On January 06 2012 01:51 Capped wrote: Theres going to be a major update by the end of January.
I think it would be funny (or not really) if they release a patch to 'address' issues on January 21st so everyone that unsubscribes after month 1 has to purchase another subscription to see if it really fixes anything for them.
On January 06 2012 01:51 Capped wrote: Theres going to be a major update by the end of January.
I think it would be funny (or not really) if they release a patch to 'address' issues on January 21st so everyone that unsubscribes after month 1 has to purchase another subscription to see if it really fixes anything for them.
TBH, if they unsubscribe from an MMO because of issues within the first month, they arent people who anyone wants to play with anyway.
They are whiny little children who want everything as perfect as the milk from their mothers teet. (None of the powder shite!) Much like some of the people in this thread.
Point is, its launch month, they are implementing a decent amount of fixes etc and announcing upcoming fixes for major issues, thats GOOD (no matter how much i whine about maintenance when i dont have work, bastards.)
Comparing it to WoW, Rift, Aion, <Shitty MMO> is pointless, different game, different companies, different issues, different release dates. Some good, some bad, some ugly. They had a brilliant launch if you ask me, yes some bugs but its their first MMO and all i see is them working their tits off to fix them. My hats are off to them.
Oh yeah and another thing I really like is that it's ultra obvious when the mobs drop loot and what type of loot they dropped because there is a such coloured column of light on the mob with loot. It's much easier to identify than the usual sparkles.
I'm gonna wait until they do their big recruitment push with their first content patch. Essentially after they fix the bugs and put in their first big set of content that they've been working on since a few months before release at least. The reasoning here is that MMOs these days between launch and that first update are essentially in a paid beta still.
I'm liking the look of it, and will very likely enjoy playing it at that point, I've just gone through the same process too many times now, and would rather play it as a 'finished product'
I appreciate the testing you're all doing right now though!
Just did the eternity vault was really fun. There was a bug on the second boss if you guys all died and revived after reviving any random time for the first 2 minutes everyone dies rofl. Other then that there weren't any bugs we saw but god that was hilarious. We were all buying stims/medpacks/repairing at the droid before going for our final attempt (which we beat) all of a sudden we all dropped dead lmao :D.
Didn't beat the final boss but so far everyone I have talked to have yet to beat the final boss, we tried once but they said we didn't have the dps to beat him right there.
On January 05 2012 23:16 Velr wrote: The only TRUE problem this game has atm is the animation delay / responsivness...
I still have a blast while playing and can't understand all the critics... Many Bugs? I never had a "big" one... Some evading Mobs but well all else this is a perfectly finished product for me.
If you liked Kotor for it's story and all that, you just have to love this.
If you wanted a super competetive MMO.. WELL... Thats your fault. Buying a "new" MMO and expecting something no MMO will ever grant you at Day 1 is just stupid (or 10 or how long it took you to get lvl 50 O_o)?
The bounty hunter class quests are notoriously bugged, especially the one to get your legacy name. Many times the last person you need to talk to wont spawn in your instance. Sometimes you get lucky and resets work but many times you have to get the gm to force the spawn. I ran into this on 3 BH story quests and not 50 on the BH yet.
I have about a dozen quests (and worse of all bonus series chains) that you cannot use the abandon quest. One of my friends literally had to go back to the starting zones near 50 because he couldnt accept new quests.
Everyone in my guild has to reset the UI a couple times a day due to tool tips getting stuck or garbled.
Amusingly on my load in screen where it tells me about the chapter I'm on all I usually see is (ERROR: CODEX LOAD 0) or something to that effect.
The ah of course wont let you sort by gear slot type, lol.
Customer assistance is getting better though on the first couple days all petitions resulted in the GMs closing them without answers. Now you get responses which is good.
i play a sith assassin dark tree. this is the tanking tree. 4 of my signature skills (and most of my talent passives) are all dependant on my shielding ability. i am level 34 and havent found an upgrade to a lvl 25 shield for over 4 days. so i went and whispered all the guys that put lvl 50 crafted gear on the AH. "hey can you make a willpower shield? i will pay good"
then i find out there is no crafted shield for assassins. the vendor doesnt sell a single schematic for artifice that produces a shield with willpower on it. you have to rely on super lucky drops to get a shield. there is not even a green crafted shield for assassins. i am now thinking of rerolling a juggernaut. broken game is broken.
some may say i am nitpicking, but the game has million of problems which are to be expected on release month and i have not complained at all. but when they prevent me from playing my character on the tank tree i cannot abide to that. i have good experience with the crafting in this game, and although rewards from crafting missions are usually jedi only (and i am a sith assassin, duh) i said wth, they will fix it. but when they release the game with nothing for the tank sith assassins well i dunno. thats just poor design. juggers have access to ten thousand shields and assassins only to lucky completely random drops. also i checked and there was no pvp reward or commendations reward as an assassin shield.
reroll it is.
edit: unrelated subject:
is there a pvp "set" or just pvp armor pre lvl 50? meaning with expertise bonus etc. level go quick, but i would prefer to focus on pvping when i get to 40. however only armor i can see is regular orange armor no expertise bonus. moreover, i got nothing to do with wz commendations so i wanna find smth to spend it on. i am exchanging for mercenary, got a bag already but it wont let me open till i am 50 and it wont let me get another one either. what should i use my wz commendations for apart from consumables. anyway consumables "boost expertise bonus" but since on my character sheet my expertise is 0 i dont see what i can do about wz commendations. any help is welcome.
