I like weaker cannons, more skill less e z right off the bat newbie kills. Kinda makes 2v1 much harder coupled with new physics but nbd, now you need to be able to stick on someones tail to kill them. MUCH funner, especially now that you can go defensive for 3 seconds to ensure you don't get locked on by some stinger user without giving the other guy you're in a dogfight with a huge advantage
what I don't like are the new jet physics. Before patch I could maintain cornering speed +/- 10 in third person easily, but now I drop down to 260ish for no reason rofl. Oh well time to learn a new method... I think these new physics actually increase skill cap to be honest but I'll see later if i get time again to relearn everything. Its funny to fly against some of the higher tier of jet pilots and its just a complete gong show for 8 minutes because no one knows wtf to do.
I hope DICE doesnt keep changing how jets respond though, i don't like having to relearn everything over and over again
Yeah the 2v1 aspect is usually what has brought me and my friends to the conclusion I wrote. Because unless you manage to get 2 decent pilots in the jets you're more often than not flying 1v2, in which case it was nice to be able to actually kill off one of them without dying first.
well so far I've only flown 1v2's versus 2 really good pilots and i died every time since I'd get behind one of them but it would be hard to shoot him down before i got shot down by the other guy who would fly away and fly at me, but thats expected anyways. Prepatch I'd be able to get it down to 1v1 and probably finish off the other guy but w/e. I think it would be balanced out if they increased jet spawn time so that if you do shoot someone down you can get the other guy down before it becomes a 2v1 again, but i really can't say until i relearn how to manage my speed. All i can say is that I am annoyed that I keep dropping down to 260ish just because of muscle memory of what should be 310
-also i started laughing the first time i used my rocket pods. rofl it was so ugly looking
Yes lol, we all had the exact same reaction. Wtf at those rocket pods, I don't even.
I'm not exactly that much of a pilot, but due to playing with some great ones I can rely on what they tell me. I guess we pretty much agree on the issue at hand. I don't think it's a the point where it should be now, not that it was before. Increasing spawn time on them would be fine by me, but then there's the issue of the retarded trend of almost nothing but fast vehicle spawn servers.
Just played my first round after the patch and I have no idea why the decided to implement it that way.
Fall damage is still random. Snipers elevate happily. Jet dogfights are a joke now with the revamped main gun. Tanks can be taken down to 25-30% health with a single well-placed RPG. Igla/Stinger now deal damage, but a good jet pilot will quickly pass the zone between minimum and maximum range and a good chopper pilot will abuse the new Below Radar to completely avoid lock-ons.
The Havoc does handle better, the new minimap is alright, but that's about it. Really not excited about this patch so far.
This change makes me sad. I mean, stuff like that where you lay C4 everywhere and just wreck the fuck out of your former team is pretty bad, but besides that... T.T
I mean it changes Support heavily, because, since you can't throw C4, you have to get really close to a tank. Then, you have to make a really important decision: do I try to run away and blow it up without dying, or do I just detonate when I am still next to it and take the death? They should make it that all of your "drops"-- the C4, claymores, health kits, ammo kits-- get removed when you switch teams.
Plus I love doing this thing on Canals TDM where I only use C4, but that is going to be pretty much impossible now.
They just need to bring back C4 the way it was in BC2. Throwable with the right technique and timing, beeping for every pack of it put down as a warning to the aware.
Post patch suppression affects you to the point where you can't win (unless the other person is beyond terrible) a fight where the other person got shots off first that suppressed you. Unless you are able to compensate by exaggerating your movements to correct recoil. I will have to experiment with that but being fully suppressed makes winning gun fights really hard.
This change makes me sad. I mean, stuff like that where you lay C4 everywhere and just wreck the fuck out of your former team is pretty bad, but besides that... T.T
I mean it changes Support heavily, because, since you can't throw C4, you have to get really close to a tank. Then, you have to make a really important decision: do I try to run away and blow it up without dying, or do I just detonate when I am still next to it and take the death? They should make it that all of your "drops"-- the C4, claymores, health kits, ammo kits-- get removed when you switch teams.
Plus I love doing this thing on Canals TDM where I only use C4, but that is going to be pretty much impossible now.
FUCK. I really wanted to put up a C4 only montage on my channel, but now I will have to only use the footage I already have. Q the fuck Q.
Yes that was bad, I did that once after I watched that video and felt so dirty with 22 kills on my conscience. HOWEVER there is always other side, take a look at this, the pain the suffering
This change makes me sad. I mean, stuff like that where you lay C4 everywhere and just wreck the fuck out of your former team is pretty bad, but besides that... T.T
I mean it changes Support heavily, because, since you can't throw C4, you have to get really close to a tank. Then, you have to make a really important decision: do I try to run away and blow it up without dying, or do I just detonate when I am still next to it and take the death? They should make it that all of your "drops"-- the C4, claymores, health kits, ammo kits-- get removed when you switch teams.
