What I find hilarious from my personal point of view , is how s2 is promoting this game as a noob friendly "non toxic" game , this whole notion of "community toxicity" is making me sick honestly , humans are humans and you can't do anything about it no matter what they do , and s2 itself has some elements in this.
I think with this kind of publicity they are indirectly hurting the reputation their other game and it's community , there is no doubt that the HoN community is full of foul mouth , trash talking elitists , and you know what ? I fucking love it , it's what got me into the game in the first place , HoN is a place where your skills determine your status , you wanna shut someone up ? show some big plays , earn your respect in the team , now I will admit that noobs and beginners will have a hard time with this , but that is why custom games and team ques are for , hell that is even why chat is around for , when I was a noob I used to tell me team that I was new or that I sucked with a certain hero and ask for help , no one ever complained (I have over 3K games played in HoN) , there is no reason why other people cant do so.
I recently read a strife article where the author starts off with with something like "when I first played hon , i was called a noob , a fruit fly had more skills than me , and my mother's sexuality was discussed , that was the end of my time with hon" , then the author goes on to praise strife and the karma system , how can s2 possibility allow this ?
Last note , S2 made money off this"toxic" notion too , the taunt/smack down animations and quotations , just look at these smackdown animations , a flying trash bin or god hand that smashes your opponent , a chipper that rubs his "nuts" on your face , a Micheal Jackson like zombie that dances on your grave....etc , what about some hero taunt quote ? bubbles : "I knew your mother back in the day" and others , and the announcer smackdown calls ? badass announcer " KISS MY ASS !" , pimp announcer : "BACK HANDED !" , british gentleman "KNOW YOUR PLACE PEASANT !"......alot of s2 content follows this line of thought and production.
S2 directly made tons of money off what they are now looking down upon , and it makes me sick.
So it's really come down to designing games around young men that act like they have aspergers. I think I've out grown gaming.
Isn't the MOBA market already saturated with League of Legends and DOTA2?
On August 11 2013 21:38 maartendq wrote: Isn't the MOBA market already saturated with League of Legends and DOTA2? The MOBA market seems way less saturated than the FPS market or the MMORPG market. What could make you say that there is no room for another title ?
I think people are right saying this is too late, yet I still think there's a possibility that Blizzard's version comes out and just swoops up all the doubters, just like they did with WoW. I, for one, hope we aren't left with 4 competitive scenes from basically the same game.
Is this supposed to be dota for 5-year olds?
Ok, after watching those videos I've got only one comment about this game: "hahahahahahahahahahahaha this is gonna fail so hard". At first look we have the graphics which looks like a poor ripoff of LoL, which has terrible graphics in the first place. Then the whole "anti-toxic" elements, which dumb down the game to the whole new level of dumb. Let's remove the mechanic that lets you get advantage in the early game (last hits). Let's remove the mechanic that let's your team get advantage and safety (wards). Let's remove team play element, that can also be shut down by the other team if you are not careful (courier). Let's remove hero diversity and only leave carries in the game, so that nobody will need to play support. I think this whole Strife game is gonna be a real failure. No idea why S2 wants to create new moba game if they already have one, that's way better than this new project. It might have been a good idea if they really wanted to make something new and better, to beat the crap out of DotA and LoL, but Strife looks like total shit so far and I highly doubt that with their attitude they are gonna make anything remotely good.
Why so much hate on HoN? I love that game. The first few heroes are direct ports from Dota but wasnt IceFrog involved in the beginning?
And the heroes cant be that overpowered. In TI3 we had bans on Wisp and Batrider basically every game. In pro-HoN the bans are more against what team they are facing.
I play both HoN and Dota 2. I was in both betas. In Dota whenever i play a game, it turns out a 4v5 in about 3 mins after someone loses their lane and leaves. You have the same amount of shit-talk, the communities are basically the same. The only thing i feel is that Dota is more slow, almost like I have som kind of lag, like Im playing in syrup.
I think a lot of HoN bashers are just people that played Dota and felt Dota was better, thus HoN was "crap"
I prefer HoN. Im not a good player, and people tell me that every day IN CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!! but the game is fun and I can take it
This new game, i dont know. Casual MOBAs arent really that fun, they are basically multiplayer Diablo that ends in 40 min
On August 11 2013 21:41 Diks wrote:Show nested quote +On August 11 2013 21:38 maartendq wrote: Isn't the MOBA market already saturated with League of Legends and DOTA2? The MOBA market seems way less saturated than the FPS market or the MMORPG market. What could make you say that there is no room for another title ?
Well, besides LoL, HoN and Dota2 there is already Smite, Bloodlines Champions, and various other f2p titles that are already out.
They are also making that game that is based on DC comics franchise as well, Infinite Crisis. So I would say the market for these sorts of Dota-clone like games is pretty saturated right now.
On August 12 2013 19:34 Spykiller wrote: Why so much hate on HoN? I love that game. The first few heroes are direct ports from Dota but wasnt IceFrog involved in the beginning?
And the heroes cant be that overpowered. In TI3 we had bans on Wisp and Batrider basically every game. In pro-HoN the bans are more against what team they are facing.
I play both HoN and Dota 2. I was in both betas. In Dota whenever i play a game, it turns out a 4v5 in about 3 mins after someone loses their lane and leaves. You have the same amount of shit-talk, the communities are basically the same. The only thing i feel is that Dota is more slow, almost like I have som kind of lag, like Im playing in syrup.
