On July 29 2012 11:10 rwrzr wrote: Use cover and no need to reload every time you shoot very few bullets. Wait till you are safe!
Yeah I still have the habit of instantly reloading, I have no idea where I caught that.... Apart from that I try to use cover the best I can so far, but still I get the feeling I'm easily spotted all the time, while I sometimes have a hard time seeing the enemies myself... probably still have to get used to that
On July 29 2012 11:10 rwrzr wrote: Use cover and no need to reload every time you shoot very few bullets. Wait till you are safe!
Yeah I still have the habit of instantly reloading, I have no idea where I caught that.... Apart from that I try to use cover the best I can so far, but still I get the feeling I'm easily spotted all the time, while I sometimes have a hard time seeing the enemies myself... probably still have to get used to that
It sounds obvious but it took me a bit to realize that the concept of camouflage actually works... in that if you always walk through dark areas then you can often buy yourself a split second of time in terms of being "noticed." Also eventually you'll learn the map enough to know common routes and such, so you can position better to take advantage of people rushing from one place to another and such. I'm still only comfortable with like two maps and I've played ~35 hours :[
On July 29 2012 11:00 PandaCore wrote: alright, got the game and having a blast so far... even though I probably play wrong and still miss a lot of things trying to get in the habit to "spot" enemies and use my other skills (e.g. medpack)
my first try with a helicopter ended in a pretty embarrasing crash 10 meters away ^^
out of habit I've stuck around in team deathmatch rounds the longest though and by far the least favorite so far is rush mode as attacker, ugh...
any good tips for a newbie?
Use cover and no need to reload every time you shoot very few bullets. Wait till you are safe!
^ and make sure to utilize the mini-map. It will really help with getting the jump on other people. You can change the zoom aspect of the mini-map by pressing N (default), which can be helpful on larger maps.
On July 29 2012 11:00 PandaCore wrote: alright, got the game and having a blast so far... even though I probably play wrong and still miss a lot of things trying to get in the habit to "spot" enemies and use my other skills (e.g. medpack)
my first try with a helicopter ended in a pretty embarrasing crash 10 meters away ^^
out of habit I've stuck around in team deathmatch rounds the longest though and by far the least favorite so far is rush mode as attacker, ugh...
any good tips for a newbie?
Use arrow keys for flying over mouse, can shuffle to precision aim with mouse if needed. And you should practise flying on empty servers or the co-op mission as having a good pilot on the assault chopper instead of new players spam crashing it is a massive asset for your team.
Aim to the head and just hold down the trigger at close range, do not spray at longer ranges theres recoil in this game.
Supporting your team (repair, heal, ress, ammo) and capping flags is probably best way to get score at start if you're not very good, the game will get a lot easier once you learn the maps and get some weapon unlocks though, expect a major boost in your k/d and spm once that happens and try not to get frustrated before it.
Don't bother with sniper rifles to start with unless if you know you're good at it, you're not going to get kills, score or be helpful to your team.
C4 is a lot of fun, arm a jeep with C4 and ram it to tank and enjoy the fireworks or just blow up buildings full of snipers.
For complete Battlefield experience play Large Conquest 64, team deathmatch and other garbage can be experienced elsewhere. Yes that was biased.
I realized the minimap thing a few games in and it REALLY helped. I'm not really sure though if using a silencer is worth the lowered damage (apart from that, I haven't even unlocked one yet, but switched back to M16A4 because I only need a few more kills to unlock it).
I didn't know you could use the arrow keys for flying, so that's very helpful... the mouse just feels awkward at times there.
What class would you recommend for a beginner? Currently I'm sticking to assault because of the medpacks.
I'm not too sure about engineer (or was it support?), because you die so fast, you rarely need the ammo.
Support gives the ammo... Engi is pretty good standalone just because they have an "answer" for almost everything (people + vehicles while having vehicle support) but I'd say Assault probably the most consistent (Assault Rifles are all-range and they have heal + revive...)
One thing to learn is recoil patterns for the guns you like, it will help your shot a lot because you will be able to keep your gun on target much easier.
symthic.com has data for a ton of bf3 stuff, one thing you can find (may have to dig or PM me) is charts showing the recoil pattern of every gun with each attachment combo.
