English in the north so that he would be in a position to swat the perdifious teutons down, and eventually the irrational Italian too. Germany's double-dealing annoyed me to no end at that point, and my goal was to see him die.