Also in hindsight it is kinda obvious, that WE spiked local that high in M-MD3B. xD
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Germany8352 Posts
Also in hindsight it is kinda obvious, that WE spiked local that high in M-MD3B. xD | ||
Serbia1416 Posts
we're faffing around the wormholes ganking ratters in 0.0 exits when we get the itch for a darkside roam. we've been doing them for a few weeks now and pretty much know that we need at least 10 people to pull them off properly and fulfill all the roles. unfortunately we only get 8, which is kinda bad. our fleet is 3 non-nano drakes (maximum tank!), 1 pulsezealot, 1 scimi (yours truly), 1 huginn, 1 lachesis 1 stiletto. no commandships, no ganglinks of any sort. our wormhole chain opens up into NC territory, the conglomeration of alliances notorious for only fighting with 3 to 1 odds in their favor. regardless, we decide to rely on their infamous stupidity and arrogance in fleets, which we have already confirmed on some previous roams through their territory. we go through a few of their station systems trying to draw them out into a fight, and sure enough, a bait drake lands on a gate with us at one point. we decide to go along with it and bite the bait cause we want a fight. we jump with it, he tries to tackle something, fails, we burn off gate while shooting him. at that point local spikes by about 25. textbook NC. they're coming through the gate we just came in through, probably using the time their drake spent cloaked to get on that gate without us seeing it. we kinda expected it though and by this point were 30km off gate. their fleet decloaks and we finish up the drake just before 2 scimmies apepar. their fleet is a random shitblob of battlecruisers, dictors and t2 frigs, though they have 2 logis and a falcon/rook. they burn after us with murder on their mind and we start kiting. at one point one of our drakes gets scrammed, but it appears that an overheated drake and an overheated scimmi tank the nc fleet just fine and after i get even the shield maintanance bots on him he actually starts regaining shields from 30% up to 50. at that point all of the ncs tacklers are dead, they are drawn out and out of range of their logis and ewar cower and they decide to disengage. our zealot is the hero of the battle, foiling all of their tackle attempts with relative ease. here's the br: unfortunately we lose no ships, and therefore the hostiles that we didnt kill dont even show up on the battle report. we decide to sacrifice rengas' stiletto next time so we get a properly epic br. we try getting out of that pipe cause knowing nc, they're just waiting for reinforcements so they can try with 4:1 odds this time. sure enough they come chasing after us, but we're running and cant see their exact numbers. 3 systems left in the pipe. 2. 1. they finally catch us around there, probably by jumpbriding. all they get is another ceptor loss. we prepare to make our exit out of the one-way system pipe to FREEEDOOOOM when local spikes by 15 more. another nc gang is covering the other exit with bubbles up. local is at at around 45 with only 7 of our gang in it (rengas went 1 jump ahead to scout, crossjumping the hostile reinforcements when they came in). by this time they have plenty of machariels, logis and caldari recons to make any attempt by us to fight futile. both gates are bubbled to fuck anyway. we try picking at their sides but manage nothing. so we execute an old pro trick on them that we got from the ruskies - logoffski. we go get dinner, come back, hostiles are gone. we start making our way back to the wormhole but we're jumping through pretty populated systems so hostiles have perfect intel. soon the same guys from before show their face, except this time they're much heavier on t2 cruisers, t3s and commandships. regardless we decide to have a go, theres only 20ish of them so how bad could it be. we do kiting, they do dieing. a curse manages to cap out one of our drakes, and soon pays for his insolence. luckily their tacklers are by this point so scared of our might zealot hero that they warp off as soon as he locks them, and our drake warps out. unfortunately our lachesis is permajammed by a falcon/rook combo and we cant maintain a reliable