On November 04 2014 23:57 Teoita wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2014 21:41 Mikau wrote: Isn't locking down the name the same as announcing though? Trademarking 'The Return of Sargeras' (or whatever) is pretty much announcing that there will be an expansion and what it's called. They trademarked "The dark below" or something last year and didn't do anything with it, so you can never really know they trademarked corgis unleashed too
On November 05 2014 00:44 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On November 04 2014 23:57 Teoita wrote:On November 04 2014 21:41 Mikau wrote: Isn't locking down the name the same as announcing though? Trademarking 'The Return of Sargeras' (or whatever) is pretty much announcing that there will be an expansion and what it's called. They trademarked "The dark below" or something last year and didn't do anything with it, so you can never really know they trademarked corgis unleashed too That wasn't Blizzard that was someone proving anyone could put up a trademark if I remember it correctly.
Corgis unleashed is a sick trademark.
Feeling so hype for next Thursday
On November 04 2014 19:50 ViperPL wrote: Actually MSV, HoF and ToES (or maybe ToES and HoF had the same, can't remember now, but MSV had 100% worse gear than HoF) had different ilvls, so you did them in a specific order without looking back. I'm talking about exactly same level, like BWD, BoT and To4W.
Heart of Fear and Terrace of the Endless Spring have the same item levels, the only exception being the Sha Touched Weapons.
Also may as well add me to the NA player list.
Vindicare#1638 <New Pantheon> guild. Kel'Thuzad Alliance.
ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT, I'll get back to studying for Intro to IP, just shyaddup about Trademarks already.
United States24571 Posts
A couple of things bother me about the WoD cinematic.
1) "We will not be slaves.... but we will be conquerors!" Weren't the orcs pretty decent folks before they became corrupted, as a whole? It seems a bit hard for me to swallow that they are ready to go conquer others so quickly after being nearly conquered themselves. Perhaps the story explaining what Garrosh did after MoP which isn't shown in the cinematic will be illuminating.
2) "And what must we give, in return?" "Everything!" Who the fuck would drink after that type of response!?
The whole premise for the new expansion is beyond retarded. Proof that they have ran out of ideas and frankly I don't know how anyone can actually be excited for this shit. That cinematic is so bad and I'm salty about it.
I'm willing to overlook the time travel shit because I can play stuff that reminds me of wc2 hopefully.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Hey guys! I'm on Twilights Hammer EU with a mage and a DK - been away for some years, i was wondering how that server was for population and raiding scene. Is it one of the best? If not, how bad is it relative to others, and which are better? I value server population and the amount and quality of raiding guilds a lot, it's most of my reason for playing.
I think i'd be shooting for heroic(?) clears and starting on mythic progression, if i understand the new raid difficulties properly. I've been raiding 20-40 man in Wildstar for the last 4 months or so (which i've heard puts LFR and normal/flex raids in WoW MOP to shame in terms of difficulty)
With the level 90 character boost and stuff like account bound mounts i can just try out mage/dk, look at a few other classes and then pick a server/race/class without worrying about rerolling too much. I'd like to make a final server and class decision very soon though to pick up some pre-expansion gear since i've been gone since they introduced the looking for raid feature
I just don't understand Metzen's tusk piercing fetish frankly.
On November 06 2014 12:27 Greenstripe wrote: The whole premise for the new expansion is beyond retarded. Proof that they have ran out of ideas and frankly I don't know how anyone can actually be excited for this shit. That cinematic is so bad and I'm salty about it.
Honestly, it was less "no ideas" and more "how can we use our existing characters better", answer "contrive a reason for a bunch of dead ones to be alive again".
On November 06 2014 12:48 Cyro wrote: Hey guys! I'm on Twilights Hammer EU with a mage and a DK - been away for some years, i was wondering how that server was for population and raiding scene.
If it's not a high population server (high or full) then it might be worth considering one of the others, depends if you like plenty of bot spam on the trade chat. In general high pop servers should have higher chance for finding a good guild. I don't think I've seen anyone from Twilight's Hammer in this thread so I doubt we're gonna be much help regarding it's population.
