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United States660 Posts
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1393 Posts
Outsmarted Copy pasted for your convenience... + Show Spoiler + Darius III Here's a little tale about a ganker getting duped. I am teaching a few guys new to the gank scene a few tricks. But the gates are slow, really dismal. Can't teach guys without targets right? So I try to drum up a little business. I make courier package along our route, 7 M isk reward, 375 M isk collateral. Since I don't see anyone to gank, I figure we get the courier, and thus the collateral. I stick 172 cap 800's in courier to Jita, as noted above. BAM 4 minutes later it gets picked up... by a three week old character -Jackjpot! Wait a while for the guy but dont see him. Strike up a convo, ask when delivery will be. An hour or two says he. Damn ADD kicking in, so.. If you get it done 45 minutes I pay double. He says ok.... AH HA! 30 mins later here comes untanked bestower heading down the pipe. Heh heh heh. Three cargo II's and no cargo. 15 minutes later Voila! Here he is! Bestower...stealth scanned out at 172 cap 800's. Oh man! I order the hit, sure to get my millions of isks! Boss? The radio crackles to life? Yes? Hit victim XXXX ? YES! then silence... He's doen.. No wait half shields! SECOND SHOOTER FIRE SECOND SHOOTER FIRE I order bewildered about him being alive still... Second shooter in this case was my alt, I had forgotten I put myself into the rotation... BAM the 1400 resound with but for the lack of particles in space-what would have been a powerful blast-and pfft down to minimal shields... WTF? THIRD SHOOTER FIRE FIRE FIRE.. Boss? Yes I answer? third shooter already fired. Silence Not knowing what went wrong, I convo the "victim": Hey man sorry I accidentally fired on you, I saw the guys aggress you and i have a load of officer items in that courier contract and shot you by mistake trying to cover you. I really need that delivery-It is worth well over 1,2 Bn isk. So please dont open the box. Ok he says. I will deliver it AFTER I go pick up the cap rechargers you tried to scam me with... WAIT. What? Yes, you see Mr. Scammer/Ganker I wondered what you were up to when you asked for speedy service, so I remotely viewed the contents of that courier. Then I went past you and duped you in my unfit bestower.Then I replicated the courier box with same contents........ And then put my tank on, thought I would see what you would try. Worst case is I lose 2 M isk bestower and you lose sec and bs. Enjoy I was stunned as it sank in. This three week old courier boy, he.. he...well he played me out as if my name was Sega. Which it isnt, but still. I immediately tried to recruit him, but he thought it was me trying for revenge. Live and learn they say. This guy... he got me good. Well Played M-Z truly epically well played. Defeat and stunned silence is all I can offer.Neutral Hax ZoidbergEdited by: Hax Zoidberg on 13/10/2010 15:32:12 Unless this has happened twice, I'd like to make a few corrections since it was my Bestower that Darius tried to gank with 3 battleships and failed. Laughing This is my main, and I was 5 or 6 weeks into the game. The courier contract was from Airaken to Jita (8 jumps), 275M collateral, and 12M reward. I was actually doing another contract at the time, but a few mins after accepting his contract, Darius convos me and tells me there'll be a bonus if I hurry. Getting suspicious, I open my assets window and view the contents of his courier package. Hmm, interesting, 106 cap booster 800s. Fairly certain those ain't worth 275M. I tell him it might take me half an hour to an hour to deliver it since I still need to complete my current courier. I finish up and head over to Jita to buy a new gankbait Bestower since I didn't want to risk one of my rigged ones. I insure it, then stick the best cheapest T1 mods in it. Total cost was about a million ISK. 3x Beta Hull Mod Reinforced Bulkhead Emergency Damage Control 3x Medium Subordinate Screen Stabilizer 'Anointed' EM Ward Reinforcement 2x Salvager I 106x Cap Booster 800 (to fake the courier package) I wasn't sure where along the route Darius was waiting for me, but I assumed it was one or two jumps out from Jita. If I had checked Jita local, I would've seen him there, but I forgot. I end up going all the way out to Airaken. I even dock at the station to see if he's sitting outside it on an alt. Damnit, nothing. I have no intention of trying to deliver the actual courier package for at least several more hours, so I leave it at the station and head back towards Jita. It's taking me ages since with no inertial stabilizers it takes forever to align. Finally, I jump to Jita, kicking myself for being so slow since I'm thinking he's already gotten bored and left. I've wasted nearly an hour trying to bait a suicide gank and gotten nothing. As I'm aligning to Jita 4-4, someone starts locking me. OMG, it's Darius, in an Apoc. I quickly stop my ship so I don't accidentally warp away. He shoots me a few secs later and gets me to 30-40% shields. I start slowboating at around 100m/s over to his wreck to loot and salvage. 10-15 secs later, a Mega takes a shot at me too. Woohoo, another wreck. My trusty Bestower is still only at 50% or so armor. 10 secs after that, yet another battleship, a Tempest, decides to try his luck against my Bestower. 40% hull. I'm hoping Darius doesn't have any more buddies else I'm going to lose my loot and salvage. Thankfully, there aren't any more attacks on my lowly T1 industrial and I manage to collect most of the loot and salvage since the New Caldari stargate isn't too heavily populated. A couple mins later, Darius convos me again. I play dumb and ask him why he shot at me and he says he was trying to protect me from the other battleships and accidentally targetted me. He then tells me there's officer mods in that courier package worth billions. I of course promise not to steal them since I tell him I'm no thief. Finally, a few mins later, Darius comes clean and admits it was all a scam. I then inform him IT WAS A TARP! and that the Bestower he threw 3 battleships at was only carrying a few hundred thousand ISK worth of cap boosters I got in Jita. Darius then congratulates me for fooling him and invites me to join Brick Squad. I decline since I don't want him getting free shots at my Bestowers and with 75%+ of my 2M skill points in Learning I wouldn't be of much use in an actual fight. I only made about 10-15M worth off the loot and salvage, so not great money for the hour spent, but it was definitely the most fun I've had in EVE so far. | ||
