On January 07 2014 17:00 FFGenerations wrote: some people , like myself and JP (and several viewers), can be really touchy when it comes to feeling like other people are being talked over/"dominated"/bullied/wronged in some way. we tend to be sensitive to it. personally i was bullied a lot when i was younger, so that might have something to do with my sensitivity to it
we are also non-confrontational people, which means we tend to tolerate things we dont like, "go silent" and bottle up the way we feel. This can lead to occasional explosions that we feel are justified because their message is something we've been brewing over for a long time - we agree with our message however the explosion isn't really a good way to communicate it and often ends up with a person being more upset with us and our original issue/complaint being ignored. blame comes back around to us and we feel guilty, and ontop of that nothing changes with the other person (infact sometimes they feel more entitled to be upset with us than we were with them)
a more confrontational person would respond to something they don't like in a more immediate and casual manner, which gets the problem solved more quickly/directly and without bottled emotional outbursts. a conflict-avoiding personality, however, is really shit at this, and when they do attempt to address something they dont like they end up saying "shut the fuck up" rather than communicating their message in a more tactful, cool manner
i had a friend who could be pretty dominating/mean/a prick, without realising she was a complete dick sometimes, or if she did realise it then she would feel justified because she was just talking straight and if you dont like how someone makes you feel then thats your problem and you should speak up or stop saying stupid things. we talked about this clash between conflict-confident and conflict-avoiding styles of personality. as a result, she grew eventually to do a good job at being a nicer person, whilst i grew to have more confidence in voicing any issues/upsets i had in a more immediate (and less explosive, bottled up) manner
All I'm reading is someone went "over the moon" white knighting for someone who gave not a fuck because the white knight tends to bottle up his emotions? I understand Geoff trying to be diplomatic about this, but that's absolutely screwed up. The guy who's going to scream at Geoff to let others role play their characters however they want is going to have a hissy fit about someone role playing their character? Someone please tell me what I'm missing here.
On January 07 2014 17:39 chaos021 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2014 17:00 FFGenerations wrote: some people , like myself and JP (and several viewers), can be really touchy when it comes to feeling like other people are being talked over/"dominated"/bullied/wronged in some way. we tend to be sensitive to it. personally i was bullied a lot when i was younger, so that might have something to do with my sensitivity to it
we are also non-confrontational people, which means we tend to tolerate things we dont like, "go silent" and bottle up the way we feel. This can lead to occasional explosions that we feel are justified because their message is something we've been brewing over for a long time - we agree with our message however the explosion isn't really a good way to communicate it and often ends up with a person being more upset with us and our original issue/complaint being ignored. blame comes back around to us and we feel guilty, and ontop of that nothing changes with the other person (infact sometimes they feel more entitled to be upset with us than we were with them)
a more confrontational person would respond to something they don't like in a more immediate and casual manner, which gets the problem solved more quickly/directly and without bottled emotional outbursts. a conflict-avoiding personality, however, is really shit at this, and when they do attempt to address something they dont like they end up saying "shut the fuck up" rather than communicating their message in a more tactful, cool manner
i had a friend who could be pretty dominating/mean/a prick, without realising she was a complete dick sometimes, or if she did realise it then she would feel justified because she was just talking straight and if you dont like how someone makes you feel then thats your problem and you should speak up or stop saying stupid things. we talked about this clash between conflict-confident and conflict-avoiding styles of personality. as a result, she grew eventually to do a good job at being a nicer person, whilst i grew to have more confidence in voicing any issues/upsets i had in a more immediate (and less explosive, bottled up) manner All I'm reading is someone went "over the moon" white knighting for someone who gave not a fuck because the white knight tends to bottle up his emotions? I understand Geoff trying to be diplomatic about this, but that's absolutely screwed up. The guy who's going to scream at Geoff to let others role play their characters however they want is going to have a hissy fit about someone role playing their character? Someone please tell me what I'm missing here.
Everyone has their own ideas on how far you can go when roleplaying. I can understand why JP was feeling uncomfortable with how Geoff was talking to Gen sometimes. It's not like they're all friend for years. Geoff and Gen didn't even knew each other before this show.
i dont like repeating it for 1000000th time but, to put it in my terms, you are missing that Geoff was a bit of a prick to Gen on a multitude of occasions and JP finally said something about it.
i did actually feel, like another user posted (on reddit?), that Gen would leave the show at one point coz she was getting talked down to so much and looked fed up with it
but then, i'm an over-sensitive prick whiteknighter myself
I do hope all the party involved will manage to sit down and talk it through . Taking out all the emotions out that really wasn't a big argument .
