On November 12 2020 13:31 Spazer wrote: I hated it.
On November 12 2020 10:25 kyarisan wrote: I have Bennett/Fischl/Qiqi/Xiangling as my current team. Will my weapons influence this decision at all? Given this team comp, where would my talent lvl mats best be put to use?
This gon' be long.
So the first thing is to watch and understand (as best you can) the elemental reactions vid some posts above. I say this because (and you'll definitely feel this at later world levels and such) damage doesn't really scale by levels/equipment beyond a certain point - it really scales by team comp and mostly elemental reactions. As an example, a major reason why teams with Diluc frequently output really high damage (not counting Abyss bonuses) is because if you can pair him with a Hydro character that applies the element frequently, he gets a 1.5+ multiplier on his damage (Vaporize!)... it's why Xingqiu is considered a god-tier support - Hydro frequently leads to very good damage multipliers and he is a god of applying and re-applying the element. The Electro-Charge bug fix that rolled out arguably makes Keqing way more competitive because that reaction now reliably dishes out additional damage, allowing her to pair with a Hydro support way better.
The reason why I bring this up is because your current team comp is arguably somewhat inefficient & and you have a number of options of how you want to do the big damages.
For elemental reactions, ideally you have at least one aura (someone that applies an element frequently as a base) and at least one trigger (someone that uses a skill to proc a reaction and get the damage). Fish is definitely an aura (though her up-time can depend on your constellations), Benny is both a trigger (E) and aura (Q), and Xiangling doesn't really do anything elemental particularly well. Qiqi's also pretty unreliable because it's a low-frequently spin.
As an example, if you want to focus on Xiangling as a physical DPS, then the elemental reaction you want to enable that is Superconduct (Cryo+Electro) because it inflicts a physical DEF debuff. You may be trying to do that, but Qiqi is actually a horrific elemental reaction character - you'd probably get more mileage out of Kaeya. It's why you frequently see Razor+Kaeya pairs, because the latter is much better at applying the element... even if his kit overall is sort of meh. You may actually get more firepower by running Xiangling/Fish/Qiqi/Kaeya so you can try to ensure as high an uptime on Superconduct as possible. Xiangling/Bennett/Fish/Kaeya might be a little hairy in terms of pure healing throughput but it likewise probably gives you the maximum amount of damage - you just have to be careful and try to apply Superconduct before you pop Bennett's ult (because the frequency of his ult's fire ticks might Melt the cryo or Overload the lightning).
Note that without reliably proccing Superconduct in combat, you'll find your damage just stops scaling relative to enemy strength. The game (at higher AR) is definitely balanced around the Reaction damage.
This all then pertains to the talents you level. If you're focused on XL physical DPS then obviously her Autoattack matters the most and her skills aren't as important (because your artifacts will be geared toward hitting harder and not empowering her flame damage). You can dumpster on Bennet/Fish/Kaeya Autoattack because you won't be using them much. Fish's Skill becomes her #1 priority because you're relying on her to apply damage over time and not really worried about the Q nuke damage. So on and so forth.
What weapons you have can determine which role-per-character is more efficient for you if you feel the want/need to explore. Having a sacrificial sword vs. not having one really changes how some characters (like Qiqi and Xingqiu) play - it gives Qiqi. Obviously the Pike on XL is a necessity for her as a physical DPS. So on and so forth.
Hope that helps a bit.
No luck with Childe so far, 40 wishes in now. Got Diona twice and some useless weapons.
After watching multiple vids about elemtary reactions I have to overthink all my builds ^^
I don't have anyone who hits hard enough for melt and vaporize to matter, so I gotta do way more with electric for damage. I only have Fischl and Beidou. Which means I gotta build Beidou now :/ This means even more grind. Pretty tired of the grind TBH. Gotta kill 5 samachurls to drop a scroll... and then it's a white one. On world level 5. FU Mihoyo
I think it took me 80 wishes to get him, never spent any Primogem before that, I also got a bunch of good bows for him and Fischl, so I'm satisfied overall. And the dude is an absolute beast, and i don't have any constellation.
On November 13 2020 21:33 Harris1st wrote: After watching multiple vids about elemtary reactions I have to overthink all my builds ^^
Diona's pretty good and are you sure with the Scrolls? 80% of them drop at least a white Scroll and then I can just alchemy them upward.
What have you already leveled / what were you planning to level? I'm sure there're setups you can do without overhauling too much.