On July 29 2012 11:00 PandaCore wrote: alright, got the game and having a blast so far... even though I probably play wrong and still miss a lot of things trying to get in the habit to "spot" enemies and use my other skills (e.g. medpack)
my first try with a helicopter ended in a pretty embarrasing crash 10 meters away ^^
out of habit I've stuck around in team deathmatch rounds the longest though and by far the least favorite so far is rush mode as attacker, ugh...
any good tips for a newbie?
as far as TDM goes, it's simple to do, but hard to master; get a solid overall assault rifle, keep moving (sprinting) unless you've got a sick firelane-farm going on, and pay mad attention to the mini-map. m16a3 (on auto) is by easily the most versatile rifle, and it's fairly easy to use. I'd suggest using that or the 416, which is really similar. When you get better you can experiment with rifles like the ak-74/L85A2/AN-94 (long range beasts, also good in CQB if you've mastered them)
As far as addons on assault rifles go, heavy barrel always. foregrip on some, Reflex RDS or Kobra RDS all the way. If you just wanna destroy people in close combat though, SPAS-12 (shotgun) or P90 (smg) are your best options. my profile for reference
Beginners definitely stick to Assault, that self-heal is so vital in staying alive, plus the Revive mechanic (worth 100/110 points) allows you to farm points easily for Rank Unlocks as well as the Assault class. As the starter guns, definitely stick with the M16 as it's generally considered slightly OP within the game. However, since you probably don't have a service star for Assault yet, definitely try out some similar alternatives such as M416 (slightly lower RoF, similar accuracy with the M16), or the AEK (faster RoF at 900, but much more horizontal recoil).
Snipers definitely are not easy to learn especially with compensating long-range bullet drop. Semi-auto snipers are easier where you can put a few bullets down the hallway, and aim down an opponent.
As for attachments, sights are similar, but most people use KOBRA (The one with the three lines) (RDS) or American HOLO, since both give a slight zoom (1/1.5x), and have an open picture. Foregrip is only necessary when you have a high-recoil weapon horizontally, or that you plan to hip fire, since there's an aimed-down-sight(ADS) penalty.
As for the 3rd slot, there's a variety of attachments that you can use. For beginners, the Flash Supp. is probably the most versatile to use. The Heavy Barrel is what everyone uses these days as you learn more about the game because this attachment reduces spread by 75%. Don't use the suppressor, since this got changed and the DO start decrease hurts a lot in CQB. With that said, I torture myself with using this attachment because in pubs for me, I want to stay off the minimap.
The habit of reloading when you fired a few bullets is a habit for me too, even after 400+ hours of playing.
@Phelix: I've been playing around with the 3.4x Russian scope (PK-A) for G36C... would you recommend I switch back to the 1/1.5x sights? I usually end up hip-firing close-range (and inevitably missing all of my shots lol) either way... maybe that's a habit I should break.
On July 29 2012 12:26 Southlight wrote: @Phelix: I've been playing around with the 3.4x Russian scope (PK-A) for G36C... would you recommend I switch back to the 1/1.5x sights? I usually end up hip-firing close-range (and inevitably missing all of my shots lol) either way... maybe that's a habit I should break.
I find zero uses with using any scope other than using a 1x/1.5x since they give a big enough picture. Plus, using a carbine means that you deal less damage at shorter ranges (drop-off for damage is faster) than an Assault Rifle, so I feel that you should. For me, I use all of my weapons (ARs, MGs, Carbines, Semi-Auto Snipers) Holographic (HOLO) for consistency, Sniper Rifles with (12x). This is because I want consistency with my sights, even though I don't feel that it's optimal anyway. The only exception to that rule is that I use the ACOG with the AN-94, because I use that for long-range engagements, and the 2-burst head shot comes in handy.
The decision between hip-firing and zoom comes with experience. Even now, I'm learning on when to hipfire and when to ADS. The G36C is decent at hip-firing, so I wouldn't mind if you hip-fired at certain situations, such as rounding a corner and pre-firing. Hipfiring at close range gives a slight advantage, one that allows you to kill an opponent faster by keeping the center towards your opponent, but it's either a do-or-die situation.
Also, my playing style involves running around with a suppressor, flanking the enemy, and charge through an opponent, so that's my answer based on my gameplay. I could see uses with a higher powered scope with an LMG using a bipod camping in a corridor, but I don't do that.
I used ACOG for about 200 kills on G36C because I used it as a poor man (Engi's) assault rifle, hahah. I liked SCAR-H but the recoil was just too hard for me to handle Even though I know numerically it's significantly stronger long-range. Either way, somewhat recently I began shifting into much closer range, trying to get into "medium" range, so I swapped from ACOG to HOLO to see what all the hype was about, then moved back to 3.4 on unlock, but yeah. I guess I'll go back to HOLO because it's too hard tracking running targets with 3.4 :/
Thanks for the advice about hip fire though :D I guess it's not entirely a bad thing to do, just need to get used to the aim more then instead of panic-firing!
