His stuff is not better, he just is better. And that's something that kept me playing and trying to improve myself, just like many did on the SC2 ladder. The weapons are sidegrades, not upgrades. What makes him "better" in a 1v1, maybe, is the fact that he invested 100 certs more into nanoweave armour than yourself, or that he got the jump on you, or his experience, or that he's just a damn good player. After all these hundreds of hours which I have played PS2, I wanted to buy -something- for real money instead of certs, so I bought the Vehicle bundle, but I really don't make much use of it. I still play with a lot of starter weapons because they are simply good, and any sidegrade that can prove itself to be situationally worthwile is really cheap on cert points, e.g. the MSW for TR Heavies is beastly in CQC like biolabs, and it only costs a measly 100 certs. Main AA ESF rotary? 100 certs. SAMS Bulldog? 250 certs. Shotguns? 250 certs. Lib tank buster? 100 certs. Losing to these weapons and shouting "Pay2Win" is like maxing out a fresh WoW char and then claiming imbalance against some PvP-geared High Warlord who simply earned his stuff. Srsly.
Ya agreed, his weapons aren't better, he is just using them to their strengths more.
If you were to tell us what weapons you are using for what ranges and classes, we could probably point out some flaws (other people here are way better than me even). If I were to use my TMG-50 light machine gun for close quarter combat I would think it sucks and would get murdered. Medium-long range though, the thing can shred some meat. But the main point is that you have to have the right gun for the situation.
After that work on your skills, b/c it really is what matters. And just because you have like a .4 k/d ratio at the beginning, don't worry it's normal...
I also agree with instant drop into action on my first day of PS2 got me hooked. I knew it would be a challenge to get better.
PS There was also a "party" on the Indar VS Warpgate in Waterson as soon as I logged in the first time haha. The room was filled with people jumping/dancing with some guy playing music and throwing EMP 'nades. Just acting silly, but made me instantly like the community aspect.
On June 16 2013 04:36 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I'm amazed how versatile the Sunderer is. Amazing all the things you can do with it in the middle of combat.
I've maxed my healing gun, passive, and got two levels of flak jacket as Combat Medic. What do I invest my certs in now
Revive grenade is really important as Medic, especially in organized teams. Watch your team storm a building, die horribly and then throw a revive grenade behind them and suddenly you have a full squad or more right in the middle of the enemies. C4 is also nice to have in case you manage to sneak up to an enemy vehicle or to lure MAXs into their death.
Other than that, it depends. I usually go for breadth over depth and get lots of nice tools for my other classes even if i don't really max out anything (except max medic and engineer tool which are important to have).
On June 16 2013 03:28 ranshaked wrote: So, I started playing this a few months ago, and I got frustrated at how long it was taking to get new guns/try new things, so I stopped playing.
I really don't want to have to spend a ton of money to get stuff, are there any tips to having fun? I can't stand getting outgunned not because of skill, but rather because his stuff is better.
Does anyone want to play together?
I have to agree with the others. While some of the guns you can buy perform better in certain situations, e.g. the NCs default NC6 Gauss SAW sucks in close quarters so you might feel like it's pay2win when the enemy kills you with his close quarter specialized MSW-R before you can even really put a dent into him, but if you play your guns to their strength then all the default guns are quite decent. Just check the Weapon Stats to see how each weapon compares to the weapons of the other factions or which weapon might fit better to your playstyle.
As for playing together, since you are from the US i suggest playing on Mattherson as TR. If you message Rahsun (Rah on TL) he can get you into an outfit with some TL members.
EDIT: Oops, that was supposed to be an edit/addition to the previous post
It is NOT pay to WIN. One weeks gaming could make you 1000 certs which equals a new gun like the 60 rnd hailstorm SMG which pwnz and works on alot of clases which gives you no excuse not to have a + k/d. also None of the stock weapons have complaints.
