Ok time for some maths.
SP per minute = (primary attribute + secondary attribute/2)
level 1 - 250 level 2 - 1414 level 3 - 8000 level 4 - 45255 level 5 - 256000 these are sp for rank 1 skills... rank 2+ should be that number * rank If you want to only know the train time for rank x (x > 1) you have to subtract the sp from rank x-1. Example: rank 5 on a x3 skill: (256000*3)-(45255*3) = sp only for rank 5.
=> sp the skill needs / points per min = training time in mins
Would be awesome if somebody could confirm that, but it looks to be about right.
Or, you can just use evemon : D (which is in the op)
Or you could use the very scientific formula provided in game :
+ Show Spoiler + Rank 1 : short Rank 2 : takes some time Rank 3 : starts to be long Rank 4 : long Rank 5 : pretty long Rank 6 : damn long Rank 7 : oh god im tired to see that one train Rank 8 : not counting days anymore ... etc
It's actually "Speed = Distance / Time"
You want Time, therefore "Time = Distance / Speed"
Speed is how fast you train, you can see this trough eve mon, i'm currently training Rank 6 Skill to level 4 (271.530 Points, starting off at 48.000 points) with a speed of 2130 points / hour. And that is exactly 0,59166666666666666666666666666667 points a second.
Distance would be interpreted as the skill points you would want to reach minus the skills points that you started with, that is 223.530 .
T being Time we have : T = 223.530 SP / 2130 SP/hour "T" is around 377.797,183 seconds, or around 6.296,619 minutes, or around 104,943 hours. That is around 4 days and somewhat around 10 hours to completion from level 3 to 4.
On February 16 2011 08:00 Capiru wrote: It's actually "Speed = Distance / Time"
You want Time, therefore "Time = Distance / Speed"
Speed is how fast you train, you can see this trough eve mon, i'm currently training Rank 6 Skill to level 4 (271.530 Points, starting off at 48.000 points) with a speed of 2130 points / hour. And that is exactly 0,59166666666666666666666666666667 points a second.
Distance would be interpreted as the skill points you would want to reach minus the skills points that you started with, that is 223.530 .
T being Time we have : T = 223.530 SP / 2130 SP/hour "T" is around 377.797,183 seconds, or around 6.296,619 minutes, or around 104,943 hours. That is around 4 days and somewhat around 10 hours to completion from level 3 to 4.
That is pretty much a confirm, thank you.
the max you can get without an cerebral accelarator is 2700sp/h btw!
What is a cerebral accelerator, if i may ask?
Its a special implant that gives +3 to all stats, +10% damage or something, and only works for the first 30 days
Lalalaland34483 Posts
i would be if i had 15b lying around
United States41980 Posts
check out dat iamwiddershins creepin our topix
he does have a point though
So I've been away from Eve for the past week due to work/gf/real-life stuffs, but I got long-range targeting V done in the mean time \o/ Anyway, I log in last night to update my training queue for a few minutes when I see Karah noting a flashy red Cane on the Eifer in-gate. I offer my blackbird services, Karah quickly reships into a tackle Drake, and we engage within a couple of minutes.
It was yawn rape as I had him permajammed with 3 racials, with a lol moment when the Cane tried dual-boxxing a Falcon in to jam him out. Falcon misses his jams (lol 4 off-racials fitted, despite the fact he had 3 racials in his cargo??), that GCCs him and I successfully counter-jam him with heated racial and multispec, and he quickly falls to gate gun fire, unable to jam himself out (y u no warpout?). We then turn our attention back to the cane, who obliges us and dies a boring death.
I don't know how or why, but I seem to always get my jams off on Falcons \o/
thats quite lucky cause they have incredibly high sensor strength :D
I love to lurk these EVE threads, and to watch the influence map, though I'm pretty sure I'll never play the game. I ran across this intriguing idea on kugu about a revamped idea for lowsec, and I was wondering what the Hatchery thought, since it seems like it would be perfect for you guys. Especially since the top of the corp is more ready for nullsec but the bottom isn't quite ready yet. I dunno if their's a CCP petition out or anything, but this guy's idea sounds awesome.
kugu thread
+ Show Spoiler +Revised LowSec plan.
Alliance/Corp anchors Economic Blockade Unit, a 250m3 object that anchors and onlines in under 5 minutes. The EBU provides the corporation with immunity from NPC guns and security status loss in that particular constellation/region.
The EBU: -costs less than 100M isk (perhaps 20-50M isk,) -is anchored with 50km of a station -has no reinforcement timer -can be blown up by a ten man gang in fifteen-twenty minutes.
Holding the system for an hour will cause the system to be identified as the turf of this corporation/alliance.
Holding the system for six hours or more would result in any billboards present in system to be vandalized with the corp/alliance logo.
