On June 12 2013 06:10 zoLo wrote: Not gonna lie. This was pretty fucking sweet. I love the new mechanic of destroying a pillar and having an enemy tank collapse on the rubble. Very cool. This map's scale looks very large too. Has more of an urban city warfare than some of BF3's maps.
This so scary, especially because ive visited shanghai for a few times...
but on the size of the map.. im not sure what is inaccessible skyline and which part is playable. I loved battlefield bad company 2 so much because in the end of each map every building was destroyed. Like every single one. You were really grateful for every place where you could take cover.
bf3 was more limited. Its just so much fun to start out with that sick skyline and in the end its only rubble left :D
I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it. You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
On June 13 2013 02:22 Infernal_dream wrote: I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it. You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
On June 13 2013 02:22 Infernal_dream wrote: I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it. You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
Yeah, if I ever but it, it will be at least a year after release for the complete edition at 50% off, probably around the time BF5 is announced.
The Battlefield series has always had a bunch of expansions. Nowadays they are dlc instead of expansions you buy at a retail store. Even the first battlefield ive ever bought in 2002 had a bunch of addons.
it was, total, $120.00 USD for me to purchase Premium with the limited edition game. Gives me all map packs and gives me the game. That's 5 map packs for approx 50-60 dollars. I see no issue with this as I enjoyed them all thoroughly and the features the premium got me.
On June 13 2013 02:22 Infernal_dream wrote: I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it.You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
On June 13 2013 03:32 Michaels wrote: 2002 Battlefield 1942 2003 Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome 2003 Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII 2004 Battlefield Vietnam 2005 Battlefield 2 2005 Battlefield 2: Special Forces 2005 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 2006 Battlefield 2: Euro Forces 2006 Battlefield 2: Armored Fury 2006 Battlefield 2142 2007 Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike 2008 Battlefield: Bad Company 2009 Battlefield Heroes 2009 Battlefield 1943 2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam 2010 Battlefield Online 2011 Battlefield Play4Free 2011 Battlefield 3 2011 Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand 2012 Battlefield 3: Close Quarters 2012 Battlefield 3: Armored Kill 2012 Battlefield 3: Aftermath 2013 Battlefield 3: End Game 2013 Battlefield 4
On June 13 2013 02:22 Infernal_dream wrote: I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it. You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
so much anger. but i guess you are entitled.
Entitled? I'm tired of the price gouging. 15 dollars an expo, for expo's that are announced before the game even comes out is fucking stupid. As for the rest of my "entitlement" it's facts. You cannot blow anything else up, everything else is locked up and barren. BF2 had by far the most destructible environment and BF3 has shit compared to it. BF4 has one scripted event and everyone acts like it's the coming of jesus. Too bad that's the only thing that happens in the map. I'm sorry I want games to advance, but go ahead and buy the same thing over and over simply because they add some polygons and pixels.
Source for the fact that almost everything else in that map was empty
On June 13 2013 02:22 Infernal_dream wrote: I really don't see how people are going to buy this. The massive amount of DLC for bf3 absolutely ruined it.You had to buy more in DLC than the game actually cost. Everyone keeps orgasming over this one skyscraper. What about the rest of the buildings? Nothing happens to them. It's like in the beginning of D3 when there's all sorts of dungeon traps to kill mobs but by act three that shit has completely disappeared. BF3 was a huge step back in terms of "playground destruction" and one skyscraper isn't going to change that fact. It's pretty much a scripted event. Unless it could fall different ways, or you could blow the top portion off and leave the rest of the building then it's not impressive.
On June 13 2013 03:32 Michaels wrote: 2002 Battlefield 1942 2003 Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome 2003 Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII 2004 Battlefield Vietnam 2005 Battlefield 2 2005 Battlefield 2: Special Forces 2005 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 2006 Battlefield 2: Euro Forces 2006 Battlefield 2: Armored Fury 2006 Battlefield 2142 2007 Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike 2008 Battlefield: Bad Company 2009 Battlefield Heroes 2009 Battlefield 1943 2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam 2010 Battlefield Online 2011 Battlefield Play4Free 2011 Battlefield 3 2011 Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand 2012 Battlefield 3: Close Quarters 2012 Battlefield 3: Armored Kill 2012 Battlefield 3: Aftermath 2013 Battlefield 3: End Game 2013 Battlefield 4
Yep. Nothing new.
Still a choice to buy or not.
Where did I mention any other battlefield game? Where did I mention the amount of DLC's from them? I was pointing out BF3 because it was the last one to come out. It had 5 DLC. 15 x 5 = 75 dollars aka more than the game cost. That's a little bit ridiculous. That post actually proves my point further. Because the fact that people are actually buying every fucking DLC they just keep doing it. And will continue to do so. Despite being called the worst company in America people will line up to feed them steaks. It's sad.
DLC was $49.95 for all of it. Less than the game costs here and US? You also don't have to buy it.