PASSIVE TIMER: Acquisition TIMER : Boost this whenever possible because ESF's ( Empire specific fliers) are the most speed fun and damage all in beautiful synchronicity. the go light assault and rocket eject and shoot people in high concentrated areas (lone wolf)
SPENDING MONEY: you spent $40 on HOTS. spend $40 in membership loyalty months on this game and you will have Battle rank 40 (respectable probably have nanoweave 5 on one of your classes and tank mines or c-4 for blowing up spawn busses) in no time. Money CANNOT BUY YOU CERTS only grinding through kills and getting true shooting XP (like learning maps and being familiar with the game) will get you the "ownage" status you seek in this game in order to have fun.
When do all of you Mattherson folks usually play? Public squads are not my cup of tea =/ and I'd love to start improving my ESF flying with a few pointers =D
The outfit's strayed a bit from TLers since we didn't have enough who stuck around from here to really accomplish anything, everyone kind of stopped playing or went their own way, but we keep in touch. Notorious is now specialized as an air superiority outfit. We added a dogfighting test to recruitment, but we welcome anyone to fly with us outside the outfit for improvement, as long as they can avoid friendly collisions reasonably enough. If you want to fly with us I'd ask that you get up to date with the current videos on hover fighting because that's the main thing you'll want to practice with us in the field. This 3 video series is the most advanced one so far.
We play at different times, add Rahsun and Insolence to friends. We're usually leading the squads when we're on. Joebo444 will probably be doing the same.
I have a video under my stream highlights named dogfighting 101 that explains the basics of hover fighting. If air superiority isn't for you, and you'd rather do some work on the ground. Check out Black Widow Company like I said if you want something serious, or zere's new outfit Z-company if you want to get drunk and kick ass. These are all Mattherson TR.
Ha I killed 2 prowlers and a turret in a reaver. Yeah baby. Oh and an unmanned gunship sitting on the ground. Boo yeah. That toggle throttle hotkey seems really nice, I like it.
My HA is coming along nicely, with advanced foregrip and high velocity ammo, my Gauss SAW feels like a terror at mid-long range. Close quarters is sort of a crapshoot though, shield + spray and pray works some though. I'm gonna try ironsights instead of scope for a bit to see if that works better. Does anyone know if resist shield outperforms the default kind in close quarters? The default seems better for ranged combat since it keeps you alive for sure to get to cover. Now for grenades, don't know what kind to go for, is the anti-vehicle grenade any good? Grenade bandolier sounds fun but flak armor seems too good to give up with the amount I fight vehicles and stuff. Rocket launcher is really fun.
Also I've changed my take on the MAX already, heh. The shotgun is fun, and the falcon, well I didn't realize how fun it is to spawn with 40+ rockets in big battles, lol, shoot rockets like candy, at everything!
I also played a little Vanu, their weapons all seem so much easier to use, especially the carbine/assault rifle (and sniper for sure)--I didn't really take to the the NC carbine/assault rifles they felt a little too wild unless you sat and dedicated to aiming which doesn't feel like what you want to be doing on an LA or Medic. So I was like, might as well stop worrying and love the SAW, embrace the beast.
On June 17 2013 03:33 ZapRoffo wrote: Ha I killed 2 prowlers and a turret in a reaver. Yeah baby. Oh and an unmanned gunship sitting on the ground. Boo yeah. That toggle throttle hotkey seems really nice, I like it.
My HA is coming along nicely, with advanced foregrip and high velocity ammo, my Gauss SAW feels like a terror at mid-long range. Close quarters is sort of a crapshoot though, shield + spray and pray works some though. I'm gonna try ironsights instead of scope for a bit to see if that works better. Does anyone know if resist shield outperforms the default kind in close quarters? The default seems better for ranged combat since it keeps you alive for sure to get to cover. Now for grenades, don't know what kind to go for, is the anti-vehicle grenade any good? Grenade bandolier sounds fun but flak armor seems too good to give up with the amount I fight vehicles and stuff. Rocket launcher is really fun.
Also I've changed my take on the MAX already, heh. The shotgun is fun, and the falcon, well I didn't realize how fun it is to spawn with 40+ rockets in big battles, lol, shoot rockets like candy, at everything!
