On March 20 2012 07:58 MR KING wrote: dropping by this thread to mention that this one of the worst games I've ever played next to red orchestra. And I've spent hundreds of hours in both 1.6 and source.
The problem with this statement bashing Red Orchestra, why are you bitching about distinctly different games? How can you compare them besides being a first person shooter?
Played the game for about 5 hours the last few days:
The movement and the guns feel a LOT like source, i cant say its actually the same just because i havent played source in 2 years.
You still slow down when you jump, headshots are a bit random, when you kill someone they just fall over like retards(like source) instead of backflipping awesomely when you headshot them like 1.6 (dont know about you guys, but i loved that feeling when i hit a deagle single HS and the guy drops on his back, its one of the most satisfactory moments of playing 1.6).
Some weapons are currently retardedly accurate and thus overpowered, the deagle has 100% accuracy on the first shot, its ridiculously easy to hit singles. The awp has really short delay between shots compared to 1.6, and it also slows you down alot less, feels like cheating when you play with awp currently. The m4 and ak recoil is the most retarded thing i've seen in a fps game, spraying with any weapon is not possible at all(you literally have to fire every weapon with a max burst of 2 shots, more than that and you wont hit anything.
The maps are alot like source, which i dislike a lot, and if they keep them as they are at the moment, no cs 1.6 pro is gonna play this competitively.
Wallbanging trough doors is retardedly easy, and i still dont think banging trough walls is possible.
Positive things about the game:
The gameplay feels really fluid(albeit the retarded and clunky movement), and the graphics are amazing.
The version of dust 2 they introduced for competitive play only actually really impressed me, there is no bullshit fog or cables or anything like that, and the lighting on the map is amazing.Even though there are some things they have to change to make the map more like 1.6, i feel they've done a good job with this "pro version" so far.
edit: I guess its important to add for perspective, i was a decent 1.6 player who made the wcg national finals twice, like 5 years ago.
Built on diffferent engines, I believe 1.6 used the Quake engine and CSS... used Source. The basic issue with CSS is the hit boxes, its all over the place.
On March 20 2012 08:55 PaqMan wrote: What's the difference between 1.6 and Source?
It would take too long to explain everything that's different, but the major thing is it is less, erm, hard. It doesn't, at least to me, feel like it takes as much skill as 1.6.
Surprisingly, I find the bullet registration to be a huge improvement over CSS (absolutely terrible).
The main things that need to be changed is the first bullet not even going straight (yes, this actually happens - if you aim the crosshair on an enemy's head 1 out 2/3 shots hit them in the head off the first burst).
Movement is really clunky still and feels far too slow.
My largest concern (being a CS 1.6 player since the original CS was in beta) is that running and shooting is STILL far too viable in this game. There needs to be greater punishment for strafe spamming. This game can't be competitive if it doesn't punish the less-skilled for missing you/not shooting correctly.
These are my primary concerns. One great thing is that there's a fair bit more wallbanging in the game than there was in source - even on the edge of thick walls.
On March 20 2012 09:02 Disregard wrote: Built on diffferent engines, I believe 1.6 used the Quake engine and CSS... used Source. The basic issue with CSS is the hit boxes, its all over the place.
#1 reason why I hate Source. The most annoying thing in the game, even more so than the constant flashing of large populated servers.
I'd be happy to play CS:GO if only this is fixed.
On March 20 2012 08:47 smallerk wrote: You still slow down when you jump, headshots are a bit random, when you kill someone they just fall over like retards(like source) instead of backflipping awesomely when you headshot them like 1.6 (dont know about you guys, but i loved that feeling when i hit a deagle single HS and the guy drops on his back, its one of the most satisfactory moments of playing 1.6).
At least with source it's funny when a body goes flying across the map from a grenade explosion, or when bodies die in awkward places/positions.
The ragdoll made for some excellent screen shots. I hope they change the gun sounds, they all sound the same and very un-distinctive. I hated how the AK/M4 sounded and felt in LFD compared to CS1.6 and CSS. Really wish valve would give me a beta key. .
On March 20 2012 09:02 Disregard wrote: Built on diffferent engines, I believe 1.6 used the Quake engine and CSS... used Source. The basic issue with CSS is the hit boxes, its all over the place.
1.6 used the GoldSRC engine (AKA Half-Life 1 engine), which uses code from the Quake 1 engine. Source engine is an evolution of the GoldSRC engine, so it still has some code left over from Quake 1 (mainly stuff like basic movement, mouselook, and maps being made with brush entities).
But yeah, the issue with CSS was the fat hitboxes combined with how the netcode deals with lag compensation. How the lag compensation is handled is a pretty big issue and you can see it in newer games like TF2. In TF2, you sometimes have to aim behind someone's head if they're moving horizontally from your POV to get a headshot. Otherwise, you'll see a blood decal on their face but the server didn't register an actual hit. I hope they fix this shit in CS:GO.
Also, one thing missing from CSS and CS:GO (I think) is the response from players being hit. In CSS, I believe there wasn't an animation for when a player got hit, so you have to rely on the blood and sound, which you can barely hear and see from a medium range.
On March 22 2012 05:23 vVv_Vfx wrote: Streaming and trying to get the cs community back to the old days where it used to be massive GET HYPED! http://www.twitch.tv/vvv_vfx
START sending to friends!!!!!
Will be streaming CS:GO giving my thoughts and doing commentaries!!!
We want to get CS back to the way it used to be and I know alot of gamers started off in CS and want to make it that way again!!!!
Watching now, seems to keen to grow the community bigger, definitely get involved Keen to stream a fair bit and seems to have some decent skills Keep it up will tune in when awake and possible
On March 23 2012 01:13 vVv_Vfx wrote: Streaming and trying to get the cs community back to the old days where it used to be massive GET HYPED! http://www.twitch.tv/vvv_vfx
START sending to friends!!!!!
Will be streaming CS:GO giving my thoughts and doing commentaries!!!
We want to get CS back to the way it used to be and I know alot of gamers started off in CS and want to make it that way again!!!!