On July 17 2010 10:22 SCC-Faust wrote: Is Alistar a good tank? I've been playing him and just absolutely love him, although I feel his role is kind of just a shadow in comparison to Blitzcrank and Amumu. Just play with him a lot, since I picked him up I've barely used Sion anymore, it takes a couple days to make sure you don't whiff your W's, especially if you try to get extra pushing distance/save time by shoving people while they're still in the air, most of the times you will only be able to push people from 12 o'clock to the 3 o'clock.
As said before W->Q is doable, make sure to abuse banshee's veil to get free charges as previously said. Flash->W will grant your team lots of kills on overextended opponents, also use it to catch up with junglers.
W unfortunately doesn't allow YOU to charge through walls, I'm not sure if you can go through a wall after you push an opponent a-la-Poppy but you can't reach an opponent if a wall is between you and him. The knockback and damage will be applied tho. (Is Jax the only character who can go through walls with his target-requiring leap?)
With W while below 50% range you are only 100% safe not to unadvertedly push opponents through walls if you push them with an angle of 45° or less.
Abuse E for insane annoyance, you are both an extremely durable laner and able to deny an insane amount of minion kills and money to your opposing laners. Also you are essentially able to hardpush whenever you feel like it without having to wait for a new round of minions. R is great for tanking towers.
Always keep an eye on characters with channeling spells, Nunu and Fiddle won't be the targets of your attacks but you have 2 skills to interrupt their ultis. If you have an Ashe have him scan for fiddle so that you can interrupt his CAW CAW CAW crowstorm.
It's not a bad idea to intercept Rammus' powerball with Q, especially if your opponents have melee dps since they will likely get caught in the splash. Q's range genereally sucks tho, don't rely on it. Jax's stun has more range. -.-
Unless you are constantly having to deal with splash on the other side hug your allies, even when laning. It's easier for you to intercept skillshots and your heal doesn't suck in the early game.
R can be cast while stunned, the fact that it has a casting time still kind of prevents this from being that good.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that W is an excellent linebacking skill too although that aspect is often forgotten, especially in 2v2 situations, just push people away from your dying ally and allow him to retreat safely. Also you can push low health people hugging their towers past them and into the wall to minimize the number of hits taken while diving.
On July 17 2010 10:24 myopia wrote: Ali is an amazing tank, probly the best Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier".
On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". Knockup/knockback aren't nullified by cleanse/QSS and are usable as interrupts, in some situations Ali can even be superior to the emo mummy. Still Amumu is superior because it actually deals damage and is an amazing jungler, but Ali has his moments. Also I make sure to yell "MOOOOOOO" whenever the opportunity arises, I think it's really needed to improve your skills.
On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". I'd say rammus is pretty close to amumu.
On July 17 2010 11:38 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On July 17 2010 10:24 myopia wrote: Ali is an amazing tank, probly the best Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". I'd say rammus is pretty close to amumu. Rammus is probably the best tank at picking one target off etc, but in team fights Amumu, Shen, Alistar etc are way way better. Rammus could be the best at not dying but meh.
On July 17 2010 11:40 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 11:38 HazMat wrote:On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On July 17 2010 10:24 myopia wrote: Ali is an amazing tank, probly the best Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". I'd say rammus is pretty close to amumu. Rammus is probably the best tank at picking one target off etc, but in team fights Amumu, Shen, Alistar etc are way way better. Rammus could be the best at not dying but meh. ? You powerball into a team, taunt someone (or save it for channel) Cast w, r. Sure Amumu has his ult and bandage toss but rammus is also great in teamfights.
Can't believe you just compared Shen to Rammus/Amumu.
edit: Wtf I'm a reaver. I like Corsairs
Yep my limit is 5 games a day, I can tell because my eyes are completely bloodshot and I'm dwelling on the partial team premades I keep getting stuck with, who always have one or two lvl 4's with them. I don't want to complain but when the level 30 friends don't stop their new player from buying Chalice and Aegis on Sivir, it's just not cool.
For the thousandth time, level 30 means nothing :p
they should know SOMETHING though 
they've played 200 games minimum!
No, there're plenty of people with 1000+ games that're horrible.
On July 17 2010 00:16 GnaR wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 21:24 oberon wrote: I posted a guide on Sivir a while back in this thread (TL search should be able to find it). Thanks a ton for the link to you're guide, but can you explain the thinking behind your build to me a little bit? Keeping in mind I'm very new. From what I can tell the build gets a ton of lifesteal, a little damage, and the last item gives a little attack speed. I feel like my build built up a good amount of life steal to be able to stay in the lane longer, then added in a TON of attack speed for tons of creep kills with ricochet which allows me to push towers more aggressively, and then pumps her damage towards the end of the game to help with more powerful enemies. Point me in the right direction!
