The War of Molden Heath – The Battle of the King’s Navy Initial Reading: The fighting for Team Liquid began last night, before our War Declaration came into effect, it would not be fair or space honorable of us to not let our enemies have great advantage for the first battle. We made the long march to our ancient ancestral home of Oddelulf – Station 1, The King in the South Ueberlisk had retired for the night; but we are not disheartened by the absence of our Liege.
The Vile Eve University had gathered a horde on the innocent peaceful Bosena gate in Heild, flaunting their Blackbirds, Nagas, and various frigates in such impolite ways. This caused much anger and roused us into action, the venerable Gunpoint Diplomacy too was much enraged, however they had endured this travesty for many more hours than we had, their patience and stamina a shining example for all of New Eden.
We docked in our old beloved station, our old trophies and tapestries that chronicle our deeds still line it’s halls, and began assembling our tungsten steeds. Today we would not engage in a skirmish, today we would not use our maneuverability, today we would not use our superior tactics to fight. Today, we would ride into battle, with heavy suits of armor and a kitchen knife. The venerable Augoror Navy Issue is our steed, each equipped with various small turrets, and two 1600mm tungsten plates, among other things. With the 10% increase in armor amount per level, our war-horse had upwards of 180,000 effective health, which is into the Abaddon’s tank range.
With our scouts, banners, and war drums in position, we soon learned we were outnumbered somewhere between 5 and 7 to 1, with seven of us in our Augoror Navy’s. This does not dissuade The Hatchery, our King fights in his kingdom against these steep odds, and we would not do less than he! The repugnant Eve University has bristled their fleet with dishonorable ships, Blackbirds, Celestis, Scorpions, and many sniper fit ships. The ships that were not obviously for dishonor were perverted in their roles, fit with odd mix-matched modules one could not know what exactly they were fighting. However we stood tall, and readied for battle.
We jumped into their disgusting gate-camp, ready for glorious battle. We would slowly burn back to gate with our afterburners, and if none would aggress on us, we would decide to aggress on them! Strangely Eve University was feeling bold today, and they did attack first, swarming us with their small faster ships, they kept a bit of range at first, we could not grab one of them. But what ho, they think the fight is won, they move into our web and scram range to finish the job, they do not understand what they do. We kill a Taranis, Thrasher, and a Jaguar, and as they primary one of our fellows, his shear amount of armor allows him to deaggress to jump back through. However our plans for one at a time de-aggression and jump is cut short, Eve University is warping away, these cowards!
The reason for them leaving is soon at hand, the Gunpoint Diplomacy Fleet has arrived, spear headed by Captain Crafty Croc. Those space romantic fools had not even told us they were coming, and thought to play the gallant space cavalry, riding to rescue us in their battleships and guardians. Covered in blood that was not our own, we scoffed and gave chase to the Eve University fleet, who had ran back to their bottom station, which had been converted into some sort of slum of prostitution, ECM, and sniper ships.
Landing on the opposite side of the station, we docked and undocked, into the middle of the fools who had decided to fight, and kill Two Merlins. As we were doing so a small shield fleet had also entered system, their numbers include two scimitars and a claymore, but we do not see them initially. Later we do try to engage them, but they dance with us briefly before jumping out into High Sec, outnumbering us 2 to 1, with two scimitars.
Back to the battle at hand! We leave back to Bosena, and as we do the wretched Eve University again occupies the gate. This time, The Hatchery would charge into them, followed shortly by Gunpoint Diplomacy, and as we were in separate fleets and separate comms, we would call out in local with loud battle-cries to receive repairs from the Guardians. We kill a Hurricane and a Stiletto at the start, and after mere moments Gunpoint informs us that the Guardians have been damped out, the unfortunate effect of jumping through a constellation gate without prop-mods. We roll our eyes and begin deaggressing, waiting as long as possible and drawing as much fire as possible so our fellows could make their escape. + Show Spoiler +
We still had not lost an Augoror.
We were down to 5 Augoror Navy’s, people logging off in order to save their stamina for the upcoming days of battle we would be having, we decide to engage them at least one more time. With the same valiant plan as before, but the Gunpoint Diplomacy Fleet had also gone back to their tents, I do not fault them for this much needed rest, they will need it. We were joined by Space Prince Viceorvirtue in his nano-hurricane, who would follow us in after we got the attention of the maligned University. Jumping one pirate Augoror into them, in an effort to get them aggressed, we followed shortly. They had a Huginn this time, from the glorious Minmatar shipyards, and upon seeing the pirate Augoror, it decided that the Augoror needed to be moving slower than it was. It decided this when it was six kilometers from another Augoror, who laughed heartily and scrammed it. This was our trophy, and the Huginn fell in quick order when the Augorors finally made their way over to it. + Show Spoiler +
But alas we were not fast enough, Wang’s Augoror came under heavy fire. His capacitor gone, target painted, jammed, and speed down to under 10 m/s, he fell just before he could jump away into Bosena. Glorious tears streamed from our eyes at the sacrifice that Wang had made for us, we swore upon his wreck that the death of the Augoror Navy Issue would not be in vain, and that we would return this insult against us one hundred fold.
But that, will have to wait, for tomorrow. + Show Spoiler +