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On December 26 2011 03:24 Zerbra wrote: Monsters weren't the sole reason Diablo and Terriaria (in it's own niche) was successful. Assuming you did, though, disregard the stories, item/leveling systems, and community and, instead, just talked about the monsters--that playstyle only works because of monster scaling. You start off easy, fighting rats and skeletons or whatever it. Gaining more and more xp, getting better gear, you continue to work your way up an self-imposed ladder, to get the best gear to fight bigger baddies. This is mostly fun (if you're into grinding) because, at any time, you can chose to go back and the beginning and totally dominate the first guys that ever gave you trouble. It's like fighting lvl 3 pokemon again with the team you just beat the Elite 4 with. Owning things just feels great. Going back requires travel, and travel is tedious in minecraft...
As compelling as tweaking the damage system to make difficult harder mobs to make Minecraft more threatening, it's no more fun than it used to be. It's just moderately more annoying. If miraculously it all came together and you were somehow able to introduce zones or different worlds with harder mobs that dropped better stuff, well, good work. The more important problem is and will be, the mobs are lacking. Only 3 mobs + .1% chance of a creeper + .01?% chance of a skeleton-rider, all with crappy AI. The Aether was successful because it introduced new mobs with unique AI (and rewarding items). Three mobs will never suffice.
From a user's perspective the most popular plug-ins are 1) role-playing based, overlaying minecraft with new goals (mcMMO) 2) building/community based (craft-book) Why? Because at its heart Minecraft is first-most a creative building game. Anything that lets you gather faster or build in new ways is prized. Minecraft PvP partially works if you allow the worst of griefing. Alliances, backstabbing, and pillaging, etc. PvP is joke unless a server is a dedicated to it. I wouldn't bother mentioning it. I didn't mention monsters because they're a joke and always will be. Harder monsters will just be a hindrance and no more fun than before.
As it stands, there is little incentive to kill monsters. $2 dollars from killing a spider...great.
My 2 cents: I don't encourage making the server barren and terrifyingly hard. +1 for the guards though. For priorities: 1) Temples, like good temples, not just a small room with lava pits. Temples that have boss chests that autorestock, if possible 2) Community. If the server speaks for itself, a community will follow 3) Thriving economy. So you can buy items that are otherwise unobtainable. (Blaze rods, ender pearls, etc.) An Economy, where if you say, buying coal. And the second guy says, well, what'da wanna trade for? The deal actually goes through and doesn't fizzle.
Also, if possible, lose X% of money if dead.
Well, the issue is that right now I have custom items, custom mobs, about a dozen custom worlds/zones... and I can't implement any of them unless I change the way items work. Travel wouldn't really be an issue as the entire current world would be the same difficulty, and other worlds would be accessed via portals and include the harder mobs.
Right now when mobs are as strong as they can possibly be in the main world I'm simply not able to add any of our extra content because mobs would end up being the same difficulty. So either the system has to change somehow or the content we spent months creating can't be added.
Ideally I would like the main world to be tuned so that if you have leather armor and a stone sword you can kill monsters, and if you have iron armor/weapon you can basically farm them (as if you were a level 20 character fighting in Tristram or something in D2). But that same iron gear would make, say, skylands a challenge. I simply can't do that with the way Notch changed mob health unless I can slow down the progression of gear enough that you can't oneshot everything in the main world after an hour of playing the game. Not to mention getting full diamond gear in an hour means any dungeons/extra worlds I add are also trivial from the start.
For example, I could entirely remove all armor except for gold and leather. The main world can be tuned for leather, and then if you purchase the gold armor you can basically slaughter the main world. Then Nether could be tuned for gold. Later, I could add skylands and tune that for iron, then add iron items into the game. So before then the best you could get is gold, which is all you would need. That way when the skylands opens you're not already outgearing it and can actually play it as intended.
Yeah, it's not the best thing in the world but again I don't really see any other options. My original plan involved simply increasing the health and damage of mobs as needed. Since I can no longer do that my only other option is to decrease the power of the player. Weapon damage is already about as low as it gets, so the only two options left are a) slow down the acquisition of gear, or b) scrap all of our content.
The Story of Dark Eyed Cabin; Pt. 1
It was a devastating blow to the young Benjamin Crisp the night his fiance was taken by the fever. For months afterwards it was rumored that he would lay beside her grave at all hours of the night, making odd promises of life and resurrection.
