Combat Report
Combat at Colony [3:456:7] (12.05.2011 11:27:59)
chonkee from Green Archers [3:456:8] vs
Adzigari from Colony [3:456:7]
Ships/Defence: 19 Ships/Defence: 2 Lost units: 0 Lost units: 8.000 Weapons: 70% Weapons: 0% Shields: 60% Shields: 0% Armour: 60% Armour: 20% Winner: chonkee The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 3.779 Metal, 6.612 Crystal and 611 Deuterium. debris field : 2.400 metal and 2.400 crystal. Repaired : No defence structures could be repaired
I didnt stand a chance, trying to set up a new colony :S
LoL what a day its been. Yeterday almost got crashed by rank 1.... was so sleepy and half of my rec were returning home. Lucky for me there is NASL going on and i turn on the stream not to fall asleep. I overslept for 15 min and when i wake up i see 3 attacks going into my base first one 80bs 40bc !!@
Today i wake up and i see really close to me huge DF like 3.7m 1.8m. Probably rank 1 crashed him and he is kinda far so Im like what the heck gonna try to steal some of the DF.
Your 41 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 820.000. At the target, 3.180.600 metal and 1.597.400 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 410.000 metal and 410.000 crystal.
After i get some of the DF its all gone in 2 min . Super lucky 
P.S Trading metal/crystal for deut !
I just checked my fleetcrash report from two days ago, 17% chance of a moon but no luck. Bah.
Lost almost all my fleet because a damn blackout, I'm slowly rebuilding everything.
If someone wants to ACS on G3 or G1 (1:179, 3:15 or 3:219), hit me with a PM on Ogame.
Current fleet 20cr and 10 bs =/
+ Show Spoiler +
on (12.05.2011 20:14:41) the following fleets met in battle:
DuffyDuck -vs- Franzf1
Attacker: DuffyDuck
Battleship............ 76
-= V S =-
Defender: Franzf1
S.Cargo............ 13 H.Cargo............ 7 H.Fighter............ 1 Cruiser............ 31 Battleship............ 4 Recy............ 3 Esp.Probe............ 7 R.Luncher............ 47 L.Laser............ 37 Gauss............ 1 Ion. K............. 1 S.Dome............ 1
- after battle -
Attacker: DuffyDuck Battleship............ 74 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
Defender: Franzf1 S.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 13) H.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 7) H.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Cruiser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 31) Battleship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) Recy............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Esp.Probe............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 7) R.Luncher............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 47) L.Laser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 37) Gauss............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Ion. K............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) S.Dome............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
Defender Franzf1 destroyed.
The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 43.115 metal 12.352 crystal, and 27.200 deuterium.
The attacker lost a total of 120.000 units. The defender lost a total of 1.509.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 596.400 metal and 242.400 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created is 8 %
-= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 801.467 The attacker lost a total of 120.000 The defender lost a total of 1.509.000 Total Damage: 1.629.000
Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 90.000.................639.515.............549.515 30.000.................254.752.............224.752 0.......................27.200..............27.200 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................801.467
Defender lost.............gain..........difference 1.085.500....................0..........-1.085.500 423.500......................0............-423.500 70.000.......................0.............-70.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...............................-1.579.000
Alright, so it turns out I stopped playing this game a couple years ago for a reason that I've just rediscovered. I'm gonna offer up my account to anyone who wants it, since I'm done. I've got three planets at 19/16/10, 19/17/9, and 17/13/5, and I'm nearly to battleship tech. If anyone's interested in picking the account up, PM me and I'll give you the password or do whatever I have to do to get this to work.
Sorry for backing out, it's been fun :D
Hey I noticed a ton of random people got kicked from the alliance, and just now I got kicked and I dunno why. Any ideas?
Anyone 7days or more inactive(without prior notice) is kicked. You can just reapply if you were kicked accidentally, or if you were 7d or more inactive.
Sorry. I got crashed a couple of times, so I went on vacation mode. It's crunch time at school anyways and Ogame was taking up too much time, so it's all good. I'll return later.
Ogame is hard to play when I fall asleep from school work before I get to fleetsave.
Nvm just noticed the answer above
I remember how merciless this game is. Went out for 3 hours to play basketball and forgot to save. Got hit on 3 planets and lost about a million worth of ressources. Just when i was on my way to Top1000
On May 19 2011 02:50 AntiGrav1ty wrote:I remember how merciless this game is. Went out for 3 hours to play basketball and forgot to save. Got hit on 3 planets and lost about a million worth of ressources. Just when i was on my way to Top1000 
this is what keeping me from starting again at the moment :D
On May 16 2011 10:50 Blisse wrote: Sorry. I got crashed a couple of times, so I went on vacation mode. It's crunch time at school anyways and Ogame was taking up too much time, so it's all good. I'll return later.
Ogame is hard to play when I fall asleep from school work before I get to fleetsave.
I have never fleetsaved lol, I just sit my fleet on my one defended planet.
Now that the number of members are thinning out, its time to look at alliance policy once again.
Poll: Who should we allow into the alliance?TL members only (15) 65% by recommendation from a TL member (6) 26% top 500 (1) 4% top 1000 (1) 4% other (0) 0% 23 total votes Your vote: Who should we allow into the alliance? (Vote): TL members only (Vote): top 500 (Vote): top 1000 (Vote): by recommendation from a TL member (Vote): other
As a notice since I don't think I've mentioned it before. You are allowed to attack any Liquid members who are (i)/inactive. We'll kick all Liquid members who are gone for 7d+, just reapply once you are back. Its hard to keep track of who's in vmode and will come back, so I think its best just to do it this way for now.
Also a huge notice, I've been busy and forgot to mention this. With so many moons up, the ONLY safe fleetsave you can do currently is deployment. You now want to deploy to a planet overnight, and wake up before your fleet reaches its destination. If you see an attack right after it, recall the fleet asap.
Genuine love of starcraft please
Idk thats my thought
Hey everyone, I just started playing the game and joined the TL alliance. I haven't played a game like this in 10 years or so and am looking for a few pointers as to what my first real moves should be. I've read the forum stuff and am not sure how prepared I should be for an attack right away and what the best way to grow huge in is.
Also, in a couple of days I'm sure I can start moving my fleet around and occupying/attacking other planets. Can alliance members gang up on a few certain planets as well? I'd love to take out an unsuspecting guy or two with a few alliance members to minimize repercussions.
Any pointers or links to direct instructions would be great. Thanks guys.
Anyone wanna buddy up? I am sajimo [4:476:8] on Jupiter
edit: Just read more on the rules, sounds like a giant attack doesn't work but i'd love to be filled in as to when/where i could find debris
by recommendations of TL members... Idk the priority should be TL members and then recommendation cuz sometimes you can have a friend who doesn't play SC:BW or sc2.
Thats my thought and btw I'm at phalanx lvl 2 and building lunar base lvl 3, I could get phalanx lvl 4 before the weekend.
(sry for my english)
cool, i'm now in the alliance and under the wing of sajimo who's giving me a few pointers. just getting my economy swinging right now with a basic fleet and set of def
heavy laser >