I also played a little Vanu, their weapons all seem so much easier to use, especially the carbine/assault rifle (and sniper for sure)--I didn't really take to the the NC carbine/assault rifles they felt a little too wild unless you sat and dedicated to aiming which doesn't feel like what you want to be doing on an LA or Medic. So I was like, might as well stop worrying and love the SAW, embrace the beast.
On the NC6 Gauss SAW I prefer either the 2x reflex when i don't know what i'm getting into or the 3.4x when i know it will mostly be long range.
The resist shield always outperforms the default NMG if you activate it before you take damage when at full health. However, the NMG is a better panic button and it keeps you alive better if you are in a low health situation without support. They are both good but need to be played differently and are better in different situations. Personally i prefer the NMG as the panic button but you will always lose a 1v1 against a resist shield user if everything else is equal.
As HA i prefer the concussion grenade, though it requires some practice to not concuss yourself all the time. The concussion effect can really help when storming a room or building but you have to remember that it instantly explodes when it hits something, be it the wall or floor inside or the back of the head of the guy running past you. It is also great in organized play or when you can shout at the people around you that they should charge in when you throw it.
VS weapons are definitely easier to use but NC weapons can be a lot better in the hands of a veteran. The NC6 Gauss SAW feels weak when you start but after you get some practice with it, it becomes a real monster. The same is true for most other NC weapons. VS and TR weapons are ok when you start and slightly better than ok in the hands of a veteran.
BTW Raxcity, I wasn't sure I completely bought Higby (first time seeing/hearing of him in that video)...until he said naniwa was his fav sc2 player <3 =P
I don't know if it was intentional but I'm reminded a lot of the infinite war in 1984 between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, and how they form temporary alliances to gain some sort of ground, but not for too long because a state of war is favorable for all three states.
And there's not really alliances in this game, but I noticed during today's alert on Waterson there was very little fighting between TR and NC. Looking at the map I never saw any pushes in that area or even many population shifts on the TR-NC border. It was mostly TR vs VS in the south and NC vs VS in the north. Definitely a "we have always been at war with Eurasia" mechanic.
On June 17 2013 06:38 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I don't know if it was intentional but I'm reminded a lot of the infinite war in 1984 between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, and how they form temporary alliances to gain some sort of ground, but not for too long because a state of war is favorable for all three states.
And there's not really alliances in this game, but I noticed during today's alert on Waterson there was very little fighting between TR and NC. Looking at the map I never saw any pushes in that area or even many population shifts on the TR-NC border. It was mostly TR vs VS in the south and NC vs VS in the north. Definitely a "we have always been at war with Eurasia" mechanic.
It depends on the server.
On Mattherson they all stubbornly fight each other while the VS dominate everything. Other servers use common sense and the 2 smaller factions avoid each other for the most part while attacking the biggest faction. No official agreement, just common sense by all parties involved.
On June 17 2013 06:38 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I don't know if it was intentional but I'm reminded a lot of the infinite war in 1984 between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, and how they form temporary alliances to gain some sort of ground, but not for too long because a state of war is favorable for all three states.
And there's not really alliances in this game, but I noticed during today's alert on Waterson there was very little fighting between TR and NC. Looking at the map I never saw any pushes in that area or even many population shifts on the TR-NC border. It was mostly TR vs VS in the south and NC vs VS in the north. Definitely a "we have always been at war with Eurasia" mechanic.
It depends on the server.
On Mattherson they all stubbornly fight each other while the VS dominate everything. Other servers use common sense and the 2 smaller factions avoid each other for the most part while attacking the biggest faction. No official agreement, just common sense by all parties involved.
IIRC VS is the smallest on Waterson, although it was the middle of the pack for Indar itself.
I've actually noticed the opposite - when one faction dominates, the other two start fighting each other because if they can't get the valuable lands from the big faction, they'll make a quick grab for some other valuable lands from the other smaller faction.
On June 17 2013 06:38 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I don't know if it was intentional but I'm reminded a lot of the infinite war in 1984 between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, and how they form temporary alliances to gain some sort of ground, but not for too long because a state of war is favorable for all three states.
