On September 14 2012 06:37 PandaCore wrote: Thanks for the advice. Currently I hop around the classes a bit to see what I can do best with. I try to move cautious and only sprint when crossing gaps or open areas, but still I somehow get spotted a lot, oh well...
Guess it takes some time to learn the maps and I only played for like 17 hours so far, so practically I'm still a noob compared to the people with 500+ hours. Guess that's just the way it is.
Sadly usually my squad is split apart so it's kinda hard to play with a squad. Would be fun to have some people to play with a bit more, but sadly none of my friends play and I'm kinda irregular with the time I have sometimes, so I'm pretty much stuck to PUBing
I try to play the objectives most of the time though and try to help out when our flags are getting tabbed or when a teammate is sticking around trying to capture an opponents position... but that usually gets me killed a lot as well
If you want to stick to play sniper, remember that scopes with 4x or less magnification cause no glint, also have a quicker time to ads and allow for quicker turning, better visibility and less scope sway. Personally I like to snipe with the american holo because IMO kill at more than 100m are mostly useless. Keep in mind Im no pro sniper, this are considerations I made while doing the L96 assignment.
Also, the most versatile class in AK is no doubt the Engi (with dumb fire rockets). Good engi weapons are: a91 for extreme CQC with laser and foregrip to shoot from the hip. m4a1 or g36c for middle range / versatility. SG553 for mid to long range and Counter Strike nostalgia awesomeness (both this and m4 with and Heavy barrel but no foregrip).
Remember for assault rifles/carabines/lmgs use red dots or holo at most, rest of the scopes are bad.
Focus on staying alive, second comes objectives: kills are accidental while trying to follows these two rules. When thinking where to move, always do so in terms of cover to cover. Don't storm in: peek one angle at a time; when holding a position be mindful of the angles you can be peeked from. Spam Q to spot enemies. Spotting is as important as killing, and since you will want to stop to take you shots it costs you nothing. Every time you die, check squad specializations, don't stick to one per class, adapt them to your actual squad: cover should be priority, then suppression or explosives (if needed), then ammo and sprint, rest comes after those.
Also, if you want to find a group of players to play with, here are some suggestion: Stick to a server you like, 32 players work the best for this, ones with maps that allow for ample cooperation like infantry heavy rush or conquest small (bazaar, seine, metro). A server where the admins/owning clan play often and are about at your skill level. Say hi when you enter, comment on good kills on you by them, crack a joke or respond to one, be nice in general and don't be a dick, no whine and no lame weapons / exploits, follow their rules. Check on server / platoon page if they have a ts, a forum, if they are recruiting, if they require payments from members to support servers. An invite on TS will come (or you can propose after a while ;P), and from there it's gravy, it will greatly enhance your playing experience. At least it worked three times for me.
Your advice is exactly why I play hardcore lol
Holy shit! I just took down two choppers with the tank's main cannon, like five seconds apart. FELT SO FUCKING GOOD OH MY GOD I CAME
Had a game with the first time I ever took down a chopper with the RPG! AND GUESS WHAT!? It happened two more times! I'm so fucking happy right now! Look at all the exclamation points!
I am still playing this game. really awesome games and graphics well.
Focus on staying alive, second comes objectives: kills are accidental while trying to follows these two rules.
I love you Ubikuuu!, excellent advice! :D
I am totally loving this DLC
Tank superiority is soooo dumb. I do like most of the new maps though, and I think the mobile artillery is hilarious.
The gunship is probably the most poorly conceived addition to BF3 yet. It flat out ruins Rush and is a huge detriment in Conquest as tons of people sit on the spawn page waiting to spawn into it even when you don't have the cap point for it because 78% of BF3 players are retarded. It also lasts about 30 seconds before being blown up in Conquest because there's more than one jet unlike Rush.
It's like they just wanted to put it in there so say they have it regardless of what it would do to the game.
