Spring 1901
So right off the bat, everyone sends off messages of greeting. Germany wants a DMZ in Burgundy and Rhur. I quickly agree because my initial plan is the Iberian Indecision, which involves moving my armies to Spain and Portugal and my fleet into the Atlantic, where it can be used as an attack on England or Italy. The plan is for a German alliance.
I want Germany’s allegiance to remain with me, not me and Austria, so I tip Austria off as to our DMZ. The Germany army in Munich moves to Rhur/Bur almost always with a small chance to the Austria territories. I’m incredibly surprised when Austria reveals that he has a DMZ with Germany as well. If Germany intends to honor both our agreements, he can only move to one of his own territories or stand. That seems unlikely so my inclination is that Germany is bullshitting me and plans to invade Burgundy, or at least make a move on Belgium from Rhur without me having a say. Could I really complain about him moving to a German spot? I decide no, and he shouldn’t complain about me moving to Burgundy as a defensive move, fully expecting to bounce there. I decide to not bounce after all and instead support the move from Marseilles, which can move to Spain in A1901. Adding to my suspicions is that Turkey informs me that Germany intends to take both Belgium and Holland this year (probably inferring from my suspicions sent to Austria), which he can’t do without breaking our DMZ.
Expecting Germany-Austria to be working together, I help put together the Russian-Turkish alliance that both of them wanted but neither was sure about. I’m on the other side of the world so both freely confide in me.
The last player unaccounted for is Cube (England). I message him on IRC and get him on, and he finalizes his moves in 10 minutes! I can’t even believe he read all his messages in that amount of time, and if he didn’t notice the game was running for hours, I doubt he looked up any strategy. I seriously consider moving F-Brest to the English Channel to bounce with him, but it would look very bad if he didn’t move there. Since he didn’t spend any time, I figure he’s not allied with anyone and can be turned to my cause next turn, even if he moves to the channel. Germany and Italy are much more worrisome.
I probably plugged in every normal French opening and scratched it before going with the Vineyard, a slightly weird semi-defensive move that doesn’t commit me to anything. I actually went to bed, lied there for 20 minutes or so, and then got up and changed my moves, haha.
Autumn 1901
Germany’s desire to have DMZs with half the players finally makes sense, and he actually meant all of them! He isn’t happy about my move into Burgundy, but that’s fine. His moves make absolutely no sense to me, and Russia is in a panic. Russia seems to be concerned about my status because of the English move into the Channel as well.
Unfortunately for Germany, his opening is so weird that I look it up online. There’s actually an article detailing the whole thing…. Oops!
I decide that Germany leaving himself open is too good to ignore, and England can’t do much to me with his opening. At worst, he takes Brest and I have to wrestle it away from him in 1902. I send a few long messages to England planning out our alliance. Obviously I want him to partially fail by bouncing in Holland, but I do mention that it’d be safer for him to move into Norway instead.
I message Germany and tell him that I want an alliance, we divvy up England, drink some wine together, etc. All I want from him now is to move his army from Kiel to Holland. Conveniently enough, that’s the move his strategy involves anyway. I’m such an easy ally to work with.
On the Russian front, I give him Germany’s moves and the best response. He ultimately decides not to risk moving off Warsaw, but he does take Sweden. I was hoping he wouldn’t trust me and would leave Sweden open. Falcynn’s claim that he’s seen this German opening twice is hard to believe, but he goes along with it anyway. This is going to make England’s life difficult in Scandinavia, especially with an army built in St. Petersburg.
I consider sandbagging myself by moving back into Brest with either the fleet or army in order to protect myself from an English stab. Also, I’m concerned that having 6 centers in 1902 is going to paint a target on my head. Ultimately, I decide to go for broke and move into Spain, Portugal, and Munich.
Winter 1902
Hahahahah! Germany did the Centrifuge exactly as predicted. Unfortunately the German-Austria anti-Russian alliance blew up in their faces too hard and Turkey took Greece. Italy, Germany, and Austria are all up shit creek and Russia-Turkey is scary. England played ball perfectly at least, but Russia positioned himself too well into Scandinavia.
I’m the last one to pick my new units, and I go for fleets in the two coastal territories. I can tell England they’re for Italy and Italy they’re for England. Suckers. What are they going to do about it?
