GM Spiral wrote: For those speculating in this thread. CCP Games takes any attempt at impersonation of CCP or ISD, accidental or no, very seriously. This includes stating that a member of CCP or ISD has validated something they never did. Defacing the CCP owned and operated Evelopedia to facilitate a scam of any sort, impersonation or no, is also going to be looked at very severely.
Very likely, I just think it's worth separating the two concepts - CCP just outright conflated them. I can imagine a situation where a page is "defaced" by group A and group B and C benefit from it (as well as A). Group B and C definitely should not be banned, although CCP might reverse transactions etc. because of the gray area.
Dinsdale Pirannha • 2 hours ago I had a revelation when Shadoo was cheering AGAINST his own alliance (THAT TENGU IS GOING DOWN!!!!!). There is so much money in the null sec cartels (BTW, PL just gained 2.5 Trillion in ships for an investment in about 80 billion), that for them, Eve is indeed "just a game". There is so much ISK flowing through the null sec cartels that they actually can't convert it all. Yes , the null sec cartel leaders are paying their utility bills, some even their mortgages, with RMT skimmed off the top of the ISK flows. But they have reached a point that it is all theatre. They can't spend all the ISK in-game beyond what they already RMT.
So at that point, is like gambling with monopoly money. No one cares who wins or loses. They have maximized the RMT flow, and unless they somehow change the demand for ISK, people like mittens, mynnna, malcanis, shadoo, soundwave and fozzie, can't get more real money flowing into their bank accounts.
These clowns are all friends. Watch the AT tourney commentators, and listen to what they say. Null sec, and the CCP dev's, all belong to the same incestuous family. The only common "enemy" they have is all the high sec players, who they consider stupid sheep,and worse, cash cows. So in 15 days the devs at GamesCom will announce the "theme" of the winter 2013 release. It will focus on continuing the destruction oh high sec, particularly focusing on nerfing high sec industry / buffing null sec industry.
Why? For 2 reasons:
1. These sociopaths have to be tormenting someone to get self-gratification. And high sec is still an easy, relatively fat victim.
2. By wiping out high sec income streams they will force several results: a. High sec players quit the game. This hurts the cartels since every high sec player pays a tax to null sec when they buy a T2 module or ship. b. The high sec player moves to null sec. The benefit of this outstrips those who quit the game, due to the huge direct overt taxes the cartels can impose on an individual player, thereby nullifying point #1. c. The high sec player stays in high sec, but is so impoverished that more and more are reduced to essentially buying ISK. Whether they buy it from CCP via plex, or black market sources, this increases the RMT potential for the null sec cartel leaders. (see original comment above about null sec cartels need more demand for ISK).
The game is rigged for the benefit of a handful of null sec cartel leaders, and their cronies within CCP. The rest of us, we have to decide if we are willing to play the game, casting a blind eye to the fact that "Eve is already won", or quit the game. Most have chosen the first option.
Poor Bara. Banned and had his stolen titan taken away.
Confusing, how did he steal the titan? And why was he banned? I mean, if he bought or built it with the money others gave it to him it shouldn't really be a bannable offense, since there are scammers all around in eve, aren't they?
Barracuda II
Helps Chribba,Grendell and Darkness if they have a long list of customers waiting to sell a super capital. Vouched for by all 3rd parties. Ocassionaly does Supercapital transfers if he is not busy. Currently does in-house trades for his coalition. Best way of contacting is via Eve
Poor Bara. Banned and had his stolen titan taken away.
Confusing, how did he steal the titan? And why was he banned? I mean, if he bought or built it with the money others gave it to him it shouldn't really be a bannable offense, since there are scammers all around in eve, aren't they?
Helps Chribba,Grendell and Darkness if they have a long list of customers waiting to sell a super capital. Vouched for by all 3rd parties. Ocassionaly does Supercapital transfers if he is not busy. Currently does in-house trades for his coalition. Best way of contacting is via Eve
Supercapital Trades [Ocassionally]
Lotteries [Yes]
Items for Super transfers[Yes]
You're about a page too late kwark, but thanks for the effort
Updated OP to reflect that we are also going to add another skill in this patch which allows for 5 more jump clones per character, bringing the max up to 10.
Many people asked for this skill and while we don't expect most players to need it, we wanted to support those that do. The skill will be called "Advanced Infomorph Psychology" and will require basic informorph to be level 5 before training.
We had to push one of our planned mining changes out from Odyssey 1.0 due to time constraints, but fortunately we have been able to get it ready now for Odyssey 1.1.
After Odyssey 1.1 the ore sites spawned by the Ore Prospecting Array upgrade will be higher quality in better truesec space. We're also making some changes to the base OPA sites. ...
We've got a PSA for you all and I would appreciate it if you spread the word among your fellow frontierspeople.
With the new scatter mechanics introduced in Odyssey, if someone loots a scatter container and does not have enough space in their cargo hold to fit the result, their attempt to loot will be unsuccessful.
We have been noticing a lot of these unsuccessful loot attempts in wormhole space, and believe that it is mainly occurring with ancient relics contained in wormhole data and relic sites. The sleeper hull relics are especially tricky as their 100m3 size means you need a significant amount of free cargo room to pick them up.
We believe that this explains the reports from some wormholers that they are seeing fewer hull sections dropping. Hull sections are actually appearing in the scatter containers twice as often as they appeared in the containers pre-Odyssey, but many people attempting to loot them are doing so with less than 100m3 of free cargo bay.
We are investigating ways to make this interaction between the scatter containers and your free cargo space more intuitive and easier to manage, but in the meantime we strongly advise those people looting wormhole relic and data sites (especially the talocan ships) to ensure that they have plenty of free cargo space.
TL:DR When you're looting scatter containers in wormhole space, have plenty of free cargo space available or you'll miss out on the high volume stuff.
[Ashimmu, HAC Ashimmu] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I Warp Disruptor II Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Federation Navy Stasis Webifier
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Scorch S Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I Corpum A-Type Medium Nosferatu
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Medium Trimark Armor Pump I