I still think that Puck can set up some very damaging combos, especially in the current stable version (pre int gain nerf), even though I think TeG, and people in general, didn't use him to his full potential.
Past-nerf he's that much weaker. And I think we won't see a stable version before Invoker gets tweaked a bit, right now (IF he survives early game, which is questionable in a league environment imo) he's one of the scariest late-game supporters with being able to cast 4 spells of wide variety in a matter of seconds. The problem is no matter what you get on him, he's useless alone, deemed to support (I riced 500 creeps in 50 mins [ye pub level lol, whatever, bash me] and still couldn't do shit.)
I understand what you mean with SK now, since I keep seeing him getting raped really hard - but then again, I see him completely changing battles now and then, and that's more than enough because he's not item-dependant. And his laughable str gain IS important, he's pretty fragile for an STR hero.
On April 19 2008 00:33 Naib wrote:
I understand what you mean with SK now, since I keep seeing him getting raped really hard - but then again, I see him completely changing battles now and then, and that's more than enough because he's not item-dependant. And his laughable str gain IS important, he's pretty fragile for an STR hero.
Thank you.
Why id dk phobos always mirana in wg games, is he the worst on wg?
What are some tips to playing sven effectively?
When playing troll, is going bare hotd and jungling as fast or faster than laning if you know what you're doing and your lane is tough?
Don't play troll, every troll warlord player is a slap in the face of DotA players.
Sven's pretty straightforward: skill Bolt + Ulti and stats, then cleave in the midgame levels (I do it from 12-15 but it's up to you), leave armor out except for a few rare cases you'd need it (heavy physical damage team vs you).
Lane with a follow-up stunner (most common is Lesh / Lina as you heard / seen 245245425 times already), use your perfect animation and damage pool to last hit efficiently, and dominate the lane with your combo. Then rush BKB (with circlets / bracers should you need it) and MoM, then finish up with whatever you like (new treads rox imo) and dominate everyone. That is if the opponents don't have Medusa, then you're a lot less useful.
There's a number of reasons people play certain heroes, sometimes specific to teams. By no means is PotM given to the worst player on a team, if that's what you were implying. I'd say Travka and goblak are ahead but the rest of the players are around the same level on WG.
To play sven, animation cancelling is pretty much what you need to master. Treads on sven is actually really sweet. Learning to stun, hit, run ahead and hitting smoothly is what makes you effective. Also bottling whenever you have the spare few seconds is good if you decided to go bottle. I usually go one null on sven [without bottle] because I build him with bolt+stats[unless I play roaming]. Like basilius, his armor pushes your creep wave, and cleave isn't good until you do some damage. BKB is ridiculous on sven, probably the best hero with that item simply because he's scary as fuck with godstrength left on. Remember to bkb THEN god strength.
Jungling is always equally as effective, if not more effective if you know how to jungle. Also, the other team has to not bother you. If they counter you by ganking or placing wards, then it depends on the game. You can actually gank with troll's helm if you can get a stunner if your lane is hard.
sven is pretty simple really. first off you just needa choose a good lane so you can combo your stun with your partners spells which is why for example sven/lina is such a popular and strong lane
item depends a bit on your farming, but in general you need bkb so you don't get stunned hexed etc while your ult is up. if you wanna dish out that 150%+ damage you needa be able to stay alive. most players go bottle because he's a good gank hero, 2-3 bracers depending on how many you need, he has pretty good str gain though so even with a few bracers you can tank a lot.
he already has good damage with his ult so all you need is attackspeed and just to be able to stay alive, so like hearts, cuirass, treads, mom, whatever~~
im not a big fan of jungling troll, i think he can do it (not very well from level 1) but later with your blind level increased he can do okay. but since he's so item dependent and needs to farm a lot more than what jungling will give you, i would suggest you stick to a lane and if you need just get someone to babysit you. imo he's kinda worthless, too fragile, doesn't do much, if not at all, for the team early and mid game and if you fail with him you're so worthless in fights. pick a better carry =]
On April 19 2008 01:42 paper wrote: o hi cats
haha, I dig this quote.
Oh yea animation canceling, I don't have a name for it so I just call it muta harassing since im playing with bw players. What if the opposing team doesnt have a lot of stun, should i still go bkb or something else. Someone told me to go armlet of mondagon today. Chinese players go battle fury on sven a lot, I see it in pubs and also in some cws.
Why is troll a bad hero, I rarely see it used in cws. He can lane pretty well for a dps.
I wasn't implying wg giving potm to the worst player, I just always see phobos using it. I like dendi a lot too. Axypa seems to play support a lot.
is awesome32269 Posts
Troll is very fragile early game. Double stunning lanes will rape you. he also has no escape mechanism, no stun, no blink, no slow. you can use blind vs hitting heroes, but nukers will be a pain in the ass.
In .48 blink is good on sven too, forgot about that. But it is optional on sven imo, all a really efficient sven player needs is bkb+bottle/null and knowing how to animation cancel. Still, blink + bkb is scary as fuck when he's cleaving with godstrength.
Troll is bad because of what IntoTheWow said.
I bet the people you see get battlefury also go some kind of aspd like mask of madness or hyperstone or even treads, no? Cuz if they don't that's just retarded. Anyway, battlefury, the old shitty one was only considered for magnus and sven because they had natural cleave. I suppose it's not such a bad item, perhaps you could get it if you were farming badly or if your team had rooftrellen or enigma or any aoe ult where you were free to godcleave fuck everyone.
yea mask of madness + battle fury
I was just browsing the map.replays.net dota forum and someone made a post about a midas qop build which including getting midas + bot + linkens under 25 min, pulling creeps, jungling after getting midas, etc.
lol midas+bot+linkens in under 25 minutes, in all seriousness good luck. maybe in pub, and it might still be difficult but in even a decent game it's not gonna happen
someone post a dagon of the ancients replay...
As promised,
Heen vs bdares Download
rule: First blood = win / til throne
On April 19 2008 20:46 Heen wrote:As promised, Heen vs bdares Download-aprvom rule: First blood = win / til throne
rofl that was sick. sick.
Sick farming and micro. gg.
It did remind me of TeG-freezer going solo mid void vs krobelus. The farming/attack micro is just awesome. Would anyone be interested in that? It was pretty much a solo-game, the rest of the team did little to nothing to help, but for pure void usage, it gets an A in my book. Can I post it or are there "pro-team-only" rules?
Edit: Okay, I just read the OP and I guess you could classify it as unchobo, how to Void. It's kinda like heen's pudge replay but with void.
So... anyone interested?
i wish i saved our game last night when testie was razor, and got multicasted on every single cast =P. that was hilarious.
On a more serious note, TL dota needs to change. It's not really so much about skill level as it is about learning which roles you should play and organizing ganks, and not having 3 ppl jungle simultaneously.
Last night these guys wanted to play -xl against my friends and me but I refused since 3 of us have no -xl experience and we were out to play some casual games. So we settled for -rd instead. It was semi-serious considering they wanted to -xl at first.
Picks were decent on both sides, not like SB lycan PA troll on the same team in -rd like it happens in TL games.
I had 3 pub lvl friends on my team but we managed to pull through since they eventually listened. I mean, I didnt' even realize our sven was going bfury instead of BKB so I had to tell him.
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