Spring 1902
England is being very unreliable and it looks like he’s going to get bogged down pretty hard with Germany and Russia both. I think it might be good to stab him sooner rather than later, especially if Russia swoops in to take a piece of Germany. England’s fleet in London makes no sense and he can’t justify where it’s going to go.
I’m considering destroying Italy as well, but that would place me in direct contention with Turkey. I think I’m better off with Italy and Austria holding back the Juggernaut and getting my 18 centers from England, Germany, and Russia.
Everyone ends their turns pretty fast and I don’t think I’m going to have any luck negotiating with England or Germany to change their moves. I move my fleets around so that I can attack England or Italy, and I vacate Munich to provide more tactical options in the Fall.
I end my turn with my fingers crossed.
Autumn 1902
England fucks me in the channel once again, which wasn’t surprising. I held my fleet in Brest because I didn’t want to tip my hand, but I did seriously consider bouncing with him there. He might have understood if I had chosen to do so, but I went for the diplomatic play, which was probably stupid because of how far diplomacy has broken down between England, Germany, and I. It’s all my fault of course. England claims that he needs the channel to defend Belgium and that he’ll be there one more turn only. Yeah, he’s telling the truth because he’ll be in Picardy or Brest instead.
My goal is to take Belgium and give up Munich, and I decide on this set of moves:
F MAO-IRI, F Bre-ENG, F Spa-MAO, A Gas-Bre, A Bur-Bel, A Ruhr S Bur-Bel
Seems like a good plan if England tries something like taking Norway, Denmark, or supporting Germany. However, I’m worried that England is just going to sit tight for a turn and get a build from Holland before making a move. I can’t take Belgium if he does, and I’m giving away Munich. This leaves me with two other options:
1. Ask Germany to cut support with A Kiel-Holland and take Munich with A Berlin. If he betrays me, he’ll probably also tell England about the plan, but it’s possible that he wouldn’t and I could miraculously take Belgium without his help.
2. Support a bounce into Munich. If England tries to cut my support, he’s taking a 50/50 guess. I’ll be in good shape if he guesses wrong, and I won’t be in any worse shape if he guesses right than if I tried for Belgium and failed. I’d kick myself a lot for missing the opportunity in Belgium though.
Finally, if I believe he’s not moving out of the channel, I should move F Bre-Pic so my army in Gascony can occupy Brest. If England adopts a 100% defense, all 6 of my units will border him. He’ll have 5 units, but the ones in Holland and the North Sea won’t be in very good position, and if he doesn’t place the 5th in Liverpool, he’ll concede it to me in 1903. Germany will still only have 3 units and they won’t be threatening me either. I’m probably giving the game to Russia by doing this because Turkey is in no position to backstab.
Locked and loaded.
Winter 1903
Well, shit. England, in a moment of insanity, didn’t support Belgium from Holland and held instead. For my own mental well-being, I’m just going to pretend that didn’t happen. I could have Belgium right now and he’d only have 4 units instead of 5. Russia took Norway as expected, but also picked up Budapest. Italy picked up 2 centers and Austria’s down to 2, one of which is war-torn Serbia and completely surrounded.
Spring 1903
Do I go for broke in England or attempt to patch things up? Italy made 2 fleets on his western coast, and Austria’s fleet is probably going to help him retake the Ionian from Turkey. I’m pretty sure Italy is eyeing Spain, Portugal, and Marseilles, and I’m going to be hard pressed to properly defend them with a full scale attack on England underway. Germany hasn’t been on since Fall 02 ended, and he’s probably pissed that he didn’t get Munich. He threatened to give the game to Russia if I didn’t cooperate too. If only I had taken Belgium and given him Munich…. Oh well, it’s his fault for not being online. Logging in twice a day isn’t conducive to keeping an alliance going.
My initial plan is to convoy Brest to Wales and do a 3 way attack on Belgium. He’ll probably defend it, but he didn’t last turn! Germany might even agree to cut Holland for me, but England can still defend from the North Sea. F MAO can cover Spain and A Bur can cover Marseilles from Italy if needed, and he’s going to need at least 2 turns to get into position. Hopefully I’ve gained a center from attacking England by then to drop a fleet in Marseilles.
The remaining question is whether I try to convoy into Wales to set up an attack next turn or convoy straight into Liverpool and hope he moves to bounce in Wales. I go for the latter.