I am kinda sad , RollPlay D&D was something special , and really once in a lifetime hit i believe . somehow all the stars aligned and a new entertainment concept was created , I really enjoyed the editing , the music , the players , and the DM , and i think they are all contributing to how good the show was.
I believe jeoff character was vital to the part to function , like Simon cowl to american idol. you sometimes need the blunt guy to tell it as he see it , and move things along . there were multiple times were he stopped the party from dragging along on some minor thing , and i enjoy his humor dramatization and blunt behavior.
sometimes he shot down an idea that could work , but that also contribute to the show, a good DnD group need its conflicts , or its just boring.
so this is the reason i will unsubscribe from JP channel and stop watching his shows unless a reasoning can be made , its just my opinion but i believe it was a miss- call . Gen seem strong smart person , with thick hide and she didn't really need rescuing , (one of the reason i learned to like her during the show progression )
I am sad that had to happen , crossing my fingers for better solution soon , and if not , thanks for 39 weeks of a great show.
JP's statement.
During the premiere of RollPlay Solum, the following transpired at the end of the first half of the show. YouTube Link
I do not support language of that type to anyone on any of the shows I host, and the fact that it was said to someone I dated makes no difference. I immediately felt flustered and sent the show to a break with hope of resolving the matter privately. In my chat with Geoff, (as he notes here) I overreacted and was a complete asshole.
However, I’m surprised that he brought our conversation into the public. We’ve had arguments, including heated ones, that have always resolved amiably in private. In fact, our working relationship is so good that I’ve had Geoff on as many shows as possible for the last three years (eg State of the Game and RollPlay). To think that what we were already working out in private was rushed into the public like this is a huge shock to me.
I will be closing threads on this subreddit regarding the situation and would prefer all conversation to remain within this post. I’ll have more information in the next couple of days with regards to Dark Heresy and Solum. For now, Wednesday’s episode of Dark Heresy is canceled and the next episode of RollPlay is R&D this upcoming Saturday at 4PM EST with the premiere of a new ruleset and cast member.
Finally, please respect the privacy of the cast members.
Thank you all for your continued support.
I really really really wish EVERYONE (community, Geoff, and JP) would just stop be so accusational about this. All this "Geoff is an egotistical douche!" "JP is such a white knighting bitch!" is A: wrong on both sides and B: just making the situation and all the conversation around it worse.
You are not Geoff. You are not JP. Stop declaring your view point as fact.
Its up to them to work this out or not.
On January 07 2014 16:32 iNcontroL wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2014 15:54 TheExile19 wrote:On January 07 2014 15:17 FFGenerations wrote:On January 07 2014 14:14 daemir wrote: Looks to me like JP is the only one who pays even passing attention to that comment. a lot of viewers felt the same way JP did. the short clip does not illustrate this. just so you know I don't think you'll find many viewers who would ardently disagree that the way incontrol interacts with gen seems...off, and occasionally interrupts being immersed in the show. in fact, almost nobody that posts their opinion on where they stand on this is completely wrong, which is why this is such a shitstorm. incontrol, gen and JP all play the game in ways that, given the context and the grounds on which JP thought it was appropriate to slam incontrol, end up clashing. the problem, and where it swings back towards JP being in the wrong imo, is that while I've never played live d&d (though I want to, after watching this show for months), I have to assume that clashing personalities is part of tabletop gaming. more importantly, I have to assume that one of the players flipping the table on another in the middle of a session isn't acceptable, especially when that player isn't the one in question of being wronged. instead, JP is leveraging his position as not only a player but a showrunner and using it to browbeat incontrol during a session to avenge wrongs that, frankly, gen doesn't seem to give two shits about. yes, incontrol fanned the flames, but it's pretty clear given his histrionic blogging that he was emotionally compromised. people that are criticizing him for not keeping it cool like it's a business venture are ignoring the fact that it's still a friendly game for the five of them and generally always has been. this is all being said without getting into the specifics of why the "whiny bitch" comment is meaningless, because I want to avoid the rebuttal that people are claiming incontrol is a saint; no, there are specific occasions where geoff gets moody, when they all have and do. this isn't one of them, gen was playing yet another airy and dopey character and in solum geoff keeps rolling characters that don't have patience for that shit. to claim anything beyond that is overly speculative