If you're gonna look for a new server I wouldn't recommend Burning Legion It's mostly populated by polish people and it's full of our language, so people that don't speak it might feel a bit alienated. It's pretty good server otherwise, some good raiding guilds, lots of active people and pretty even (very close to 50% for both sides) population distribution.
On November 06 2014 12:27 Greenstripe wrote: The whole premise for the new expansion is beyond retarded. Proof that they have ran out of ideas and frankly I don't know how anyone can actually be excited for this shit. That cinematic is so bad and I'm salty about it.
Ye, the plot for WoD is pretty retarded, luckily I'm not paying any attention to lore ever since WotLK ended and just enjoy the gameplay, only occasionally facepalming at their silly ideas.
I think it's really clever how they named spells in WoW after hearthstone cards. It helps fit in with the warcraft lore.
Honestly, both the WoD (expected) storyline and DEFINITELY the cinematic trashed their MoP counterparts imo. Not to say its good, but hey all things considered....
United Kingdom20275 Posts
pretty even (very close to 50% for both sides) population distribution.
That's a downside, the best experiences i ever had were on high pop servers where the dominant faction outnumbered the other over 10:1 and everybody flocked to one side. It just further increases the perceived population and reinforces itself because everybody goes to that server because it's one of the best horde servers or it has the most horde guilds etc
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On November 06 2014 19:20 Cyro wrote:That's a downside, the best experiences i ever had were on high pop servers where the dominant faction outnumbered the other over 10:1 and everybody flocked to one side. It just further increases the perceived population and reinforces itself because everybody goes to that server because it's one of the best horde servers or it has the most horde guilds etc
I moved to Draenor recently to play in another decent level guild. Yesterday was 1 hour queues.... TT
On November 06 2014 19:20 Cyro wrote:That's a downside, the best experiences i ever had were on high pop servers where the dominant faction outnumbered the other over 10:1 and everybody flocked to one side. It just further increases the perceived population and reinforces itself because everybody goes to that server because it's one of the best horde servers or it has the most horde guilds etc
Depends on what you like. I'd say people who don't like world pvp for whatever reason would prefer one sided realms, to avoid any disturbances while doing stuff out in the world (although that's no longer the case with CRZ). Other than that I don't see much differance between high pop realms that have 1:1 or 10:1 balance. Both will have plenty of players of your faction.
On November 06 2014 18:58 RoieTRS wrote: I think it's really clever how they named spells in WoW after hearthstone cards. It helps fit in with the warcraft lore.
Can't wait for this to come out. There's literally nothing to do in wow as of right now. I just want new content......
On November 06 2014 12:48 Cyro wrote: Hey guys! I'm on Twilights Hammer EU with a mage and a DK - been away for some years, i was wondering how that server was for population and raiding scene. Is it one of the best? If not, how bad is it relative to others, and which are better? I value server population and the amount and quality of raiding guilds a lot, it's most of my reason for playing.
I think i'd be shooting for heroic(?) clears and starting on mythic progression, if i understand the new raid difficulties properly. I've been raiding 20-40 man in Wildstar for the last 4 months or so (which i've heard puts LFR and normal/flex raids in WoW MOP to shame in terms of difficulty)
With the level 90 character boost and stuff like account bound mounts i can just try out mage/dk, look at a few other classes and then pick a server/race/class without worrying about rerolling too much. I'd like to make a final server and class decision very soon though to pick up some pre-expansion gear since i've been gone since they introduced the looking for raid feature
Check http://www.wowprogress.com/realms/rank/eu to see what servers look like in terms of population and how much guilds there are. Note however that guilds that have moved/merged etc. show up even if they don't exist anymore on that server, Depraved for example is not on your server anymore. So if you plan on doing mythic raiding TH is pretty small server it looks like. Also if you don't wanna sit in queues then you should probably avoid the big four(Silvermoon, Kazzak, Draenor, TN) because there'll be lenghty queues come raids in WoD, however they do offer a lot of guilds and pugging is usually easier the bigger the server is.
Wonder if we'll get to see not completely melted Deathwing again or maybe Sinestra in 1 piece
Also curious as to if we're going to kill Nerzhul or if he's gonna play a bigger part later on