On November 17 2010 01:47 InFiNitY[pG] wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2010 00:34 Dooba wrote: Woah, 5 raiding nights a week and leveling to 85 within 4 days with attending a raid that evening? I would like to see the general consensus on this, because it sounds ludicrous to me. 4 days is not a fixed number where everyone HAS to be 85, just level to 85 as fast you can. Also we are aiming to have a raid core of more than 25 players, so you don't have to be there EVERY raid. But as was stated in the OP, we want to create a top guild. I don't care if we have casuals within our guild, as long as enough active raiders are there to fill the raid. Just don't expect to have a raid spot when you don't perform up to standards or have a low attendance rate.
Yeah, i get it now. While the leveling thingy isn't really an issue with me (i plan to level quickly anyway) the raiding might be. I guess i need to decide if im up for 5 days raiding on progress periods
wall of text incoming !!!!!!!!!!
I am starting to get really intrested in this as well
I have quite a lot of hardcore raiding experience and i was also an officer and a raidleader in 2 different top 200 World guilds since TBC.
I havent played a lot in Vannila and in TBC and WOTLK managed to grab a lot of realm firsts (on one of a new TBC launch realms so that might not be as impressive ) I stopped playing some time back in February i think shortly after killing LK normal without any buffs because my second guild died as well what can i say unstable realm is unstable >.>
This guild has a lot of potential and its easy to see the guys who are already assigned as officers know what theyre doing. But theres so many risks with starting a guild from absolute 0 in a short time with such a high aim to being one of the best guilds out there most importantly like some already have mentioned is not to have 5-10 people carrying the entire guild and dragging the more casual players along. Because this would be a huge commitment to a lot of people ( faction change + realm change is i believe about 30 euros thats quite a lot of money and time wasted down the drain if the guild doesnt work out as intended)
Also might be an idea to start on a realm with a free character migration available allthough a lot of the time the community and player base on such realms is weaker then on other realms so that might be an offset
So the poll questions are good but we would need to make sure that the majority i mean like 20 people ccan truly commit to raiding those 20 hours a week during the progress time (of course the raiding times will get reduced after we have killed off evrything) and thats not an easy task as most of us dont know eachother i assume
Another matter is a lot of people seem to just want to be in team liquid guild with casual gamestyle and it might be a good idea to let them have a separate guild so all TL members can just hang out and have fun. Some might not like it because of the guild levels and all that new stuff but i think the Harcore players need time to get to know eachother and have their own theme to get used to stuff it would be and thats more important to me then having the minor convieniences of guild levels
And some other minor stuff like how would we look in the future Ventrilo seems to get fixed but what about a guildsite would we have any connections with this site and how would new applications be handled would evryone need to be familiar with Starcraft and Team liquid to join just because were carrying their name and some other minor stuff.
Any indication on the realm we'll be playing on? Would be nice, so we can get leveling going.
Haomarush. I'm lvl 9 and called Florist. Add me : )
Others are Ceecee Florist Zulficar
Just to put it out there, me (Jaseyrae - Shaman) and iN.Dez (Battlestudy - Mage) are using RAF together. Feel free to add us!
Some update to my situation. It's still unclear if we manage to reform with some old friends etc. but it's also possibility that if only few of us are up we might transfer or start new chars over to come play with you if you don't mind.
If you want to know more about our raid experiences (varies by person) or other things etc. send a pm or mention it here. I'm not sure if I/we can/will go all hardcore, but increasing the potential playerpool should be good.
I voted undecided on poll, but will most likely transfer my main DK (I mainly tanked for our guild) or play another up from ground seeing as the poll says there's least of them at the moment. Have to probably re-learn some stuff since I played Frost on both Tanking and DPS.
However don't count on me/us to be certain as things might still change.
Also, how's the guild forming? You have some players on Haomarush already? If you have time can you update classes etc. after names on OP?
Still im pretty intrested but 4 me, 5 day of raiding sound pretty hard. I dont know if my girlf would give me the ok 4 this :-).
Starting guild now, please log on an message Absa now.
hey guys i'm gonna start rolling a toon probably. Just lemme know what you want me to play!
Gladiator experience as shaman, druid, mage. Raiding experience as prot warrior, resto sham, mage.
Oh wait this is EU.. I'm silly.
If a lot of TLers transfer there, maybe they could boost those of us who don't want to pay to transfer characters (I only have one lvl 80 so I wouldn't move it anyway) so we could get to 85 decently quickly? (I work 8 hours a day, it's obviously going to take a long time to get an alt to 85).
I could see myself starting a new character, maybe a death knight so I wouldn't have to level as much, if I could count on getting boosts in dungeons on my way to 85.
There will be a liquid guild 4 Us Servers to. So why dont you visit that thread?^^
Guild creation successful? I'm quite cretain loads of people are waiting till the last moment to transfer to make sure it's all going to work out...
We got 16 members at the moment joined up. Started it late last night. Haomarush Horde, /whois team liquid and whisper a member for an invite.
somewhat intressted put me up for a maby
Once you join the guild, please put your TL user name into your guild note so we can see who has arrived already and who is yet to come.
Please PM me if you are delayed in joining the guild until a patch / install / transfer. Please make a lvl 1 character and join if you have yet to transfer so we can get an accurate player count.
Hi im interested aswell. cya ingame
On November 18 2010 16:34 Mente wrote: hey guys i'm gonna start rolling a toon probably. Just lemme know what you want me to play!
Gladiator experience as shaman, druid, mage. Raiding experience as prot warrior, resto sham, mage.
Oh wait this is EU.. I'm silly.
there is a US chapter on Ner'zhul Horde
just make a character and /who Team Liquid to find someone to invite you
I'm interested as well, will whisper you ingame
would be interested too played since beta, did rank13 and cthun realm first in classic, illidan first / muru pre nerf etc in tbc with my orc warri, wotlk i tried dk but it got boring pretty fast after 3d/malygos achievements there was already nothing to do and then i quit before ulduar came just reactivated like a week ago, gotta play warri :D maybe i'll just make a new one instead of transfer, nothing to do atm anyways ^^
@infinity: u mean eu-destromath cwc ? that was actually my last raiding guild