The rumors spread and grew, until the entire town believed he was making deals with dark beings. Fearing necromancy, the naive townsfolk drove him away from their town and into the woods, where no-one caught sight of Benjamin Crisp for over a decade.
He visited the town one night, wearing garments fit for a noble, beckoning ladies and gentlemen to a banquet in his home just outside of town, providing horse and carriage for all who wished to attend. Many followed, and the result was nothing short of a trajedy. As one witness, who did not attend the banquet accounted:
At the stroke of midnight a cold gripped the town, a cold that seemed as if it reached heart and courage alike. As the cold settled evermore, we began to hear the cries of our neighbors that had ventured into his home. A party was made to perform a rescue, but the screams appeared as if they came from all directions. Such horrible pain they expressed until all fell silent and our town was left with nothing but the cold.
Thirty-four people were never seen or heard from again, including Mr. Crisp. The rest of the town searched high and low for the cabin, but to no avail. The home was not found for over 170 years, until a small group of weary bandits found it to take shelter for the night...
Too bad just for Premium users
The Story of Dark Eyed Cabin; Pt. 2
The cabin wasn't seen for almost two centuries, which is quite odd considering the story of Benjamin's banquet proposed it to be right outside of the town. The answer could be explained through the bandit's account of the night at the cabin. All the evidence provided was of an old wooden cabin seemingly overtaken by nature. Surely this bandit could have been attempting a con, but his story is interesting non-the-less.
An excerpt from Nataniel Brown's "Daggers and Brooms: How I Survived Through Stealing":
...and afterwards, that bartender couldn't sit down on anything solid for weeks! All fun and games aside, we had to get out of there quickly, because the guards about town were looking for us with pointed metal. So we fled, into one of the most violent storms me and my mates, Ratchet and Clunk, had ever been through! What followed was one of my most unforgettable nights with the devil himself.
The whole area was just full of pits and ponds strewn all about. We desperately needed shelter from the storm, but every time we found us a good cave, the places would flood and try to suck is deeper to the center of the Earth! Toward the darkest hours of the night, Clunk shouted out that he thought he saw the side of a home and light from a torch. We raced over to this place and found the entrance to an old wooden cabin buried beneath dirt and trees. We thought this was our lucky night, apart from a giant puddle from leaks in the middle of its main room, the home was a perfect place to stay and ride out the storm. A costly mistake...
I was first to keep watch that night, as there were torches all about the home, but no attendants. We assumed the owner, or even the guards of the town, would come over to this place eventually and so we set up look-out shifts. Ratchet slept by the giant puddle in the main room and Clunk slept in a smaller room with an odd arrangement of cobblestones.
The storm appeared to become worse and worse, but the cabin didn't seem to be affected by it. The leak in the roof did not increase, it remained at a steady flow into the puddle that never seemed to grow. My weariness had overtaken me and I began to succumb to the sleep. Just before my eyes had completely closed I saw something white pass just outside the door. I grabbed my blade and peered through the window, but found nothing... not even a trace of any animal or human. I chalked that one up to sleep hallucinations. Soon after, I fell into a sleep.
I was awakened by the screaming of Ratchet. He had a dagger grasped in a ready position to strike, looking straight into the puddle in the center of the main room. Clunk and I asked him what was wrong, and he yelled at us to look into the darkness of the water. We walked to the edge of the puddle and I surveyed as far as I could see into it, it was quite a bit deeper than I had first thought. At first I saw nothing, but soon I was greeted by dozens of pale faces swimming at the depths of this abyss. Most appeared as though they were in pain, speaking words I could not hear. The torches of the home began to dim as I looked over to Ratchet. That's when I saw "it" slowly crawling towards him. I'm afraid fear got the best of me at that moment as I stay frozen, for it was the last time I ever saw my friend Ratchet...
The bandit drew a picture of the thing he claims he saw that night. Simply calling the creature "it". Many believe the drawing was of a deranged dream, and that the bandit was actually the one responsible for the brutal murders of his partners Riley "Ratchet" Jones and Clemons "Clunk" Jones. The story will be continued as we delve deeper into that night, as told by the bandit Nataniel.
+ Show Spoiler +A drawing of the creature in Nataniel Brown's story, drawn by Nataniel himself.![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/f6mnz.jpg)
So um
I don't know why PvP was enabled last night but Valug/gonzowhatverhisname is killed me and stole all my items while I was working on the "tower of I'm so high".
and stole my armor and stuff.