and insulting, a clear case of a narrative that AMG GEOFF H8s GEN overtaking a roleplayed action with no ill will. I'm trying to not post/talk too much about this as I come off as trying to victimize myself OR I am too emotional BUTTTTTTTT This is exactly how I feel. You are translating my thoughts. I am not a saint and I am a prick in this game. I was/am self-aware of that and when i feel like I am doing it too much I usually think to myself "dial it back" or "tone it down." I was never told by anyone (Gen most importantly) that I was hurting anyone's feelings or making them feel bullied. JP in one episode last season yelled "SHUT TH E FUCK UP AND LET HER ROLEPLAY" so if that counts as me being spoken to.. dunno what to say. Yes the content is there but when he said that all I did was pull him aside privately and tell him if he ever speaks to me that way again I am off the show. Then it was done. All my life I have been this person you see now.. kinda rude, mean at times but also "funny" and charismatic. When people/friends have told me in the past I was making them feel bad or "dominating" them (I get that one a lot) I 95% of the time apologize and try to do better. The other 5% I act like a petulant child and blame them.. but I am working on that too. I was blindsided tonight by an act of white knighting someone who hadn't asked him to or told him anything about there being an "issue." When I spoke to JP I told him that I was hurt he never gave me a chance to improve. I told him I was acting as a character in game and he said he didn't believe that because I have always been mean to Gen. I can't refute that all I can say is I was trying to act in character.. I am friends with Gen not some kind of secret hater. I also admit I got carried away NUMEROUS times many times even.. and that is 100% my fault. The problem is I was never given a chance to improve outside of my own self-realization that what I was doing was causing a problem that was escalating. This is totally true btw, like I said before, this is totally normal for DnD. People get annoyed at each other, mostly because it can be difficult to separate characters and people. This goes both ways, it is also easy to go too far in being your character, and it turns into being a little nasty. The solution to this is to talk about it like adults, instead of this weird throwing a strop that has occurred from both parties tbh.
I also think it's pretty likely, once tempers have gone down, that people realise this argument is pretty stupid, and everyone moves on to play dungeons and dragons, instead of all this drama.
Can you C+P this out for me? I can't view reddit at school x.x
Holy shit the comments in thi thread are atrocious. Didn't expect that from his own subreddit
On January 07 2014 17:53 FFGenerations wrote:i dont like repeating it for 1000000th time but, to put it in my terms, you are missing that Geoff was a bit of a prick to Gen on a multitude of occasions and JP finally said something about it. i did actually feel, like another user posted (on reddit?), that Gen would leave the show at one point coz she was getting talked down to so much and looked fed up with it but then, i'm an over-sensitive prick whiteknighter myself 
If you look back at RP you can see a multitude of occasions where Geoff has also realised he is in the wrong and has then encouraged Abi and praised her (all of this has been IN-GAME by the way). No one is denying that Geoff can be a dick to Gen, but a lot of people have a problem with the fact JP totally over-reacted and did not even give Geoff a chance to re-deem himself.
On January 07 2014 18:36 Grettin wrote: Edited my OP Cheers. I didn't realise he dated gen? o.O
On January 07 2014 18:38 Zealos wrote:Cheers. I didn't realise he dated gen? o.O
me neither. tbh, i wouldn't have even stated that. Only creates more bias and drama.
On January 07 2014 18:34 Zealos wrote:Can you C+P this out for me? I can't view reddit at school x.x
During the premiere of RollPlay Solum, the following transpired at the end of the first half of the show. YouTube LinkI do not support language of that type to anyone on any of the shows I host, and the fact that it was said to someone I dated makes no difference. I immediately felt flustered and sent the show to a break with hope of resolving the matter privately. In my chat with Geoff, (as he notes here) I overreacted and was a complete asshole. However, I’m surprised that he brought our conversation into the public. We’ve had arguments, including heated ones, that have always resolved amiably in private. In fact, our working relationship is so good that I’ve had Geoff on as many shows as possible for the last three years (eg State of the Game and RollPlay). To think that what we were already working out in private was rushed into the public like this is a huge shock to me. I will be closing threads on this subreddit regarding the situation and would prefer all conversation to remain within this post. I’ll have more information in the next couple of days with regards to Dark Heresy and Solum. For now, Wednesday’s episode of Dark Heresy is canceled and the next episode of RollPlay is R&D this upcoming Saturday at 4PM EST with the premiere of a new ruleset and cast member. Finally, please respect the privacy of the cast members. Thank you all for your continued support.