And there's not really alliances in this game, but I noticed during today's alert on Waterson there was very little fighting between TR and NC. Looking at the map I never saw any pushes in that area or even many population shifts on the TR-NC border. It was mostly TR vs VS in the south and NC vs VS in the north. Definitely a "we have always been at war with Eurasia" mechanic.
It depends on the server.
On Mattherson they all stubbornly fight each other while the VS dominate everything. Other servers use common sense and the 2 smaller factions avoid each other for the most part while attacking the biggest faction. No official agreement, just common sense by all parties involved.
IIRC VS is the smallest on Waterson, although it was the middle of the pack for Indar itself.
I've actually noticed the opposite - when one faction dominates, the other two start fighting each other because if they can't get the valuable lands from the big faction, they'll make a quick grab for some other valuable lands from the other smaller faction.
Maybe it's just Miller then where 30% NC and 25% VS constantly bash the overpopulated TR and both smaller factions actually win quite a few alerts.
The pops on Briggs are usually pretty even, maybe ~1-2% up or down from each other most of the time. My biggest gripe is that the VS don't seem to work with each other if you're not in their squad/platoon. Last night I was standing in front of an engy as a MAX on 2 bars of health for 2 minutes spamming repair requests just for him to run out the door >.<
I need to find a decent outfit lol
On the plus side, I spent a decent amount of time in the Scythe this weekend and I now have 17 kills in 3 hours of use hahaha
On June 17 2013 06:38 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I don't know if it was intentional but I'm reminded a lot of the infinite war in 1984 between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, and how they form temporary alliances to gain some sort of ground, but not for too long because a state of war is favorable for all three states.
And there's not really alliances in this game, but I noticed during today's alert on Waterson there was very little fighting between TR and NC. Looking at the map I never saw any pushes in that area or even many population shifts on the TR-NC border. It was mostly TR vs VS in the south and NC vs VS in the north. Definitely a "we have always been at war with Eurasia" mechanic.
It depends on the server.
On Mattherson they all stubbornly fight each other while the VS dominate everything. Other servers use common sense and the 2 smaller factions avoid each other for the most part while attacking the biggest faction. No official agreement, just common sense by all parties involved.
Depends who you're running with on Mattherson. The zerg tends to favor farming over anything, I go for a good fight against a hard outfit over an easy fight for a strategic resource cap. You'll want to look at the established ground pounding or combined arms outfits if you want deeper strategy than that. The fact that VS snowballs up to 60% population at some points doesn't help the situation.
Just got concussion grenades, so far I have successfully concussed enemies approximately 0 times, and myself/teammates approximately 5 times, lol. Also, removed HV Ammo from my SAW, I figured out that that was what was mainly making it so much less versatile. I can kill people consistently at close range again, noticeably able to control the gun better and it still snipes fine, and you can long range burst supress easier actually. Next I'm gonna get the off hand shotgun for the max I think, blow some faces up. Having it on only one hand with 6 shots and a long reload that you can't cut off in the middle is painful.
Eventually I will have to double rocket launcher though, for the lols. But I think a 2nd one of those is like 1000 certs. (oh nvm it's also 250)
On June 18 2013 10:01 ZapRoffo wrote: Just got concussion grenades, so far I have successfully concussed enemies approximately 0 times, and myself/teammates approximately 5 times, lol. Also, removed HV Ammo from my SAW, I figured out that that was what was mainly making it so much less versatile. I can kill people consistently at close range again, noticeably able to control the gun better and it still snipes fine, and you can long range burst supress easier actually. Next I'm gonna get the off hand shotgun for the max I think, blow some faces up. Having it on only one hand with 6 shots and a long reload that you can't cut off in the middle is painful.
Eventually I will have to double rocket launcher though, for the lols. But I think a 2nd one of those is like 1000 certs. (oh nvm it's also 250)
Dual Grinders is definitely the cheap and very effective way to use an NC MAX. Personally I use dual Mattocks with extended mags and slugs but that is 3400 certs, if you can afford it I would highly recommend that style since it gives you the ability to kill enemies easily up to about 30m away, otherwise dual Grinders.