EVE Corporation - Page 162
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Germany3208 Posts
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United States825 Posts
On October 18 2010 11:07 Ramsing wrote: Sorry fil0! Rengas was all like Nooooooo not mah Fil0! but then he was cockslapped by the FC and this was the result. http://aqi.eve-kill.net/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=7835631 edit: On an unrelated note, thanks Happy FT for coming along for the party in Amamake. Next time we'll get some kills ![]() Yeah I was pretty pissed not so much about the ship but more about the set of +4s and 3%s that I lost in the pod that died. (Couldn't find my "selected" item UI element xD) I'm new to intel channels and I was on a border Deiklin/Venal system and not reading both intell channels so I deserve to be popped after reading "about 10 heading to Dkuk" and not docking/safing up so meh. live and learn at least you guys didn't do it just to grief me which is what it sounded like in local. I've been kind of inactive the past couple of days at my girlfriends on a real laggy computer I don't want to log in to do anything but que up skills xD. But yeah If you look @ Hera's kills with his Mach recently he's been RAPING people x,x;; I really hope he makes a pvp video that would be awesome,. | ||
United States327 Posts
Whee, my first kill and first battle that was actually pretty even where I survived. Both vexxor and rifter were playing tag with me and Ebola a few times (he was in a rifter, me a griffin) where the rifter would try to bait us into killing him and then we'd run away when the vexxor would show up. So we got tired of almost dying a few times (having BC rats on you at the same time doesn't help either) when Tgun came in with his Caracal to even up the odds, sweet! After some manuvering, Ebola managed to tackle the rifter and the vexxor came in to find a caracal waitin for him with guns fully engaged. It took us a while to take down the vexxor, but I was able to keep him jammed half the time and the rifter jammed for nearly the whole time, and we came out victorious. Huzzah! | ||
United States660 Posts
That roam was a ton of fun even though I ended up getting smashed by a pair of cynabals in Amamake (why the hell can those things burn at 3k/sec?). I love running with Happy in his Griffin, it gives us more room for error in our pvp fights and lets us take rats we probably couldn't otherwise when we can't find a decent pvp target. I'm really enjoying flying with the TL guys; this is actually my third attempt at getting into eve and I feel that the first two failed because I never found a decent corp to fly with. edit: That guy's rifter fit seems really odd to me, I guess he means to stay alive long enough to tackle unitl his vexor friend jumps in but I'm not really sure. If anyone can enlighten me please do. edit 2: The more I look at it the more it seems like just a shitty fit. Again, I'm not experienced enough to know but these are my thoughts : Tracking disruptor is to make up for lack of web and I'm going to stop there. I thought I had more to say but the fit really makes no sense to me =/ | ||
United States2054 Posts
Kidding. This don't suprise anyone. | ||
United States42021 Posts
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1193 Posts
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Johnny Business
Sweden1251 Posts
![]() | ||
Germany16350 Posts
Got someone located in emol at a station. Seargent and I waited at the undocking, I tackled him and he did dmg. It was a Cara and after 13.000 dmg he STILL was at 0% shield, about 30% armor and 70%structure I guess? He, docked up, and logged out ![]() First time pvp without everyone else arround me vanishing into nothing and yet a fail ![]() | ||
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Canada10 Posts
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Serbia1416 Posts
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United States88 Posts
I have an Eve account with a character that's relatively new (almost 6 million skill points with the majority towards learning and drones). I am wondering if the TL corp is still active and if so what are the usual activities that the corp does. My friends that got me into this game aren't active enough and I am interested in joining a new corporation. Thanks. | ||
Canada580 Posts
On October 21 2010 01:07 mvillalo wrote: Is this game actually fun? I've heard people say yes and no. I'd like to try it out if somone can hit me with a 21 day trial. Might be a few days before I can DL it though gotta wait for my Bandwidth to reset. It's fun if you do what you are into, let me explain this... The biggest problem with EVE is that it doesn't hold your hand or give you any direction after the tutorial. This leads a lot of players to do things they don't want to in order to make a profit (these are usually the players that say EVE is horrible because of miningzzzzz or nonstop mission running grind.) As for myself, I have barely run any missions and have never used a mining laser after the tutorial; I prefer to pvp. My recommendation is to have someone shoot you a trial and try it out, then join a newbie friendly corp like The Hatchery(tlcorp) or EVE University after you finish the tutorial to keep you active in the game with stuff you want to do and to help with skillbook cost/training guidance. | ||