On January 05 2012 20:59 Netsky wrote: - AoE looting/take all button when looting mobs.
There is an AoE looting option (you can activate it in the option) also there is a "take all" button (shift + right click or activate it in the option)
I think you misread my post, I know that there is that's why I put it in my list of points of things I like about the game.
The amount of bugs being mentioned here just reinforce what I said previously, that it's essentially still in beta until the first big content patch.
When I do play I'll likely be trying the Sith Assassin as my main. How much content is class/faction specific though? If there's enough to make playing alts not 75%+ doing the same thing as your previous character I'll play through them just for the additional story and such.
On January 06 2012 04:12 Battleaxe wrote: *As far as raiding goes, if there are glaring "bugs" that don't allow for certain bosses to be killed, it's intentional. WoW did the same thing when it was released, AoC did it to the point of killing their end-game (and a major reason why I think it failed). Devs know that guild will inevitably beat their heads against the wall when a game is fresh to get through the content. Since the game is so now, I wouldn't be surprised if the "bugs" during boss fights were intentional so that these bosses can't be defeated right now.
*=Pure speculation as I haven't raided, but since I've seen it in other games this wouldn't surprise me
Everything you said was pure speculation because it's not likely that anyone released bugged bosses on purpose, they just took a long time to fix them. If they wanted to block someone on purpose they would just release overtuned bosses like Everquest did, just add a few extra zeros to his health or something, you are not going create specific bugs in order to make him a wall.
And no, the bugs in SWTOR aren't even like that, they're just annoying.
On January 06 2012 07:03 Shiladie wrote: The amount of bugs being mentioned here just reinforce what I said previously, that it's essentially still in beta until the first big content patch.
When I do play I'll likely be trying the Sith Assassin as my main. How much content is class/faction specific though? If there's enough to make playing alts not 75%+ doing the same thing as your previous character I'll play through them just for the additional story and such.
Bugs, there are a fair few but really im 30 now and ive not run into any at all, its not as big of a problem as all these children make it out to be, it needs tweaking and time. BW and EA's first MMO and its to be expected, its really not all that bad.
In terms of content, the actual repetitive content is probably about 75% as you said. The thing is you get so overlevelled doing ALL the quests of a planet you end up skipping others (For example, i got to balmorra at 20, recommended 16-20 - i did my class quests and left, didnt touch it, thats a whole new planet for my next char.) Im not sure if it would still be like this later on but its entirely possible to have alot more new content on a second runthrough (of the same side) after that, its probably going to be a grind with the occasional "ooh, havent done this!"
I do alot of PvP too (valor rank 24 @ 30, got all my 40 gear and pvp weps up to 46 or whatever, just farming 50 stuff now lol.) which levels me quite high, so maybe thats why, but PvE players are also saying they outlevel things when doing ALL the quests of a planet, i did one quest chain on Tatooine along with a heroic and a couple random ones + the class quest, i really think there was alot more there...
So yeah basically, in terms of content i think your probably good for about 2 playthroughs on each side (Republic / Empire) because you outlevel and wont do things etc + the individual class quest of course before it becomes REALLY repetitive.
Great game, you'll love it tbh. (I wouldnt suggest going Inquisitor sorc / assa if you dont want to be part of the 80% :D)
On January 06 2012 07:03 Shiladie wrote: The amount of bugs being mentioned here just reinforce what I said previously, that it's essentially still in beta until the first big content patch.
When I do play I'll likely be trying the Sith Assassin as my main. How much content is class/faction specific though? If there's enough to make playing alts not 75%+ doing the same thing as your previous character I'll play through them just for the additional story and such.
There is a "class" storyline that will take you all the way to level 50, essentially. This is unique to each class and obviously to each faction, making for 8 separate class stories. They all generally take you to the same planets though, and you'll find that classes in the same faction get the same area quests as each other. For instance, on Tatooine you may have 5 quests at a time, 1 of which is your class quests, and 4 of which are other quests that everybody is doing.
Obviously quests are different for Republic/Empire, and in a lot of places they quest in different areas as well, with some overlap as you progress through the zone in order to encourage some world PvP.
Generally, on alts you'll want to spacebar through conversations you've already heard, or level through PvP/Flashpoints while only doing your class story. Or if you really want to hear all the quest chat again, you can go that route.
I have an idea, let's post our characters that you are proud of! I always spend 20 minutes creating my characters, even in skyrim :< Also you can look back to the past when you are higher level for the changes your hero goes through, how he looked more ''nooby'' or not as badass, perhaps more badass, just so that you can always look back
Usual 4chan shit, but nonetheless it's video proof. Can anyone go to Alderaan and confirm this?
And a pre-emptive notice of I don't go to 4chan or anything. Never have, never will. Fucking children over there. Friend showed me this like in Steam however and so confoosed.