On November 13 2020 22:41 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On November 13 2020 21:33 Harris1st wrote: After watching multiple vids about elemtary reactions I have to overthink all my builds ^^ Diona's pretty good and are you sure with the Scrolls? 80% of them drop at least a white Scroll and then I can just alchemy them upward. What have you already leveled / what were you planning to level? I'm sure there're setups you can do without overhauling too much.
I exaggerated a bit with the scrolls. Still I need 12 blue ones, thats 108 white ones. Thats about 150 samachurls for only one of three/four needed materials of upgrades. And I guess it gets worse for the 80 upgrades :/
I have xiangling, klee, fischl and barbs leveled and working on diona, xingqui and mona right now. Others are only Beidou and the story chars.
EDIT: I don't even mind the boss/ domain farming, I just mind the open world farming ^^' Such a time sink. The Resin system is actually good enough for me now.
Hah, yeah I mentioned way early I found the open-world grind a bigger block than resin (other than Artifacts). That time-sink is very, very real. As someone who comes from mobile games I don't mind, but I can definitely see it being a put-off to a lot of people. It just is what it is, for better or for worse. I find the Scrolls the absolute worst - the other stuff stacks up but there are not enough of that bugger and too much crap uses it.
Honestly between Klee, Mona, Xingkiu, and Xiangling you're in a pretty solid place. You just need to lock down what you want each char to do. I don't think you NEED to level Beidou - realistically your Klee team is going to run some sort of Vaporize/Melt setup (doesn't need lightning at all), and if your Xiangling is DPS then Fish is more than good enough as the lightning half of Superconduct, IMO anyways. Probably the big bummer char you want to level at some point is... Kaeya, lol.
As long as you farm a bit every day you get to a good point in open world mats. Especially if you target farm some you know you will need. Just do what you feel like doing, Resin goes quick so you have plenty of time to just kill shit and collect things (unless you haven't found all your oculus yet I guess and cleared the map of puzzles).
I am having the same problem with Fatui insignias for Diluc, the agents rarely drop the blue quality ones and I ran out of gray/greens to transmute... AND they are a pain in the ass to farm, especially from the big hammer electro cunts since I lack Ice element... and refuse to use Kaeya. I got frustrated with the wait and also rolled on the new character banner.... in 70 or 80 rolls I got Childe + 2x Ninggang + Sucrose + Lisa (lol) + Barbara (KEKW) problem is... I don't really have weapons for them.
I'm debating whether I should even buy Bennett from the shop or maybe wait for the shop hopefully getting a 5* copy in there one day?
Canada8028 Posts
Bennett is one of the best supports out there, period.
I very much doubt that you'll ever see a 5* in the starglitter shop. If a 5* (or guaranteed 5* roll) does make its way to the shop, it will almost certainly cost genesis crystals.
Beidou's counter has to be one of the most satisfying abilities in the game to master. I still suck at it but damn does it feel good to get a perfect one.
On November 14 2020 05:12 Southlight wrote: Hah, yeah I mentioned way early I found the open-world grind a bigger block than resin (other than Artifacts). That time-sink is very, very real. As someone who comes from mobile games I don't mind, but I can definitely see it being a put-off to a lot of people. It just is what it is, for better or for worse. I find the Scrolls the absolute worst - the other stuff stacks up but there are not enough of that bugger and too much crap uses it.
Honestly between Klee, Mona, Xingkiu, and Xiangling you're in a pretty solid place. You just need to lock down what you want each char to do. I don't think you NEED to level Beidou - realistically your Klee team is going to run some sort of Vaporize/Melt setup (doesn't need lightning at all), and if your Xiangling is DPS then Fish is more than good enough as the lightning half of Superconduct, IMO anyways. Probably the big bummer char you want to level at some point is... Kaeya, lol.
You mean sth like Team 1: Klee, Xingqiu, Mona, Diona (Melt/ Vaporize Combo) Team 2: Xiangling, Fischl, TBD, Barbara (Overload combo)
I'm still putting everything I got into Childe, or Benett as a side effect. Finally found the last geoculis yesterday. Damn these ruins are hard. I hate fighting vs flying units cause the combat and camera movement is super akwards and this absolute OP Ruin Hunter one shot thing is annoying AF
If XL is your DPS on second team, she's physical (not fire) DPS so you may not get that much out of an Overload combo - you're probably better-off trying to set up Superconduct to amplify her physical damage. The first team might be overkill on reactions with Diona - that's one team you might be better off with like Klee/Bennet/XQ/Mona or something as I think XQ and Mona apply elements enough to set off Klee's damage.