point on anything, so we decide to disengage. we snag a crow and a cane beforehand though. again the hostiles deny us an epic br cause they still cant manage to kill anything. we make our way back to the wormhole, and 1 jump out, while we're midwarp, local spikes by about 30 again. hostiles are coming through a gate thats only 35000km off our outgate, they have a pretty short warp and land on our outgate the same time as we do. we both jump, we all know what to do, we start kiting but the hostiles are too close, too numerous and too fast (even though half of them is still aggroed on the other side of the gate), and two of our drakes get tackled by t3s and a sleipnir, and soon the rest of their gang. no amount of overheat can save them now, one of the drakes tanks pretty well but eventually crashes, the other dies fast cause all my reps are almost burnt out by this point ![]() even so, we havent lost our composure, and during all that we punish the hostiles by killing 2 claws and a rapier for positive efficiency. gfs were had in local. our only regret is thinking what would have happened if we had our standard 10 man fleet instead of the crippled one we took out. there were a bunch more smaller stories and "moments" during all that that i wont go into, cause the battlereport seems big enough as it is. hope you enjoyed it. | ||
Lalalaland34484 Posts
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United States41991 Posts
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Slovenia504 Posts
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1193 Posts
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Serbia1416 Posts and then this happened: same gang just a bit before they got the critical blob amount: they failed to kill anything so they dont show up on kb properly and then we got blobbed to fuck by an admittedly pretty good RA gang: they had 3 basilisks and 2 scimis that never aggressed pretty good gang by them, if we had some ganglink bonuses for speed going we would have fared much better, this way we just got swarmed. | ||
United States330 Posts
Unacceptable. | ||
Germany8352 Posts
Yesterday I did the advanced career missions. Tbh they were pretty boring. Also I think that agent did not like me, because he sent me on two suicide missions. Luckily later I learnt a lot of useful stuff. First I learned what contract pvp is, then I went on rifter training held by Firebolt145. That resultet in me having a few decent overview settings and basic knowledge of a lot of useful stuff. For example gate crashing, coordinating points, d-scaning and more. I'll probably do some random d-scanning, since I kind of liked that. Later the corp went on a roam with ~18 ppl. Which turned out to be a nice, align/jump/warp training. I also learnt that admitting, when one made a mistake is a good skill toi have, at least in the presence of KwarK. On a totally unrelated note, I have now positive points on our killboard. | ||
Brazil170 Posts
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Lalalaland34484 Posts
so there's THAT plan out the window... | ||
United States41991 Posts
![]() [22:32:35] Gemini 3 > DOCK UP [22:32:55] Vice Noat > 5 in ammold [22:34:37] Vice Noat > zero is in ammold [22:35:25] Vice Noat > they all left ammold [22:35:39] Vice Noat > uber still here ![]() [22:35:40] Velveteen Viliana > uber is still in ammold [22:35:54] Gemini 3 > They're trying to point one of us [22:35:58] Gemini 3 > then all of the other login [22:36:13] Gemini 3 > It's an obvious trap [22:36:19] RoosterSamurai > It's a tarp [22:36:24] Gemini 3 > Just stay docked [22:36:39] Obelcho > thanks sherlock [22:36:52] Gemini 3 > Dont be sarcastic [22:36:57] Vice Noat > uber logged [22:36:58] Gemini 3 > Some people don't understand [22:38:00] Vice Noat > all logged =D [22:38:35] Vice Noat > all in lol [22:38:36] Gemini 3 > this is so much fail together [22:38:38] Zesoft > Christ [22:38:59] David Clausewitz > hon better [22:39:37] Vice Noat > i'm popped ![]() [22:39:43] Leon Raeth > srsly [22:39:46] Gemini 3 > What [22:39:48] Gemini 3 > are you serious [22:39:51] Apturan Reech > LOL [22:39:57] RoosterSamurai > Nobody is serious [22:39:58] Apturan Reech > what did you lose [22:40:03] Vice Noat > mael ![]() [22:40:06] Apturan