dat Bang! Pong and Bang! Space invaders and "CreateBool('ui_showRangeIndicators', false);"
oh wait that's not part of the joking patch, that's actually is part of hon 2.5.17 if you're like me and look at all the changes on done to files throughout patches.
because I do what I'm told not what I want to do, or I have nothing to do, I dunno {something}. There is a reason why I wouldn't suggest such trash to the wonderous sheldon kupo ^_^.
On April 01 2012 08:08 Phelix wrote: When will we have our entertaining Word Battles again?
Right... NOW!!!!.....no? How to contact Coldwave? (hinthint give skype)
Also, isn't this a HoN/DotA thread? :D
Unless this truncated block error disappears or patched, I can't play HoN consistently. Every time I boot up the computer, it's a guess of whether HoN allows me to enter games or not, so I don't bother trying to play. Rather play something that consistently boots up the game for me, such as BF3.
so I've decided to start learning the heroes & items in dota2 since I find myself wanting to play a dota style game but am too reluctant to play either hon or lol. :/ And this is how I spend my holidays {forever_alone.jpg} QQQQQQQ :O
On March 31 2012 09:55 xZiGGY wrote: orgasm come play civ5 with porkie and me, I'm getting tired of losing to a young boy.
why would u even play civ 5 its like playing sc2 instead of bw
haters gonna hate...and dont even try it.. life..
It's true though. Civ4 is the better game. My computer can't even handle civ5 graphix. Also, the game is a lot less strategic/macro oriented and more tech/geography oriented. It's not really clear if any of the changes in civ5 (other than graphics) are actually improvements or just noobifications. Also the colony expansion doesn't make much sense. The warlords expansion is golden though.