PVP wasn't enabled. In fact it's been disabled since the server started but due to an issue with 1.0 seems to randomly turn itself on and off for certain players :/
On December 28 2011 23:45 Serejai wrote: PVP wasn't enabled. In fact it's been disabled since the server started but due to an issue with 1.0 seems to randomly turn itself on and off for certain players :/
Well that explain things.It was so odd to see it on for some. Doesn't help the fact that I'm still robbed
Mutant can back me up on being able to injure each other.
The Story of Dark Eyed Cabin; Pt. 3
The story of Benjamin Crisp and his home has inspired many writers and poets alike. One of the most famous of these is the poem written by Emily Frans. She said that it had came to her in a dream, where she lay inside the true heart of the home, beneath its wooden walls:
At night in need you will find a home to take just west of life
That nature has tried to tear apart deep depths doth hold a broken heart
He made a pact with darkened eyes all of their lives I give to thee just bring my love, back to me
Some believe this poem gives directions to the home. This has yet to be proven, as no-one has ever been able to provide the exact location of this wooden house.
Now, let's continue with the story of Nataniel's night, in what he believes, was the home of Benjamin Crisp.
...I watched as Ratchet was pulled into the walls by this monster, leaving behind blood and pieces of skin. The fading screams of his voice as it filled the walls of the cabin were so... unbearable. I raced for the door, opening it to reveal the sight of a young gentleman, wearing white apparel fit for some old baron. He did not speak and simply stared into the house I had just exited. I was just outside the cabin now and witnessed this man in white, pass right through me and enter the cabin. I watched as he approached Clunk, grabbed him, and pulled him to the depths of the puddle in the center of the room.
I ran through the storm that night, with no regard for my destination, as long as it wasn't the forsaken house...
Nataniel was apprehended that night when he tried to re-enter the town. A small group of guards were sent to locate and capture Ratchet and Clunk inside the cabin, but the cabin was never found that night. Nataniel was sentenced for all three crimes committed by the group, three counts of petty theft, locking him away for over two years.
Stories come and go of unfortunate attendants in that cabin when seeking shelter, but there has been no evidence the cabin exists or has existed apart from anecdote. What's left is a ghost story that has spread throughout Liquidia from generation to generation.
+ Show Spoiler +A picture found off the coast of the Western Sea. Some claim it is the interior of the house.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/UL8MR.png)
That's not me
You expect me to believe that? Granted, it's written slightly more skillfully than, say, Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences, but who else is gonna be writing a fanfiction about this server besides you?
Maybe I'll believe you if you get Puosu to check TheLore's IP. Untill then, ur fanfic sux.
There's only so many people that can spawn ice blocks, just sayin.
On December 29 2011 11:49 Zerbra wrote: There's only so many people that can spawn ice blocks, just sayin.
I'm not Serejai. The pictures were taken before the ice block glitch was fixed. If you happen to find the place now, you'll see that the ice blocks are liquid, which was actually what I was hoping for.
Just a random person on the server that wanted to start up a history to areas in the server. Mea culpa, Serejai, didn't think they'd assume it was you.
I am having a problem with the /tlregister command, probably because I have a space in my name
On December 29 2011 23:47 57 Corvette wrote: I am having a problem with the /tlregister command, probably because I have a space in my name
You should be fixed now.
Guess try the standard "use _ to replace the space and see if that works" solution.
Ran around for 20 minutes or so. The fortress looked cool, and the crops near spawn are great to let new people get some food. Bread seems like the simplest way of dealing with hunger, due to being so easy to get in mass quantities.
On December 30 2011 02:00 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2011 23:47 57 Corvette wrote: I am having a problem with the /tlregister command, probably because I have a space in my name You should be fixed now.
When i put my name in with a space, it tells me the proper useage of the commant (/tlregister [TL ID]), but when i do it with the underscore it says PM couldn't be sent
Hunger is an outright stupid mechanic in general. It seems like Notch added it to the game without even considering the balance aspect of it. Chickens are also pretty crazy for food as you can grow an infinite amount of them in a relatively short amount of time by making a chicken/egg farming machine. Between those and farms it's basically impossible to starve.
On December 30 2011 03:10 57 Corvette wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2011 02:00 Serejai wrote:On December 29 2011 23:47 57 Corvette wrote: I am having a problem with the /tlregister command, probably because I have a space in my name You should be fixed now. When i put my name in with a space, it tells me the proper useage of the commant (/tlregister [TL ID]), but when i do it with the underscore it says PM couldn't be sent
Yeah, we're working on a fix for spaces.
I meant you've been added manually so you don't need to register at all anymore.