Slovenia504 Posts
Ladies and gentlemen ccp may actually n-e-r-f the drake. Looks to be like the new fotm fleet is darkside style(drakes and scimies) only on a gargantuan, space lag inducing scale as well as countering ahacs the drake is today's modern equivalent of the t34 tank. Long ranged, retardedly overtanked, lag scalable(missle flight time in a lagy fleet fest is a nonfactor), cap indepence, low cost and lets not forget that it's pilotable by monkeys with bad hand-eye coordination. CCP might just possibly somewhere in the near to maybe not so near future tone the drake down a bit to say, a 50hp buffer or something. I know this isn't the right approach and I fully agree that CCP should be working on making battleships the number1 ship to bring to a 300man lag fest but I DON'T REALLY GIVE A FLYING FUCK. If CCP actually pulls out the balls to nerf the ship every hisec bear loves and adores, the ship that steals 5minutes of your life everytime you try to kill it, the ship that has as much ehp as a battleship, well then you can update the dictionary for the word "schadenfreud" to me. Edit: In my enthusiasm I almost forgot to mention that massive drake fleets would still be bad if there wasn't any lag in 200+man fights ![]() | ||
Argentina769 Posts
Kwark's gonna quit EVE ![]() Also any word on whether or not they have something in mind to fix the lag issues? | ||
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United States42017 Posts
When Caldari ships are too sluggish to run with minnie shield tanks and simply unwelcome in armour tanked gangs we really have no option but the drake. It's the only universally decent ship in the Caldari arsenal. It's not awesome, it's just easier to get into a drake than to make a new character and avoid the mistake which is Caldari. | ||
United States42017 Posts
Day started terribly with the worst WT roam I've ever been on. So many missed points and people in the wrong places and general incompetence. People simply not following FCs instructions and then not saying anything about it which is worse. FC will assume people are where he told them to be and will make decisions accordingly. If you're not then you have to let him know or it all becomes a massive clusterfuck. That was one of our key failings. Then there was a few highly embarrassing moments for a few players which can perhaps be explained by inexperience. Still I'm gonna rip on them about it because it is basic basic stuff. We missed points on two caracals, two drakes and a heron before I gave up. Corp wallet recovered very nicely when Dexxus kindly liquidated some of our corp assets for us and a donation drive wiped out all of our previous losses and then some. We are now very much in the black with enough for a stupidly big wardec which several people seem fairly keen on. So that's looking good. In fact I'm gonna lower taxes to peacetime rates. We also organised a corpwide frigate tournament which is gonna be awesome. Free for all style, no faction (except ammo), no cloaks. We'll all gather somewhere and last man standing wins. The day finished with another WT roam, this time with more experienced players who were all on vent and most of whom had overheard a lot of my earlier bile. This time there would be no mistakes. We found a stupid wt osprey mining in the top belt in the system the locate said he was in in a ship whose name was unchanged from the last time we saw him. Could not be simpler. I tackled him and we took him down. We then proceeded to our main target, a prophecy we had located in space adjacent to his missioning hub. Unfortunately he was in the least convenient system ever. Ideally we wanted to go around his system into his hub and camp the gate. To do that would take 22 jumps more than to go through, his system was the only corridor from our region to the next. So we had to make the dash across local and hope he didn't see us. Which was unfortunate because there was a total of one person in local, there was simply no way he could have not seen us. Having got both gates camped we then sat in to wait. VoV had probes but unfortunately the system still had two problems in store for us. It was a massive 80 AU across which makes probing a very slow task and there were stations so if he felt at all threatened he could dock up and there would be nothing we could do. Eventually we got bored of camping and sent VoV in but the guy docked before he could narrow it down. However just after VoV left our neutral scout reported an undock and a few minutes later he crashed through my gate. Again I got the point (:D) and delayed warping out for long enough for the larger drake (I was a merlin) to put down a secondary. The rest of the gang got in and took him down while I jumped across to cut off his only route of escape. To make that kill sweeter we got his pod and his mission loot. I took his mission loot back to the agent and contracted it to him for a few million. He needed to get the items to finish his mission, I put them in the station but he can't have them without paying. :D | ||
