[HoN/DotA] Let's Play~!! - Page 194
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Canada4732 Posts
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13196 Posts
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679 Posts
On September 26 2008 07:43 paper wrote: TL DotA : where each player is playing a 1v5, and if it's geographically convenient, they gank or push with allies y/n It's STILL like that? Do you kids grow up? =( | ||
China26351 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
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Oman2005 Posts
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United States6657 Posts
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Chile1726 Posts
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United States8366 Posts
Where do I get WC3 cd without rebuying them though... I know my old cd key but no longer have cds... need to reinstall :-( | ||
Canada5085 Posts
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United States7873 Posts
You make an account and put in your game cd keys and you can download them from blizzard on any computer. | ||
13196 Posts
On September 26 2008 09:53 Live2Win wrote: we need more self-sacrificing support players in TL dota we can start with you ![]() | ||
Canada239 Posts
On September 26 2008 09:53 Live2Win wrote: we need more self-sacrificing support players in TL dota Yeah like I can only name lyke 2 people Me or alven Ironically, TL is the land of the farmers, but I hate farming. and whats more ironic is I end up with a higher cs (Not one compared to the likes of testie though lul) /rageleaves clan loljk, nuj powers are too cool to leave | ||
2235 Posts
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United States7166 Posts
United States7166 Posts
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Canada4732 Posts
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United States2147 Posts
Ive played times where i roam early, roam mid game, or play all our support + wards on multiple heroes. I should have saved my game as furion where i wanted to jungle but bly made me lane with him so we could own lane (which didnt happen due to na being in our lane). I had like 25+ wards or something at the end and mek + necrobook + treads + vlads + other items. I honestly prefer support over carry anyway, i enjoy it more and it fits me more. I can only carry with a couple heroes anyway (i mean actually carry vs good teams, not pubs where i could carry with any hero i random) | ||
Canada4732 Posts
How many games have we had had in which we've just failed spectacularly at ganking opponent carries with ridiculously gank/support oriented teams with a single carry? Plenty. Its why testie rages when we lose and he goes 22-3. Take today for example; we basically ignored cats farming as PA until level 17, and didn't try to gank him a single time despite having a team with 3 gankers, 1 carry and 1 support. Doesn't really mean anything, though when we're comparing the situation to the whole of TL, not just you. I personally trust that you won't bone up a gank, but there are plenty of players that i know who will ignore a gank and just keep farming, and you know that them too but there's going to be a polite lack of names named, and some others simply don't have the map awareness to respond to a fight because they're just plain learning the basics of the game. Ex: When parme goes crazy about people using mana to farm creeps, its because he expects a certain level of gank-ability out of certain heroes, and he just doesn't find it. In return, he gets killed often times when he shouldn't, which then instructs him to stop playing aggressively, and start farming. Since he's already farming, why not pick a hero that benefits from it more? Final question; How many of us regularly leave our lanes levels 3-5 to gank mid from the side lanes, or gank the opposite side? 0. psyyren used to do it regularly. you do it sparingly. I do it sparingly. sl does it sparingly. riki does it sparingly. And no, its not the ganker's fault if he goes in and the 2 people in the lane he's ganking just sit back and refuse to snare/stun, or go oom or get out of position after he's said he's coming in. That's poor play by the laning heroes, not the roaming ganker. There are PLENTY of examples of non-roaming heroes completely botching ganks, be it the classic unneeded decrepifies, the dps halting cog barriers, the misplaced allied hero dragging meat hook, etc. Many are just simple errors of ommision or errors of judgement. The support that we do regularly take are those that have push ending ults; mag, tree, (enigma not so much :o), levi, ES, or those that have fairly solid solo ganking power; WD, necrolyte, etc. We very rarely see heroes like shadow priest. People bitch when asked to play omni. We've had 1 avernus in the past... week. But warlock with his gank/push ending/powering rocks sees plenty of play. Its not even limited to support; the more independant your hero makes you, the more likely you are to use him which stems from the fact that typing is severely crippling towards hero control and that we don't use vent. So you used furion? Good job; you can tp anywhere without worrying that an ally will steal the lane before you get there, pick and choose the ganks you want to be in, farm multiple sources of creeps at the same time and largely use your ult for purely self driven profit concerns, even if you're pushing lanes that shouldn't be pushed. Compare that with CM or Ogre magi. That's why they aren't played. Edit; lol that's a lot of text to say we're fairly selfish players. | ||
United States7873 Posts
On September 26 2008 12:13 Folca wrote: Does anyone play dragon knight? i need some tips, Hes so kick ass though Replays thread, if someone hasn't answered in a reasonable time I'll try and answer but I'm going home soon so no comp for about half a day. Also psyren still plays with you guys? You have a TL username psy? So weird that that you play with people from TL and I know you through the canadians lol. | ||
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