On September 17 2012 23:37 floor exercise wrote: The gunship is probably the most poorly conceived addition to BF3 yet. It flat out ruins Rush and is a huge detriment in Conquest as tons of people sit on the spawn page waiting to spawn into it even when you don't have the cap point for it because 78% of BF3 players are retarded. It also lasts about 30 seconds before being blown up in Conquest because there's more than one jet unlike Rush.
It's like they just wanted to put it in there so say they have it regardless of what it would do to the game. Worst thing about it is that it flies over enemy spawn so they can just take it down with their AA vehicle straight away. Also it has thermal which ruins sniping since gunner can just point and shhot, taking no skill whatsoever meaning any guys sat still stick out like a sore thumb.
On September 17 2012 23:37 floor exercise wrote: The gunship is probably the most poorly conceived addition to BF3 yet. It flat out ruins Rush and is a huge detriment in Conquest as tons of people sit on the spawn page waiting to spawn into it even when you don't have the cap point for it because 78% of BF3 players are retarded. It also lasts about 30 seconds before being blown up in Conquest because there's more than one jet unlike Rush.
It's like they just wanted to put it in there so say they have it regardless of what it would do to the game. In conquest I dont have too many problems with the gunship other than that indeed it seems like half the damn team is waiting to spawn in it.
On rush though the gunship is terrible. It literally makes the mode unplayable, theres barely anything you can do against the thing since your 1 jet gets shot down so easily. Then it has free reign over everything and can just unleash sick retarded rape over the whole enemy team resulting in scores like 40 - 0 for the gunship pilots.
AK made me interetsed in this game again. The last one was such COD bullshit i got bored before my premium preview ended. This one, I am having a blast shooting the ever living shit out of everything, even though I sitl lhaven't gotten into one of those mobile scuds or whatever. The gunship cannon owns. I got a triple kill blowing up an aa that was shooting at me with guys next to it
I also shot two assholes in little birds clear out of the sky yesterday while using an rpg. That is such a satisfying feeling, watching that prick strafe a base and then eat rocket
Goddamn, I didn't know that KOBRA was so good. I liked RDS, but I think I'm liking the other one more.
On September 18 2012 04:39 QuanticHawk wrote: AK made me interetsed in this game again. The last one was such COD bullshit i got bored before my premium preview ended. This one, I am having a blast shooting the ever living shit out of everything, even though I sitl lhaven't gotten into one of those mobile scuds or whatever. The gunship cannon owns. I got a triple kill blowing up an aa that was shooting at me with guys next to it
I also shot two assholes in little birds clear out of the sky yesterday while using an rpg. That is such a satisfying feeling, watching that prick strafe a base and then eat rocket
And yeah, shooting choppers out of the sky has reignited my interest in playing Conquest. It really is like the most satisfying feeling I've ever felt in the game. That alongside shooting down choppers with the tank. Oeuahhhggh so great. SOO GREAT AHHH *injects self*
soooo much Gun Master these last couple days. only one ribbon left to get til the award! good thing they made it so that the ribbon is awarded to the entire team of the person that won, otherwise this would be infuriating to get. imo, the m320 LVG is so luck-based in this setting and it seems out of place. like, when I get to that gun I always find I'm more reliant on someboy else's blunder rather than my own skill if that makes more sense.
Just played this match, I think this is the best K/D I've ever had. Well, for an entire match through at least. And I started getting a bit nervous at the end, and started screwing up more than I should have. Plus, at one point, the fucking admin killed me for no reason at all. I'd just had like a 14 kill streak, and then suddenly EAD* "Killed by Admin"
Anyway, besides the level 100 on our team, I was highest, so that was awesome as fuck.
Also, anyone played... er... Aftermath? The new expo? And is it any good?
Aftermath isn't working. EA is so stupid, why did I expect otherwise.
Saw Irratonalys was in an Aftermath game so I tried to join and it fucking worked, almost. Origin wants me to download additional 4GB. 8GB in two days waitwat.
For those who've tried it, how is it? :D
What exactly is different about it? Is it just new maps and stuff, or what? I just wish they would add more destruction everywhere, BF3 has had so much less compared to what I expected when I first bought the game.
Guess the biggest addition is 4 new maps.
Played some scavanger. It was kinda neat.