Australia290 Posts
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Johnny Business
Sweden1251 Posts
On October 24 2010 17:51 Guilford wrote: the frig tournament would be awesome. We should have one person record the whole event, youtube it then put it in this thread to show how awesome the hatchery is ;D Better be training for a Dramiel then. ![]() | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Calling Drake gangs "too fotm" is completly stupid though. Most big alliances run mass drake gangs which win only by numbers. Most known FCs don't even really understand why the concept in the way darkside uses it works so well. The reason why drakes seem op with darkside is because its fucking darkside. the reason they seem op in large fleetfights is 90% lag and the way missiles work under lag. There is no reason in hell that a non-darkside drakeblob can win vs sniperhacs or sniperbs without huge lag for warpins. And then any closerange gang rapes. IF something needs a nerf then its armorhacs. A concept which can fight 1:5 odds, tank more than rr bs and deal more dps than any BC based fleet is kinda lol. I'll never forget the first fight the NC won vs PL ahacs. How? Cyno. 5 Titans. doomsday guardians. warp in fleet. profit. :D | ||
Slovenia504 Posts
On October 24 2010 17:21 KwarK wrote: If you nerf drakes you better buff everything else Caldari has. I discovered while preparing for our frigate tournament that every frig Caldari has either has no dps no range but tank, has dps but no range and not enough speed to catch any other frigate, has range but no dps or tank. Merlins and Kestrels are simply too slow to compete when their rivals have a higher base speed and more low slots. We need a good frigate, we need hybrids to actually do damage and not be completely contrary to everything else we've trained ever and we need shield tanking to actually be a viable part of fleets. When Caldari ships are too sluggish to run with minnie shield tanks and simply unwelcome in armour tanked gangs we really have no option but the drake. It's the only universally decent ship in the Caldari arsenal. It's not awesome, it's just easier to get into a drake than to make a new character and avoid the mistake which is Caldari. I'll just start by posting some eft fits, then some movies. Merlin Merlin pvp video Before you go crying "whee whee but eft says it does 77dps" realize that rockets do more dmg than eft says because of the web how much more I'm not exactly sure but vil might know the numbers. Then you can realize that it has 7.5k ehp and the passive regen of a small armor repairer as well as a full set o tackle. You can always fit an ab on it and go pvp in amamake with it or something. Maybe even squeze some lasers on there. Next up is the crow, about which many words have already been said. It's a top interceptor that kills taranises but has trouble against crusaders. Too bad there's a thing called a dramiel which is top of the food chain atm. Ferox Kil2 pvp commentary thread Sadly I don't remember which of kil2 videos had ferox fights in them(probably more than 1) but they are in that thread(there's 2 more vids linked later in the thread). Either way he does some pretty sick stuff with a ferox. Then there's gneeznow's passive laser ferox which is another story entirely Bloa Sadly I've yet to see a moa pvp video, which is quite surprising considering how good it looks. I haven't actually flown it so I can't say but it does amazing dps for a cruiser, has excellent buffed and a med neut + drones to for killing frigates. That's just 3 ships I've linked and I mentioned the crow. There's also the hilarious AML caracal which is amazing for killing whole frigate gangs and what not. The tengu is the best t3 period(maybe you should buy one instead of losing 1.2bil clones). And ecm ships. And besides it's not like if they nerf the drake it's suddenly gonna be useless. It just wont be as retardedly good in fleet fights as it is now. The ham drake is probably the best 1v1 bc anyway(85k dps and 550 dps at 10km range) but that's not even the issue. The issue is having a ship that has 105k ehp tank(not including vulture ganglinks) and does 350 dps at ranges up to 80km while having the sig radius and mobility of a battlecruiser and costs only 35mil to buy and fit. The ideal fix would be making fights lag free because then you'd need instant damage again but since CCP has been trying to do that for 10months with no results they're considering nerfing the drake instead of buffing battleships(which suck balls anyway). | ||
1193 Posts
Frigate --> BC --> Recons --> Motherships/Titans So easy. | ||
Serbia1416 Posts
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Germany3208 Posts
And yeah i mean it, im pretty disappointed at the moment. | ||
434 Posts
On October 25 2010 06:31 Warri wrote: i was in a 250 vs 400 fight today. 90% drakes, it was...retarded. Eve sucks ggnore. And yeah i mean it, im pretty disappointed at the moment. Torps / EM damage and you should be toasting drakes pretty quicksmart. Then again, 650 pilots is usually just kind of -active mods- -fuck off and have a shower- etc | ||
Slovenia504 Posts
Also, apparently the way to counter drake blobs is with something called the HELLCAT abaddon. I'm guessing it's name as a mockery of that all girl eve pirate corp and whatnot. I miss seeing pulseapocs ![]() | ||
Sweden1465 Posts
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Serbia1416 Posts
![]() warri welcome to the club o7 | ||
United States825 Posts
On October 25 2010 06:31 Warri wrote: i was in a 250 vs 400 fight today. 90% drakes, it was...retarded. Eve sucks ggnore. And yeah i mean it, im pretty disappointed at the moment. I was in that 400 xD in a drake | ||
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