United States42004 Posts
It was a long pointing baddon that ran him down. I said you were trying to brawl it down because I was trying to explain your actions in terms of you having an intent and executing it. Your execution was sitting at 12k from it in an artycane therefore your intent was clearly to brawl it down. If however you would like me to stop giving you the benefit of the doubt then I'd be happy to just say you have no clue what button does what on your keyboard, aren't sure which numbers appearing in the distance column indicate twelve k (it's a 1 followed by a 2 by the way) and actually thought your screen was a window into another world. However I don't think you're an idiot, I think you can count, that you can control a ship, that you can understand the game and therefore when you're sitting 12k from a baddon I think that you're trying to brawl it down. While you remain in the hatchery I will continue to treat you like an intelligent person and I will continue to berate you when you fail to live up to that expectation. I simply do not accept that people are just bad, eve is a game in which a player makes a series of conscious choices and you win or lose by those choices. I hold you guys accountable to the standard of perfection I believe you're capable of, if you really think you're incapable of making intelligent decisions then I recommend you go play a game of connect one.
On July 02 2011 03:23 abominare wrote:Show nested quote +On July 02 2011 02:14 Ramiel wrote:I am no AF expert- but i was looking to get into this [Vengeance, Vengeance fit] Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket Rocket Launcher II, Thorn Rage Rocket 1MN Afterburner II Initiated Harmonic Warp Scrambler I 'Langour' Drive Disruptor I Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Small Armor Repairer II Thermic Plating II Ballistic Control System II Small Bay Loading Accelerator I Small Bay Loading Accelerator I 6.94 EHP 150DPS Cap stable for 17min with everything running 861 m/s for speed Of course you can drop the rigs for trimarks and the bcu to create a really tanky frig- but i like having some dps  But the retribution does a tank so much better- too bad it only has 1 mid QQ I'm not much of a fan of active tanked frigs, especially without a dcu, youre going to bleed into structure and die before you really get a lot of ehp out of repping. Also youre double screwed vs people who use neuts. Furthermore frig battles are all about range dictating virtually any other frig with a web will be able to escape that slow of a frig. In other news less than two weeks and I will be able to fly the most obnoxious jag fit ever. Most active tanking Frits are bad because of the lack of slots to get decent resists and a cap booster. However the vengeance has a ver good cap and it dosnt need a cap booster to permanent run a small rep and also get armour resist bonuses to get a good tank. Also it has 3 mids which can fit a web or a cap booster depending on personal preference/what you want to do with it.
Also it should really have a dcu, they help a lot.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Fuck up happens. Kwark rants at you and makes you feel like shit, but in the middle of that bollocking there is usually some useful stuff that you should take, ignoring the rest. Just the best way to go on. 
On an unrelated note we just found 3 battleships (phoon, domi and geddon) sitting on a belt at 0 so we decided to engage with 3 canes, a harb and a rifter. We weren't sure if they were bait or just a small RRBS gang so we nano'd around the asteroids and started to primary the geddon to bring down their biggest source of dps while putting ecm drones on the phoon to reduce their RR as much as possible. The geddon slowly wore down and started to hold at 20% so Pufftrees apparently decided to switch to multifrequency on his Harb and ram it. Pufftrees obviously died within a couple seconds, but two more bc's had arrived so we killed the geddon quickly after.
By this point the battlefield was looking quite comical with heavy drones chasing us as we kited them around the battlefield (at one point Def's rifter zoomed past my screen with about 10 heavy drones following him like a tail). The phoon was next, followed by the poor domi that must've had a very bad day with us being far out of range of it's blasters + kiting it's drones so easily.
Oh and apparently at some point we lost a rifter during this fight, must've gotten caught by a web.
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10057120 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10057124 http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10057146
And Pufftree's suicide harb: http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10057115
I sometimes I'm the only one who dosnt want to ram BS in my nanobc. (apart from all the drake pilots who chill at 60k)
Hyrule18982 Posts
I ram stuff all the time.
I still think you should be able to ram targets for kinetic damage. Come onnnn I wanna kamikaze rifter.
I always wanted a kamikaze frigate class.
On July 02 2011 05:16 GGTeMpLaR wrote: I always wanted a kamikaze frigate class.