Plus I love doing this thing on Canals TDM where I only use C4, but that is going to be pretty much impossible now.
FUCK. I really wanted to put up a C4 only montage on my channel, but now I will have to only use the footage I already have. Q the fuck Q.
i really dont get it for claymores. makes them pretty much useless now. for c4 i can understand it a bit and makes sense but id like it more if the c4 would stay but you cant blow it up anymore so the next grenade/tank shell makes em go boom. or they shouldve just made c4 removeable by engineers with the repair tool.
On March 31 2012 03:34 BeMannerDuPenner wrote: i really dont get it for claymores. makes them pretty much useless now. for c4 i can understand it a bit and makes sense but id like it more if the c4 would stay but you cant blow it up anymore so the next grenade/tank shell makes em go boom. or they shouldve just made c4 removeable by engineers with the repair tool.
I'm pretty sure c4 can be removed the same way AT mines can be removed (ie. Engineer moves to it and holds down R). But yeah, the claymore thing is dumb...
So from what I've been hearing about the game with the new patch before I try out and play it, everything seems a bit worse.
Bolt-action sniper rifles: the bullet is bigger in the scope after firing, making adjustments is going to be difficult so the first shot is even more important than ever. Holding your breath doesn't sync with the straight-pull bolt, which gives the enemy more time to run for cover. I understand what DICE is trying to do here, making aggressive recon viable, but I think the effect will be the opposite, as the player now has to camp even harder to make a shot, and the other player to respond as well in a sniper duel.
LMGs: Base accuracy reduction, increased suppression effect. All I've been hearing about this is that the suppression effect is too big, and the player's vision is blurred from a few shots. How does the Cover Perk stack up to the new effect? (I've always used cover as a 3rd perk after explosives/ammo pre-patch). Again, I think that DICE wants more support players, as the game is mostly dominated by Engineers and Assault players.
I don't think DICE's plan to change the player base into more Supports/Aggressive Recons will work because of the following two reasons.
Tanks: This is what makes the Engineer class borderline OP with the new patch, as they can take out almost all of their threats with ease. Two shots to the front of the tank is a disable, I guess people whined about tanks so now they are neutered. With this change, DICE is acknowledging that Rush victories should always go towards the defender, as now bringing in the AMTRAC/LAV to provide cover for the MCOM is near impossible, unless the attacking team severely manhandles the other team.
Assault is always going to be a viable class unless DICE decides to change self-healing medpacks, which I foresee zero chance of going through in any patch.
Guess I'll move on to another game before coming back to BF3.
Anyone else noticed that ECM jammer/flares or smoke sometimes bugs?
A friend and myself flew alot with the chopper today and we get the locked on sound, I spam ECM immediatly and dive down still having the locked on sound and then the missile comes in, happened so often and it is pretty annoying. Especially with the Jammer which should prevent being locked on and still you will be locked on through the active time.
Same with tanks and smoke. Javelins hit me so often even though I just used smoke when being locked on in 50% (felt) of the cases. I even get locked on while having active smoke. fucking annoying.
The supression effect is horrible I think, on infantry heavy maps, like seines crossing you get fully supressed by randomly shot bullets and in return are unable to fucking hit anything even with small aimed bursts. Feels so wrong.
But what I hate most is the jet. Dear Dice, who hit your head to think that jets need a buff? jets already are ridiculous powerful and now are even more godlike as they on top shit on any physics. I mean wtf, flying with barely 120 behind a chopper? ololol :D
What I like is the decreased repair effectivity and some of the weapon changes.
The most frustrating thing when I played today to grind out the 2 unlocks that can be unlocked was that the 93R jams more often than the previous patch that I encountered. Also, the fact that I don't think DICE buffed RDS/Holos for semi-autos made for a terrible day on the BF3, one month rust notwithstanding. I noticed that DICE didn't save the layout from the previous patch, so I had to manually configure each one before playing the class. Definitely noticing the faster pace of infantry battles, where I'm not the best at reaction time.
So the null/### unlocks are unobtainable at the moment, which makes me sad, as I wanted the SKS with the heavy barrel.
Aggressive recon is OP as fuck now...the only way to counter them is a shotgun, at which point it becomes a quicktime event of who can shoot faster. And you still lose at long range. ARs, carbines, LMGs and PDWs stand no chance whatsoever.
And DICE destroyed my loadouts, so I suddenly spawned with flashlights on all of my weapons where I had them unlocked.