![[image loading]](http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/298998-akte-europa-windows-screenshot-main-menu-ai-playing-with-himself.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.gamersglobal.de/sites/gamersglobal.de/files/galerie/9504/AkteEuropa_1.jpg)
I want to show you guys an old game i remembered about that you english people probably missed out on.
Akte Europa is a 1997 RTS developed by Eidos, in typical german fashion it comes with staggering details like ammo and fuel for every unit, supply lines and also with really bad voice acting.
As a bonus, they tried to copy C&C and did RL filmed and terribly acted videos! Out TV series are allready bad, so you can imagine the joy of watching a 2nd rate game performance.
Anyways, the game has a difficult campaign with domination type settings and you start further and further behind the enemy while new mechanics get introduced.
This includes making your own cambat units from chassis and weapon systems like rocket launchers, tank guns , AA guns , electric thingies, spider legs, tank chassis, hoverboards....
And to top it off you can research your own randomized weapon types that can go from goo throwers of doom to tank sized shotguns.
If that isnt enough, there also also air units and big naval ships to build!
And some super units if memory servers me right like Big Bertha and a laser guided missile thrower.
ALso tiny infantry.
The game doesnt have base building, its more of a Z type of game where you fight for buildings, but it also has supply lines and later a complex system of train lines that need protection and distribute the resources. Supply helicopters make sure to refuel and rearm your frontline.
At the end of the mission you can even select some of your units and take them with you to the next level, oh and yes they gain experience and can get really deadly if you manage to keep the alive during the carnage.
Additionally, the game has a tiny physics engine where explosions can make debri rain over your units and damage them.
Only negative thing i remember is that the AI is a cheating bastard and doesnt really care about its resources too much and also is using a maphack, i guess they didnt have the money to make a real AI.
So it plays a bit like horde mode later, but all the newer games ironically reverted back to this as well, so for modern gamers i guess this feels natural, but for me back then it was a bit disappointing.
I have not tried to install it on windows 7 as i probably lost the CDs in one of my moves, but ill look for an ISO when i get the urge to replay it.
For most of you this would not be of any use anyways as the game is available only in german, dont ask me why they cant trranslate the game after spending 1000x the time to program it....
cant find images of the big ships
![[image loading]](http://www.gamersglobal.de/sites/gamersglobal.de/files/galerie/9504/AkteEuropa_4.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.old-games.ru/games/pc/akte_europa/screenshots/4963_54a5f7d626226.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.old-games.ru/games/pc/akte_europa/screenshots/4963_54a5f78bc70f3.jpg)
SO,this was my little writeup of a little game that will be forgotten despite having quite the feature list for 1997.