Suddenly a way to balance gallente has appeared
Hey for my mentor to see me!  hope to be joining the ranks soon
On July 02 2011 04:36 Torenhire wrote: I still think you should be able to ram targets for kinetic damage. Come onnnn I wanna kamikaze rifter.
This and 1000MN MWDs
Avatar battering ram
The ability to kamikaze rifters into larger ships would mean that goonswarm would suddenly be able to take on all of new eden and come out on top.
Sometimes you just gota ram some shit.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Precisely why the Mach is the best ship in the world.
On a related note, emdar you flew a machariel in oddel already?! I wanted to be the first.
On July 02 2011 16:59 Firebolt145 wrote:Precisely why the Mach is the best ship in the world. On a related note, emdar you flew a machariel in oddel already?! I wanted to be the first. 
I probed down a missioning caracal and I hear emdar on TS saying, O INVITE INVITE, followed by "wait for meeee!".
So I warp to the guys mission, poor guy is getting owned by rats, and just sit their holding point. Then emdar lands in his Machariel lmao. Was a funny sight, maybe a lil overkill.
United States42004 Posts
On July 03 2011 02:13 sermokala wrote:http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=935can we all calm down now? In other news my new loki The Yelizaveta Is almost done with all my jew gold I'm acumulated in my wh. Anyone know an obscene pvp fit I could use? Loki is bad for most pvp. Basically anything except sigtanked armour t3 gang with RR.
United States42004 Posts
Daily update. Karah opened the day by losing a drake to eve uni who got only about 2/3 their fleet on the mail with a puny 24 guys. He turned to me and I mustered up 4 bc and a rifter to go after them. We had to attack them under gate guns so I kept killing griffins (2 shots from 80k) until their FC panicked and told them all to jump out. A cerberus had correctly assumed we were no threat up close because we couldn't brawl them down on the gate so he had returned fire on me. Now abandoned by his friends we warped the 150k to the gate and killed him in 30 seconds flat. Triple Karah's drake's cost. Not content with that we then pursued them across half of molden heath, always staying just a little behind them, trying to tackle the last man whenever they moved, trying to snipe weaklings whenever they stayed. By the time they fled back to highsec we'd scored 9 kills for no losses fighting outnumbered about 8 to 1.
We then found controlled chaos camping the teon gate in bosena with about 10 bc and a falcon. We threw Steve in and they bit. Things were touch and go on his tank for a few seconds because of issues with the links but we eventually got stuck in and spread points decently. The score was 2 canes, 3 drakes, a brutix and a damnation (which jumped into high to avoid a killmail). We lost no ships. Our fleet was smaller than theirs but they had no idea what was going on whereas we were able to quickly spread points and dispatch them one by one.
We then tried to do the same trick to a loki, devoter, falcon, megathron gang camping the gate 30 minutes later but firebolt and Jed failjumped and cost us roughly 1b in kills. They're terrible.
We need to get a fleet of maelstroms and camp the oddel/teon gate to see if anyone attacks us
United States42004 Posts
We just smashed controlled chaos again killing a scimmy, ruppy, cane and drake with a second scimmy getting out in 10% structure. Our fleet then disbanded, I logged off siege, docked up mael, most of us left and only a tengu and 3 canes were on call.
On comms there was some confused shit about a typhoon in space and a warpin was given to firebolt. I was then informed that firebolt was dying and I needed to be there to secondary point it with the mael. A rapier decloaked and an oneiros landed and fb had to get out. Local promptly spiked and Karah was webbed by the phoon in his tengu. He had no scram rifters to get the phoon off him, no siege links to help him tank it, no skirmish to help him outrun it and no backup. He had no idea what he was fighting and was surprised when 15 armour bs and three logis landed. That was the situation he put my mael into. Fortunately his tengu was more appealing and I was able to align and warp out but Karah's tengu, which could have been saved by a single scram rifter, was thrown away.
Karah was in his tengu to attack a gatecamping fleet that we had extensively scouted, wasn't mobile and had a falcon, while he had a fully formed fleet with siege links. Thus when he had to attack a random phoon sitting 100k off a station with just the remnants of a disbanded fleet and no scouting he decided the tengu was the ship for the job. I'm actually kind of happy he lost it, that kind of decision making deserves to be penalised.
Got quadwebbed by the rapier, by the time it died the phoon caught up and webbed me. Was trying to mwd out but the phoon was going 50m/s faster and i was taking heavy damage from his torps due to mwd. Bad times!