Tartaglia makes things even more wonky as he's a very unique character that doesn't immediately slide into any of the current prototypical roles. I've gotta leave it to smarter people to figure out how to use him :D
Re: camera, they did add the option to remove automated camera swingy so that might help. That Ruin Guard does hit like a truck though.
Edit: For what it's worth, it doesn't hurt to Overload for damage, just that you don't want Xiangling to be proccing the reactions because her EM and such is going to be low (despite her passive gains).
About Tartaglia, can't say for everyone else but I'm playing him main DPS, with Fischl and Diona mostly, and still undecided on the last person. Probably Venti if I manage to get him one day, or a fire dude, assuming I can get a decent one.
With Oz on the field and Tartaglia under his special ability, it's constant Electrocharged damage, and with the Riptide effect triggering water AoE on top of that, every group that isn't a shielded enemy just melts. Superconduct combo (Electro + Cryo) when ennemies are immune to water is a good backup plan. Pretty easy to just freeze a group when using Diona's ultimate too.
I would love to have a fire character with a ticking fire spell for Overloaded or Vaporize.
I finally decided to check out multiplayer and ran a few domains with people and oh my god is it so much easier than trying to solo them. I usually bring along Venti and/or Diluc, someone brings Jean or Qiqi for healing and we're golden, the other 2 bring a sub DPS for elemental reactions and it's pound town.
Holy shit did I rage at the Hidden Palace of Zhou (Crimson Witch set) and Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern (Noblesse Oblige & Bloodstained Chivalry) but with 4 fully geared characters being used at the same time, they're actually a breeze.
Best part is, I don't even have to have Venti built too much, it's enough to slap on random +0 artifacts and a crappy bow as long as you get enough energy to cast his E/Q all the time.
But the big bosses (Dvalin/Boreas/Childe) I still solo :^) i tried with other people but they're actually more distracting than helpful, even though the bosses HP goes down faster with someone else. I guess this is a point of pride for me to solo them at World Level 5 (and hopefully soon, 6) I'm getting a tiny bit frustrated with the World Weekly Bosses drop rates for the weapon prototypes. I've been stuck on Prototype Animus 4 for... 3 weeks now? I'd really like to get that final claymore prototype for completionists' sake...
On November 16 2020 23:18 Southlight wrote: If XL is your DPS on second team, she's physical (not fire) DPS so you may not get that much out of an Overload combo - you're probably better-off trying to set up Superconduct to amplify her physical damage. The first team might be overkill on reactions with Diona - that's one team you might be better off with like Klee/Bennet/XQ/Mona or something as I think XQ and Mona apply elements enough to set off Klee's damage.
Tartaglia makes things even more wonky as he's a very unique character that doesn't immediately slide into any of the current prototypical roles. I've gotta leave it to smarter people to figure out how to use him :D
Re: camera, they did add the option to remove automated camera swingy so that might help. That Ruin Guard does hit like a truck though.
Edit: For what it's worth, it doesn't hurt to Overload for damage, just that you don't want Xiangling to be proccing the reactions because her EM and such is going to be low (despite her passive gains).
I had Diona in there purely for support and her shield helps Klee quite a bit, cause Klee is a hyper glass canon I may be switching Diona and Barbs for now, so XL profits from Diona/ Fischl superconduct as well. Overload does have the advantage of doing a lot dmg without having the need to be near. Always use it for world bosses, specially for Childe boss
I just abbused the shit out of the map for the OP Ruin Hunter. Was pretty easy then, though I did need 3 tries
EDIT: My only multiplayer experience so far was the first event. May try again in the future
Web event done - Few tips: use Zhongli and Childe alternately so you get more bonus Mora Fischl event first part is a snoozefest. Way too lazy to go beyond the 7 rocks that are needed for the quests cause the stuff you can buy is meh
Have tried a few multiplayer today. Not really convinced. Takes way longer and because of that the rewards suck even if I can run a higher tier that I would run solo. Will try again on the weekend
Bit afraid of the next world tier. I am AR43 now and focussed on my 2nd team for spiral, which means my first team is pretty much on the same level it was pre AR40
I find the purple EXP books worth the effort.
Purple books are def worth it. Books/Mora from 1st shop then go after the crystal things.
I hope full clearing the shop only requires a reasonable amount of resin investment.
Canada8028 Posts
Yeah, having 160 farmable purple xp is worth more than everything else in the shop to me.
You don't even have to farm intensively, we still have more than a week and I bought 40+ books just by getting a bit more than the required 7 in each area.