Reech > WTF [22:40:06] David Clausewitz > where [22:40:07] RoosterSamurai > owch [22:40:07] Apturan Reech > man [22:40:08] David Clausewitz > in emol? [22:40:09] Gemini 3 > Are you retarded [22:40:10] Apturan Reech > seriously wtf [22:40:15] David Clausewitz > what system? [22:40:16] Gemini 3 > I told everyone [22:40:17] Gemini 3 > to dock [22:40:18] Vice Noat > ammold [22:40:26] Gemini 3 > Kwark's so gonna fine you [22:40:29] KwarK uK > lol [22:40:29] Leon Raeth > ouch [22:40:32] KwarK uK > wtf? [22:40:37] David Clausewitz > how do you view the fines anyways [22:40:41] Vice Noat > sorry ![]() [22:40:46] Vice Noat > how much is the fine [22:40:55] Gemini 3 > Killmail [22:40:59] Gemini 3 > post it [22:41:24] Gemini 3 > When it told everyone to dock [22:41:29] Gemini 3 > and you said you were mid mish [22:41:33] Gemini 3 > DOCK UP [22:41:41] Gemini 3 > It was an obvious trap [22:41:42] KwarK uK > -_- [22:41:42] Johnny Business > rawr [22:41:46] Johnny Business > It's a trap! [22:42:05] Johnny Business > sup? [22:42:29] David Clausewitz > whoever said lvl1s and lvl2s were same is 100% wrong [22:42:32] KwarK uK > [22:42:37] David Clausewitz > you get like 7x more money from lvl 2's than 1's [22:42:49] Gemini 3 > ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS VICE [22:42:54] Johnny Business > ... [22:42:56] Johnny Business > ..... [22:42:57] Johnny Business > !!!! [22:43:17] David Clausewitz > that's a lot of isk rofl [22:43:45] KwarK uK > to WTs we knew were there [22:43:52] Gemini 3 > AND SOMEONE EVEN COMPLAINED [22:43:56] Gemini 3 > THAT I WAS SAYING DOCK UP [22:43:59] Gemini 3 > FOR HALF AN HOUR [22:44:04] Gemini 3 > BECUZ I KNEW SOMEONE WASNT DOCKED [22:44:18] Gemini 3 > AND YOU SAW EVERYONE LOGIN [22:44:24] Gemini 3 > AND YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING? SERIOUSLY [22:44:26] Gemini 3 > i'm just mad [22:44:45] RoosterSamurai > Me too [22:45:27] Johnny Business > 16 % efficiency sup | ||
United States5866 Posts
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Canada16 Posts
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Ten Tron
United States48 Posts
Who is to blame for this insubordination? -the pilot who disobeyed orders? or -the leadership who allowed such behavior? | ||
United States41991 Posts
On January 24 2011 07:58 Jayme wrote: Is that a fucking pimped arty fit? What the fucking fuck. Pro tip vice, don't do that We'd been discussing exactly what they were trying to do on TS and corp chat for over an hour. We'd been warning every guy who logged on and making sure everyone knew about the WT threat and was safe from it. There was nobody who didn't know exactly what'd happen if they tried to go through Ammold or missioned in Emol/Ammold. The corp reacted perfectly, everyone did exactly what they were trained to do and none of the new guys were lost. Great drills by everyone, it can't be helped if one fucktard suicides to WTs he knew were there. | ||
United States7226 Posts
On January 24 2011 08:08 Ten Tron wrote: Who is to blame for this insubordination? -the pilot who disobeyed orders? or -the leadership who allowed such behavior? it's not like they "allowed" it | ||
Major Stan
3 Posts
How do you ignore that and say "hey its a good idea to go back to my mission right now"? | ||
United States7226 Posts
On January 24 2011 08:17 Major Stan wrote: Theyre "allowing" it by keeping a guy like that in corp...He even said in the chat log "I see them logging out" while the hostiles were still in local with him. He then proceeded to undock and go back to his mission. How do you ignore that and say "hey its a good idea to go back to my mission right now"? I think almost everyone was surprised when he said he got popped on a mission and that most people thought everyone had been docked kicking him from the corp or not after-the-fact really doesn't say anything about leadership being at blame for "allowing" him to disobey the order, unless you're saying they should have kicked him the second they noticed he undocked (but noted in the first paragraph, I don't think anyone knew he wasn't docked) | ||
Brazil170 Posts
u mad? From: Spyrerin Sent: 2011.01.23 23:17 To: Gemini 3, u mad bro? | ||
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