I think you're misinterpreting the point of the items.
Sivir's early game is all about boomerang blade harassment -- she's basically a caster champ. The emphasis is on efficiency of turning your mana into damage on enemies to push them out of lane, just like it is on, say, Fiddle. Hence, doran's ring + boots.
As you get towards level 9 (boomerang blade's peak), the vampiric scepter becomes huge because it lets you jungle with ease. Since Sivir is all about farming, this is a really big deal.
Better boots are a must on any champion, and this is the right time to get them.
The team items are situational -- getting them, plus your ult, can win games with good teammates. Getting them when you shouldn't can lose games. Stark's is not really about the lifesteal, it's about the ally benefits and the armor reduction.
Bloodthirster is the best pure damage item in the game.
Brutalizer (my usual choice in this slot) is one of the most efficient damage items in the game. It also builds into ghostblade, which isn't awful.
If you get stark's, you'll have a lot of lifesteal after building the bloodthirster. That's not totally optimal, but you're Sivir -- you should be way more farmed than other characters, and being 100% efficient isn't life or death. You could build another big damage item instead of the thirster (infinity edge, black cleaver, etc.) but they don't work as well with ricochet as the BT does.
Edit: also note that the build in that guide, with all optional items, costs something like 10K cash. With Sivir, that's not actually that high. Without optional items, and with selling off the doran's ring, you could be looking at multiple high-end items after the ones listed.
Okay, I need some more help with Kassadin. He's the first champ I've tried in a long time where I just have no idea what I'm doing wrong. My records for a bunch of games today:
0-3-1 3-9-7 6-5-6 3-4-17 4-8-5 1-6-16 5-1-5 0-7-5
So yeah, two games I went positive and in a couple I got good assist numbers but the rest were just disasters. Never have I been called a noob and feeder so many times in one day. I wasn't really doing the usual feeder stuff like running off into enemy territory solo. Most of my deaths were like 1-2 in early laning and the rest were mostly ultra fast deaths in teamfights.
There were a few games where I was able to feel useful by effectively chasing but the rest of time if I went anywhere near a fight I would just explode when someone looked at me funny. If I ever got knocked airborne, I would be dead before I hit the ground and if I got stunned, even with Cleanse I felt like I would die in the .5 seconds it took me to hit the Cleanse button and try to Riftwalk out.
Even in non-team fight scenarios I feel like my burst doesn't get the job done and when someone bothers to turn and face me, even if they're at like 10% and I'm at 50%, they still kill me with minimal effort.
I feel like I'm almost always using Riftwalk defensively. Like I'll saunter in after the fight starts to hit a bunch of enemies with Force Pulse, they'll turn and chuck a few spells or use a closer on me and knock off half my health, and I'll be forced to Riftwalk out just to be safe. Then I'm relegated to just hiding on the sidelines until the tide starts to turn one way or the other and I either run away or try to help chase as much as I can. Though if the fight is happening anywhere near towers I feel like I can't risk it because they just rape me.
I'm starting to feel like I would need to rush a survivability item first thing just to not die so damn much. Is there anything I can do runes/masteries wise to shore up this gap? Should I rune or spec for defense? Or do I just need to wildly alter my playstyle? Do I just need more practice and situational awareness before I can hope to play him respectably? (For the record I'm level 27 and last I knew I was like +15 or +20 wins or so in normal (119 wins total). In ranked I'm 13-7, rated 1417 though honestly I was being carried in a few of those wins).
He takes finesse and a really good understanding of the effective ranges of different heroes, IMO. There's not a whole lot I can tell you except that you're probably attacking people from bad angles, etc.
Not sure if I should buy Kassadin or Udyr. I haven't played either. I want Udyr because I play a lot of junglers and enjoy jungling and I want Kassadin because he just seems like he's a lot of fun. Who should I buy?
edit: nvm, picked Akali lol.
So I bought Nasus and in the first game I play with him, I'm solo mid. Our bottom lane feeds a legendary Garen + killing spree Kayle in 10 minutes and we're 3-15 at like 12 minutes. Then I somehow imba-carry like crazy and end with 13-5-16 and we manage to win pretty easily in the end.
Nasus seems fun O_o Only needs Youmu + Triforce for some absolutely amazing dps and then can just mass tank items while dealing superb dps. I know many people don't recommend youmu on him but I think it's an absolute must, the movespeed and aspd are super useful and the cdr is great too.