This facilitates fast, fluid territorial shifts for measurable gain with minimal investment and loss, which should suit a small/new alliance focus. Low-sec becomes a place for small alliances and corps to fight for territory and become local powers of a reasonably fixed address as they build themselves into 0.0 capable groups. They will do this while coincidentally neighboring 0.0 and sitting on the 0.0 logistics routes to empire. This combination of factors (territoriality, persistent proximity, logistical necessity) can act as a way to draw small alliances into the periphery of EVE Online's Great Game of interstellar war, diplomacy, and bribery.
On a personal level the EBU offers a % increase in the LP rewards of missions from agents in that system, potentially only for level 4 agents. This may necessitate lowsec getting more level 4 agents in conjunction with this lowsec overhaul.
The EBU furthermore delivers a 1000m3 chunk of highly compressed minerals to the anchoring corp's delivery hangar in that system every hour. The first station in the system you own grants you 100% of the value, the second station in the system is 66%, the third station is 33%, and any subsequent stations is 10% the theoretical max.
Holding additional systems in that constellation runs into small diminishing returns, like an 85%-45%-20%-10% on each additional system but it is still profitable.
Holding station systems outside that same constellation results in a 30% return on all further EBUs. This mechanic is intended to prevent 0.0-style sprawling lowsec empires.
The minerals delivered to the corp delivery hangar would be compressed into a single block of a maximum 1000m3 volume. This chunk would contain a couple million units of minerals.
My reasoning for the change to a mineral payout is as follows:
1. Human beings do not, and probably should not, mine tritanium in EVE Online.
2. CCP hates literal isk faucets.
3. Having minerals flowing out of low sec stations in compact form gives the low sec owners a few options as to what they could do with it. They could smuggle the bricks to High Sec in blockade runners/deep space transports and sell to industrialists, particularly 0.0 industrialists, or they could foster their own local industry and build their own T1 ships and modules/ammunition in low sec.
4. The exact mineral composition of these bricks could be altered on a regular basis by CCP themselves to reflect market realities and to head off potential problems early. The mineral composition of a given EBU's product in a given system may even be subject to some daily randomization of percentages.
5. The amount of minerals in a brick is based on the amount of needed to make a tier two battlecruiser. A brick would provide roughly enough minerals to make a single Hurricane or a Harbinger every hour of system ownership.
It was suggested to me that rather than going with bricks of strictly low-end minerals these bricks should incorporate every mineral type in proportion to use similar to drone compounds. I'd be open to that but it does reduce the dependence of lowsec on high sec for anything but T2 modules and T2/3 ships which CCP may not like.
This system is not intended to support large alliances, or to be extraordinarily lucrative. It is designed to be a starting point for fresh alliances interested in moving out to 0.0 to build themselves up before taking the next step. While some alliances and corps will choose to stay rather than move on to 0.0, they will be trading the greater rewards of 0.0 for the lesser risks of low sec.
I believe it would be relatively simple to scale this idea to NPC 0.0, with additional layers of complexity and rewards commensurate with the greater investment needed to live in NPC 0.0 with a proportionate level of loss.
tl:dr - small corps/alliances can inexpensively "claim" areas of nullsec just like a gang of thugs "claiming" a city block in a major city. building a tower-ish item allows you immunity from gate guns and security downgrades, and a decent chunk of corp level income, but its pretty easy for another small gang to kill.
Hyrule18975 Posts
That seems cool except you'd need to anchor one EBU per gate and station. In larger systems you end up spending more money than you would reasonably earn. What happens if 6 different corps all anchor EBUs in different places in the system? If an EBU prevents others from being anchored, then it shouldn't need to be placed near a gate. Rather, it should be able to be anchored anywhere.
I think it he was proposing that it needs to be near a station, not near a gate. Holding the NPC station "hostage" makes the gate guns safe to you, prevents sec downgrades and gives you a "tax" from the NPC citizens under your control.
"the police don't come down here, these are our streets."
10-20 man gangs can take down the EBU's and set up new ones quickly, making small turf wars viable and generating a lot of fun PvP for small groups.
Lalalaland34483 Posts
15 minutes of a 10 man gang wasting ammo to take down an EBU is...yuck :<
Hmm, i can see the situation of: "Oh crap big gang is here, is anyone online?" "No."
It would also make doing low-sec roams harder as there would always be people with gate guns on thier sides, so we couldn't use them to our advantage, and then we would be stuck to a small corner of space whic no one would come it because we would have gate guns not shooting us so we would rape anyone that came into our system.
Highly depends on the mechanics implemented with it. But it should have more health *-* you see, a 10 man gang that can take it down in 15 minutes, makes a 30 man gang take it down in 5 and a 60 man gang take it down in 2 minutes and a half, people could snipe it, and gtfo without losing much or even not engaging.