On October 18 2010 05:47 r33k wrote: Idk about where all the love for HoG jungle nunu comes from, I'm loving dshield opening into catalyst upgrade with flash+smite, he's like a jungle galio with 1/2 heals...
One thing that annoys me on him is that I feel annoyingly slow when I have to start @wraiths and they rush dragon with a jungler who can solo it, anyone got a different path as purple? Honestly i don't understand all the "jungle with doran item" stuff. Why do people need these items in the jungle so much? All they do is help in lane at the cost of slowing ur core, junglers are fine w/o them so why delay your item build without a point? I'd much rather have faster HOG (and this means quicker randuin)
On October 18 2010 05:56 Brees wrote:Show nested quote +On October 18 2010 05:47 r33k wrote: Idk about where all the love for HoG jungle nunu comes from, I'm loving dshield opening into catalyst upgrade with flash+smite, he's like a jungle galio with 1/2 heals...
One thing that annoys me on him is that I feel annoyingly slow when I have to start @wraiths and they rush dragon with a jungler who can solo it, anyone got a different path as purple? as both sides on nunu you can do 1. Consume big wolf, hit it once. 2. Do golem. 3. finish small wolves. 4. wraiths. 5. lizard. 6. small golems. 7. dragon at lvl 4. pretty OP with just a D shield and an hp pot. just remember that you are ultimately pretty bad lategame so you have to do your damage early game/mid game. I only play nunu when we have a hard carry like trist or kog that can greatly benefit from blood boil. on the other hand ive never lost with nunu in ranked, 7-0 and rice is like 17-2 with nunu.
this is the path I usually take as well, although ive been starting to consume the other sides wraith ->my blue golem if I can get away with it. I too only pick nunu when there is a trist or kogmaw etc etc for me to spam blood boil on. If you can't do golem first, its no biggie, nunu can start pretty much anywhere and be perfectly fine.
On October 18 2010 05:30 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 18 2010 04:52 TheYango wrote:On October 18 2010 04:31 myopia wrote: Morg's shield includes mres. If she's got 300+ AP and her target has enough mres, then yes, it's possible for her shield to absorb 2k damage. Oh geez. Yeah, that gets pretty absurd then. 300 AP and a 200 MRes target would be 1800 effective absorption, discounting MPen. BS is rarely going to be on a 200 MR tank, and that Kog/MF/Trist it is getting put on isn't going to have 200 MR. I think she is far from as broken as being made out here(still a great ban, not arguing that she isn't very strong). Nunu? Galio? Not that bad if they can pull their ults off uninterrupted.
On October 18 2010 04:52 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 18 2010 04:31 myopia wrote: Morg's shield includes mres. If she's got 300+ AP and her target has enough mres, then yes, it's possible for her shield to absorb 2k damage. Oh geez. Yeah, that gets pretty absurd then. 300 AP and a 200 MRes target would be 1800 effective absorption, discounting MPen. Its more than 1800 effective absorption, because the last spell to hit the shield gets completely discounted despite dealing more than the shield's current buffer.
The only reason why I don't think shield is 100% batshit insane broken is that heros like galio are even more ridiculous, and shield somewhat puts a hamper on their ability to singlehandedly shit on your team.
ugh like every game lately the other team gets like morgana sona and galio or twitch sona morgana etc etc... my team seems to straight up refuses to pick the imba heroes.
On October 18 2010 05:57 Kaniol wrote:Show nested quote +On October 18 2010 05:47 r33k wrote: Idk about where all the love for HoG jungle nunu comes from, I'm loving dshield opening into catalyst upgrade with flash+smite, he's like a jungle galio with 1/2 heals...
One thing that annoys me on him is that I feel annoyingly slow when I have to start @wraiths and they rush dragon with a jungler who can solo it, anyone got a different path as purple? Honestly i don't understand all the "jungle with doran item" stuff. Why do people need these items in the jungle so much? All they do is help in lane at the cost of slowing ur core, junglers are fine w/o them so why delay your item build without a point? I'd much rather have faster HOG (and this means quicker randuin) I'm normally against it on anyone, including mumu and olaf, but the regen, hp and armor on tank nunu are really really good for jungling safely and staying near-full on hp. Plus, I find myself needing a catalyst really early on nunu since he is gets so much more benefit from it than from HoG, on nunu I try to get in as many fights as possible from lv5 to lv13ish, the double heal is ridiculous and I really need the mana to keep BB up, spam snowball and ult/consume.
I also like spirit visage a lot on him after banshees/roa. 99% of the times I'll get banshees, it might be worth getting SV after cata if you don't intend on getting banshees.