I think a lot of HoN bashers are just people that played Dota and felt Dota was better, thus HoN was "crap"
I prefer HoN. Im not a good player, and people tell me that every day IN CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!! but the game is fun and I can take it
This new game, i dont know. Casual MOBAs arent really that fun, they are basically multiplayer Diablo that ends in 40 min
I played HoN for a year or two between DotA 1 and DotA 2. A lot of DotA 2 pros did as well.
In TI3 compared to TI2 I didn't see any truly fucked up heroes. There was no Naga sleep into dark seer vacuum into wall of complete rape lolololol you're all dead sort of stuff. Nothing that was horribly OP and broken. The chinese obviously don't find wisp OP since they don't bother with him against other chinese teams. Batrider I don't think is really broken so much as he's really fucking good at jacking someone and removing them. He's really no different in pudge in that regard except there's no skill shot involved, but pudge has a shorter cooldown to do it. Either way you're grabbing 1 guy, blowing his face off and suddenly its 4v5. The finals had plenty of team specific bans. They let wisp and batrider through but navi was always first banning naga because EGM's naga had been crushing. Every team bans sylla or furion against bulldog. People will ban Chen or Enchantress against Puppey or Akke, etc.
I don't know where all these leavers reside, but I very very very rarely have a leaver in a game. What I remember from HoN though is "CC at 15!!!!!!!" "Kick madman, he won't concede!!!" I certainly don't miss that shit. Shit talking exists, as it generally does in any online, competitive, team based game. Speed has never bothered me any, makes no difference to me between DotA 1, HoN, and DotA 2.
Savage was cool, I enjoyed it. But every HoN patch just fucked shit up. They'd drop the ball, then drop a different ball, then a different one, all without ever having picked up any of them. People can only take so much of that shit show before they give up. Once DotA 2 showed up, many of the HoN players that had come from DotA to begin with jumped ship back to the mother land. For me all HoN ever was is DotA on a less clusterfucky client than WC3 was. As soon as TI1 happened it was over for me.
So basically the support role is going to have to leave the lane and roam to activate the observation posts, and be sure to be outside the aoe of me lasthitting creeps, but be within range to save my ass if something goes wrong, sounds like an improvement... I guess?
On August 12 2013 20:20 BlueBird. wrote: So basically the support role is going to have to leave the lane and roam to activate the observation posts, and be sure to be outside the aoe of me lasthitting creeps, but be within range to save my ass if something goes wrong, sounds like an improvement... I guess?
I think s2 needs to rethink this over , the support role as it stands now is gone , there is no player dumb enough to do that.
By definition if the support only roams , activates observation posts , and stays away from the lane to not get gold at all , it sounds to me like a 4v5 , at least in HoN , supports can squeeze in a few last hits ( if the carry misses ), get some gold via assists , pull creeps thus getting some core items to be beneficial in the late game while warding through out the game.
I think the support role in strife wont exist , unless they go back to the designing table.
this art style is too reminiscent of LoL... not digging it at all
On August 09 2013 18:12 Lucumo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 09 2013 18:03 Jetaap wrote: Why not, could be a fun casual game for people that don't want to invest the time required to play lol or dota. Isn't LoL the fun, casual game? Yep, pretty sure it is.
Takes more time to play the game on a high lvl than most people actually think, I tried to explain the general basics of some of my DotA mates but they didn't understand shit about it, and they are still trying hard to play the game for like 2 months now. Some of them aren't even lvl 30 yet.
On August 11 2013 21:50 aseq wrote: I think people are right saying this is too late, yet I still think there's a possibility that Blizzard's version comes out and just swoops up all the doubters, just like they did with WoW. I, for one, hope we aren't left with 4 competitive scenes from basically the same game. Just that the blizzard version is really terrible (at least what little we have seen) and I think they Blizzard knows this. That is why it hasn't been released yet, don't you remember how it was supposed to be out like 1-2 years ago?
I like his analysis, even though he keeps repeating his point for the last 20 minutes. As for the playing with noob friends, shouldn't they remove a lot more stuff from the game that you have to learn? The barrier of 100 heroes x 4 abilities is really high, I can see 10 heroes x 4 abilites working way better (about the amount of spells BW has).
On August 12 2013 19:34 Spykiller wrote: Why so much hate on HoN? I love that game. The first few heroes are direct ports from Dota but wasnt IceFrog involved in the beginning?
And the heroes cant be that overpowered. In TI3 we had bans on Wisp and Batrider basically every game. In pro-HoN the bans are more against what team they are facing.
I play both HoN and Dota 2. I was in both betas. In Dota whenever i play a game, it turns out a 4v5 in about 3 mins after someone loses their lane and leaves. You have the same amount of shit-talk, the communities are basically the same. The only thing i feel is that Dota is more slow, almost like I have som kind of lag, like Im playing in syrup.
I think a lot of HoN bashers are just people that played Dota and felt Dota was better, thus HoN was "crap"
I prefer HoN. Im not a good player, and people tell me that every day IN CAPS LOCK!!!!!!!! but the game is fun and I can take it
This new game, i dont know. Casual MOBAs arent really that fun, they are basically multiplayer Diablo that ends in 40 min
Being banned every game does not make you overpowered. Bat rider only had a 51 % winrate.