On July 17 2010 12:30 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 11:40 Shikyo wrote:On July 17 2010 11:38 HazMat wrote:On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On July 17 2010 10:24 myopia wrote: Ali is an amazing tank, probly the best Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". I'd say rammus is pretty close to amumu. Rammus is probably the best tank at picking one target off etc, but in team fights Amumu, Shen, Alistar etc are way way better. Rammus could be the best at not dying but meh. ? You powerball into a team, taunt someone (or save it for channel) Cast w, r. Sure Amumu has his ult and bandage toss but rammus is also great in teamfights. Can't believe you just compared Shen to Rammus/Amumu. edit: Wtf I'm a reaver. I like Corsairs  Before you can powerball you get stunned snared or anything else, then 4 of their people do anything they please while only one is forced to attack you, and him too for a very short time. Shen makes multiple people focus him and deals about 500 times more dmg than rammus, and Amumu is just Amumu.
Shen or Amumu in my team = yay!!!
Rammus in my team = meeehhhh
I don't understand how you think Shen is worse than Rammus, he's still probably the second best tank, and is better at damage than even Amumu. He's a lot more useful during the 3 minutes where Amumu doesn't have his ulti.
On July 17 2010 13:43 HazMat wrote: Not sure if I should buy Kassadin or Udyr. I haven't played either. I want Udyr because I play a lot of junglers and enjoy jungling and I want Kassadin because he just seems like he's a lot of fun. Who should I buy?
Idk i bought udyr today.. and while Im jungling fine(hint: not dying) i still don't feel like im doing it as effectively as I could be and i haven't been able to find an up to date guide... he's quite fun to play though. Kassadin is hard to play for me, and Im a big feeder the 3 games I tried him.. just throwing it out there :D
starter tip for kassadin: don't sweat over landing your ulti to deal damage, especially in teamfights. Normally you'll use it to either get in range to finish someone off or to run away after finishing your combo.
If you get really fed though, you can 1-shot people by charging your ulti really high and then using it along with the rest of your combo. It's pretty cool >_>
Today I did a lot better with Kassadin and actually started carrying my teams. You just need to keep trying him and finding out what works best for you. I feel having a good laning partner, is probably the most important thing.
On July 17 2010 13:44 Shikyo wrote:So I bought Nasus and in the first game I play with him, I'm solo mid. Our bottom lane feeds a legendary Garen + killing spree Kayle in 10 minutes and we're 3-15 at like 12 minutes. Then I somehow imba-carry like crazy and end with 13-5-16 and we manage to win pretty easily in the end. Nasus seems fun O_o Only needs Youmu + Triforce for some absolutely amazing dps and then can just mass tank items while dealing superb dps. I know many people don't recommend youmu on him but I think it's an absolute must, the movespeed and aspd are super useful and the cdr is great too. Show nested quote +On July 17 2010 12:30 HazMat wrote:On July 17 2010 11:40 Shikyo wrote:On July 17 2010 11:38 HazMat wrote:On July 17 2010 11:32 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On July 17 2010 10:24 myopia wrote: Ali is an amazing tank, probly the best Definitely not the best (Amumu, hands down), but if he's played well he's in the tier under "Amumu tier". I'd say rammus is pretty close to amumu. Rammus is probably the best tank at picking one target off etc, but in team fights Amumu, Shen, Alistar etc are way way better. Rammus could be the best at not dying but meh. ? You powerball into a team, taunt someone (or save it for channel) Cast w, r. Sure Amumu has his ult and bandage toss but rammus is also great in teamfights. Can't believe you just compared Shen to Rammus/Amumu. edit: Wtf I'm a reaver. I like Corsairs  Before you can powerball you get stunned snared or anything else, then 4 of their people do anything they please while only one is forced to attack you, and him too for a very short time. Shen makes multiple people focus him and deals about 500 times more dmg than rammus, and Amumu is just Amumu. Shen or Amumu in my team = yay!!! Rammus in my team = meeehhhh I don't understand how you think Shen is worse than Rammus, he's still probably the second best tank, and is better at damage than even Amumu. He's a lot more useful during the 3 minutes where Amumu doesn't have his ulti.
Shen or amumu on my team == Oh gods I hope they're not a moron Good shen or amumu on my team == yay!!!
But I have to agree with shikyo good rammus will annoy the shit out of the enemy team by charging in taunting and doing decent aoe but a good shen or amumu can cause complete obliterations in team fights when they get off good engagements. Plus Shen gets a lot of points for his ultimate which when used tactically can let a carry survive being focused and do damage longer in a teamfight.
I'm getting tired of playing only one hero all the time, but the problem is that I'd want to switch masteries for different types of heroes. Any idea if we'll be getting multiple mastery pages and maybe more rune pages any time soon?