On January 07 2014 18:40 Grettin wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2014 18:38 Zealos wrote:On January 07 2014 18:36 Grettin wrote: Edited my OP Cheers. I didn't realise he dated gen? o.O me neither. tbh, i wouldn't have even stated that. Only creates more bias and drama. Ah, theres some chatlog going round, no idea how it got public. Well, this whole situation is just terrible for all involved at this point. Hopefully everyone will talk it over and things will be alright though.
For some reason I had a feeling that shit was going to go down in this episode. I am not really a fan of the direction they were going in with the new characters/keeping the same setting, so I honestly wouldn't be too upset at this point if Solum didn't continue. Rollplay D&D had a great conclusion as far as I am concerned.
I just hope JP doesn't get discouraged, and that Rollplay: R&D and DH continue alongside Neal's campaigns, Missclicks, etc. I don't see any point in commenting on the drama. JP and Geoff both have flaws that happened to clash tonight. It happens. JP came up with a great idea for a show that has spawned several arguably even more awesome shows, and Geoff has been hilarious/entertaining as always. Here's hoping things will blow over as arguments between friends usually do, because Geoff is great on JP's shows. I'm just worried all the flaming/trolling/drama mongering will make things more difficult.
The thing is, regardless of how this is worked out, I feel Rollplay Solum will never be the same and it is a shame.
I thought they all had great roles.
Geoff was the arrogant, impatient, blood-thirsty, quick-witted, charismatic, prince-born fighter / armor salesman. Ryan was the aloof, goofy but likeable comedic-relief of an occasionally bad-ass bow-man. Gen was the quirky, awkward, cowardly thief. JP... he died a lot but I guess he was the trollish character.
Given their characters, it makes sense that they would clash at times. What was important was that united they fought against evil, drew penises all over Neal's campaign, and entertained us all.
Regardless of how Geoff and Gen get along in the future, this drama will be the elephant in the room. Regardless of how Geoff treats Gen, we'll be left thinking that this had some influence and is preventing Geoff from being his normal self.
This is why you don't make important decisions based on spur-of-the-moment emotions and also why you do not make it public.
The thing with D&D and playing characters is it is like impromptu acting. You just need to let what happens happen and roll with it. If it goes waaaay too far, as a broadcasted show with people that have public careers, JP might have to do something as the host. But, addressing Gen's character as a whiny bitch while in character doesn't seem overboard. If Gen's character feels like Geoff's character is going too far, then it can be addressed through role-playing. If the attacks are out of character and personal, then that should be dealt with as a private matter between individuals.
As is, I think JP is doing too much micromanagement and is being too controlling.
On January 07 2014 18:36 Noocta wrote:Holy shit the comments in thi thread are atrocious. Didn't expect that from his own subreddit
Smells like bots. The earlier threads were largely getting upvotes for things telling both sides to calm down, but this one pretty much all of the most negative shit is getting mass upvoted in the early morning hours.
On January 07 2014 19:12 I_Love_Bacon wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2014 18:36 Noocta wrote:Holy shit the comments in thi thread are atrocious. Didn't expect that from his own subreddit Smells like bots. The earlier threads were largely getting upvotes for things telling both sides to calm down, but this one pretty much all of the most negative shit is getting mass upvoted in the early morning hours.
I was thinking more r/starcraft, it was posted there too.
On January 07 2014 19:24 eniGzor wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2014 19:12 I_Love_Bacon wrote:On January 07 2014 18:36 Noocta wrote:Holy shit the comments in thi thread are atrocious. Didn't expect that from his own subreddit Smells like bots. The earlier threads were largely getting upvotes for things telling both sides to calm down, but this one pretty much all of the most negative shit is getting mass upvoted in the early morning hours. I was thinking more r/starcraft, it was posted there too.
Hah, that'll do it. Only thing r/starcraft might like bandwagoning against more than Geoff is JP.