Autumn 1903
England covered both Wales and Liverpool by vacating the channel, which is interesting. Germany and/or Russia probably coached him into that move, but it’s all right. There was a huge mess in Belgium and Ruhr that resolved in my favor, although Germany took Munich back. I was hoping to be able to dangle it in front of him this turn, but considering Russia’s moves into German territory, it’s probably for the better. Austria’s all but dead and Turkey grabbed a Russian territory.
I really screwed up moving into the Irish Sea last year. I had considered the North Atlantic Ocean instead, which would have worked out so much better. I could have told England that I was moving there to assault Russia and he might not have made the fleet at Liverpool at all. C’est la vie. Now Russia wants to help me take back Munich so Germany’s Scandinavia defense will be worse. He doesn’t actually need my help if he thinks Germany is going to do a self-standoff; he can just support German A Mun-Ber and I’ll keep Munich unoccupied.
I thought up the best way Germany and England can screw me. Liverpool – Irish Sea, Wales – English Channel, Holland – Belgium, North Sea support Holland – Belgium. Then Germany can cut defensive support from Munich safely and Kiel can take the vacated Holland. Germany just has to hope Russia attacks Munich and I don’t play along. Should I try to defend this somewhat remote possibility? Yes, it makes sense. Even if I bounce with an unsupported move into the English Channel, I may pick up an extra unit from taking Munich back. At worst, I end up with fleets in the North Atlantic and Mid Atlantic with an army in Gascony that can be convoyed into England. I can’t lose Belgium this way either. It will suck if he supports his move into the channel, but I find that unlikely. I’m not counting on Russia supporting me into Munich either; in fact, we’ll all probably be better off if he doesn’t.
On second thought, screw playing it safe. If Germany cuts Burgundy and I lose Belgium, so be it. Hopefully I take the channel, keep Belgium, and Russia supports Germany’s Munich to Berlin. That’d give me another build for an army in Brest, and I can land 2 armies on England next turn and go for the throat next Fall. If Germany takes Holland and unsuccessfully tries to bounce with Russia in Berlin from Munich, it would be even better. I’m going with that just because it’d be awesome if it happened. Playing it safe isn’t going to win me the game at this point, and “safe” would piss Germany off anyway.
Spring 1904
England did what I thought he’d do with Wales and Liverpool, but once again his other moves made little sense. Germany could have taken Holland but chose to be extra safe. Russia didn’t go through with our plan, which is fine because I told him I wasn’t doing it anyway. Austria got wiped out, but that was to be expected. Turkey continues to play an excellent game.
No diplomacy to be done now, just trying to roll England over. I think it’s likely that he’ll try to dislodge me from the channel, but then I can retreat to London unless he covers it from the North Sea. If not, hopefully I’ll have 2 armies landed on his shores. I don’t think he can stop me from taking at least one of his centers. Turkey looks like he’s going to stab Russia finally, which will take some pressure off us. Not enough pressure to let Italy sail west I hope. That army in Gascony should have made him think twice about Iberia being easy pickings, but it’s going to be in Clyde in the Fall. If I don’t get another build next year, I could be in real trouble.
Autumn 1904
Wow, England and Russia teamed up against Germany. Fucking Cube. On the bright side, I landed both my armies in England and he has absolutely no way to stop me from taking Liverpool and London or Edinburgh and London. I may as well go for all 3 centers by hoping he moves F Liverpool – Wales to potentially cut support. Turkey moved to backstab Russia (obviously), but Russia moved to counter well. I don’t think Turkey can penetrate into Russia – he’s got too many fleets, and now Italy has those locked down too. Russia’s got this game so easily now.

Spring 1906
Likely moves: A Mos-StP, F Swe S Norway Holds, F Denmark S Kiel Holds, 3 way attack on Munich
How to screw him: Support hold Munich from Bur and Ruhr (unbreakable)
Maybe he’ll support Vie-Tyr and forego the attack on Munich until it’s guaranteed to succeed in the Fall.
Can have Germany support Pie-Tyr in that case, but can’t defend Venice. Might be worth the risk only single supporting a move into the Ionian with Italy.
For the north, German F Hol-Hel, A Bel-Hol, F North Sea – SKA, F Norwegian Sea – North Sea, F Brest – ENG. Then hit Denmark and Kiel in the Fall.