As Brees said nunu sucks balls lategame (ult does no damage, mercs nullifies E slow, W is useless on heroes that will get past the AS cap), and I only jungle with him when we have trist/kog/twitch and they took janna/we have no jungler. Otherwise it's just smarter to get a better char for jungling (I have olaf, mumu, runeless udyr, need to buy WW)
On October 18 2010 06:27 Rice wrote:ugh like every game lately the other team gets like morgana sona and galio or twitch sona morgana etc etc... my team seems to straight up refuses to pick the imba heroes.  I just played Ashe + sona + zil + kat + gp vs galio + trynd + mf + sion + sona on my smurf. Their trynd dc'd at like 30. min and still they owned us hard lol
Im confused. Someone gets sheen on taric then calls me bad
Ok so apparently it seems like all the chars I find interesting are either A) Almost always banned, B) Not very good, or C) You gotta be like UBER MASTER GOSU PRO to really use or something.
What are some newb friendly characters, then? I've currently obtained Kog (Who for the time being Im just not playing as till Im more comfortable with this game... or something), Warwick, and Tristana unlocked.
Akali has soo much burst. I hate playing against her as a ranged dps (like trist). Same with Xin. How do I actually do something to them, and not get killed?
On October 18 2010 07:10 Daxunyrr wrote: Ok so apparently it seems like all the chars I find interesting are either A) Almost always banned, B) Not very good, or C) You gotta be like UBER MASTER GOSU PRO to really use or something.
What are some newb friendly characters, then? I've currently obtained Kog (Who for the time being Im just not playing as till Im more comfortable with this game... or something), Warwick, and Tristana unlocked.
warwick and tristana are hardly ever banned(ive seen warwick banned once and tristana never) they are both fairly easy heroes
Section A was moreso directed to Kog, who according to several people earlier in this thread says is banned nearly 9/10th the time. Fn.
Hrm... fantastic.
Any suggestions then with Warwick? Everyone claims hes some big ol badass Jungler but yet anytime I do a me & 4 bots VS 5 bots match, Im always behind in levels...
Or are junglers just by nature slower to level?
When i play WW im usually between solo laners and duo laners in lvl, so not behind at all.
I do use the exp mastery though.
Same here. Maybe im just not gettin move speed fast nuf to shred the monstarz fast
On October 18 2010 07:19 Daxunyrr wrote: Section A was moreso directed to Kog, who according to several people earlier in this thread says is banned nearly 9/10th the time. Fn.
Hrm... fantastic.
Any suggestions then with Warwick? Everyone claims hes some big ol badass Jungler but yet anytime I do a me & 4 bots VS 5 bots match, Im always behind in levels...
Or are junglers just by nature slower to level?
Where do you start at jungle? Do you spam your skills at every cooldown (bite those hoes).
On the list of more noob friendly chars, I would recommend kayle. Her ult and heal makes small mistakes more forgiven and once you figure out how to lasthit well with her chunky melee and her E, you will do very well in solo q 
Odd. I tried Kayle and everyone was all OMG NOOB PLAYING KALE, GG.
Also, depends. I read a guie that says you go for Golem Buff at lv 1, then kill the wolves & Spirits, at level 2 or 3 you get Lizard & then kill Dragon, bounce to enemy side ors ome shit.
On October 18 2010 07:19 Daxunyrr wrote: Section A was moreso directed to Kog, who according to several people earlier in this thread says is banned nearly 9/10th the time. Fn.
Hrm... fantastic.
Any suggestions then with Warwick? Everyone claims hes some big ol badass Jungler but yet anytime I do a me & 4 bots VS 5 bots match, Im always behind in levels...
Or are junglers just by nature slower to level?
Junglers are slower if they don´t do it properly. 1. Take smite. No negotiation. 2. look at your Runes. Armorpen isn´t ideal for jungling since mot junglemobs have 0 armor. 3. Experiment with your route. 4. Take Dragon. If you see the other Jungler attempt it try to steal it with smite.
I usually roll Cleanse & Teleport to get around easier... Besides, if you roll Smite, the enemy team automatically knows you're a jungler, right?
Why not try to camo it a bit an not use it? I understand you'd suck a bit less with the damage but it'd prevent potential ambushes at locations along your route...
If you jungle without smite even on a character that doesn't need it to jungle (like Warwick) you're just asking for your buffs/Dragon/Nashor to be stolen.
And don't you think it would be obvious that you're jungling when you're not in lane for half of the game?
Anyway, try opening cloth armor + 5 pots on Warwick, running Ghost/Smite. Go blue into wolves, wraiths, lizard, mini-golem. Start with your Q, then get one rank of W, Q, E at 4, then R>Q>E>W. Build Madred's Razors, boots 1, Bloodrazors, and then boots 2 and survivability items (ward up of course).