Canada1223 Posts
On October 21 2010 02:50 Kletus wrote: It's fun if you do what you are into, let me explain this... The biggest problem with EVE is that it doesn't hold your hand or give you any direction after the tutorial. This leads a lot of players to do things they don't want to in order to make a profit (these are usually the players that say EVE is horrible because of miningzzzzz or nonstop mission running grind.) As for myself, I have barely run any missions and have never used a mining laser after the tutorial; I prefer to pvp. My recommendation is to have someone shoot you a trial and try it out, then join a newbie friendly corp like The Hatchery(tlcorp) or EVE University after you finish the tutorial to keep you active in the game with stuff you want to do and to help with skillbook cost/training guidance. If I could add to what you just said, which is totally right. I think another big problem with having fun in eve is skill training, not because its a bad system in any ways, but mostly because people that start the game just want to be in that big ship as fas as possible. A big issue for newer players is that they cant have the big ship that they want before 3-4 months, and so they have no clue what they can do in the meantime (low level missions are boring as fuck). With that in mind, what a new player really needs is a group of people that manage to find him things to do even during that time he is in the tinyer ships. I personnally think that the Hatchery is the right place for that. Even though there are obviously some slower times during which people have to make back for the money that they lost (*cough* kwark *cough*), overall there is usually always people on to just go in a lowsec roam with cheap frigates if you ask. We are obviously not the biggest PvP corp, mostly because of size and SP problems, but we still try to go out and blow some shits up (often get blown up to but eh thats part of the fun) to give action to newer player as much as we can. | ||
United States42021 Posts
On October 21 2010 01:15 atenthirtyone wrote: Hey (Whoever is in charge), I have an Eve account with a character that's relatively new (almost 6 million skill points with the majority towards learning and drones). I am wondering if the TL corp is still active and if so what are the usual activities that the corp does. My friends that got me into this game aren't active enough and I am interested in joining a new corporation. Thanks. I believe I trolled you in SCBW because you were superserious. | ||
United States42021 Posts
Then we went on a lowsec roam which opened with an easy pilgrim kill. It was very expensively fit and we looted about 40m for the hangar from that. Things slowed down and we were about to call the op when a dominix opened up on me as I semiafked on a gate next to hisec. For those who don't know eve so well, this made absolutely no sense. It meant he was taking gate gun fire and couldn't use his drones without them getting owned whereas I, completely non aggressed, could simply hit the jump gate button whenever I wanted. Doing so would cause me to disappear into hisec where he could not follow because he'd just attacked me. In short there is no way in hell I would ever die there because I could simply choose to end the fight whenever I wanted. Being the supertanked awesome drake pilot I am I was just like "hey guys, domi is attacking me on gate, I've not tackled it because I wanna know what you want me to do" and ofc everyone was on that in a shot. I tackled it and when everyone arrived a minute later I was still on 80% shields. Naturally we lolowned it and took about 30 million in loot. He became a really whiny bitch about it in local chat which was hilarious because it was so stupid of him to even try that. There was literally no chance of him killing me, gate guns would probably force him away before he broke my tank even if I was afk. So we're all taking the piss and he challenges me to a 1v1. We set it up, I warp to him and as I land I defleet him, refleet our fleet and tackle him. He immediately cries out in local at the betrayal as his phoon struggles to kill my drake. Again I'm like "lol, are you serious? you really expected me to enter a 1v1 with a phoon (bs) using my drake (bc)?!?!?". His dying blow takes me down but it doesn't matter, I'm only worth 25m(of which 6m survived in the wreck) and we take another 30m from his wreck and then blow up his escape pod before he can warp. Mass hilarity had by all. Even with the bs loss earlier we probably still made a profit pvping today. Collecting the shit up and into the corp hangar. | ||
United States700 Posts
That's our Kwark. | ||
1193 Posts
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United States700 Posts
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