BF3 was a complete game when released. Nobody forces you to buy any DLC and nothing was added or taken away in those DLC packs that ruined the game. Your hyperbole is just a poor way to express your personal distaste with DLC. You seem to believe that because you paid $50-60 originally, you deserve everything else that is developed and released subsequently for free (and I don't disagree that it would be great if that were still the case, as it often was in days gone by). But video games have become more about business than anything else, and with development costs being so high these days, it's no surprise that such practices have gone the way of the dodo. Hence his entitlement comment.
Lament the change of business models all you want, but DLC as a concept hardly ruins a game itself.
On June 12 2013 13:05 LoLAdriankat wrote: This game is pretty much what Battlefield 3 should've been. I'm getting a Battlefield 2 vibe from the gameplay footage. Too bad about all the lame DLC that will inevitably come out for this game.
They are no lame DLC for BF3, they all were awesome.
Battlefield 2 had DLC as well they were just called "Booster" packs at the time.
I guess the major difference between BF2 and BF3 is that most people didn't give a rat's ass about BF2's booster packs (in fact, most players were pretty angry about it because they gave an in-game advantage) and not owning any of them didn't shut you off from the vast majority of decent rotation servers.
Ability to fire a side arm while swimming on surface
Recon class has ability to "peak" up over an object and fire while taking cover, possible that other classes may have this too.
Spotting now has a hand gesture and will spot multiple targets at once, eliminating the need to spam the spot key (and in my case annoy my wife with the constant "i have spotted an enemy machine gunner in you AO" playing over and over again)
base jumping / parachute mechanic has changed, you can see player pulling the rip cord after changing to a head first positon
Knifing animation has changed, and also features a counter knife feature. Currently counter knife only works from frontal attacks. Alpha game play has only shown one type of take down animation, but likely there are multiples as before.
Tossing a grenade animation has changed, looks more like throwing a baseball now. (looks better to me*)
QJY-88 (Seen in leaked Alpha images, Alternate Multiplayer Trailer)
Submachine guns/Personal Defense Weapons
CZ3A1 (Seen in leaked Alpha images, Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage)
P90 (Seen in Multiplayer Trailer as a dropped weapon)
U-100 M5K
M9A1 (Seen in Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage)
QSZ-92 (Seen in Alternate Multiplayer Trailer)
MP412 REX (Seen in "Fishing in Baku" Trailer)
Serbu Super Shorty (Seen in "Fishing in Baku" Trailer)
Saiga-12 (Seen in "Angry Sea" Trailer, Multiplayer Trailer)
Hawk 12 Gauge (Seen in Multiplayer Trailer)
M26 MASS (Seen in E3 Footage, customizable)
Norinco V1218 (Seen in the Multiplayer Trailer)
Other Weaponry
Milkor MGL Mk 1S (Seen in "Fishing in Baku" Trailer)
M320 (Seen in "Fishing in Baku" Trailer, Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage)
RPG-7 (Seen in Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage)
FIM-92 Stinger (Seen in Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage)
XM25 CDTE (Seen in E3 Footage)
SRAW (Seen in E3 Footage)
C4 (Seen in Leaked Alpha images)
M67 (Seen in all trailers and E3 Footage)
M34 WP (Seen in E3 Footage)
M84 (E3 Footage)
MTN-55 (E3 Footage)
Bladed Weaponry
M9 Bayonet (Seen in "Fishing in Baku" Trailer, Multiplayer Trailer, E3 Footage) Used as a knife, not mounted on weapons.
Other items confirmed:
Premium add on confirmed
VoIP for PC
Through the course of their multiplayer career, players will receive Battlepacks containing random combinations of new camos, dog tags, knives, XP boosts, and gun attachments. These items are designed to add customization options while not being game-changing. *Credit to u/AdiAir
Motion sensor balls for Recon
C4 for Recon class
C4 can now be thrown (at a limited distance)
Customizable secondary weapons (i.e barrels for pistols, sights and camos)
Suppressing a Recon only possible by Support class (making players screen blur)
5 person squads
2 types of med packs. A smaller one which can be tossed to trapped teammate or stuck onto a passerby
Levolution of buildings is not scripted, requires team effort
64 players on all platforms (66 players counting Commanders for both teams
Spectator Mode (Confirmed for "nextgen" consoles) submitted by u/phresch
Flash bangs
Incendiary grenades
Weapons (pistols) can now be fired while swimming
Kill assists of 90+ now count as kills. Possibly counting as kills for both players, also possibly on kills assists above 50
Tires can be shot out on vehicles now
Angled grips for primary weapons
Ability to click on a base on the map to spawn there
3 team factions, USA, Russia and China
You can shoot fire extinguishers to get a smokescreen
sprint swimming and ability to dive underwater for stealth
Dynamic environment, area will remain dusty/cloudy after heavy damage or demolition of a building
Addition of side sights (side mounted iron sights) to primary guns for closed quarters combat (will not distort FOV)
Addition of working elevators.