Don't be afraid to hip fire, certainly in close quarters. If you can get the first shot off against an enemy, and suppress them, you will win the fight. This is actually the thing that helped me the most.
Spam Q to find hidden enemies, and help your team out in general.
If you think you've done more than 50% damage and you are right up against them, a single knife will kill them.
Don't sprint around corners. Treat every corner like someone is behind it. However, once you get quicker. jumping around corners and surprising an enemy can become useful.
Using the 4x/3.4x scopes on the engi guns is a bit of a waste because of the larger than normal damage drop off. Stick with the Kobra/RDS and get closer.
The M320 LVG is just made for Metro. Shooting grenades around the corner staircase near lockers in B can net me double/triple kills that would not be reachable by regular M320s. I only wish that the grenade actually does the M67 grenade damage, so I could get more kills.
What are your opinions on the Extended Mags on the PP-2000 and the PDW-R? The extra 10 bullets don't seem significant enough, and the fact that I'm able to equip the Laser and Suppressor combo (I don't plan on changing this) seems strong enough. I've managed to get the Mastery Dogtag for the PDW-R and now I am using the PP-2000 for recon so that the Time Pie Chart is equal for all classes.
On July 29 2012 14:24 Phelix wrote: The M320 LVG is just made for Metro. Shooting grenades around the corner staircase near lockers in B can net me double/triple kills that would not be reachable by regular M320s. I only wish that the grenade actually does the M67 grenade damage, so I could get more kills.
What are your opinions on the Extended Mags on the PP-2000 and the PDW-R? The extra 10 bullets don't seem significant enough, and the fact that I'm able to equip the Laser and Suppressor combo (I don't plan on changing this) seems strong enough. I've managed to get the Mastery Dogtag for the PDW-R and now I am using the PP-2000 for recon so that the Time Pie Chart is equal for all classes.
^- mine
lol :D
I've been trying to work the assault because it's so useful for revive but... I keep swapping to engi for vehicle/anti-vehicle :[
On July 29 2012 07:21 Southlight wrote: 2-21 K/D lol
AK47 ironsight on Caspian was painful.
Meh, I've seen way worse, and every match I play I swear I could point out a dozen utterly terribles whose only saving grace is a similar amount on the opposing team. But I digress, at least that means I didn't miss anything obvious ^_^
As for all the advice on this last page, I find it pretty sound. However don't underestimate or give up on experimenting or developing your own style and figuring out what you're comfortable with.
A lot of people will say that flying is much easier with keyboard. I agree to begin with, but later on you'll really want mouse(or a joystick if applicable) since it just has the ability to be that much more accurate. This comes from someone who used to play all the other games with planes/choppers with keyboard exclusively. I've simply learned and developed a style that I can not break away from where mouse is just superior.
What I want to focus on here is the fact that some of this advice goes on to say that you should be careful, use cover, not to be reckless and not to reload all the time. While I can never attempt to debaucle any of this, I on the other hand cannot say that my playstyle mostly goes against a lot of such principles.
A particular example specific to this game is the defenders advantage that was discussed. While there's merit to sitting/lying/standing in a spot that works as a vantage point or covers a choke, it exposes you to people challenging to honourable duels. You sitting there waiting will either let you pick them off due to cover, or their lack of information on you being there. However the opposite scenario happens so often when I play. You pick up on someone camping in a particular spot, you simply rush in his face, which is where most people can't keep up with their aim whereas you just need to hit a stationary target.
All situational of course, but the point is that not a single strategy or tactical approach will always be the right for the given situation, or even the particular player.
On a completely unrelated note. Optical scopes in this game are utterly useless in my opinion. Not only do they zoom in slower, the inherent random deviation coupled with the elusive suppresion just makes them terrible. Sure, you can see your targets better, but the bullets aren't going to be accurate regardless, not even if you're amazing at aiming. In BC2 I'd never leave without Acog's unless my loadout was better off with a different spec. 4x zoom was amazing because your bullets would actually physically be allowed to go where you aimed if you could handle the technique.
I agree with you about larger scopes not really doing a lot. Most of it has to do with the absolutely terrible suppression system. And although they've toned it down it's still shit. My rounds would not come out of the rifle at weird angles simply because I'm being shot at. I'd rather the screen go so fuzzy I can't see shit compared to my bullets coming out at obtuse angles.