Addition of deploy-able road blocks for stopping road traffic.
Perk bar reset on squad wipe
Confirmed vehicles and vehicle info
Vehicles now have an ammo limit (i.e primary gun on Abrams only has 6 shells) (will reload slowly over time, secondary gun does not seem to run out, only over heat )
The Russian Mi-28 Attack Helicopter
The Russian VDV Buggy
The Chinese ZFB05 Light Armoured Vehicle
The American Cougar H MRAP
The American UH-1Y Venom Utility Helicopter
The American H-1Z viper Attack Helicopter
The American F/A-18 Hornet Jet Fighter
The American V-22 Osprey Tiltrotor-Aircraft
The American AC-130 Gunship
The RHIB boat
The Riverine Command Boat
The DV-15 Interceptor Patrol Boat
The Jet Ski
The Chinese Type 98 MBT
The Chinese J-20 Jet
The Chinese WZ-10 Helicopter
The American LAV
The American M1 Abrams (Unknown variant)
The American AMTRAC
also worth noting vehicle wise is that there are 2 types of UAV's controlled by the Commanders. For the purpose of spotting and for destroying each others' UAV Known built in Administration features:
(these are things you can do, set or change from the users menu)
Spectate mode and/or battle recorder
Player ping
Ability to mute an annoying player in chat/voip
Player tags
Player kit
In game team balancer - one that actually works
In game votekick/voteban options
Commander Mode
Two modes, COMMANDER MODE and MOBILE COMMANDER, Commander mode confirmed for PC at this time, Mobile Commander confirmed for tablets (known tablets listed below)
One commander per team, does not take up a slot, can not be killed like in bf2 while playing as Commander.
MOBILE COMMANDER VERSION Controlled only via tablet device, no mobile phones.
Confirmed to work with Apple Ipad/Ipad Mini, Google Nexus and Samsung Galaxy Tab. (I would also asume it to Work with Asus Nexus)
Features such as Tomahawk missiles andC-130 gunner ship are based on objectives taken.
Known changes to animations/mechanics
as suggested by u/HARRO_PR3ASE
Sprint swimming
Short dives while swimming
Ability to fire a side arm while swimming on surface
Recon class has ability to "peak" up over an object and fire while taking cover, possible that other classes may have this too.
Spotting now has a hand gesture and will spot multiple targets at once, eliminating the need to spam the spot key (and in my case annoy my wife with the constant "i have spotted an enemy machine gunner in you AO" playing over and over again)
base jumping / parachute mechanic has changed, you can see player pulling the rip cord after changing to a head first positon
Knifing animation has changed, and also features a counter knife feature. Currently counter knife only works from frontal attacks. Alpha game play has only shown one type of take down animation, but likely there are multiples as before.
Tossing a grenade animation has changed, looks more like throwing a baseball now. (looks better to me*) Known fixes from BF3
Recon class has the ability to Zero a weapon (info here:http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/1g6kwz/im_really_surprised_that_our_battlefield/) submitted by u/terrorstormed
When capturing a base, the radius for being in the capture zone has increased and the icon of the base no longer enlarges and blocks the players view.
Updates to net coding to smooth out game play and reduce "rubber banding" (source: LevelCap's Youtube Video from E3)
Being killed by a jet, Viper, or road vehicle will now displayed as killed by "vehicle name" instead of just "killed"
This was my favorite shooter franchise and once they announce this game, I havent played BF3. EA is such a plague for games, they turn great games into money making cow. Kind make me thing of Apple, by time a game is out, the sequel is already announce lol.
This was my favorite shooter franchise and once they announce this game, I havent played BF3. EA is such a plague for games, they turn great games into money making cow. Kind make me thing of Apple, by time a game is out, the sequel is already announce lol.
Online games usually die withing 2years so it's great to have those 2years supported via DLCs and a new game every 3years.
On June 13 2013 18:58 WeddingEpisode wrote: What made BF3 so fun?
- Has a degree of realism when compared to other modern shooters like Call of Duty - Vehicle warfare with tanks, fighter jets, etc - Destructible environments (a downgrade from Bad Company 2, honestly) - Frostbite engine - Audio of weapons, explosions, tanks, etc sound awesome - More team based (only applies when playing with competent players since pub players are dumb as fuck) - I find firefights to be more intense and chaotic than Call of Duty (opinion) - Larger maps of different seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer along with city warfare maps
Just some things that came to my head right now. I thought BF3 was great and I played a shit ton of it for at least 1.5 years until I recently got bored of it a couple of months ago. It wasn't because the game got boring itself, but a lot of my friends stopped playing and trust me, playing in a pub will make you slam your face on a table. BF4 looks awesome so far, but I don't see myself buying it at launch because they will have a Premium later down the road most likely. I guess we can say BF3 was pretty much an unofficial beta for BF4.